Troop Points Costs - British Historical Games Society

Troop Points CostsReplace points cost table in the rules with the following:POINTS VALUESBasic costCombat capabilities and other attributesCommanders (-10 points if ally)80(GC) 50 (FC) 35 (TC)Quality:EliteSuperiorAveragePoorFoot (multiply cost by 3 for battle wagons)Foot battle groupsFully-armoured1197-Arquebus, Bow, Bombs1Heavily-armoured10864Musket* 2Armoured9753Musket, Salvo3Unarmoured8642Impact Foot, Pike, Heavy Weapon1Dragoons-753Swordsmen1Determined Foot1Heavy artillery--2517Each shot base in BG with pikemen1Medium artillery--2014Each base with bayonet in BG with no pikemen2Limbers --00All other weapon capabilities0Light artillery--129MountedBattle wagons--148Light Lance1Battle wagons with light artillery--2014Heavy Lance, Impact Pistol2Regimental guns141297Impact Mounted3Mounted battle groups Melee Pistol2Armoured determined horse1915107Melee Swordsmen1Unarmoured determined horse161386Bow, Pistol/carbine (shooting)1Fully-armoured or heavily armoured gendarmes2016118Camelry (Battle Troops)2Armoured cavaliers181496Camelry (Light Troops)1Unarmoured cavaliers151275All other weapon capabilities0Heavily armoured cavalry or camelry1715117Defences per base frontageArmoured cavalry or camelry141296Portable defences3Unarmoured cavalry or camelry121075Field fortifications3Heavily Armoured Horse161395Armoured Horse or Light Horse121074Unarmoured Horse or Light Horse10853Commanded shot1613108OthersElephants--20-Naval units--30-Fortified camp---24Example Comparative CostsTroop TypeOldNewGendarme, Sup, FA, HL/Sw2119Gendarme, Ave, FA, HL/Sw1514Cuirassier (Horse), Sup, HA, Pi/Pi1617Cuirassier (Horse), Ave, HA, Pi/Pi1213Horse, Sup, A, Pi/Pi1314Horse, Ave, A, Pi/Pi1011Reiter, Ave, A, Ca/Pi1110Reiter, Ave, UA, Ca/Pi98Polish Hussar, DH, A, IM/Pi2320Polish Hussar, DH, A, IM/Sw2319Determined Horse, Sup, A, Pi/Pi2119Determined Horse, Ave, A, Pi/Pi1514Determined Horse, Sup, UA, Pi/Pi1817Determined Horse, Ave, UA, Pi/Pi1212Cavaliers, Sup, A, Pi/Pi1918Cavaliers, Sup, UA, Pi/Pi1616Cavaliers, Ave, A, Pi/Pi1413Cavaliers, Ave, UA, Pi/Pi1111Rajputs (now Horse), Sup, A, LL/Sw1512Tuareg Camel, Sup, UA, LL/Sw1314Tuareg Camel, Ave, UA, LL/Sw1011Cavalry, Sup, A, Bw/Sw1614Cavalry, Ave, A, Bw/Sw1211Cavalry, Sup, UA, Bw/Sw1312Cavalry, Ave, UA, Bw/Sw109Cavalry, Ave, UA, LL/Sw99 ................

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