The Kane Family

Harboring Memories

By Veronica D

That day, a rainbow did show

Sixty-five years after America’s low

Glistening high, covering the sky:

Peace rather bombs that did fly

Visible to those above the Arizona

The ship still below, a beautiful loner

Beginning faces end across the harbor

Aboard the Missouri, on top of its starboard

Freedom is shining like a magnificent pearl

Through colorful fish beneath oil swirls

Vanished into thin air, everyone still


The fateful day that very December

Thousands did die: here was the start

Pearl Harbor, forever in my heart.



Rachna G

Your brain is like a strainer,

It only keeps some things inside.

Have you noticed?

That your brain

Remembers bad memories for ammunition

Against bad friends and enemies.

Have you noticed?

Sometimes your brain

Blocks out some good memories

Because it has no use for them.

But you’ll never forget

The names of your family

And your best friends

And everything else that’s dear to you.

All that glitters is not gold.

As luck would have it,

Some of our most powerful memories

Are of the bad or embarrassing things in life.

The brain is a funny thing.

You’ll get lost

The second you try

To understand.


By: Kevin H

She’s there to solve crime

But she doesn’t have a clue

She’s a detective

There to help you

She’s Detective Clueless

She’s a puppy

All nice and furry

But when it comes to crime

She’s in no hurry

She’s Detective Clueless

She’s got floppy ears

And a curly tail

There to put

Bad guys in jail

She’s Detective Clueless

She’s got sharp teeth

And likes to bite

And she’ll always

Win the fight

For goodness sake

She’s Detective Clueless


Diego L

Oh my, my birthday is coming

What should I get for there is too much

My parents say only one small gift

The only amount of presents for me is a bunch

This makes my mind hum like a hummingbird’s humming

I start thinking about my wish

As I only stare straight up

The answer won’t drop down

And when I think about a pup

I’m told something that makes my hopes vanish

Birthdays only come once a year

I need to get used to the system

I like my birthday twelve times in a year.


By: Aria

Music is an inspiration

That comes from the heart

It makes the day go by quickly

And it will take you far

Music is a piece of art

Shining very brightly

It captures people’s attention

Like our God Almighty

And when you are in a pickle

And don’t know what to do

Sing a little song or tune

That will help you get through

Music is and inspiration

Inspiration is music

He Said

Anastasia P

He grabbed her hand

He said to her not to fear

He said to fly away like a bird from the cage

To break free from everything

He said to live her life

He said to make mistakes

He said to be original

To not worry what everyone else thinks

He said to be ready for any challenge that comes forth

He said to step up to the plate and have her battle gear on

He said to have her eyes wide open

He said to show the world who she is

To be the best in all that she does

He said to be the one everyone wishes they were.

They all say but she is just a girl

But she will be the one to be all and end all.

The Red Beauty

By Valerie N

The soft velvet that lay,

The green stem that it supports,

The beauty of its design,

The loveliness it sports,

Yet I don’t look at the beauty it cap-


“The earth has music for those who listen”,

I look past the image and listen

to its song,

The thought of that song just

makes my heart glisten,

Then I smell its enchanting air

it pollutes,

Its essence spins round and


These beautiful things just

make me smile,

And “a smile cures the

wounding of a frown,”

The upside down gown it wears

It’s red, and soft to the touch,

It’s like a Mexican party dress,

That’s beautiful oh so much,

These little things of one red beauty,

These are defiantly my Achilles heel,

For you see my love,

The smell, the sound, the feel,

The essence of a rose, the beauty

it deals,

These all remind me of you and I,

Our love is a rose that never dies.

The Kane Family

Momen A

The Kanes, the Kanes

With their god-like power

Why were they cursed

So much, by the gods

Sadie Kane behaves like a toddler

And just doesn’t know when to stop

She wields the power of the Ancient Egyptian

Goddess Isis, Eye of Ra

Then there’s here older brother

Carter Kane who is

Neither a borrower nor a lender be

He wields the power of Horus the Avenger

Horus being the son of Isis

So young they were when the great duty

Of being a godling was thrust upon them

They walked blindly for a time

Until their dead father shed some light

On their current plight

And told them why they were chosen

For such a great thing

Missing You

By: Natalie P

You live so far away,

And I think of you every day.

