ARTICLE: Speakers tackle taxpayer issues at COLAB event

No new taxes letter template

State Legislature:

Assembly Member

The Honorable (Assembly Member’s name here)

California State Assembly

State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Assemblyman/Assemblywoman [Assembly Member’s Last Name]:




The Honorable [Senator’s name here]

California State Senate

State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Senator [Senator’s Last Name]:

I am one of the California taxpayers that you represent in Sacramento, and I am writing to you to express my strong opposition to increased taxes in our state.

California taxes are too high already. As you know, we rank at or near the top in most tax categories. It is no coincidence that we also have the highest paid government workers in all 50 states.

Over the last decade nearly 2 million Californians have left for other states that are more tax-friendly to working people and business owners. Those of us who remain, and want to work for a bright future for our state, can afford no more.

My family and I are depending on you to keep faith with us and we urge you to oppose all efforts to increase the tax burden on Californians. I specifically want you to reject all efforts to raise taxes, as well as those that would weaken Proposition 13's protections for taxpayers.



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