Ling-Ling Chinese – Learn Chinese in a Fun Way

Grammar 6 Reduplication of Adjectives (Textbook, 53) Please read the grammar explanation on p. 53Dillon is tall and handsome.The tea is hot and tastes good.The beer is nicely chilled and tastes good.The hot and sour soup is a bit sour and a bit hot; it is very tasty.[Reduplication of adjectives usually does not appear in the negative form. The Verb 来lái (Textbook, 5) Please read the grammar explanation on p. 54 In colloquial expressions, the verb 来can serve as a substitute for certain verbs, mostly in imperative sentences.A: ”Miss, what would you like to eat?B: “Give me a plate of Chicken Fried Soft Noodles, a bowl of egg drop soup, and a bowl of rice, please.Encore! (Sing one more time/ One more!) Language Practice F Special of the Day (Textbook, p. 54-55)Practice speaking with your classmate first, then write out the sentences:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Language Practice G. Placing Your Order口语练习:, p. 55) Practice speaking with your partner first, then write out the sentences______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Language Practice H. Special Request (p. 56)1.______________________________________________________________2.______________________________________________________________3.______________________________________________________________4.______________________________________________________________Please give your special dietary requests in the restaurant for your food and drinks. ................

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