I remember when

We stayed up till ten.

You have a special treat

That you make every time for us to eat.

There is never too much of a good thing,

Especially when we are on the swing.

With all you are going through,

I can’t understand how you do what you do,

But I miss you,

And Grandma, I love you too!

Only One Will Survive

By: Mikey S

One day, everything will be gone

No oil will remain

“Let’s live our life and be happy” some people say

Yet before they know it, everyone could be slain.

Once we had everything

Now we must change it and renew

Earnestly, or suffer with a world with no king.

We may say that there is a chance

I will make my case otherwise

LRA will show us how quick we can die

Leaving us seeing our demise

Simply we can try

Under all, I believe everyone is good at heart

Really, just like mother bear protecting its cubs

Vigilantly, we must try to save all that is here

In any manner before it is too late.

Very much I suggest we do whatever we can

Expeditiously, unless we are destined to meet this terrible fate.

If we continue to destroy our earth, we will all die

And only one will then survive.

I want to be a meatball when I grow up

By Zhengdong W

I want to be a meatball when I grow up

declared Joey the pig

But nooooooooo

Mommy said I had to be a sausage

they get the nice packaging

they're prettier than meatballs

they taste better

Remember to tell Santa

that you want to be a sausage

not a meatball

because Mommy knows best

So when Santa came

all the kids told him what they wanted to be

What do you want to be, Joey?

he asked, straightening his axe


I want to be a meatball

and with one felled swoop

he was

Ice Cream

By: Anisha M

My body shuts down

My mind stops

My eyes close

I concentrate

It comes at me at once

Settling in my mouth

Gentle but harsh

Soft like the sun

The first step is over

There are more spoons to come

But then it stops

The feeling is gone

My body restarts

The concentration slips away

I realize its all over

But in the end all that glitters is not gold

Ice Cream

A Walk Through the Meadow:

Rajat A

I was walking through the meadow

With the wind coursing through my hair

The green green grass crunching under my feet

And where everything else was bare

I was worry-free

Nothing on my mind

Just walking through the meadow

Peace is all I find

Without any hate

Without any tears

Free as a butterfly

Without any fears

When walking through the meadow

None have seen better days

Nobody but me

and the horses' neigh

I Can’t Do It

Chris B

I can’t do it

I’ll be terrible

Everyone will hate me

I’ll be an outcast

Everything won’t work

People will rear up their tomatoes

And throw without delay

And nothing will work

Should I call it quits?

And run out the door

No, that won’t work

It’ll be worse than before

I’m already in it

Can’t run

Can’t hide

Everything will be terrible

No one will deny

Ill sound like a duck

And perform like some muck

Ill scratch and I’ll scream

Ill yell and I’ll cry

I’m in such a pickle

I can never get out

Everyone will remember

No one will forget

Let’s do it

Get it over with

If this doesn’t end soon

I’ll fall out of my pants

I want to do it

But I don’t think I can

I’ll try to do it

But I know I can’t

I guess a good attitude

Will always help

I’m practiced

I’m prepared

I’m like the little engine

That thought he could

So he could

So I can

This will work

I can do it

Falling In Love

Emily G.

