High School Quizbowl Packet Archive

 2017 Maryland FallPacket 1Edited by Jordan Brownstein, Weijia Cheng, and Sam RombroQuestions by Alex Echikson, Jack Nolan, Weijia Cheng, Sarang Yeola, Justin Hawkins, Ani Perumalla, Yu Lu, Siri Neerchal, Jordan Brownstein, Naveed Chowdhury, Graham Reid, Rohan Laljani, and Nathan FredmanTossups1. In a story by this author, the title apparition convinces a scholar that he is “one of God’s chosen and a genius.” In one of his stories, a banker and a lawyer argue over life imprisonment, leading to the lawyer’s 15-year voluntary confinement. At a performance of the opera The Geisha, the protagonist of a story by this author reunites with his married lover, whom he’d met in Yalta. This author of “The Black Monk,” “The (*) Bet,” and “The Lady with the Dog” wrote a play in which the playwright Konstantin Treplev loves Nina. For 10 points, The Seagull is by what Russian dramatist, whose principal of dramatic economy is often called his “gun”?ANSWER: Anton Chekhov<JH, European Lit>2. Through the Treaty of Vis, this leader gained recognition by the royal government-in-exile of King Peter II. This leader’s government placed Archbishop Aloysius Stepinac on trial, accusing him of collaborating with the fascist Usta?e. This leader’s government also put on trial Dra?a Mihailovi?, the leader of the royalist (*) Chetnik movement. The expulsion of this leader’s government from the Cominform precipitated his split with Joseph Stalin. During World War II, this leader resisted occupation by Axis forces as the commander of the Partisans. For 10 points, what Communist leader was the ruler of Yugoslavia until his 1980 death?ANSWER: Josip Broz Tito [accept either underlined answer]<AE, European Hist>3. The partition function of substances described by this equation is proportional to Boltzmann’s constant to the three-halves power times the volume. This equation is equivalent to the statement that the compressibility factor Z equals one. A construction named for Maxwell was introduced to a (*) modification of this equation to correct for erroneous behavior below the critical temperature. That modification, which uses a and b coefficients to account for intermolecular volume and attraction, is named for Van der Waals. This equation combines Gay-Lussac’s law, Avogadro’s law, and Boyle’s law. For 10 points, name this equation of state, often written as PV?equals?nRT.ANSWER: ideal gas law<JN, Chemistry>4. Description acceptable. A Shakespeare monologue about Falstaff from Henry V may allude to an account of this event in which its subject notes the numbness of his feet and legs and remarks “We owe a cock to Asclepius.” In a text set immediately prior to this event, four arguments, including the “affinity argument” and the “theory of recollection,” are presented to argue for the (*) immortality of the soul. This event’s victim refuses to escape it with the help of Crito. This event is mandated after its victim’s unsuccessful legal defense, known as his Apology. For 10 points, name this event depicted in the Phaedo, wherein a Greek philosopher was forced to drink hemlock.ANSWER: the death of Socrates [accept equivalents; accept Socrates drinking hemlock or equivalents until read; prompt on partial answers]<JN, Philosophy>5. In the summer of 2016, this basketball player was mocked for claiming that his team and the Golden State Warriors were both “superteams.” This 2008 Naismith Award winner had his team’s Final Four appearance that year vacated when it was found that his SAT scores were fraudulent. This University of Memphis alumnus missed the entire 2012–13 season after tearing his (*) ACL while playing on a team with Luol Deng and Joakim Noah. Because of an injury to Isiah Thomas, Tyronn Lue announced in September 2017 that this player would be the Cleveland Cavaliers’ starting point guard. For 10 points, name the youngest MVP in NBA history, a former Chicago Bulls star.ANSWER: Derrick Rose<JH, Trash>6. In this country, ancient Greeks settled the town of Pharos on the island of Hvar, which has become a popular tourist destination for its nightlife. In this country, one can pass through the Iron Gate in order to enter Diocletian’s Palace in this country’s city of Split. Another city in this country, which was once known as Ragusa, is (*) Dubrovnik, located in this country’s region of Dalmatia. In 2013, this country became the most recent to join the European Union. Bordered to the north by Slovenia and Hungary, this country surrounds much of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For 10 points, name this Balkan country located on the Adriatic Sea whose capital is Zagreb.ANSWER: Croatia [or Hrvatska]<AE, Geo/CE>7. After Pope Vigilius refused to acknowledge this ruler’s edict condemning the Three Chapters, he ordered Vigilius’s arrest. This ruler agreed to pay 11,000 pounds of gold to Khosrau I’s empire in the Treaty of Eternal Peace. A historian of this ruler claimed that he had a vanishing head