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1) Calculate the following conversions.a) 6790 lb = _________Tb) 5.45 T= _________lb c) 54 lb = _________ozd) 98 oz = _________lb2) Circle the mass which is greater (show your work) a) 3 lb 8 oz or 4 ? lbb) 5 ? T or 12000 lb3) Calculate the following Imperial conversions. (How many whole units with how many parts left over?)a) 54 oz = ______lb _____oz b) 648 oz = ______ lb _____ozc) 36700 lb = ______T ______lb 4) Lucy gave birth to twins weighing 6 lb 5 oz and 5 lb 14 oz. What was their total weight in pounds and ounces? 5) Convert the following Metric masses.a) 2.8 kg = ______g b) 125 g = ________kgc) 3.6 t = ______ kg b) 654 kg = ______t6) Irene needs 1.6 kg of tomatoes. She has baskets of tomatoes that weigh 256 g, 452 g, 158 g, and 320g. How many more grams of tomatoes does she need?7) Convert the following Imperial/Metric masses. (more than 1 conversion may be needed)a) 67.5 kg = ______lb b) 125 lb =_______ kgc) 3.6 t = ______ lb d) 30 000 lb = _______ t8) Chen weighs 68 kg. How much does he weigh in pounds?9) A baby weighs 7 pounds 12 ounces at birth. How much did it weigh in kg?10. A wading pool is being built. The contractor dug a hole that was 1.4 m by 2.9 m by 1.6 m. If the weight of the soil and rocks averages 92 pounds per cubic foot, what was the total mass of the material he removed? (1 m = 3.3 ft)11) Convert the following temperatures to degrees Fahrenheit.a) 35°C b) -8°C 12) Convert the following temperatures to degrees Celsius.a) -20°F b) 80°F13) The normal temperature for a dog is between 99°F and 102°F. Ashley’s dog has atemperature of 40°C. Convert this to Fahrenheit to see if the dog’s temperature is normal.14) Circle the temperature which is hotter.A blowtorch at 1300°C or A candle flame at 1830°F ................

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