A hailstorm in its violence

A hurricane in its strength

A tornado in its random path

And yet you can’t escape

Like a flood it overwhelms you

From huge waves you are submerged

Like lightning it’s so sudden

You can hardly mutter words

Like rain there are two pieces

Some good and bad and such

Some clear skies and some thunderstorms

And time you haven’t much

A drought in its roughness

But like snow it is still smooth

Raining down on each person


Tommy L

Every day I mute the world out

Wandering through the space and all about

There in my own little world I lay

Dreaming from night and day

My world of all I like and none I hate

It appears every time I walk through the imaginary gate

Whitness and darkness

Happiness and sorrow

Life and death

All this I see in my thoughts

And what I hear is for not

There I lay for days after days

Not able to hear what others have to say

For I couldn’t hear a word or their dismay

There comes a time when I return

As I take it out of my ears that burns

To catch onto what’s up and about

But just as fast I can always mute the world out


The Ants’ Life

Xander H

The ants scurry to and fro,

Building their mound,

Once the top is finished,

They start underground,

They create elaborate tunnels,

With the greatest of ease,

The ants are certainly artists,

Who make the best of feats,

But then when it’s time,

They march to the house,

Once they enter the kitchen,

They’re as quiet as a mouse,

Bread crumbs, strawberry bits,

No one will miss ‘em,

But there goes 50%,

Of the entire kitchen,

Orange peels, sugar cubes,

And the occasional fungus,

By now the food store,

Has grown quite humungous,

All this is to feed the queen,

Who shoots out babies,

Workers come to care for them,

Almost always daily,

But oh, what the dickens!

Here comes a human boy,

Who looks for a way,

To give him some joy,

One shoe goes smush, smush,

Thousands of ants are dead,

The other shoe goes smash, smash,

While the survivors have fled,

Many hours of work are lost,

In the blink of an eye,

And now you know what it’s like,

In a little ant’s life.


Andrew A

You may take life for granted

Only some realize the true importance

Have take into consideration

One may not care for it

Chance is what many don’t take

At the brink of death

Life seems to have been a waste

If the years didn’t fly by

You would take all of the opportunities

Never regretting a single thing

Take some time with loved ones

A minute never wasted

Risk is what you would’ve took

What you didn’t do

Is now regretted

The resentment you feel now closes

Point is, take a chance, live life to the fullest


Jake O

Home is where you live and breathe,

Home is where you sit and eat

You play here.

You sleep here.

You’re not afraid to be here the place where you feel safe

And can drift off into space.

Fall asleep on the couch,

Wake up on the floor

Then eat in a dozen places

And do it all once more.

Where you pretend to have fun,

As you realize

They say, “Home is where the heart is.”

But I say, “ Home is where I once lived.”

The Earth of Life

Dhruv M

The Earth is a large landscape with many forms of life

Full of nature and many other beautiful sites

It is such a marvelous thing to view just like the blue seas

Nevertheless, it can be decayed by folks such as you and me

Human activities harm the environment step by step

But all together we can make this end

By saving the trees

We can please all of our desperate needs

Save the animals that roam this Earth

By not destroying what their homes are worth

And polluting the air that can harm us all

While watching the leaves from treetops fall

If we all work together to solve these problems

The world may live peacefully for years to come

A Day in Minecraft

Kevin W

In the morning when you start,

You wonder what you want to do

Cut some wood and make some tools,

Then your ready to explore.

Into a cave you go,

Looking for adventure.

You run into a creature,

That looks like a green-eyed monster.

Thou art scared, and run away.

Craft a weapon, and your ready to go.

You cut the monster down

And feel relief.

Night falls quickly,

And you build yourself a shelter.

You lay in bed,

And prepare for another day.

The Different Emotions of Wind

Max C

A mournful cry drifts through the streets,

It rattles at gates hoping to be accompanied,

Sighing through alleys, moaning and pleading,

No one comes to its side as it travels on and on.

It roars down mountains with rage,

Picking up cars and squashing houses in its wrath,

Waves tower towards the sky sharing its anger,

Wakes of destruction follow it as it travels on and on.

Soon it calms and becomes cheerful,

Songs from it burst into the air as it flies through hills,

It leaps, dances, and twirls, merry as the day is long,

Its music flows behind it as it travels on and on.

Whispering through branches it is gentle,

It rustles grasses swaying them left to right,

Nature comes alive welcoming its peacefulness,

It carries sweet scents as it travels on and on.

It never stops to take a break,

For it there is no need,

It just keeps traveling on and on,

It just keeps traveling on and on.

