List of Experiment

PDEA’sCollege of Engineering, Manjari (Bk), Pune - 412307LAB MANUALOFCOMPUTER NETWORK LAB(310248)T E (COMP) 2015 COURSE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERINGCOMPUTER NETWORK LABLAB MANUALCourse Name: TE Computer 2015 Subject Code: 310248 Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Practical: 4 Hrs/Week Term Work: 25 Marks Practical: 50 Marks Authors: - 1) Prof. Rathod R. B. Course Coordinator- Prof. Rathod R. B. Assistant Professor Computer Engineering DepartmentSubject Teachers: Prof. Rathod R. B.? PDEA’s College of Engineering Manjari (Bk), Pune. All Rights Reserved. INDEXSr. icPage. No.1Teaching Scheme2Subject syllabus3How to use this Lab Manual4PEO, PO, GA and CO5CO-PO Mapping and CO-GA mapping6LO , ELO7ELO-CO mapping8Instructions to students9Practical Plan10All Practical AssignmentsTitleObjectiveAimRequirementsTheoryMathematical model (if applicable)Algorithm (if applicable)Observations Program code (if applicable)Results ConclusionOral QuestionsELO-CO Mappingcenter-2540PDEA’s COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MANJARI (Bk)LAB MANUAL00PDEA’s COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MANJARI (Bk)LAB MANUALSYLLABUSTHIRD YEAR (COMPUTER ENGINEERING)COURSE 2015(EFFECTIVE FROM JUNE 2017)Faculty of EngineeringSavitribai Phule Pune University, PuneSavitribai Phule University of PuneThird Year Computer Engineering (2015 Course)(with effect from 2017-18)Semester ICourseCourseTeaching SchemeExamination Scheme and MarksCreditCodeHours / WeekTheoryTutorialPracticaIn-End-TWPRORTotalTH/PRlSemSemTUT310241Theory of03----3070------10003--Computation310242Database03----3070------10003--ManagementSystems (DBMS)310243Software Engineering03----3070------10003--& ProjectManagement310244Information Systems03----3070------10003--& EngineeringEconomics310245Computer Networks04----3070------10004--(CN)310246Skills Development--0204----50--501000202Lab310247DBMS Lab----04----2550--75--02310248CN Lab----02----2550--75--01TotalCredit1805Total1602101503501001005075023310249Audit Course 3Grade310249-Audit Course 3 (AC3) Options:AC3-I:Cyber SecurityAC3-II: Professional Ethics and EtiquettesAC3-III:Emotional IntelligenceAC3-IV: MOOC- Learn New SkillsAC3-V: Foreign Language (Japanese- Module 3)List of AssignmentsA1: Setup a wired LAN using Layer 2 Switch and then IP switch of minimum four computers. It includes preparation of cable, testing of cable using line tester, configuration machine using IP addresses, testing using PING utility and demonstrate the PING packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool.A2: Write a Program with following four options to transfer- Characters separated by space One Strings at a time One Sentence at a time One file at a timeBetween two RS 232D or USB ports using C/C++. (To demonstrate Framing, Flow control, Error control). A3: Write a program for error detection and correction for 7/8 bits ASCII codes using Hamming Codes or CRC. Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode.A4. Write a program to simulate Go back N and Selective Repeat Modes of Sliding Window Protocol in peer to peer mode and demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode.A5: Write a program to demonstrate subnetting and find subnet mask 6. A7: Write a program using TCP socket for wired network for following a. Say Hello to Each other (For all students) b. File transfer (For all students) c. Calculator (Arithmetic) (50% students) d. Calculator (Trigonometry) (50% students). 7. A8: Write a program using UDP Sockets to enable file transfer (Script, Text, Audio and Video one file each) between two machines. Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode. 8. A9: Write a program to analyze following packet formats captured through Wireshark for wired network. 1. Ethernet 2. IP 3.TCP 4. UDP. 9. A12: Installing and configure DHCP server and write a (C++/Python/Java) program to install the software on remote machine. 10. B3: Write a program using TCP sockets for wired network to implementa. Peer to Peer Chatb. Multiuser Chat.Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peerTo peer mode. 11. B4: To understand UDP Socket.Problem Statement: Write a program using UDP sockets for wired network to implementa. Peer to Peer Chatb. Multiuser Chat.Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode. 12. B6: Use network simulator NS2 to implement:a. Monitoring traffic for the given topologyb. Analysis of CSMA and Ethernet protocolsc. Network Routing: Shortest path routing, AODV.d. Analysis of congestion control (TCP and UDP). 13. B7: Configure RIP/OSPF/BGP using packet TracerHow to Use This Lab ManualThis Lab manual assumes that the facilitators are aware of collaborative learning methodologies.This manual will provide an approach to facilitate the session on Digital Communication modules in collaborative learning environment.The facilitator is expected to refer this lab manual before the session.Icon of Graduate AttributesKEngineering knowledgeMMathematical ModellingDDesign & DevelopmentIInvestigation of problemsMModern Tool UsageEEngineer & SocietyEEnvironment SustainabilityTEthicsTIndividual & Team work OCommunicationPProject Management & FinanceLLife Long LearningVision:To serve the society, industry and all the stake holders through value added Quality Education. Mission:To serve the need of society at large by establishing and Research Institute and impart attitude, knowledge and skills through Quality Education to develop individual and teams with ability to thing and analyse right values and self-reliance. Program Education Objectives (PEO)To prepare globally competent graduates having strong fundamentals, domain knowledge, updated with modern technology to provide the effective solutions for engineering problems. To prepare the graduates to work as a committed professional with strong professional ethics and values, sense of responsibilities, understanding of legal, safety, health, societal, cultural and environmental issues. To prepare committed and motivated graduates