
Jackson BrennanProf MGMIntermediate Comp26 November 2014Love or Hate Kanye: No In BetweenKanye West is a huge icon in celebrity gossip these days and he will always live that lifestyle. People either like Kanye, hate Kanye, or just don’t care because he is “annoying”. The fact is, no one will ever be in his shoes and experience the same hate/love he goes through. He is a self-made rap/hip-hop artist that has completely taken over the game with plenty of musical hits and award winning albums. Kanye’s life events and career in the music industry are packed with discourse, having opposing views from different audiences in several texts. Every single aspect of his life is talked about, which comes with the territory as a highly sought after music artist. People don’t like to recognize the hard work and countless hours that he has put into his music and his career. Everyone would rather pay attention to his every day life where he fights with paparazzi, wrecks his car, embarrasses Taylor Swift, marries Kim Kardashian, and also has a child with her named North West. Should Kanye West be respected for the man he is today or criticized? Should we take in consideration the way media portrays information to the general public?In the beginning, Kanye West was just a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records. “He achieved his stardom by appearing on Jay Z’s album The Blueprint and from there his career took off with having hit singles with popular artists like Janet Jackson and Ludacris” (Wikipedia). Even though Kanye had great success in the producing business, he wanted to pursue a career in rapping. Several record companies turned him down on numerous occasions because they didn’t see the “gangster image” that the rap game was asking for. They saw him as a producer and a producer only. One night after leaving the recording studio, Kanye fell asleep at the wheel and was in a fatal car accident that thankfully only left his jaw obliterated. “No one knew that moment would probably end up being the most important moment of his career” (Sanfiarenzo). Audience and constraints both effect this situation because people read the article from Sanfiarenzo and immediately see what exactly happened. Since the audience didn’t know who Kanye West was yet, this story quickly became magical as he started making his album and people became increasing supportive of his new venture. Constraints is also very relevant in this text because the way Sanfiarenzo expresses his thoughts and views on the artist’s wreck, it controls the view of the whole audience and the public eye all around the world. Which is why people automatically assumed that he was a complete moron and whatever “career” he had was gone because of the mistaken actions he took. What he didn’t know, was that this was exactly what he needed to get his rapping career off the ground. After getting his jaw reconstructed and wired shut, he had plenty of nights to record music and ended up rendering a song called “through the wire”. This track expressed numerous thoughts and feelings about his life so far and it was a solid foundation for his soon to be hit album, “The College Dropout”. This Grammy award winning album, which was named after Kanye West actually dropping out of college to pursue music, was just the start of Kanye’s infamous life journey. The start of his crazy outbursts began in 2004 at the American Movie Awards where he lost to country singer Gretchen Wilson for the “Best New Artist” award. He was reported back stage saying “I felt like I was definitely robbed. I was the best new artist this year” (West) and ranting about how she doesn’t deserve it. This is where audiences slowly started to realize and hate the image of Kanye West because he is self centered and doesn’t care about anyone else but himself. Another outburst occurred during the 2006 MTV Music Awards when he lost to Justice and Simian for “Best Hip-Hop Artist”. He came out on stage and unleashed a crazy profanity filled rant that shocked the audience. Kanye’s excuse for justifying his actions was saying that he had a little bit of “sippy-sippy” meaning alcohol, before the show started and that is why he stormed the stage. The video clearly shows Justice and Simian practically rolling their eyes and being absolutely embarrassed for what Kanye West was doing. This was truly the beginning of his outbursts and crazy media shocking events that became apart of his celebrity life. This was also only the beginning for other celebrities thinking Kanye West is absolutely psycho when he doesn’t get what he wants. Any rhetor that decides to write about Kanye is always leaning on the fact that he is more psycho then he is a famous hip-hop artist. In almost all articles and websites these days, they talk more harshly about Kanye West instead of his musical achievements and why he is where he is today. In most of the articles and texts that I have read about Kanye, they just sum up everything that he has messed up on. They don’t like to go into full detail and absolutely rip Kanye for his mistakes because they know if they do, he will fire back, much harder. That is one way that shows how Kanye rules the general public because he always has an excuse and always digs himself out of a hole. The 2004 and 2006 incidents were clearly the start of his “I do what I want” career because