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Chemicals in Cigarettes

Tobacco is a product prepared from the _________ of the tobacco plant. (contain nicotine)

There are________ ingredients in cigarettes.

When burned, they create more than _______ chemicals.

At least ______ of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous.

Carcinogen- a __________-causing substance.

Tar- a _________, sticky, dark ________ produced when tobacco _________.

Carbon Monoxide- a _____________, odorless and __________ gas

Carcinogen/Cancer Toxins/Poisons

Side Effects of Smoking on the Body

Long-term Effects:

29. increases chance of developing ________________

30. dependence/_____________________

31._____________________ problems-________ ___________ __________________

32. Weakened_______________ system

33. Coronary heart disease and ___________________

Withdrawal Symptoms:

34. ______________________

35. _______________________

36. _______________________

37. _______________________

The Cost of Smoking

❖ ________% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking

❖ ________ million already have at least 1 disease related to smoking.

❖ An average smoker dies ____ years earlier than non-smokers.

❖ _______% of children are exposed to secondhand smoke.

❖ Around ____ thousand babies, 18 months and younger are hospitalized due to secondhand smoke related illness each year.

❖ Over ______ thousands of people die each year just from lung cancer and coronary heart disease caused by secondhand smoke exposure.

❖ ______% of smokers says they want to completely stop smoking.

1. How much money does an average smoker spend on tobacco each year?

2. What could be bought with that much money?

3. How many deaths are attributed to direct tobacco use each year?

4. How many deaths are attributed to secondhand smoke each year?

5. What can be done to decrease these numbers?

6. What are 3 benefits of living tobacco free?

Second Hand Smoke

• Also called _________________________________________ has been classified by the ________________________________________________ (EPA) as a known cause of cancer in humans (Group A carcinogen).

Smoke enters the air from two sources

• The first source is the _________________________smoke, which the smoker pulls through the __________________________ when inhaled or puffs on the tobacco product.

• Even more dangerous is ________________________ smoke which goes directly into the air from the burning end of the cigarettes.

• Side-stream actually has ________ concentrations of some harmful _____________ than the mainstream smoke inhaled by the smoker. The smoke that comes from the smoldering end of the cigarette is created by a _________ temperature and forms a unique set of _________ reactions that _________________ to a compound that contains more carcinogens.


• You are _______________ to second-hand smoke in homes, vehicles, and casinos

• Second hand smoke contains ____________________ known carcinogens

• 50-75 percent of children in the United States have detectable levels of __________, marker of nicotine exposure

• Infants exposed to secondhand smoke after birth are also at a greater risk of ________.

Second hand Smoke Effects

• About ____________________ lung cancer deaths of non-smokers are caused by second hand smoke each year

• 22,700-69,600 _______________________ disease deaths

• ___________ more likely to have heart diseases

• Responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 lower _________________tract infections in infants and children under 18 months of age, resulting in between 7,500 and 15,000 hospitalizations each year, and causes 1,900 to 2,700 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) deaths in the United States annually.


_____________________ tobacco that’s sold loose, or in a bar or “plug” A golf ball sized “wad,” “quid,” “twist,” or “chaw” is placed in the ___________and sucked or __________ and then spits out the _______________.


_________________________ tobacco that’s sold loose or in packets. The snuff is __________ (“dipped”) between the ________and lower ___________.


__________________ tobacco that’s inhaled into a nostril. It’s not commonly used in this country today.


1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________

6. “__________________________” leathery white patches inside the cheeks or on the gums– may appear in the area where tobacco is held

– Oral cancer can develop

– The tissues of young adults are more vulnerable to cancer than those of an older adult

7. _________________________________________

8. _________________________________________

Disease associated with tobacco


A smoker is __________________________________________________.

If they have a heart attack, the smoker is ___________ times more likely to _________.

The heart has to ________ harder to deliver oxygen to the cells.

The _______________________ takes over the oxygen spot on the cell ____________.


_________________________ are swollen and clogged with mucus.

The lungs can’t fill with air results in shortness of breath.

______________________________– medicine to open tubes temporarily.


The _______________ in lungs lose _______________ and can’t expand or constrict.

Can’t get enough ________________________________ results in shortness of breath.

Can’t blow out a match. Damage _________________________________________

4. CANCER: ________________________ that invades surrounding tissue and destroy it.


Most ______________ type of cancer– ___________% are related to smoking.

Hard to detect early and it is usually too late to treat (fatal).

Presence of ______________________________ can progress rapidly to death

One of the most lethal cancers in the world

Only ___________ in _________people diagnosed with survive the next 5 years

By the time one has symptoms it has probably already ___________ to other parts of the body.


____________________-sores-leukoplakia may develop into cancer.

Use of _____________________________ increased risk of cancer.



1. Let someone else ______________you. Have someone quit with you

2. Reduce the ________________ of cigarettes you smoke. Start smoking later in the day

3. Switch brands-_____________ to a more ______________________ brand

4. Just before __________, do something that shows smoking is __________________

a. Collect your cigarette butts in a large container as a reminder of the _______ associated with smoking

5. On the day you quit, do something significant-_____________ away your cigarettes

6. Do something __________________several days after -_______________doing something usually associated with smoking

7. Avoid ____________________ – Develop a nonsmoking environment around yourself

8. Find new __________________- Exercise, bowling, dancing

9. Mark your ____________

– Plan a special ______________________ each month

What happens when a Smoker Quits?


