

School__________________________________Date____________________ Grade________Subject____________Unit Title______________Lesson #______

Standards: What standard(s) will be addressed through this task?



Essential Question: What essential question(s) does the task address?

Learning Objectives: What skills, knowledge and understandings will be demonstrated to show that standards were met?

Task Description: Through what performance task will students demonstrate understanding, skills and knowledge related to the stated standards? What “role will the student assume for the task and who will be the audience for the task?

Product/Performance: What product or performance will provide evidence of the applied understandings, skills and knowledge?

Assessment criteria: By what criteria will the student performance be evaluated?

Performance Assessment Tasks – Theatre Arts

A performance assessment task is an activity requiring students to demonstrate knowledge, skills and understandings through creating a product or performance. The task allows students to apply their learning to authentic contexts within a subject area.

Characteristics of a Performance Assessment Task

Requires application of skills, knowledge and understanding

Provides for multiple ways of learning and responding

Elicits problem solving strategies and critical thinking

Results in a product or performance that can be evaluated by an established set of criteria

Is highly relevant to the stated learning goals and objectives of the lesson and unit

Can be completed with the given time, materials, space and other resources available

Is clearly stated and defined for the learner

Is worthwhile of instructional time

Is viewed as a meaningful, challenging and appropriate measure of learning

Development of a Performance Assessment Task

Identify the skills, knowledge and understandings that the Performance Assessment Task will measure, relevant to the stated curriculum standards and learning objectives.

Define the goal of the particular task.

Determine the “role(s)” that the student will assume in executing the task.

(Examples: playwright, actor, audience member, director

Determine the audience for the performance task

(Examples: peers, another class, parents)

Define and describe the product or performance that will be created and its purpose.

Determine the standards of success, including the elements and requirements for a successful performance task. Prepare a Scoring Guide that will guide the evaluation of what the student knows, understands and can do.

(Examples: task check list, analytic rubric, self evaluation form)

References: Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe, ASCD, 2004

Georgia Performance Standards, Dept of Education, 2005

Waltham, MA Schools, website,

NBA website

Chicago Public Schools website,

National Education Assessment Project


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