with research attitude, lifelong learning, investigative approach, and multidisciplinary thinking. To prepare the graduates with strong managerial and communication skills to work effectively as individual as well as in teams.Programme Outcomes (PO)To apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, problem solving skills, algorithmic analysis and mathematical modeling to the solution of complex engineering problems. To analyze the problem by finding its domain and applying domain specific skills To understand the design issues of the product/software and develop effective solutions with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. To find solutions of complex problems by conducting investigations applying suitable techniques. To adapt the usage of modern tools and recent software. To contribute towards the society by understanding the impact of Engineering on global aspect. To understand environment issues and design a sustainable system. To understand and follow professional ethics. To function effectively as an individual and as member or leader in diverse teams and interdisciplinary settings. To demonstrate effective communication at various levels. To apply the knowledge of Computer Engineering for development of projects, and its finance and management. To keep in touch with current technologies and inculcate the practice of lifelong learning. Graduate Attributes (GA)Engineering knowledgeMathematical modelingDesign/development of solutionsConduct investigations of complex problemsModern tool usageThe engineer and societyEnvironment and sustainabilityEthicsIndividual and team workCommunicationProject management and finance:Life-long learningCourse Description:You learn the fundamental concepts of Computer Networking and its basic and also some of the networking protocols. It can be used by the students in Computer Science as an introduction to the underlying ideas of the domain like Networking, Wireless Communication and IOT and Network security. It gives the hands on the topics like packet capturing, wireless network formation, crimping cables, NS2, remote machine configuring, RIP/ OSPF and many more. Course Outcome COAt the end of course student will be able to:The Students must be able form wired and wireless network.The Students must be able perform programming on socket programming.The Students must be able perform programming for error detection methods.The student must able to develop skills to use TCP and UDP socket programming.PO to PEO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: - POPEO: 1PEO: 2PEO: 3PEO: 4123456789 1011 12CO to PO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -COPO123456789101112CO1√√√√CO2√√√√CO3√√√√√CO4√√√√√CO to GA Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -COGA123456789101112CO1√√√√CO2√√√√CO3√√√√√CO4√√√√√Laboratory Objectives: - LO1: To describe working of Wired and Wireless network. LO2: To implement socket programming. LO3: To demonstrate TCP and UDP socket techniques and its application. LO4: To understand and use Wireshark packet analyzer. LO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3LO: 1 LO: 2 LO: 3 LO: 4Experiment Learning Outcome: - ELOA1: To understand how to set up a wired and wireless network. ELOA2: To implement the program for sending data using RS 232.ELOA3: To implement a program for error detection and correction.ELOA4: To implement a program to simulate Go back N and Selective Repeat. ELOA5: To implement a program to demonstrate subnetting and find subnet mask.ELOA6: To implement a program using TCP socket for wired network for different operation.ELOB1: To implement a program using UDP Sockets to enable file transfer.ELOB7: To implement a program to analyze following packet formats.ELOB9: To implement write a (C++/Python/Java) program to install the software on remote machine.ELOB11: To implement a program using TCP sockets for wired network to implementa. Peer to Peer Chatb. Multiuser Chat.ELOB14: To implement a program using UDP sockets for wired network to implementa. Peer to Peer Chatb. Multiuser Chat.ELOB17: To implement and use NS2ELOC2: To Configure RIP/OSPF/BGP using packet Tracer ELO to LO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -LO: 1LO: 2LO: 3LO: 4ELOA1ELOA2ELOA3ELOA4ELOA5ELOA6ELOB2ELOB3ELOB8ELOB9 ELOB10ELOB12ELOC5ELOC6INSTRUCTIONS TO THE STUDENTSPre- Lab Session InstructionsStudents should carry the Class notes, Lab Manual and the required stationery to every lab session.Be in time and follow the Instructions from Lab Instructors.Must Sign in the log register provided.Make sure to occupy the allotted seat and answer the attendance.Adhere to the rules and maintain the decorum.In- Lab Session InstructionsFollow the instructions on the allotted exercises given in Lab ManualShow the program and results to the instructors on completion of experimentsOn receiving approval from the instructor, copy the program and results in the Lab recordPrescribed textbooks and class notes can be kept ready for reference if requiredTHE STUDENTS SHOULD NOT...Bring mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets to the lab.Go out of the lab without permission.Laboratory Details Computer Network Lab2.1 Laboratory ObjectivesAt The End Of Course Student Will Able:The Students must be able perform programming for socket programming.The Students must be able setup a wired and wireless network.The Students must be able perform application using wireshark network analyzer.The student must able to perform file transfer program in network.Pune District Education Association’s College of Engineering, Manjari (Bk.) Pune –412 307.Department of Computer EngineeringSubject: Computer Network Lab Subject Code: 310248Subject Teacher: Prof. R B Rathod 13811257620List of Experiment00List of ExperimentSr.No.Name of the Experiment1Setup a wired LAN using Layer 2 Switch and then IP switch of minimum four computers. It includes preparation of cable, testing of cable using line tester, configuration machine using IP addresses, testing using PING utility and demonstrate the PING packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool.2Write a Program with following four options to transfer- Characters separated by space One Strings at a time One Sentence at a time One file at a timeBetween two RS 232D or USB ports using C/C++. (To demonstrate Framing, Flow control, Error control). 