1. Tobacco

2. Stimulant

3. Nicotine

4. Carcinogens

5. Tar

6. Carbon Monoxide

7. Withdrawal Symptoms from nicotine

8. Secondhand Smoke

9. Environmental Tobacco Smoke

10. Chewing tobacco

11. Leukoplakia

12. Chronic Bronchitis

13. Lung Cancer

14. Anoxia

15. Emphysema


1. Nicotine is a __________

2. A chemical used in floor cleaner ___________

3. A preservative used in cigarettes ________________

4. Nicotine is the ___________ chemical in tobacco

5. List 4 facts about nicotine.

6. Smokers are at an increased risk for ___________ cancer.

7. 3 side effects of smoking: __________, _______________, _________________

8. 2 costs of smoking: ____________, _____________

9. What is shredded tobacco?

10. What is moist snuff?

11. What kind of tobacco causes sores in the mouth? ______________

12. A dentist can notice mouth damage ________ __________ after one begins using smokeless tobacco.

13. Name 3 diseases that result from tobacco use.

14. One’s risk of developing coronary heart disease is equal to a nonsmoker ______ ________ after quitting smoking.

True or False (If false change the word to make it true)

11. ___ Smoking is a risk of damaging ALL major organs in their bodies

12. ___ Brain starts to believe that a “high” is natural for our body

13. ___ Nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream through the tissues in your mouth

14. ___ After quitting smoking your body will begin to repair itself almost immediately.

15. ___ Any number of cigarettes will harm your body.

16. ___There are over 4,000 different chemicals in cigarette smoke.

17. ___ Smoking causes low blood pressure.

18. ___Cyanide, or rat poison, is one of the carcinogens found in cigarettes.

19. ___ Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, making arteries constrict every time it is administered.

20. ___ Mainstream smoke is more dangerous than side stream smoke.

21. ___Secondhand some has been classified by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as known cause

of cancer ( a group A carcinogen).

22. ___ Smokeless tobacco causes tooth decay, oral leukoplakia, receding gums, and exposes roots.

23. ___ Symptoms of mouth cancer are minor and usually go undetected until fatal.

24. ___ Nicotine matter condenses to the lungs and forms tar.

25. ___ Smoking doubles ones chances for heart disease.

26. ___ Light or ultra light cigarettes are less harmful.

27. ___ Tar is a toxin in cigarettes.










And... ________ ____________ of course! Lung Cancer is responsible for ___________% of cancer deaths each year, equaling over 160,000 deaths per year.

Cigarettes are responsible for a majority of those deaths.

Nicotine: enter the body by smoking, chewing, or vaping

1. one of the most ________________ substances known

2. a drug, a ________________

3. natural form is _______________ liquid that turns ____________ when exposed to ________________

4. when burned __________ is _____________ and inhaled into the lungs

5. when chewed it’s released into __________ and is then absorbed through mucus membranes in the mouth

6. the matter condenses to the lungs and forms ___________________

7. nicotine is what makes ________________ use so addicting

8. nicotine levels in cigarettes have slowly been __________________ over each year

Nicotine and the Cardiovascular System:

9. one of the leading ______________ for heart disease

10. cigarette smoking is the______________ cause of coronary death

11. makes arteries _________________ every time it’s ingested

12. smoking ________________chance for heart disease

13. smoker is ___________ more likely to have a heart attack

14. causes _________________________________

15. risk for ______________________

16. “light” cigarettes are just as _____________________ as regular cigarettes

17. same amount of __________________

18. nicotine (stimulant) causes a person to have _______________ activity in the brain, but as it wears off a person begins to feel depressed

19. takes about _____________seconds to reach the brain

20. takes tobacco ________________ hours to clear from the body

Nicotine Effects on Body:

21. changes _______________ waves

22. increases _______________

23. increases ____________________

24. increases ____________ of heart beat

25. constricts __________________

26. decreases __________________________ hormone

27. decreases responses of ___________________

28. nicotine is carried in tobacco smoke on small ________________ of tar




__________ ----> Rocket Fuel

Effects on Body:

_____________ ----> Metal

Effects on Body:

Smokeless Tobacco or Chew Facts

| |1. Smokeless tobacco causes wounds inside the mouth such as cold sores, and cuts. |

| |2. One dip of chew equals 10 cigarettes. |

| |3. Smokeless tobacco does not cause cancer. |

| |4. Only 1/2 of people diagnosed with mouth or throat cancer live more than 5 years |

| |Smokeless tobacco is not addicting. |

| | A dentist can spot damage 3 months after a patient begins using. |

| |7. 30,000 people a year learn they have mouth and throat cancer |

| | It improves sports performance. |

| | It’s inexpensive. |

| |The tissues of young people are thought to more vulnerable to cancer than older people. |

_____ years

Risk of ________ from lung ___________ is half that of a smoker’s.

_____ years

Risk of developing coronary heart disease is ___________ to that of a nonsmokers.

____ years

Risk of developing mouth, throat, esophagus cancer is half of what it is for ____________.

____ year

The risk of getting coronary heart disease is___________ as high as a smoker’s.

_____ weeks

Circulation and lung function __________.

_____ hours

________ of carbon monoxide ________ back to normal.

_____ minutes

Heart ________ and blood pressure __________ back to normal levels.

_________ ----> Rat Poison

Effects on Body:

___________ ----> Batteries

Effects on Body:

___________ ----> Asphalt

Effects on Body:

_________ ----> Light Fluid

Effects on Body:

____________ ----> Car Exhaust

Effects on Body:

___________ ----> Ant Poison

Effects on Body:

_________ ----> Floor Cleaner

Effects on Body:

__________ ----> Nail Polish Remover

Effects on Body:

________ ----> Preservative

Effects on Body:

___________ ----> Insecticide

Effects on Body:

__________----> Rat Poison

Effects on Body:


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