Worth County, Georgia

MINUTES OF THEBOARD OF COMMISSIONERSOF WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIAWORKSHOPTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2020 at 7:00 P.M.The Board of County Commissioners of Worth County convened in a Workshop on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the County Commission Board Room at 201 N. Main Street, Sylvester, Georgia. Call to Order: Chairman Dent called the workshop to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the workshop. Chairman Dent introduced Jason Newton, Public Works’ new supervisor over road construction.Preliminary Matters: With a quorum and accommodations met, Commissioner Gaines gave the invocation followed by the pledge to the missioners Present: Chairman Fred Dent, Commissioner Joe Gaines, Commissioner Ken Hall, Commissioner Dice Roberts, and Commissioner Kemp WillisAbsent: N/AAlso Present: County Attorney Ralph Powell, County Administrator Carl Rowland and County Clerk Angela HarrahInvited GuestSteve Harbin, P.E. – Harbin Engineering, P.E.Groundwater monitoring and mitigationMr. Harbin was unable to attend so Curtis Reynolds from Harbin Engineering addressed the Board. Mr. Reynolds said that the County Administrator contacted him to find out what measures should be taken at this time to reduce the possibility of additional monitoring once the initial monitoring ceases.Mr. Reynolds said that the landfill in Worth County was closed sometime between 1996-2000. He added that all landfills are required to be monitored for 30 years, post-closing. Mr. Reynolds reported that he had no personal knowledge of any closed landfills that had been completely released from monitoring after their initial 30-year term; but, there were measures that could be taken now to reduce the frequency of these monitoring events and thus, save the County money. Mr. Reynolds said that the costs of some mitigation measures were reimbursable from the Hazardous Waste Trust Fund. He gave several examples of what could be done at the landfill.The consensus of Board Members was to allow Harbin Engineering to prepare a proposal for consideration.Discussion Items Twenty-fifth Anniversary of E-911Chairman Dent recalled that he and Commissioner Gaines were on Worth County’s Board of Commissioners when E-911 was started twenty-five years ago. Chairman Dent recognized E-911 Director, Marci Errair. Ms. Errair shared a scrapbook that someone had made chronicling the creation of Worth County’s Emergency-911 center. Chairman Dent said the Board members thanked Ms. Errair and the E-911 employees for the job they do for the County.Cordele State Farmers Market multi-county advisory committee Chairman Dent said that at one time, there was talk of closing the Farmers’ Market; however, people wanted to keep it open. Department of Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black announced an advisory committee is being formed to solicit input with respect to the future operation and programing of the market. Chairman Dent asked each commissioner to be thinking of candidates to serve on this advisory board. Commissioner Black was requesting three members be appointed to represent Worth County. He requested one from county government, one from either the industrial development authority or chamber, and one farmer.Use of Chevrolet Impala for employees’ travelChairman Dent announced that the County’s 2013 Chevrolet Impala should be used, when available, for employees traveling out-of-town for County business or training.Agreed upon procedures engagementAdministrator said that the County had two officers leaving office at the end of this year. One had requested an audit prior to leaving. Administrator said this was standard procedure and protected both the officer leaving and the in-coming officer. He said the name for this type of audit is an “agreed upon procedures engagement”. The County’s auditor, Hudson & NeSmith, CPAs and Advisors, estimated the cost of these audits to be between $4,500 - $5,500 for the Clerk of Court’s office and between $2,500 - $3,500 for the Magistrate’s office.Board members agreed to having these audits performed.Advanced Disposal contract renewalChairman Dent said that the County seemed to be receiving more calls concerning the curbside service. Commissioner Hall said he had been receiving more complaints also. Chairman Dent said that the contract would automatically renew unless the County gave Advanced Disposal at least 120 days of notice that they would not automatically renew. Chairman Dent said the County might not select a different company, but they needed to explore their options. Commissioner Hall agreed and added that some companies can get too comfortable over time.Purchase of used asphalt spreading machineChairman Dent asked Board members to consider the purchase of a used asphalt machine. Chairman Dent said that the company Reynolds and Warren indicated that the County might be able to purchase a good used asphalt machine for about $25,000 to $30,000. A new one runs about $200,000. While the County was not staffed-up for paving, Public Works could use this type of machine to address small areas. Chairman Dent also said that paving companies were not willing to come and pave small areas.Administrator said he would contact Reynolds and Warren and let them know this might be something the County would consider purchasing.Purchase of pressure washerPublic Works Director, John Merritt, said that they needed a new pressure washer. He said that he knew about heavy equipment but not pressure washers; so, he consulted with the repairperson who had been working on the old one. The repairperson made recommendations and Mr. Merritt contacted companies for missioner Hall said he owned a pressure washer and invited Mr. Merritt to come look at his pressure washer before deciding. Mr. Merritt and Commissioner Hall agreed to meet the following morning.Repair of Dirt PanAdministrator said the Board approve repairs to the dirt pan in the amount of $7,802.45; however, when the bill was submitted, it was $10,488.52, a difference of $2,686.07. Board members reviewed