in the (*) Secret History; that historian was Procopius. During a revolt against this ruler, Hypatius was proclaimed emperor by two rival factions of chariot-racing fans, the Blues and the Greens. That revolt, which was put down by this emperor’s general Belisarius, was the Nika revolt. For 10 points, name this Byzantine emperor, the husband of Theodora.ANSWER: Justinian the Great [or Justinian I; prompt on Justinian]<AE, European Hist>8. In a novel by this author set in the border town of Q, a boy is raised by three mothers, the sisters Chunni, Munnee, and Bunny. This author wrote a novel in which 15,000 miners from the town of Sarang are buried alive after attacking a group of pilgrims whom Ayesha leads into the sea. That novel by this author begins with the main characters falling from a (*) bombed plane over the English Channel. In a novel by this author, a nurse switches Shiva and the large-nosed Saleem at birth after they’re born at the moment of Indian independence. For 10 points, name this author of Midnight’s Children, who received a fatwa for his novel The Satanic Verses.ANSWER: Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie<AE, World/Other Lit>9. Edouard Manet’s Olympia inspired a painting by this artist that features a nude woman lying on her stomach with an old woman seated behind her. This artist of the Spirit of the Dead Watching painted a group of white bonnet-wearing women watching as Jacob wrestles with an angel in (*) Vision after the Sermon. An old woman sits with her hands on her face with a white bird at her feet in a large painting by this artist that includes an androgynous figure grabbing a fruit at its center. For 10 points, Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? was painted by what French Post-Impressionist painter who worked and died on the island of Tahiti?ANSWER: Paul Gauguin<JH, Visual Arts>10. This theory can be used to derive the existence of the magnetic field from the effects of moving electric fields. One transformation in this theory can be represented as a hyperbolic rotation, using the rapidity as the hyperbolic angle. That transformation is known as a (*) Lorentz boost. Any event in this theory can cause another only if the latter is within the former’s future light cone. One of the two postulates of this theory is that the speed of light is the same across all inertial reference frames. For 10 points, name this theory proposed by Albert Einstein that predicts the famous equation E equals m c-squared.ANSWER: special relativity [accept SR; prompt on relativity; do not accept or prompt on “general relativity”]<JN, Physics>11. As a teenager, this man was tricked into grabbing a sword in a box of jewelry, thus breaking the disguise of women’s clothing he adopted on the island of Skyros. A group of Ethiopians turned into birds after this man killed their king Memnon, shortly after he killed the Amazon queen Penthesilea. Ajax committed suicide after losing a contest for ownership of this hero’s armor to (*) Odysseus. This man’s armor had previously been worn by his friend Patroclus, whom this hero avenged by killing Hector. For 10 points, name this Greek hero who was killed when Paris shot an arrow that struck his vulnerable heel.ANSWER: Achilles<AE, Myth>12. This dynasty established the Protectorate General to Pacify the East after conquering Goguryeo. During this dynasty, a military defeat saw the capture of paper-makers by Arab forces at the Battle of the Talas River. During a revolt against this dynasty, the imperial guard induced the murder of the beautiful concubine Yang Guifei. A consort of Gaozong, a ruler from this dynasty, (*) usurped the throne and established the Zhou dynasty; that woman was Wu Zetian. This dynasty was weakened by a revolt led by the Sogdian general An Lushan. For 10 points, name this Chinese dynasty that succeeded the Sui dynasty and was followed by the Song dynasty.ANSWER: Tang dynasty<AE, World Hist>13. The rate at which these structures form can be measured by using kaolin in an aPPT test. D-dimer is a degradation product of these structures and is used to diagnose their presence. A drug used to prevent the formation of these structures inhibits Vitamin (*) K epoxide reductase and is called warfarin. Fibrinogen is converted into a fibrin mesh that turns into a plug in the formation of these structures. DVT can often occur in the leg when one of these structures form in a deep vein increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. For 10 points, name these clumps of platelets and blood cells that form after injury to a blood vessel.ANSWER: blood clot [or thrombus; prompt on platelets]<SY, Biology>14. While avoiding a bridge party due to the anniversary of his wife’s death, the protagonist of this novel plays polo with a soldier on the town green. A character in this novel boards a ship and dies at sea rather than testify at a trial concerning an incident that occurred while she was disoriented by a booming echo. That