The Blocked Passageway

Isaac Dowdle

Pulling out a long sleek dagger

I jumped at the green-eyed monster and made him stagger

He then grabbed my wrist and threw me to the ground

The sheer impact made my head pound

I’d seen better days than this one

But even those were far from fun

I opened my eyes in time to see the attack

A blow to my chest that landed with a crack

As quick as lightning the pain was everywhere

Relief became my only care

I got slowly to my shaking feet

The man had made his intentions discreet

I wasn’t to go through that door

Unless I wanted to become a pile of gore

As luck would have it I died quickly

My long sought success would never be

The Blessing

Andres G

Times after the heavens’ cries recede

And the white shadows of Earth part

A wonderful gift is left behind.

Yet its blessing isn’t so exposable, oh no,

As some people believe it to behold,

There may a be a way, at the end of it,

To contain a cauldron abundant with gold.

When one sees it, they may observe it as riches

With others, they see joy,

Some may view this unsung sighting as a prophecy

Others think of it as their unknown toy.

None look at it same in a way

People may see it anyway they want,

The bow of rain looks at the minds of some with simple colors

While it chuckles at other’s greedily endorsed taunts.

Honey Bee

Joe K

The sun uncovers from its blanket and birds make a harmony

Sunlight makes a peek to the hive needing with honey

Bees are out of their neighborhood and ready to fly

Give a wish to the clouds not to rain

Push their feet and flips their fins to the sea that’s high

Nothing to look not even a map he flies to the plain

He smells it sees it and feels the flower and fills to the plain

The moon hand shacks the sun seven times a week and he still has the bucket

Doing this every day and night he feels like a puppet

This is getting numb not a happy story for the bee

Need something shinny as a rainbow but sort as pillow it will be

The bee’s eye gets clear and greater as he sees the color of the flower

Thy plate thou rarest honey-concealing cloudy soft and hugged him a hour

Where ever he goes his buzzing makes a choir


Mackenzie P

Sumer oh summer we love it so much

It gives us a break from the “green eyed monster” school

Summer gives us reasons to believe we can do anything we want to do anytime

Summer is a reason why kids are counting

The days until you get to feel free

To embrace their inner childhood with fun and games

And to have their little round faces filled with glee

Swimming to boating to stuffing your face

Summer is fun no matter the place

Soaking up the lovely rays of the sun

And not having a care in the world feeling free as a leave

Summer, oh summer wouldn’t you come sooner, please, pretty please?

Plane Ride

Chase S

Life is a plane ride

It starts out rough until you learn to fly

As you get going everything rushes by

Sometimes swaying from side to side

It continues to climb

Until it hit a flat line

And once it gets steady

it’s bound to hit turbulence

you hit ups and downs and side to sides

Again it smoothes back out

And you slowly descend

The landing is tough and shakes people up

As everyone leaves you power down

Having seen better days

Then they stow you away

Enjoying those last few rays

Hokey-Pokey (Shakespearian Remake)

Jake J

O’ Proud left foot, that ventures quick within.

Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.

Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:

A mad gyration, hips in a deep swirl.

To spin! A wilde release from heaven’s yoke.

Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.

The hoke, the poke – banish now thy doubt.

Verily, I say, ‘tis what it is all about.

And now that thy know what the Hokey-Pokey is about;

Shall we not restart the process?

Bring joy to thy selves? Commence thou Hokey-Poke!


Sean K

It takes time

For one to pick up a rhyme.

For time passes

In very large masses.

The blinking idiot who wrote this poem

He’s very nice I think you know him.

When he wrote

This dreary note,

He was hit by a blundering boat.

The wind bore this scripture

Through times many pictures

Through my front door

Only to fall on the floor.


Stephen F

Walking home on an evening night not knowing where you’re going,

All you have to see at night is the Lord and all His Glory

But when He fall into your heart, He will make things clear

When you have a bad temptation He will always be near

Walking home, spot the devil and his power, great and deceiving

But when the Lord is there to protect you, the devil is always leaving

There will always be a battle, between darkness and light

And when it comes to a final, there will be one who wins the fight

Lord…Oh Lord, where will you take us next?