3Write a program for error detection and correction for 7/8 bits ASCII codes using Hamming Codes or CRC. Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode.4Write a program to simulate Go back N and Selective Repeat Modes of Sliding Window Protocol in peer to peer mode and demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode.5Write a program to demonstrate subnetting and find subnet mask6Write a program using TCP socket for wired network for following a. Say Hello to Each other (For all students) b. File transfer (For all students) c. Calculator (Arithmetic) (50% students) d. Calculator (Trigonometry) (50% students).7Write a program using UDP Sockets to enable file transfer (Script, Text, Audio and Video one file each) between two machines. Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode. 8Write a program to analyze following packet formats captured through Wireshark for wired network. 1. Ethernet 2. IP 3.TCP 4. UDP.9Installing and configure DHCP server and write a (C++/Python/Java) program to install the software on remote machine.10Write a program using TCP sockets for wired network to implementa. Peer to Peer Chatb. Multiuser Chat.Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peerTo peer mode.11To understand UDP Socket.Problem Statement: Write a program using UDP sockets for wired network to implementa. Peer to Peer Chatb. Multiuser Chat.Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode.12Use network simulator NS2 to implement:a. Monitoring traffic for the given topologyb. Analysis of CSMA and Ethernet protocolsc. Network Routing: Shortest path routing, AODV.d. Analysis of congestion control (TCP and UDP).13Configure RIP/OSPF/BGP using packet TracerAssignment no: 11.1 Title: Setup a wired LAN using switch1.2 Objectives: To establish a wired LAN for four computers.1.3 Problem Statement:Setup a wired LAN using Layer 2 Switch and then IP switch of minimum four computers. It includes preparation of cable, testing of cable using line tester, configuration machine using IP addresses, testing using PING utility and demonstrate the PING packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool.1.4 Requirement:I3 with 4GB RAMCrimping ToolCablesConnectorWireless compatible devices1.5 Theory:Introduction:-The?networks?that?allow all this to be done so easily are sophisticated and complex entities. They rely for their effectiveness on many cooperating components. The design and deployment of the worldwide computer network can be viewed as one of the great technological wonders of recent works are connections between groups of computers and associated devices that allow users to transfer information electronically. The local area network shown on the left is representative of the setup used in many offices and companies. Individual computers, called work stations (WS), communicate to each other via cable or telephone line linking to servers. Hub/Switch:-These devices are used for Re-directing traffic, i.e. in a Star Topology the central device is used to ECHO/Re-Direct the packets coming from one workstation/node to the Destination workstation/nodeType of Hub:-Passive Hub:-It is a device which do not require any type of power supply and does not boost incoming signal, it just echo the incoming signal to all nodes.Active Hub :-It is a device which requires power supply and boosts the incoming signal and echoes the signal to all nodes.Hub where absolute due to use of an intelligent device called Switch which reads the destination adders and sends the incoming packet to it. Paring Rules and Color Code:-The CAT 5 Cable consist of 8 wires which comes pares of White/Blue, Blue, White/Orange, Orange, White/Green, Green, White/Brown, Brown and they are coded for Straight and Cross combinations respectively.Straight:-159766073025Pair #WirePin #1-White/BlueWhite/Blue5Blue42-Wht./Orange White/Orange1Orange 23-White/GreenWhite/Green3Green64-White/BrownWhite/Brown7Brown800Pair #WirePin #1-White/BlueWhite/Blue5Blue42-Wht./Orange White/Orange1Orange 23-White/GreenWhite/Green3Green64-White/BrownWhite/Brown7Brown8054610159766093345Pair #WirePin #1-White/BlueWhite/Blue5Blue42-White/GreenWhite/Green1Green23-White/OrangeWhite/Orange3Orange64-White/BrownWhite/Brown7Brown800Pair #WirePin #1-White/BlueWhite/Blue5Blue42-White/GreenWhite/Green1Green23-White/OrangeWhite/Orange3Orange64-White/BrownWhite/Brown7Brown8Cross:-1143005715Connections among devices:-Node to Node-Straight – Cross,Switch to Node-Straight – Straight,Switch to Switch-Straight – Cross.Study of Topologies:-What is a Topology?365760092265500The physical topology of a network refers to the configuration of cables, computers, and other peripherals. Physical topology should not be confused with logical topology which is the method used to pass information between workstations. Bus Topologies:-In a bus network configuration, each node is connected to one main communications line. With this arrangement, even if one of the nodes goes down, the rest of the network can continue to function normally.Star Topologies:- 0123190 A star network consists of several nodes connected to a central hub/switch in a star-shaped configuration. Messages from individual nodes pass directly to the hub/switch, which determines any further routing.. Ring Topology:-Token Ring Network, in computer science, a LAN formed in a ring (closed loop) topology that uses token passing as a means of regulating traffic. On a token ring network, a token governing the right to transmit is passed from one station to the next in a physical circle. How Routers WorkRouters are the traffic cops of intranets. They make sure that all data gets sent to where it's supposed to go and that it gets sent via the most efficient route. Routers