elderly woman befriends the protagonist after he assumes she has not taken off her shoes in a (*) mosque, and has a daughter, Stella Moore, who marries Cyril Fielding. In this novel, a man is falsely accused of committing a crime in the Marabar Caves. For 10 points, Adela Quested accuses Dr. Aziz of rape in what novel by E.?M.?Forster?ANSWER: A Passage to India<JH, British Lit>15. This economist advocated judging economic theories by the criteria of “simplicity” and “fruitfulness” in “The Methodology of Positive Economics.” This economist argued in The Great Contraction, 1929–33 that policy errors by the Federal Reserve exacerbated the Great Depression. This economist argued that consumer spending is determined by their expected future income in his “permanent income hypothesis.” With his wife Anna Schwartz, he wrote A (*) Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960. For 10 points, name this author of Capitalism and Freedom, a University of Chicago economist who was a leading advocate of monetarism.ANSWER: Milton Friedman<WC, Social Science>16. In the first act of this opera, after the tenor sings the aria Un dì, felice, eterea, he is given a chamilia by the title character, a nod to the novel this opera is based on. In this opera, Giorgio sings Di Provenza il Mar to comfort his son, who later defeats Baron Douphol in a game of cards. The title character sings the aria (*) Sempre libera at the end of the first act of this opera, which also includes the drinking song Libiamo ne’ lieti calici. The title character is convinced to return to Paris, and is briefly reunited with Alfredo before dying of tuberculosis. For 10 points, name this opera about the courtesan Violetta, written by Giuseppe Verdi.ANSWER: La traviata [or The Fallen Woman]<AE, Auditory Arts>17. During this election, a candidate discussed his small-town upbringing in a television ad titled “Hope.” The incumbent Vice President during this election criticized the TV show Murphy Brown while denouncing single parenthood. During this election, a speaker at the Republican National Convention declared that there was a “cultural war… for the soul of America.” That speaker, (*) Pat Buchanan, was a primary challenger of the incumbent Republican president. During this election, former Admiral James Stockdale was Ross Perot’s running mate. For 10 points, name this election in which the incumbent George H.?W.?Bush was defeated by Bill Clinton.ANSWER: United States presidential election of 1992<JH, American Hist>18. Ramsey numbers give the size of complete versions of these objects containing desired cliques. Finding spanning trees for infinite versions of these objects requires the axiom of choice. The “icosian game” tasks players with finding a Hamiltonian (*) cycle in one of these objects. These objects cannot be embedded into a plane without self-crossings if they contain K5 or another instance of these objects named after utilities. These objects were used to prove Euler’s formula for polyhedra and to resolve the Seven Bridges of K?nigsberg problem. For 10 points, name these mathematical objects consisting of sets of vertices and edges.ANSWER: graphs<JN, Other Sci>19. Shortly after having his first Coca Cola, a character in this novel is reluctant to be shown around his father’s old house. In an infamous scene of this novel, the characters enter a clearing and see a roasted baby on a spit. Late in this novel, a man is shot in the leg with an arrow, then kills his attacker with a flare gun. The phrase “carry the (*) fire” is discussed by this novel’s protagonists, whose possessions include a gun with two bullets and a shopping cart. In this novel, “bad guys” including gangs of cannibals threaten an unnamed father and son. For 10 points, a father and son journey in a post-apocalyptic world in what Cormac McCarthy novel?ANSWER: The Road<JH, American Lit>20. An early Christian text titled after this profession opens with five visions of a man named Hermas. After saying that a man who enters a certain place by the door has this profession, Jesus declared, “I am the door.” While employed by Laban in this profession, Jacob used peeled sticks to increase his wealth. In the second chapter of Luke, an angel tells people with this profession about the (*) birth of Jesus. In the Gospel of John, Jesus declared that “I am the good [this profession].” In Psalm 23, the psalmist states, “The Lord is my [this profession]; I shall not want.” For 10 points, before becoming king of Israel, David held what pastoral profession?ANSWER: shepherd [accept herder, herdsman, pastoralist, or equivalents]<WC, Religion>Bonuses1. During the Affair of the Placards, members of this denomination placed posters in several French cities, including on the door of Francis I’s bedchamber at Amboise. For 10 points each:[10] Name this denomination whose freedom was guaranteed by Henry IV in the Edict of Nantes. Many members of this denomination followed the teachings of John Calvin, the author of Institutes of the Christian Religion.ANSWER: Protestants [accept Huguenots; accept Reformed][10] In 1572, the French Protestant Huguenots were slaughtered during this massacre instigated by Catherine de’ Medici, which took place two days after the attempted assassination of the Huguenot leader Gaspard de Coligny.ANSWER: St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre[10] In addition to revoking the Edict of Nantes in the Edict of Fontainebleau, Louis XIV attempted to force the Huguenots to convert to Catholicism by forcibly lodging these cavalry units in their homes.ANSWER: dragoons [or dragonnades]<JH, European Hist>2. This play opens with a coin being flipped and landing on “heads” more than eighty-five times in a row. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Tom Stoppard play depicting the misadventures of the title characters as they perform their roles in another play.ANSWER: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead[10] Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are minor characters in this Shakespeare play in which the title prince of Denmark seeks revenge on his usurping uncle.ANSWER: Hamlet[10] In Stoppard’s play, the pair engage in a game of questions that they score like this other activity. In Act I, Scene 2 of Shakespeare’s Henry V, the king receives an insulting gift of objects used in this activity from the Dauphin.ANSWER: tennis<JN, World/Other Lit>3. This composer’s Semper Fidelis serves as the official march of the United States Marine Corps. For 10 points each:[10] Name this American “March King” who composed the Washington Post March and Stars and Stripes Forever.ANSWER: John Philip Sousa[10] This instrument has a solo in the trio section of Stars and Stripes Forever. The first time this instrument was used in a symphony was in the finale of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.ANSWER: piccolo[10] This other march by Sousa was written for Sousa’s unfinished operetta The Devil’s Deputy, but is perhaps better known as the theme song from Monty Python’s Flying Circus.ANSWER: “The Liberty Bell”<AE, Auditory Arts>4. These events are assigned a rating between 0 and 5 by the Fujita or Enhanced Fujita scale. For 10 points each:[10] Name these storm systems that consist of rapidly rotating columns of air. They occur frequently in an “alley” throughout the Midwest.ANSWER: tornados[10] Tornados are usually connected to this type of cloud, often associated with thunderstorms. These clouds grow vertically rather than horizontally, and many contain anvil-shaped tops.ANSWER: cumulonimbus clouds[10] Tornadoes can form when a downdraft occurs in one of these large storm systems, which are characterized by the presence of a mesocycle.ANSWER: supercells<AE, Other Sci>5. This monarch appointed the chancellor Axel Oxenstierna, who negotiated the Truce of Altmark with Poland on this monarch’s behalf. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Swedish king whose victory over the forces of the Count of Tilly at the Battle of Breitenfeld preceded his death at the Battle of Lützen.ANSWER: Gustavus Adolphus [or Gustav II Adolf][10] At Lützen, the Swedish forces of Gustavus Adolphus defeated an Imperial army commanded by this Bohemian general. After being recalled by Frederick II, this general was assassinated by an Irish and two Scottish officers.ANSWER: Albrecht von Wallenstein[10] The Battles of Breitenfeld and Lützen took place during this war, which was ended by the Peace of Westphalia. This war was initially sparked by the Second Defenestration of Prague.ANSWER: Thirty Years’ War<AE, European Hist>6. This title character works as a housekeeper for the Harlings after the suicide of her father, but is fired for going to summer dances. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Bohemian immigrant to Black Hawk, Nebraska, whose life story is narrated by Jim Burden.ANSWER: Antonia Shimerda Cuzak[10] Antonia appears in My Antonia by this American author. This American author also wrote about a Catholic priest from New Mexico in Death Comes for the Archbishop.ANSWER: Willa Cather[10] Another Bohemian immigrant family, the Siepes, appears in this Frank Norris novel that ends with the title dentist handcuffed to his deceased friend in Death Valley.ANSWER: McTeague<JH, American Lit>7. In the tenth book of his Elements, this thinker used a fun proof by infinite descent to show that the square root of two is irrational. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Greek mathematician who is often regarded as the father of geometry for writing the Elements.ANSWER: Euclid[10] Book 13 of the Elements is devoted to solids named after this philosopher, who discussed them in his Timaeus. He described a slave learning geometry by supposedly recollecting it from existing memory in his Meno.ANSWER: Plato[10] This poet wrote a sonnet proclaiming “Euclid alone has looked on beauty bare.” This poet began her collection “A Few Figs From Thistles” with the lines “My candle burns at both ends; / It will not last the night.”ANSWER: Edna St. Vincent Millay<YL, Other>8. This substance reacts with phosgene to form urea and with oxygen to form nitric acid. For 10 points each:[10] Name this weak base often used in fertilizers and glass cleaners. Its molecular formula is NH3.ANSWER: ammonia[10] Gerhard Ertl won the Nobel Prize in 2007 in part for helping discover the mechanism of this process, which uses metallic catalysts to produce ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gas.ANSWER: Haber–Bosch process[10] This compound with formula N2H4 is synthesized from sodium hypochlorite and ammonia in the Olin Raschig process. It is commonly used in rocket fuel.ANSWER: hydrazine<JN, Chemistry>9. Before engaging in this practice in Islam, it is expected for a man to make a payment called the mahr. For 10 points each:[10] Name this practice that is governed by a contract called the nikah. The Qur’an permits men to engage in this practice up to four times, whereas women are permitted to engage in this practice only once.ANSWER: marriage [or wedding][10] In some schools of Islamic thought, a husband can divorce his wife by simply saying the word talaq this many times. While performing wudu, or ablution, Muslims are expected to wash their hands and face this many times.ANSWER: three[10] In the Twelver branch of this Islamic denomination prevalent in Iran, an acceptable form of marriage is the nikah mut’ah, in which a man and woman are temporarily married for a pre-specified amount of time.ANSWER: Shia Islam [or Shi’ites]<WC, Religion>10. The performers in this album were given modes to improvise on rather than traditional chord progressions. For 10 points each:[10] Name this album that includes the tracks “So What,” “Flamenco Sketches,” and “Freddie Freeloader.”ANSWER: Kind of Blue[10] Kind of Blue was recorded by this jazz musician’s sextet. Other albums recorded by this trumpeter include Milestones and Bitches Brew.ANSWER: Miles Davis[10] The only co-writer on Kind of Blue was this pianist. His namesake trio included Scott LaFaro and Paul Motian.ANSWER: Bill Evans<JN, Any Art>11. Prior to this meeting, Ben Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette circulated the “Join, or Die” cartoon, which showed a snake cut into eight pieces. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this 1754 meeting that brought together representatives of seven American colonies to discuss mutual defense during the French and Indian War.ANSWER: Albany Congress [or Albany Conference][10] In 1765, the passage of this act prompted representatives of nine colonies to attend a namesake conference. This act was a tax on various documents, including newspapers and playing cards.ANSWER: Stamp Act of 1765[10] The First Continental Congress was convened in response to the passage of these acts, which were passed after the Boston Tea Party. One of these acts, the Boston Port Act, ordered the closing of Boston’s harbor.ANSWER: Intolerable Acts [or Coercive Acts]<AE, American Hist>12. In a play from this country, Thomas Stockmann runs afoul of society in his hometown for claiming that the town’s baths are being poisoned by nearby tanneries. For 10 points each:[10] Name this country, the home of the author of An Enemy of the People and a play that ends with Nora Helmer leaving her husband Torvald.ANSWER: Norway[10] The author of A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen, wrote a play about the syphilitic artist Oswald titled for these beings. Three of these beings representing Christmas visit Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol.ANSWER: ghosts[10] This other Norwegian author wrote about an unnamed vagrant who brings his clothes to a pawnbroker, and encounters a woman he calls “Ylajali” (“ee-la-yah-lee”) while wandering around Christiania in his novel Hunger.ANSWER: Knut Hamsun<JH, European Lit>13. This neighbor of SpongeBob SquarePants loves to play the clarinet. For 10 points each:[10] Name this cephalopod whose nemesis Squilliam Fancyson invites him to bring his band to the Bubble Bowl in the episode “Band Geeks.”ANSWER: Squidward Tentacles[10] One member of Squidward’s band is Patrick Star, who asks him during practice whether this substance is an instrument.ANSWER: mayonnaise[10] The Bubble Bowl is represented with footage from this real football league that operated for three seasons in the late 1980s. It folded after a costly lawsuit against the NFL.ANSWER: United States Football League [or USFL]<NC, Trash>14. Solutions to this classical system can be expressed as sums of sine and cosine functions. For 10 points each:[10] Name this system that experiences a restoring force proportional to its displacement from equilibrium.ANSWER: SHO [or simple harmonic oscillator; prompt on partial answers; anti-prompt (by asking “can you be less specific?”) on mass-spring system or LC circuit][10] Combining two harmonic oscillators with close frequencies can lead to this phenomenon, in which the resulting motion oscillates with a periodically changing amplitude and a frequency equal to the difference of the others.ANSWER: beats[10] The motion of a series of coupled harmonic oscillators can be expressed as a linear combination of these fundamental motions. When the equations of motion are written in matrix form, the frequencies of these entities are the eigenvalues of the matrix.ANSWER: normal modes [prompt on partial answer]<JN, Physics>15. On August 30th, 2015, this mountain, formerly known as Mount McKinley, was officially renamed after the Athabaskan Indians’ name for it. