التاريخ: 16/9/2007


Philadelphia University

Faculty of Information Technology

Department of Computer Science

First Semester, 2007/2008

|Course Syllabus |

|Course code:710101 |Course Title: Computer Skills (1) |

|Course prerequisite (s) and/or corequisite (s):None |Course Level: Year1 |

|Credit hours: 3 |Lecture Time: |

| | |Academic Staff Specifics | | |

|E-mail Address |Office Hours |Office Number and Location |Rank |Name |

| | | | | |

Course module description:

Introduction to computer systems and practical use of software packages. Introduction, MS-DOS,

MS-Windows, WinWord, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet.

Course module objectives:

This module aims to introduce students to Computer Systems: hardware and software: operating systems (MS-DOS), user interfaces (MS-Windows), and different packages (WinWord, Excel, PowerPoint, and Internet).

Course/ module components

• Books (title , author (s), publisher, year of publication)

الحاسوب والبرمجيات الجاهزة

مهارات الحاسوب Computer Skills

تأليف : د. محمد بلال الزعبي ، د. احمد الشرايعة، د. منيب قطيشات و اخرون.

دار وائل للنشر

• Support material (s) (vcs, acs, etc).

• Study guide (s) (if applicable)

• Homework and laboratory guide (s) if (applicable).

Teaching methods:

30 hours Lectures and Laboratory (2 per week) + 15 hours Example sessions (1 per

week) Lectures, discussion groups, tutorials, problem solving, debates, etc.

Learning outcomes:

• Knowledge and understanding

• Be able to understand the principles of computers systems including architecture, software tools, and Communication and Networks. (A)

• Cognitive skills (thinking and analysis).





• Communication skills (personal and academic).





• Practical and subject specific skills (Transferable Skills).

• Be able to use a word processing package to produce a written technical report.

• Be able to use spreadsheet (EXCEL) software to design a sheet and draw a Chart.

• Be able to design and present a lecture using Microsoft Power Point.

• Be able to link more than one application under windows.

• Be able to use the Internet browsers to create an e-mail and use the search engines.

Assessment instruments

• Short reports and/ or presentations, and/ or Short research projects

• Quizzes.

• Home works

• Final examination: 50 marks

|Allocation of Marks |

|Mark |Assessment Instruments |

|15% |First examination |

|15% |Second examination |

|50% |Final examination: 50 marks |

|20% |Reports, research projects, Quizzes, Home works, Projects |

|100% |Total |

Documentation and academic honesty

• Documentation style (with illustrative examples)



• Protection by copyright

• Avoiding plagiarism.

Course/module academic calendar

| |Basic and support material to be covered |Homework/reports and their due dates |

|week | | |

|(1) |1. Introduction | |

| |Definition of Computer, Hardware: CPU, Memory, I/O | |

| |devices. | |

| |Software: System Software (operating system (OS), | |

| |Utilities). | |

|(2) |Application Software (WinWord, Excel, Power Point, | |

| |Etc..).. | |

| |Types of Computers (Mainframes, Workstations, PCs). | |

| |Computer Uses (Banking, Medicine, Accounting, Airline | |

| |Reservation, etc…). | |

|(3) |2. MS-WINDOWS | |

| | | |

| |Windows desktop (icons, My Computer, Task bar, | |

| |customizing Windows), Files and folders (create, copy, | |

| |move, rename, delete, find), | |

|(4) |Accessories (paint, calculator), Windows Explorer | |

| |Tutorial 1 | |

| |3. INTERNET | |

| |Concepts and definitions (networks, interconnected | |

| |networks, Internet, links, web pages, home pages, | |

| |browsers, Internet site, IP address) | |

| |Main Internet services (e-mail , www) | |

| |How to make an Internet connection | |

| |Microsoft Internet Explorer | |

| |Search engines (definition) | |

|(5) |Continue Internet: | |

| |How to search for a specific item (using the address, | |

| |using search engines, moving between linked pages and | |

| |sites) | |

| |How to create an e-mail account | |

|(6) |4. WinWord | |

|First examination |Int:roduction (Title bar, main Menu bar, Tool bars, | |

| |Editor) | |

| |Editing (fonts, size, colors, attributes, cut, copy, | |

| |paste, find, replace, go to, new, open, close, exit, | |

| |save, save as, page setup,). | |

|(7) |Continue the last week editing: | |

| |Print preview, print, spell checking, advanced options. | |

| |Equations | |

|(8) |Tables.Tutorial 2 | |

|(9) |Insertion (images, symbols, Clip Art, WordArt) & | |

| |Drawing.Customizing Tool bars | |

|(10) |Review (general examplefor word ) | |

| | | |

| |5. Introduction to spreadsheets & Format. ( EXCEL) | |

| |Introduction to Spreadsheets (Sheets, Cell, Column, Raw,| |

| |Address) | |

| |Menus | |

| |File (New, Open, Close, Save, Save as, Page Setup, | |

| |Print) | |

| |Edit (Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, Delete) | |

|(11) |View (Toolbars, Formula Bar, Header and Footer) | |

|Second examination |Insert (Cells, Rows, Columns) | |

| |Format (Cells, Row (Hide, Unhide), Column (Hide, | |

| |Unhide)) | |

| | | |

| |Expression & Functions(Math, Statistical, Logical) | |

| |Expressions (+, -, *, /) | |

|(12) |Functions | |

| |Math (Sum, Sumif) | |

| |Statistical (Average, Max, Min, Count, Countif) | |

| |Logical (If, And, Or) | |

|(13) |Charts | |

| |Data menu (Sorting and Auto Filtering) | |

| |Review (general example) | |

|(14) |6. POWER POINT | |

| | | |

| |Introduction (notion of presentation, notion of slide) | |

| |Presentation (Create, Open, Close, Save, Page Setup, | |

| |Print Preview, Print) | |

| |Working with slides (New Slide, Slide Layout, Duplicate | |

| |Slide, Delete Slide, Move Slide) | |

| |View Menu (Slide, Slide Sorter, Notes Page) | |

| |Running and controlling Slide Show | |

| |Tutorial 3 | |

|(15) |Creating animated presentations (examples of Slide | |

|Specimen examination |Transition and Slide Animation) | |

|(Optional) |Review (general example) | |

|(16) |Tutorial 4 | |

|Final Examination | | |

Expected workload:

On average students need to spend 2 hours of study and preparation for each 50-minute lecture/tutorial.

Attendance policy:

Absence from lectures and/or tutorials shall not exceed 15%. Students who exceed the 15% limit without a medical or emergency excuse acceptable to and approved by the Dean of the relevant college/faculty shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark of zero for the course. If the excuse is approved by the Dean, the student shall be considered to have withdrawn from the course.

Module references

















In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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