are also useful tools to make the most efficient use of the intranet. Routers are used to segment traffic and provide redundancy of routes.Just as routers direct traffic on the Internet, sending information to its proper destination, routers on an intranet perform the same function. Routers-equipment that is a combination of hardware and software-can send the data to a computer on the same subnetwork inside the intranet, to another network on the intranet, or outside to the Internet. They do this by examining header information in IP packets, and then sending the data on its way. Typically, a router will send the packet to the next router closest to the final destination, which in turn sends it to an even closer router, and so on, until the data reaches its intended recipient.1.11 Oral Questions:1. What is network?2. What is mean by RJ 45 connector?3. What is IP address?4. What is color combination for cross and straight cable?5. Application of wireless network?6. Which techniques tool is used by cabling?7. What are the different networking devices are required?8. What is NIC and WLAN card?9. What are the different topologies?10. What are the application of networks?ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: A1Assignment No. 22.1 Title: PC to PC communication2.2 Objectives:To establish communication among the computing nodes in P2P and Client-Server architecture 2.3 Problem Statement:Write a Program with following four options to transfer- Characters separated by space One Strings at a time One Sentence at a time One file at a timeBetween two RS 232D or USB ports using C/C++. (To demonstrate Framing, Flow control, Error control). 2.4 Requirement:C /C++RS 232 port2.5 Theory:Introduction to RS (Recommended Standard)-232:RS232 is the most known serial port used in transmitting the data in communication and interface. Even though serial port is harder to program than the parallel port, this is the most effective method in which the data transmission requires less wires that yields to the less cost. The RS232 is the communication line which enables the data transmission by only using three wire links. The three links provides ‘transmit’, ‘receive’ and common ground.The ‘transmit’ and ‘receive’ line on this connecter send and receive data between the computers. As the name indicates, the data is transmitted serially. The two pins are TXD & RXD. There are other lines on this port as RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR, and RTS, RI. The ‘1’ and ‘0’ are the data which defines a voltage level of 3V to 25V and -3V to -25V respectively.DTE (PC) and DCE (Modem)Devices, which use serial cables for their communication, are split into two categories. These are DCE (Data Communications Equipment) and DTE (Data Terminal Equipment.) Data Communications Equipments are devices such as your modem, TA adapter, plotter etc while Data Terminal Equipment is your Computer or Terminal. A typical Data Terminal Device is a computer and a typical Data Communications Device is a Modem. In serial communications the terminal end (PC) is called the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and the modem end is called the Data Communications Equipment (DCE) as shown in the diagram below.Figure 1.Serial Communications with a modemRS-232 signals have a direction (in or out) depending on whether they are with respect to a DTE or a DCE. In all the pinout diagrams below the signal direction is with respect to the DTE (PC) end.DB9 Male and Female Viewspin diagramPin No Name Dir Description 1 DCD IN Data Carrier Detect. Raised by DCE when modem synchronized. 2 RD IN Receive Data (RxD, Rx). Arriving data from DCE. 3 TD OUT Transmit Data (TxD, Tx). Sending data from DTE. 4 DTR OUT Data Terminal Ready. Raised by DTE when powered on. 5 SGND - Ground. This is reference voltage 6 DSR IN Data Set Ready. Raised by DCE to indicate ready. 7 RTS OUT Request To Send. Raised by DTE when it wishes to send. Expects CTS from DCE. 8 CTS IN Clear To Send. Raised by DCE in response to RTS from DTE. 9 RI IN Ring Indicator. Set when incoming ring detected - used for auto-answer application. DTE raised DTR to answer. Figure 2.DB9: View looking into male connectorFigure 3. DB9: View looking into female connectionFraming: To provide service to the network layer, the data link layer must use the service provided to it by the physical layer. What the physical layer does is accept a raw bit stream and attempt to deliver it to the destination. If the channel is noisy, as it is for most wireless and some wired links, the physical layer will add some redundancy to its signals to reduce the bit error rate to a tolerable level. However, the bit stream received by the data link layer is not guaranteed to be error free. Flow and Error ControlData communication requires at least two devices working together, one to send and the other to receive. Even such a basic arrangement requires a great deal of coordination for an intelligible exchange to occur. The most important responsibilities of the data link layer are flow control and error control. Collectively, these functions are known as data link control.2.6 Conclusion: Hence we implemented program for pc to pc communication using RS 232 cable.2.7 Oral Questions:What is RS 232?How to configure RS 232?What is peer to peer network?What is client server network?Difference between peer to peer network and client server network.What are hardware & software requirements to achieve this assignment?ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: A2Assignment no: 33.1 Tittle: To demonstrate error detection and correction using Hamming Codes or CRC3.2 Objectives : To implement error detection and correction techniques3.3 Problem Statement: Write a program for error detection and correction for 7/8 bits ASCII codes using Hamming Codes or CRC. Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode. 3.4 THEORY:Cyclic Redundancy Check: CRCGiven a k-bit frame or message, the transmitter generates an n-bit sequence, known as a frame check sequence (FCS), so that the resulting frame, consisting of (k+n) bits, is exactly divisible by some predetermined number.The receiver then divides the incoming frame by the same number and, if there is no remainder, assumes that there was no error.Example:Hamming codeHamming codes?are a family of?linear error-correcting codes?that generalize the?Hamming(7,4)-code Invented by?Richard Hamming?in 1950Hamming codes can detect up to two-bit errors or correct one-bit errors without detection of uncorrected errors.General algorithmThe following general algorithm generates a single-error correcting (SEC) code for any number of bits.Number the bits starting from 1: bit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.Write the bit numbers in binary: 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, etc.All bit positions that are powers of two (have only one 1 bit in the binary form of their position) are parity bits: 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. (1, 10, 100, 1000)All other bit positions, with two or more 1 bits in the binary form of their position, are data bits.Each data bit is included in a unique set of 2 or more parity bits, as determined by the binary form of its bit position.Each data bit is included in a unique set of 2 or more parity bits, as determined by the binary form of its bit position.Parity bit 1 covers all bit positions which have the least significant bit set: bit 1 (the parity bit itself), 3, 5, 7, 9, etc.Parity bit 2 covers all bit positions which have the second least significant bit set: bit 2 (the parity bit itself), 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, etc.Parity bit 4 covers all bit positions which have the third least significant bit set: bits 4–7, 12–15, 20–23, etc.Parity bit 8 covers all bit positions which have the fourth least significant bit set: bits 8–15, 24–31, 40–47, etc.In general each parity bit covers all bits where the bitwise AND of the parity position and the bit position is non-zero.ExampleError detectionError correction3.5 Conclusion: Hence we have implemented CRC and Hamming code.3. 6 Oral Questions:1. What is error detection? 2. What is error correction?3. What is CRC code? 4. What is hamming codes? 5. What is CRC sender?6. What is CRC receiver?7. What is redundancy bits? ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: A3Assignment no: 44.1 Title: Implementation of sliding window protocol (Go back N and Selective Repeat)4.2 Objectives:To demonstrate Go back N and Selective Repeat Modes of Sliding Window Protocol in peer to peer mode .4.3 Problem Statement:Write a program to simulate Go back N and Selective Repeat Modes of Sliding Window Protocol in peer to peer mode and demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode. 4.4 Theory:The basic idea of sliding window protocol is that both sender and receiver keep a ``window'' of acknowledgment. The sender keeps the value of expected acknowledgment; while the receiver keeps the value of expected receiving frame. When it receives an acknowledgment from the receiver, the sender advances the window. When it receives the expected frame, the receiver advances the window.In transmit flow control, sliding window is a variable-duration window that allows a sender to transmit a specified number of data units before an acknowledgement is received or before a specified event occurs.Sliding Window Protocol:With the use of multiple frames for a single message, the stop-and-wait protocol does not perform well. Only one frame at a time can be in transit. Efficiency can be greatly improved by allowing multiple frames to be in transit at the same time. Efficiency can also be improved by making use of the full-duplex line. To keep track of the frames, sender station sends sequentially numbered frames. Go back N ARQ In the Go-Back-N Protocol, the sequence numbers are modulo 1!where m is the size of the sequence number field in bits.Selective Repeat ARQGo-Back-N ARQ simplifies the process at the receiver site. The receiver keeps track of only one variable, and there is no need to buffer out-of-order frames; they are simply discarded. However, this protocol is very inefficient for a noisy link. Key Differences between Go-Back-N and Selective RepeatGo-Back-N protocol is design to retransmit all the frames that are arrived after the damaged or a lost frame. On the other hand, Selective Repeat protocol retransmits only that frame that is damaged or lost.If the error rate is high i.e. more frames are being damaged and then retransmitting all the frames that arrived after a damaged frame waste the lots of bandwidth. On the other hand, selective repeat protocol re-transmits only damaged frame hence, minimum bandwidth is wasted.All the frames after the damaged frame are discarded and the retransmitted frames arrive in a sequence from a damaged frame onwards, so, there is less headache of sorting the frames hence it is less complex. On the other hand only damaged or suspected frame is retransmitted so, extra logic has to be applied for sorting hence, it is more complicated.Go-Back-N has a window size of N-1 and selective repeat have a window size <=(N+1)/2.Neither sender nor receiver need the sorting algorithm in Go-Back-N whereas, receiver must be able to sort the as it has to maintain the sequence.4.5 Conclusion: Hence we have implemented of sliding window protocol(Go back N and Selective Repeat).4.6 Oral Questions:1. What is sliding window protocol?2. What is stop and wait protocol?3. What is Go back N protocol? 4. What is selective repeat protocol?5. What is advantage of sliding window protocol?6. What is difference between selective repeat and Go back N? ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: A4Assignment no: 55.1 Tittle: To demonstrate subnetting and find subnet mask.5.2 Objectives: To understand subnetting concepts and also find subnet mask of network.5.3 Problem Statement: Write a program to demonstrate subnetting and find subnet mask.5.4 THEORY:What is IP address?An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing. IP address is a 32 bit number. It is universally uniqueWhat is subnet?A sub network, or subnet, is a logical, visible subdivision of an IP network. The practice of dividing a network into two or more networks is called sub netting. Computers that belong to a subenet are addressed with a common identical, most-significant bit-group in their IP . This results in the logical division of an IP address into two fields, a network or routing prefix and the rest field or host identifier. The rest field is an identifier for a specific host or network interface.What is subnet masking?A Subnet mask is a 32-bit number that masks an IP address, and divides the IP address into network address and host address. Subnet Mask is made by setting network bits to all "1"s and setting host bits to all "0"s. Within a given network, two host addresses are reserved for special purpose, and cannot be assigned to hosts. The "0" address is assigned a network address and "255" is assigned to a broadcast address, and they cannot be assigned to hosts.For example consider the IP address Assuming this is part of a Class B network, the first two numbers (150.215) represent the Class B network address, and the second two numbers (017.009) identify a particular host on this network.5.5 Conclusion:Thus we have implemented subnetting program .5.6 Oral Questions:1. What is IP?2. What is subnet? 3. What are the classes of IP address? 4. What is subnet for class A IP? 5. What is subnet for class B IP?6. What is subnet for class C IP?7. Why subnetting is important? 8 What are the advantages of subnetting?ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: A5Assignment no: 66.1 Title: Program using TCP socket for wired network6.2 OBJECTIVE: The objective to Implement the program by using TCP socket for transmitting data between two system.6.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT:Write a program using TCP socket for wired network for following a. Say Hello to Each other ( For all students) b. File transfer ( For all students) c. Calculator (Arithmetic) (50% students) d. Calculator (Trigonometry) (50% students) Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode. 6.4 THEORY:TCP:The Transmission Control Protocol provides a communication service at an intermediate level between an application program and the Internet Protocol. It provides host-to-host connectivity at the Transport Layer of the Internet model.The client server modelMost interprocess communication uses the client server model. These terms refer to the two processes which will be communicating with each other. One of the two processes, the client, connects to the other process, the server, typically to make a request for information. A socket is one end of an interprocess communication channel. The two processes each establish their own socket.The steps involved in establishing a socket on the client side are as follows:Create a socket with the socket( ) system call Connect the socket to the address of the server using the connect( ) system call Send and receive data. There are a number of ways to do this, but the simplest is to use the read ( ) and write ( ) system calls. The steps involved in establishing a socket on the server side are as follows:Create a socket with the socket ( ) system call Bind the socket to an address using the bind ( ) system call. For a server socket on the Internet, an address consists of a port number on the host machine. Listen for connections with the listen ( ) system call Accept a connection with the accept ( ) system call. This call typically blocks until a client connects with the server. Send and receive data 45720092075FTP:The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. FTP is built on client-server architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server. Communication and data transfer:FTP may run in active or passive mode, which determines how the data connection is established. In both cases, the client creates a TCP control connection from a random unprivileged port N to the FTP server command port 21. In active modes, the client starts listening for incoming data connections on port N+1 from the server (the client sends the FTP command PORT N+1 to inform the server on which port it is listening). In situations where the client is behind a firewall and unable to accept incoming TCP connections, passive mode may be used.Anonymous FTPA host that provides an FTP service may provide anonymous FTP access. Users typically log into the service with an 'anonymous' (lower-case and case-sensitive in some FTP servers) account when prompted for user name. Although users are commonly asked to send their email address instead of a password, no verification is actually performed on the supplied data. Many FTP hosts whose purpose is to provide software updates will allow anonymous logins.01422406.5 CONCLUSION:Thus we have successfully implemented the socket programming for TCP using C.6.6 Oral Questions:1. What is TCP socket?2. What is header?3. What is use of TCP protocol?4. What is TCP/IP?5. What is socket?6. What are the types of socket? ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: A6\Assignment no: 77.1 Title: To develop a program using UDP Sockets to enable file transfer7.2 Objectives: To understand the concept of UDP socket.7.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT:Write a program using UDP Sockets to enable file transfer (Script, Text, Audio and Video one file each) between two machines. Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode. 7.4 THEORY:UDP:UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a communication protocol that offers a limited amount of service when messages are exchanged between computers in a network that uses the Internet Protocol (IP). UDP is an alternative to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and, together with IP, is sometimes referred to as UDP/IP. Like the Transmission Control Protocol, UDP uses the Internet Protocol to actually get a data unit (called a datagram) from one computer to another. Unlike TCP, however, UDP does not provide the service of dividing a message into packets (datagrams) and reassembling it at the other end. Specifically, UDP doesn't provide sequencing of the packets that the data arrives in. This means that the application program that uses UDP must be able to make sure that the entire message has arrived and is in the right order. Network applications that want to save processing time because they have very small data units to exchange (and therefore very little message reassembling to do) may prefer UDP to TCP. The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) uses UDP instead of TCP.With a UDP socket a connection is NOT made, instead the sender just issues a message to its destination and hopes it gets there! The message uses a datagram of fixed length, often termed a record. Since there is no connection between client and server the client can send a datagram to one server and then immediately send a datagram to another server using the same socket UDP is a connectionless protocol.Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple, lock-step, file transfer protocol which allows a client to get from or put a file onto a remote host.TFTP is a simple protocol for transferring files, implemented on top of the UDP/IP protocols using IANA registered port number 69. TFTP was designed to be small and easy to implement.-126299007.5 CONCLUSION:Thus we have successfully implemented the socket programming for UDP using C.7.6 Oral Questions:1. What is UDP socket?2. What is header?3. What is use of TCP protocol?4. What is TCP/IP?5. What is socket?6. What are the types of socket? ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: B1Assignment no: 88.1 Title: Packet analysis for wired network8.2 Objectives : To demonstrate data flow at various layer 8.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT:Write a program to analyze following packet formats captured through Wireshark for wired network. 1. Ethernet 2. IP 3.TCP 4. UDP 8.4 THEORY:Packet sniffer \ Packet analyzer:A packet analyzer (also known as a network analyzer, protocol analyzer or packet sniffer or for particular types of networks, an Ethernet sniffer or wireless sniffer) is a computer program or a piece of computer hardware that can intercept and log traffic passing over a digital network or part of a network. Different types of packet:1. TCP:The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet protocol suite (IP), and is so common that the entire suite is often called TCP/IP. TCP provides reliable, ordered and error-checked delivery (or notification of failure to deliver) of a stream of octets between programs running on computers connected to a local area network, intranet or the public Internet. It resides at the transport layer. -368300107251500TCP detects these problems, requests retransmission of lost data, rearranges out-of-order data, and even helps minimize network congestion to reduce the occurrence of the other problems. 2. UDP:The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one of the core members of the Internet protocol Suite. UDP uses a simple connectionless transmission model with a minimum of protocol mechanism. It has no handshaking dialogues, and thus exposes any unreliability of the underlying network protocol to the user's program. There is no guarantee of delivery, ordering, or duplicate protection. 3.ICMP:The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is one of the main protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. It is used by network devices, like routers, to send error messages indicating, for example, that a requested service is not available or that a host or router could not be reached.are typically used for diagnostic or control purposes or generated in response to errors in IP operations. ICMP errors are directed to the source IP address of the originating packet.-2184401504954.IGMP:The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a communications protocol used by hosts and adjacent routers on IP networks to establish multicast group memberships. IGMP is an integral part of IP multicast. IGMP can be used for one-to-many networking applications such as online streaming video and gaming, and allows more efficient use of resources when supporting these types of applications. IGMP messages are carried in bare IP packets with IP protocol. TCP/IP model8.5 CONCLUSION:Hence we have implemented packet formats captured through Wireshark for wired network. 1. Ethernet 2. IP 3.TCP 4. UDP .8.6 Oral Questions:1. What is TCP?2. What is UDP? 3. What re the format for TCP and UDP? 4. What is ICMP?5. What is IGMP? ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: B2Assignment no: 99.1 Title: Installing and configure DHCP server9.2 Objectives: To understand the DHCP server and its implementation.9.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT:Installing and configure DHCP server and write a (C++/Python/Java) program to install the software on remote machine.9.4 THEORY:Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP):30988090170The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a standardized network protocol used on Internet Protocol (IP) networks for dynamically distributing network configuration parameters, such as IP addresses for interfaces and services. With DHCP, computers request IP addresses and networking parameters automatically from a DHCP server, reducing the need for a network administrator or a user to configure these settings manually.1238250277495Dynamic allocation:A network administrator reserves a range of IP addresses for DHCP, and each client computer on the LAN is configured to request an IP address from the DHCP server during network initialization.Automatic allocation:The DHCP server permanently assigns an IP address to a requesting client from the range defined by the administrator. This is like dynamic allocation, but the DHCP server keeps a table of past IP address assignments, so that it can preferentially assign to a client the same IP address that the client previously