To the heights of Heaven, and the Universe’s depth

But only if we understand Jesus Christ and his rebirth

Than all evil will be gone, and Heaven will come…an infinite times better than earth

So give us a tower of strength, oh Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Because the willingness of Heaven, can never have a price

Live Like That

Andy K

Sometimes I wonder

What people will say of me

When I’m nothing but a memory

When I’ve breathed my last

Did I make my mark on this world?

Or was just one in a sea of faces?

When people look at me

What do they think?

I want to live so that

I’m famous for a lot longer

than fifteen minutes

I want to live

So that when people look at me they think

“I Want to Live Like That”

I’m going to give this life

Everything I’ve got

Never holding back

I’m Going to Live Like That

Getting a C

Rahul R

Thou receiveth a C on thy examen.

Thou hath not study again?

Thou art a failure at study.

Thine habits are none but bloody.

Wherefore were thee to this effort?

Tho belongest in a vile desert.

Thy reputation will now falter.

Thee must belong at the alter.

Thy behaviour will be punished.

Like Donte, thou shalt be banished.

People will now disregard thee like a peasant.

Thy life will become unpleasant.

So now thy will feel the consequences.

Thee will learn that study has prominence.


One day in the town of Instrument City,

A man was looking for his lost kitty.

On the way he heard a band play,

The sound of the saxophone, trombone, and tuba made him sway.

So then he had the idea to combine them,

He worked for days and finished at eleven A.M.

He then picked up the instrument,

And he played it like an elephant,

The sound was so different that everyone near,

Listened intently to the sound, so queer.

Then they went to see what it was,

And when the man walked out, it was to applause.

He started to sell them for all, everywhere,

While he sat at his desk in a big, huge chair.

He enjoyed his life, very much,

And he now played his saxotromtubaphone with a great touch.

He played his instrument to his heart’s content,

The instrument was played often, just like he meant

Now with the creator of the instrument known,

You know the story of the saxotromtubaphone.

Discus Spinning

Rachel C

I’m up to throw,

I’ll try to spin.

Just remember your footing-

A backwards seven.

One swing, two, and spin.

I lose balance, and I twirl out of the ring,

My cage, and scratch.

I earn zero points.

I feel embarrassed, ashamed, and

I want to quit, but

I keep my nose to the grindstone.

I still have one more shot.

The discus rolls off of my fingers,

And into the sky it flies,

Until, the wind shoves my discus down.

Yet, it’s better than a zero.


Christopher F

The strength to do what is right,

The ability to face your own fears,

And to stand up against the tyrant.

But with valor comes the cowardly,

Who but watch the sinful beings do harm.

The mind illustrates courageous men.

Among them are Robin Hood and Hercules,

Saving the good from the most evil,

Giving riches to the poorest of poor,

And confronting the cruelest of witches.

A simple few earn the courageous name,

Only the truest and most honest.

The cost is high but the name is great.

A courageous man stands by his friends,

The man of courage will find hardship,

But if he has the heart of a lion,

“In my mind’s eye” thou art thy greatest.


Victor G

Dreams are such wonderful effects of the human body

Like a doorway to a different reality

With a bright, warm feeling

That often reflects the now

So hard to leave, so believable

I thought they were real many times

As much as a helpless one without direction

Giving me idea, from middle to end

You never do remember the beginning

We have nothing to hold us down

Nothing to limit us besides our imagination

Dreams embrace me with their creativeness

So when I wake up, sometimes I may think

Am I fish dreaming I’m human?

Am I an ape dreaming I’m pasta dreaming I’m human?

You may never know what you’re dreaming

Remember, never assume that your surroundings are real!

Judgment Day

Oliver L

Hear them crash, hear them clash

In this night of raging fury

In the sky, they do flash

While mothers wail and worry

Do you see the soaring mountains

Standing straight and tall?

Do you see the tongues of flame

Dancing in it all?

Do you see the raging sky

Alive with wrath and fury?

Do see the crashing waves

The cold and ruthless jury?