more people started to love him for the music he wrote and produced, and not for his media mistakes and public outbursts.With every high, unfortunately there must be a low and that was the death of Kanye’s mother, Donda West, in August of 2007 due to Coronary Artery Disease. “Donda died one day after undergoing breast reduction, tummy tuck and liposuction procedures,? HYPERLINK "" \t "_hplink" according to the AP” (HuffingtonPost). Till this day, Kanye continues to blame himself for the death of his mother because he insists that it would have never happened if she hadn’t move to Los Angeles to manage his career. Kanye was reported saying "And she wound up in a place that would eat her alive. Even if I stayed in New York, it wouldn't have been like that. If I had lived in New York, she'd still be here." (West) This takes a huge amount of pride in Kanye to be able to blame his mother’s death on himself because of his career and his decisions in life. Donda and Kanye were extremely close through everything because of the fact his dad left him and his mom when he was only 3 years old. That is why he took it so hard and decided to write more meaningful music because his mom had such a huge impact on his life. This news on the general public had the biggest impact because the audience almost felt Kanye’s pain and could put themselves in his shoes. People bounce back and forth in liking him because his music is so good and he goes through so much pain to achieve the goal of superstardom but then he does moronic things that he doesn’t think through. The rhetors that tend to see Kanye as more positive are music websites and any other websites that talk more about his career and the good things that have happened in his life. Texts like “Hot New Hip Hop” and “ITunes” are some of the leading supporters for Kanye’s music. With almost every song he releases, it is always featured and high up in the polls on ITunes because everyone loves his music no matter what kind of fan you are. The rhetors that are more “celebrity” based say nothing but bad things about him because they write what audiences like to hear. For example Kanye West was involved in another controversial debate where he had his audience get on there feet and he wouldn’t continue the concert until everyone was standing, The situation occurred when Kanye noticed that a couple of handicapped people were not standing and he got frustrated like usual. Immediately after the incident, the problem was brought to social media and Kanye West was getting lit up on social media like usual. Kanye offered a defense at a show in Brisbane and called out Matt Lauer, Michael Strahan, Whoopi Goldberg and Robin Roberts and told them to look at him from a new perspective before covering stories on his actions. After the wheelchair incident Kanye had to say this "They've got this thing where they want the masses, the people who've never even heard one of my albums, to somehow read a headline that reads negative and to think that I'm a bad person. But the thing is ... I'm a married Christian man with a family," (West) This statement given by Kanye was very powerful because when the public audience reads something like this, they realize that he is only human and that mistakes are justifiable. But most importantly, they realize he is a good person with a loving attitude toward a wife and also a child. In 2008, Kanye West released his latest album 808’s and Heartbreak and this was another album that destroyed the charts with record winning album sales in 2008 and 2009. Feeling his emotions could not be conveyed through rapping, West discovered the voice audio processor?Auto-Tune?to use whilst singing, which would become a central part of his next effort. (Wikipedia). Before the albums release, the hit single “Love Lockdown” was posted at number 3 on the Billboard top 100 songs of 2008 and continued to be a huge hit for the rest of the year. Sometime that year, Kanye had a fallout with some paparazzi and he and his bodyguard Don Crowley ended up getting arrested because of charges filed by the paparazzi himself. The charges include felony vandalism for breaking the photographer’s camera. He was then later arrested again for having a scuffle with another news reporter outside of the Tup Tup Palace. “a member of the paparazzi elite got to close to Kanye and ended up getting his face busted up. Was it Kanye’s fault? Of course not, and he’s explained why in another big pissy blog rant” (Laidlow) This is exactly what im talking about when it comes to news reporters writing about Kanye West. They will do anything in their power to make Kanye look like such a bad guy when in reality, the same thing can happen to anyone. If someone was making me mad to no end, I would probably want to end it by knocking the guy out and that is exactly what Kanye did. The paparazzi was taking it to far and too close and Kanye 3543300125730000clearly had enough so he fought the guy and broke the camera. This was one of the incidents that was a huge mistake because he forgets to think about the repercussions that may come from his actions. Getting into a fight with paparazzi is a bad choice considering other cameras and videos are on you and it takes one click to get it viral on the internet. Unlike other artists, Kanye West just wants privacy and when he isn’t getting privacy he is