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Alaskan mountain that is the tallest in North America and is the namesake of the national park where it is located.ANSWER: Denali[10] Denali is one of the Seven Summits, a group of the tallest mountains on each continent that serves as a popular climbing challenge. The tallest of the Seven Summits is this tallest mountain in the world in the Himalayas.ANSWER: Mount Everest[10] This South American member of the Seven Summits, located near the city of Mendoza in Argentina, is the tallest mountain in the Western Hemisphere.ANSWER: Aconcagua<AE, Geo/CE>16. Carlos Cortés Vargas violently put down a strike against this company at Magdalena. For 10 points each:[10] Name this company that was nicknamed el pulpo, or “the octopus,” in Latin America.ANSWER: United Fruit Company [or UFC][10] After Jacobo ?rbenz, the president of this country, attempted to expropriate the lands of the United Fruit Company, it lobbied against ?rbenz, contributing to his overthrow by the CIA’s Operation PBSUCCESS.ANSWER: Guatemala[10] The United Fruit Company primarily dealt in this fruit crop, which is part of a term coined by O.?Henry for politically-unstable “republics” that are economically reliant on a single export commodity.ANSWER: bananas [accept banana republic]<AE, World Hist>17. The first of many menacing dogs described in this novel are the “hairy monsters” who attack Lockwood at its start. For 10 points each:[10] Name this novel in which Catherine Earnshaw’s first time living in Thrushcross Grange occurs while she is recovering from an attack by the dog Skulker.ANSWER: Wuthering Heights[10] Emily, a member of this family, wrote Wuthering Heights. Her sister, Charlotte, mentioned far fewer dogs in her novel Jane Eyre.ANSWER: Bront? family[10] In the novel, after Heathcliff elopes with this character, he hangs her dog by the neck with a handkerchief on a bridle hook. This member of the Linton family is first seen fighting over a dog with her brother Edgar.ANSWER: Isabella Linton<JH, British Lit>18. In this painting, tiles depicting Cupid and a man with a walking stick are behind a foot warmer. For 10 points each:[10] Name this painting, a domestic scene in which a woman dressed in yellow and blue stands over a table covered in bread and earthen jugs.ANSWER: The Milkmaid [or The Kitchen Maid; or De Melkmeid; or Het Melkmeisje][10] The Milkmaid was painted by Johannes Vermeer, a 17th-century painter from this modern-day country. The artist of The Night Watch, Rembrandt, painted during this country’s “Golden Age.”ANSWER: Netherlands [or Dutch Republic; or Holland][10] Vermeer also depicted a woman dressed in yellow and blue in a painting of a girl wearing a headscarf and one of these accessories for which the painting is usually titled.ANSWER: a pearl earring [prompt on pearl or earring]<JH, Visual Arts>19. A god with the form of this animal traded the leopard Osebo and the python Onini to the sky god Nyame in exchange for all the stories in the world. For 10 points each:[10] Name this animal. The popular African trickster god Anansi often took the form of this arachnid.ANSWER: spider[10] This Native American trickster god created the world by kicking a ball of mud and got one of his eyeballs stuck in the sky while he was juggling it.ANSWER: Coyote[10] A common trickster from legends of the American South takes the form of this animal. In Chinese traditions, one of these animals created the elixir of life for Chang’e (“chong-uh”) and came in fourth for the zodiac race.ANSWER: rabbit<AE, Myth>20. In addition to pollution and human intervention, the introduction of this type of organism is a major cause of loss of biodiversity. For 10 points each:[10] Name these types of organisms that take hold outside their native range.ANSWER: invasive species [accept alien invaders or invasive exotics; prompt on non-native species][10] This invasive vine was introduced from Japan into the United States to reduce soil erosion. It encircles woody plants and cuts off light to trees with its broad leaves.ANSWER: kudzu[10] Kudzu spreads using these horizontal shoots that grow along the ground surface. As plantlets grow at nodes of each of these “runners,” the plants can grow asexually.ANSWER: stolon<SY, Biology> ................

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