Oracle Taleo Enterprise Onboarding (Transitions)


Taleo Enterprise Onboarding (Transitions) Configuration Guide

Release 17

Taleo Enterprise Onboarding (Transitions) Configuration Guide

Part Number: E89358-01

Copyright ? 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved

Authors: Taleo Information Development Team

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Oracle Taleo Enterprise

Onboarding (Transitions) Configuration Guide




1 Onboarding (Transitions) Basic Concepts


About Taleo Onboarding (Transitions)


Processes in Taleo Onboarding (Transitions)


Simple Process Example


Complex Process Example


2 Getting Started




Getting Help


Menus and Navigation Tools


Other Tools


3 Central Configuration




User Types and Permissions


Organizations, Locations, Job Fields


Operation Modes


Release Notes Messages


SmartOrg User Accounts and Transitions


Single Sign-On


4 Onboarding (Transitions) and Career Sections


Onboarding (Transitions) Tasks in Career Sections


Onboarding (Transitions)-only Career Section


Building an Onboarding (Transitions)-only Career Section


Onboarding (Transitions)-only Career Section Properties


5 Fields and Selections


Oracle Taleo Enterprise

Onboarding (Transitions) Configuration Guide

Data Sharing Between Taleo Recruiting and Taleo Onboarding (Transitions) Standard Fields and User-defined Fields User-defined Selections User-defined Fields and Selections - Other Configuration Tasks Electronic Signatures

6 Images

Working with Images Adding an Image to the Images Library Deleting an Image from the Images Library

7 Forms

User-defined Form Creating User-defined Forms User-defined Forms - Other Configuration Tasks Links in User-defined Forms OVI Partner Fields in User-defined Forms History Tracking in User-defined Forms Candidate/Employee Details Form in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center I-9 Form

8 Message Templates

Message Templates Onboarding (Transitions) Message Template - Key Concepts Creating Message Templates for Onboarding (Transitions) Message Templates for Onboarding (Transitions) - Other Configuration Tasks Security Message Templates Email Addresses Used for Correspondence Tasks

9 Documents

Document Paragraph Creating a Text Document Documents - Other Configuration Tasks PDF Documents

61 63 65 67 70


76 76 76


78 79 83 88 90 91 92 92


94 95 96 99 100 102


104 105 105 108 111

Oracle Taleo Enterprise

Onboarding (Transitions) Configuration Guide

10 Content Pages

Content Page PDF Documents in Content Pages Security Alert when Opening PDF Files from Content Pages Content Pages That Target a Candidate or Employee Creating and Configuring a Content Page Content Page - Other Configuration Tasks

11 Onboarding (Transitions) and Learn

Onboarding (Transitions) and Learn Pairing Up Learn with SmartOrg Preparing Learn to Be Visited Configuring the Onboarding (Transitions) Form to Visit Learn Completing the Learn Task

12 External Services

External Services Configuring External Services Variables to Display External Service Results Troubleshooting External Services Disabling an External Service External Services and Multiple Participants External Service Request Tasks and Results in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center OVI Partner Invitation Task Marking Candidates as Ready to be Exported

13 Tasks

Tasks Functional Roles and Tasks Creating a Task

14 Processes

Key Concepts Building a Process Processes - Other Configuration Tasks


118 118 119 120 122 125


127 127 127 128 129


130 131 136 136 137 137 138 140 141


144 146 147


148 172 178

Oracle Taleo Enterprise

Onboarding (Transitions) Configuration Guide

Processes in the Recruiting Center and Onboarding (Transitions) Center Mentors for New Hires

15 E-Offer Process

Advanced Electronic Offer Launching the Advanced E-Offer Process Responding to the Advanced Electronic Offer Receiving the Candidate's Response to the Offer Updating the Offer Once the Advanced E-Offer Process is Running Monitoring the Advanced E-Offer Process Starting and Canceling the Advanced E-Offer Process with the Recruiting Center and Taleo Connect Things to Consider when Configuring the Advanced Electronic Offer Configuring the Advanced Electronic Offer Viewing E-Offer Letter PDF with the Advanced E-Offer Process Exporting E-Offer Letter PDFs using Taleo Connect

16 Taleo Connect

Taleo Connect and Taleo Onboarding (Transitions) Templates for Exporting Onboarding (Transitions) Data Via Taleo Connect

17 Synchronization of Onboarding (Transitions) With Onboarding

Onboarding (Transitions) Synchronization User-defined Fields - Synchronization User-defined Selections - Synchronization E-Signatures - Synchronization Images - Synchronization Documents and Paragraphs - Synchronization PDF-type Documents - Synchronization Forms - Synchronization Message Templates - Synchronization Tasks - Synchronization Processes - Synchronization Tasks Performed by Onboarding (Transitions) Administrators

18 Product Resource Administration

Resource Administration

182 190


192 195 196 197 197 198 198 199 200 208 214


216 216


218 220 222 223 223 224 224 224 228 229 230 231



Oracle Taleo Enterprise

Onboarding (Transitions) Configuration Guide


Oracle Taleo Enterprise

Onboarding (Transitions) Configuration Guide


This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application and this guide.


Oracle Applications Guides

To find guides for Oracle Applications, go to the Oracle Help Center at .

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http:// pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Comments and Suggestions

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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