going to let you know because that is just the way he is. The next year is where things went real wrong and people started to hate him even more. In 2009 at the MTV Video Music Awards, the winner for best female music video award was country star Taylor Swift. Kanye West decided otherwise and he jumped up on stage, took the mic from Swift’s hands and said “Taylor, I’m really happy for you imma let you finish, but Beyonce had the best music video of all time” (West) and shocked Taylor Swift, Beyonce and anyone else that was tuning into the VMA’s that year. This incident was one of the biggest downfalls that Kanye had to offer because so many people disagreed with what he had to say and do. Constraint and Audience were completely affected in this incident because Kanye himself is a constraint for choosing the way the rest of her speech and VMA’s played out. When Kanye grabbed the mic and 0102870000stated in what he believe in, he had full control over the situation and had every intention of letting everyone know that. Even as a lover of Kanye, I agree that this was over the top for him, and it was disrespectful what he did to Taylor Swift and to even bring Beyonce in the middle of it. For a lot of people and most country music lovers, this was the last straw for Kanye West because Taylor Swift has a huge fan base and anyone who liked her, now strongly dislikes Kanye. Being the full constraint of a situation can make or break you because you get to choose how the situation plays out and all eyes are on you. In this situation, he royally messed up and got a lot of feedback from other famous artists. Famous rapper “Wale” said “ You can’t blame a man for speaking his mind” to the whole VMA crowd and was responded with plenty of boo’s then Wale was reported saying “Kanye, I tried”. This was an example of a well respected artist looking out for another artist because it’s considered respect in the Hip-Hop/Rap industry. Even though Kanye messed up, Wale was there to have is back and tried to make the situation better. On the other hand, musical star Pink was reported walking by Kanye West and shaking her head in disgust at him before security had to escort her away. “He was then shown returning to his seat, flipping off the audience and kissing his girlfriend Amber Rose” (Rodriguez)There are numerous different opinions about Kayne, but it is up to him whether or not they define him or make him grow as an individual. On one hand, you have to respect Kanye for the man he is, frankly because no one helped him to get there. He did it all himself and is purposefully considered self-made. His story all started with a life threatening car crash, which was a test of his strength and faith. Shortly thereafter came his mother’s sudden death, a Grammy award winning album, and a new family with Kim Kardashian. Kanye has made it through times that most people would give up after enduring, highlighting his strong optimism and faith in what is to come. With this being said, celebrities have it extremely hard with media today, portraying details about their lives that shouldn’t ever been anyone else’s business. They have to protect their tainted image, and Kayne has done an exemplary job at this. He knows that although he can’t please everyone, he must stay strong and continue doing what makes him, him. Hate the man all you want but you have to respect him for the life he made for himself. On the other hand, People hate Kanye West because he is a self-centered jerk who only cares about himself, his family, his money, his music and his fame and he will let nothing interfere with that. Most people’s feelings towards him stem from jealousy, wishing that their life could be even remotely like the one he lives. Most of his mishaps happen because he likes to do things before thinking about what kind of repercussions can come out of the situation and that’s how Kanye will always be. Love or hate Kanye West, he is who he is, and he will not change for people like us. Works Cited"11 Years Ago Today, Kanye West Was In The Car Accident That Changed His Life...Here's The Entire Story (DETAILS)." Global Grind RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2014."Kanye West and Taylor Swift's VMA Moment Power Rankings, Then and Now." The Wire. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2014Gauk-Roger, Topher. "Kanye West Fires Back over Wheelchair Incident." CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 13 Nov. 2014."Kanye West Crashes VMA Stage During Taylor Swift's Award Speech." News. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2014."Heard Him Say! A Timeline Of Kanye West's Public Outbursts." News. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2014."Kanye West Crashing Stage at EMA's after Losing to Justice." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.Shea, Danny. "Kanye West: My Mom Wouldn't Have Died In New York." The Huffington Post. , 16 Sept. 2010. Web. 03 Nov. 2014."Kanye West Gets All Pissy With The Papparazzi." HecklerSpray. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2014."Top 10 Outrageous Kanye West Moments." Time. Time Inc., 14 Sept. 2009. Web. 02 Nov. 2014."KANYE WEST HATE HIM OR LOVE HIM?" KANYE WEST HATE HIM OR LOVE HIM? N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2014. ................

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