AnswerEvidencePurposeInform, persuade (Kanye had many purposes throughout this speech there was no one single purpose)“The problem was the contradiction. The contradiction is I do fight for artists, but in that fight I somehow was disrespectful to artists.”“I just wanted people to like me more.”“It’s about ideas, bro. New ideas. People with ideas. People who believe in truth. And yes, as you probably could have guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president.” AudienceMTV viewers, VMA viewers, anyone who likes and probably worships Kanye.“Ya’ll”He also says “Listen to the kids,” as if he’s speaking to adults or people that don’t pay attention to kidsStyleMidlevel-Informal (mostly informal because his speech made no sense half the time)“Bro.Bro!” (like 39844395 times)“Ya’ll”“Bruh”Curse words like “f-uck” & “sh-t”“Cuz”“Fittin’”“Ain’t”“Gonna”“’Cause”ContextKnow about the altercation between Taylor Swift and Kanye West also know how Kanye West acts (personality)“I often think back to the first day I met you…”“Would I have went on stage and grabbed the mic from someone else’s?”“The problem was the contradiction. The contradiction is I do fight for artists, but in that fight I somehow was disrespectful to artists.”GenrePersuasive, informative speechIt was a speech present at the VMA’s after winning an award. EthosKanye (celebrity use)“You know how many times MTV ran that footage again? ’Cause it got them more ratings? You know how many times they announced Taylor was going to give me the award ’cause it got them more ratings?”Also, everyone would cheer him on for sooooo long. PathosVery passionate speech, empathy“60,000 people boo me.”Repetition of “Listen to the kids, bro!”“We’re not gonna control our kids with brands. We not gonna teach low self-esteem and hate to our kids. We gonna teach our kids that they can be something. We gonna teach our kids that they can stand up for they self! We gonna teach our kids to believe in themselves!”“If my grandfather was here right now…”Logos-Award shows and how they are all contradicting and hurt other artists.-That he’s running for president??“I don’t understand how they get five people who worked their entire life … sold records, sold concert tickets to come stand on the carpet and for the first time in they life be judged on the chopping block and have the opportunity to be considered a loser!” ................

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