Tom FeganWriting 1009/28/14The Amighty and Powerful YeezusLet’s start with an infamous Kanye moment; The VMA’s. Basically, Taylor Swift wins an award for best music video, and Kanye feels that she doesn’t deserve that award. He walks up to the stage, takes the microphone, and begins speaking his mind. He states that he’s happy for her, but exclaims that Beyoncé had one of the best videos of the year. He then gets booed after his interruption. Obviously, it is easy to say that he is acting like a buffoon, and he should mind his own business, but Kanye is honestly just speaking his mind. Why do we shun a man for sticking up for what he believes in, even if it isn’t popular belief? We tell everyone to speak their minds, and it should be recognized that he was doing just that. Also, many people wouldn’t dare to challenge pop culture in that way. He does so again during the hurricane Katrina fund show. He starts on a rant about how George Bush doesn’t care about black people and is then cut off. He is the essence of doing and saying what you want when you want, not being afraid to speak your mind. He answers to no man, and he doesn’t let anyone put him down, not even the president. Kanye also has never wavered over these events. He’s always stood his ground and never gave in. He shows that he does not care what people think about him, and he will not sacrifice his own ideals because others want him to. He thinks highly of himself and we give him reason to. I mean if you think about it, he is extremely successful and he realizes this. He may have more confidence than people would like, but isn’t it better to have more than less in that case? I’d rather have more confidence than not enough. The thing is, I happen to listen to a lot of Kanye when I’m feeling down. His music and lyrics always cut deep. I find myself finding the power to overcome and the great confidence to not care what others say. When I listen to Kanye, I notice he has a lot of confidence. For example, “Your girl don’t like me? How long has she been gay?” Now, you might laugh at that and think it is silly, but realize that he is saying there is no way this girl could not be attracted to him. That’s the type of confidence he has with his raps and his life, and that confidence really tends to rub off on me when I listen to his music. I do have a lot of confidence, some might say too much, but I just really believe in myself and I think I can do anything as long as I work at it, so why is it a problem when he believes this? In a world where people are so sensitive due to their lack of self-esteem, Kanye showed me it is possible to build up so much confidence that people’s hurtful comments don’t bother you. If you don’t love yourself, nobody will. In general, it seems like a simple idea, but in reality it shows true because no one cares for someone who constantly requires approval from others. Sometimes his lyrics stick out to me. For example, “I don’t need your p*ssy, b*tch I’m on my own d*ck.” It may seem vulgar and rude to others but to me it meant he knows his worth as a man, and he won’t let any female get him down. That goes a long way with me because I used to feel inferior to some women because they didn’t want me, but after hearing that I realized that I don’t need them to like me, I like me. He also says, “There’s leaders and there’s followers, but I’d rather be a dick than a swallower.” In a sense you may think he is being vulgar once more, but in a sense he’s using a euphemism. People always call Kanye an asshole, dick, douche, etc. and he recognizes this, but justifies it. He’s saying he’s rather be hated for speaking his mind and being himself than to swallow his words and bite his tongue to be loved. He is able to do such things and not be dismissed by society because technically speaking, he’s a genius. Kanye has 21 Grammy’s, and Time Magazine even named him to top 100 influential people in the world. He has done so much in the hip-hop world that he can’t simply be overlooked. If Kanye had not done so much for music itself, he wouldn’t be taken seriously, similar to how Riff Raff now isn’t taken seriously by most.Although he is very established, many people didn’t take his recent marriage serious. Kanye married Kim Kardashian, who is not usually viewed in a positive light, and they have remained together though everything. Many people assumed it was a publicity stunt. Most people know of Kim K. and her rise to fame, but Kanye overlooked her flaws and chose to be with her, knowing so many people would have things to say about it. He shows that you should not judge before you know. It would have been simple for him to stop talking to her because of her past, but he chose to find out for himself and not listen to everyone else’s opinions.He doesn’t care to listen to opinions others about his wife, nor his business ventures. Kanye has designed some of the most sought after shoes ever created, Yeezys, and he has even indulged into high fashion and top of the line clothing such as Louis Vuitton, something never before attempted by any male in the hip hop industry. Kanye seeks to be different, and he is so unlike anyone that he can’t be compared to anyone. In a general sense, Kanye West does what he wants, when he wants. He does not let life come to him, he goes out and he gets it. He says what he feels, and he doesn’t bite his tongue for anyone. He could care less what you think or say about him, because he loves himself and rightfully so. Kanye West has become wildly successful, and has been one of the most influential superstars of the century. People hate him, and people love him. At the end of the day, people will see Kanye not for who he is, but what he has done for them. Just as people interpret literature differently, people will interpret Kanye differently. I see Kanye as a great man because he has influenced me positively. We only get one shot at this thing called life, so why not live it all out like he does? ................

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