the original estimate and final invoice for differences and Public Works Director, John Merritt, also provided additional information he was given for the difference. A lengthy discussion ensued with input from County Attorney, Mr. Merritt, and County Administrator with a consensus that the Board should pay the bill. Intergovernmental Agreement for Code Enforcement and Building Inspection ServicesThis agreement would be between the Town of Sumner and Worth County. Attorney reported that it was the same agreement the County had in place with the City of Warwick. Commissioner Roberts asked if the County could take on these extra responsibilities with the existing personnel and Administrator said that they could. Attorney stated that the agreement did not specify which court would be utilized for their code enforcement violations and suggested the County find out before entering into this agreement.Solar Energy Systems text amendmentZoning Director, Denise Newton, addressed the Board and reported that the Planning Commission had met and discussed the text amendment. She said that, overall, Planning Commission members had no concerns; however, one member had not been present for the meeting. That member expressed concerns, which Attorney addressed. After further discussion, no changes to the proposed solar energy systems text amendment were suggested.Vehicle for Tax Assessor’s DepartmentCommissioner Hall requested a vehicle for the Tax Assessor’s department. Sheriff Whitaker addressed the Board and said that he had spoken with the Game Warden, who shared that there would be 15 DNR vehicles available in Albany. Sheriff Whitaker said that if the County wanted to purchase one for the Tax Assessor’s department, it would be considered an agency transfer. He estimated that the vehicles should be available in about a month. The consensus of Board members was to pursue this avenue for the purchase of a vehicle for the Tax Assessor’s department.Change Tax Commissioner’s part-time employee to full-timeCommissioner Hall said he felt this was necessary. Commissioner Hall said that John NeSmith, the County’s auditor (Hudson & NeSmith, CPAs and Advisors) requested that the County do this also. Commissioner Gaines said that he agreed and added that one reason would be that the County would be in a bad situation if something ever happened to the Tax Commissioner. This could result in a halt to the distribution of funds to the County and other entities to which she distributes funds. Making her part-time employee full-time would allow the Tax Commissioner time to train someone.Chairman Dent said that this should be discussed during the budget missioner Willis said he had a meeting with the Tax Commissioner and Mr. NeSmith and agreed that the County would be in a mess should something happen to the Tax Commissioner. He said the Tax Commissioner told him that if this employee were made full-time, the employee would be less likely to leave and the Tax Commissioner would be able to have 2-3 Sheriff sales each missioner Gaines reported that the Tax Commissioner receives an allotment of money, which by State Law, must be designated for her office. Since she is not using this money, she has the authority to request the money for her office to offset expenses. Commissioner Gaines explained that it was an administrative fee the Tax Commissioner receives every year for having the budgets to the State of Georgia on time. In the past, the Tax Commissioner sent the check to the County. Commissioner Gaines clarified that the funds he was talking about were not funds that the Board budgeted for her office.Chairman Dent said that the Tax Commissioner’s expenditures were paid through the general fund including salaries, contractual expenses, and office supplies. Chairman Dent said if the Board did this for the Tax Commissioner, other departments would expect the same consideration. Commissioner Gaines said that other departments do not have that privilege and the Tax Commissioner would not if she was not submitting the budget on time. Attorney said he was not familiar with this fund and would research.Administrative Assistant for County AdministratorChairman Dent said that he is often at the courthouse at the end of the business day and that most office workers leave at 5:00 but that some of those working on the 3rd floor must work later. He added that the Finance Director works almost every weekend. Chairman Dent said that other departments needed additional help, but this was not the right time. This should be addressed when they planned the budget. [At 7:58 p.m., County Clerk requested a break. Chairman Dent called for a five-minute recess.][The meeting reconvened at 8:03 p.m.]Proposals for Administrative Consultants and Engineering Consultants for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Mitigation projects.Administrator said that this was a special mitigation grant fund with the Department of Community Affairs. The County is preparing an application and must select consultants before they submit the application. Requests for proposals were properly advertised, received, and scored. The administrative consultant receiving the highest score was Roberson and Associates and the engineering firm receiving the highest score was Roberts Civil Engineering. Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG)Administrator said they discovered needed changes to the original LMIG estimates. After the project was started and the shoulders were clipped, they discovered that the width of the roads were 20 feet and not 18 feet, so the paving contractor had to use more materials. Administrator also reminded Board members that Doe Hill Road was not included in the first estimate. Adjournment of WorkshopThe workshop adjourned at 9:18 p.m.BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSOF WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA__________________________________FRED DENT, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: ___________________________________ ANGELA HARRAH, COUNTY CLERK ................

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