We sit by, and we think

“Oh, we’ll be okay”

But in our hearts, we can see


Man on a Lake

Matt C

Joe was your average day man

He liked to go fishing on the lake

So for the 1st time he brought his son

But that was a big mistake

They packed up their things and went fishing

With nobody else there

The rode out their boat

And cast out their rods without a care

They sat there for a while

But no fish did they catch

It seemed to them

That the fish wouldn’t fetch

Well Joe’s son finally got a bite

And started reeling it in he thought

But it was really reeling him in

This was a really big fish he caught

His father had told him to let go

But his son’s hands were stuck

So Joe knew he must cut his son’s line

Or else he would fall in the muck

So he went and grabbed his knife

And cut the rod in two as if it were a stick

He saved him and paddled the boat ashore

They went onto the shore with a click


Ben C

My shirt is damp from the hot July day

The discus champion is fully underway

I am the last one up and on my last throw

To take the crown I must throw 118

As I pick up my favorite discus

My world begins to shake

It feels like the other discs are mocking me

I step into and dry my feet off

I put my feet into position like I have done so many times before

As I wind up I feel a shark go through me

I spin on one foot and take a mighty leap across the ring

I then fire my other foot back

Then I release my hips and whip my arm around like a rubber band

The disc comes off my hand like a spinning top

A fantastic throw, one of my best

The sweet fare-faced valentine measures the throw

She yells out 122

That’s all, that’s it, I am the 2012 discus champion

Rain Storm

Adriana C

Rain, rain

Lighting, lightning

Thunder, thunder

People, people

Babies, babies

Streets, streets

Cars, cars

Planes, planes

Rain, Rain

Falling hard

Lightning, Lightning

Flashing bright

Thunder, thunder

Booming loud

People, people

Huddling safe

Babies, babies

Crying loud

Streets, streets

Slip, slipping

Cars, cars

Crashing, sliding

Planes, planes

Slowly landing

Again, again

Rain, rain

Lighting, lightning

Thunder, thunder

People, people

Babies, babies

Streets, streets

Cars, cars

Planes, planes

And again, and again, and again.


Emma F

Tacos they are yummy,

Tacos they are spicy,

Tacos they are wonderful,

They are really exciting,

Crunchy and delicious,

They make my taste buds flutter,

I am really in a pickle when

I’m out of sour cream,

People always ask,

Why are you obsessed?

Instead of using words,

I reply with a request,

Please try one,

Just for me?

And that is how it spreads.


Henry D


As luck would have it

Me, myself and I love to play hockey

To play this amazing game you need more than a tower of strength

You need wits, brains and the know how

You can’t budge an inch or it could cost you big

You can’t lose your wits in the middle of a play

You must have the courage and the self-reassurance to win the game

When you’re out on the ice you can’t chicken out

You have to play with your own flesh and blood

If that means you take one for the team

You take it with a grain of salt

You leave it all on the ice!


Taylor J

A soft whisper from one being to another

They are the hurricanes that cause destruction,

Which cause street lights to tumble upon cars,

They are the volcanic eruptions that destroy islands,

Only when they are no longer withheld does that happen,

They are what keep dams from breaking,

Or keep friendships to sustain life,

But when shared thunderstorms are nonstop,

Volcanoes erupt everywhere with an endless flow of lava,

Tornados inhale cars and pieces of buildings,

They damage hearts of friends,

This is called a Secret,

Secrets are to be sealed in chambers of the mind,

Not meant to burst out of mouths for others to listen,

Keep them locked away from others,

Thou art an errant clapper-clawed dewberry

To expose something so priceless,

Keep a Secret safe.

Shh . . .






Frankie the Toad and His Foolish Nature

Justine L

Frankie never was the brightest toad

on the street.

He has foolish nature and he’s slow on

his feet.

He is very gregarious and always


He was kind as could be, all he needs is

some knowledge to feed.

When someone lent him a quarter

he gave them a dollar,

if you want more money just

give him a holler.

He was gullible, naïve, just about

every foolish name you could think of,

his friend told his to change, but he

didn’t give them the time of day,

they didn’t know what to say so

they let him be.

The worst part is that he thought he was wise.

When a wise old karate teacher saw

him act so foolish, he had nothing to say but,

“A fool thinks himself to be wise,

but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

And till this day Frankie is forever





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