had.Static allocation:The DHCP server allocates an IP address based on a preconfigured mapping to each client's MAC address. This feature is called static DHCP assignment.Working:The DHCP employs a connectionless service model, using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). It is implemented with two UDP port numbers for its operations which are the same as for the BOOTP protocol. UDP port number 67 is the destination port of a server, and UDP port number 68 is used by the client. DHCP operations fall into four phases: server discovery, IP lease offer, IP request, and IP lease acknowledgment. These stages are often abbreviated as DORA for discovery, offer, request, and acknowledgment.08560009.5 CONCLUSION:Hence we have studied and implemented DHCP server program.9.8 Oral Questions:What is the DHCP?What is advantage of DHCP server?What are the steps in installing DHCP server?What is use of DHCP server?What is remote machine?What is the manual IP assignment?What is proxy server?ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: B3Assignment no: 1010.1 Title: To understand TCP Scoket .10.2 OBJECTIVES:1.To understand TCP Scoket .10.3 Problem Statement: Write a program using TCP sockets for wired network to implementa. Peer to Peer Chatb. Multiuser Chat.Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peerTo peer mode.10.4 Theory:Internet and WWW have emerged as global ubiquitous media for communication and changed the way we conduct science, engineering, and commerce. They are also changing the way we learn, live, enjoy, communicate, interact, engage, etc. The modern life activities are getting completely centered around or driven by the Internet. To takeadvantage of opportunities presented by the Internet, businesses are continuously seeking new and innovative ways and means for offering their services via the Internet. This created a huge demand for software designers and engineers with skills in creating new Internet-enabled applications or porting existing/legacy applications to the Internet platform. The key elements for developing Internet-enabled applications are a good understanding of the issues involved in implementing distributed applications and sound knowledge of the fundamental network programming models. Client/Server Communication At a basic level, network-based systems consist of a server , client , and a media for communication as shown in Fig. A computer running a program that makes a request for services is called client machine. A computer running a program that offers requestedservices from one or more clients is called server machine. The media for communication can be wired or wireless network.Generally, programs running on client machines make requests to a program (often called as server program) running on a server machine. They involve networking services provided by the transport layer, whichis part of the Internet software stack, often called TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) stack, shown in Fig. 13.2. The transport layer comprises two types of protocols, TCP (Transport Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The most widely used programming interfaces for these protocols are sockets. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that provides a reliable fl ow of data between two computers. Example applications that use such services are HTTP, FTP, and Telnet. UDP is a protocol that sends independentpackets of data, called datagrams, from one computer to another with no guarantees about arrival and sequencing. Example applications that use such services include Clock server and Ping. The TCP and UDP protocols use ports to map incoming data to a particular processrunning on a computer. Port is represented by a positive (16-bit) integer value. Some ports have been reserved to support common/well known servicesSockets and Socket-based CommunicationSockets provide an interface for programming networks at the transport layer. Network communication using Sockets is very much similar to performing fi le I/O. In fact, socket handle is treated like fi le handle. The streams used in fi le I/O operation are also applicable to socket-based I/O. Socket-based communication is independent of aprogramming language used for implementing it. That means, a socket program written in Java language can communicate to a program written in non-Java (say C or C++) socket program. A server (program) runs on a specifi c computer and has a socket that is bound to a specifi c port. The server listens to the socket for a client to make a connection request (see Fig. 13.4a). If everything goes well, the server accepts the connection (see Fig. 13.4b). Upon acceptance, the server gets a new socket bound to a different port. It needs a new socket (consequently a different port number) so that it can continue to listen to the original socket for connection requests while serving the connected client.TCP/IP SOCKET PROGRAMMING The two key classes from the package used in creation of server and client programs are:Σ ServerSocketΣ SocketA server program creates a specifi c type of socket that is used to listen for client requests (server socket), In the case of a connection request, the program creates a new socket through which it will exchange data with the client using input and output streams. The socket abstraction is very similar to the fi le concept: developers have to open a socket,perform I/O, and close it. Figure 13.5 illustrates key steps involved in creating socketbased server and client programs.A simple Server Program in Java The steps for creating a simple server program are:1. Open the Server Socket:ServerSocketserver = new ServerSocket( PORT );2. Wait for the Client Request:Socket client = server.accept();3.Create I/O streams for communicating to the clientDataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(client.getInputStream());DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(client.getOutputStream());4. Perform communication with clientReceive from client: String line = is.readLine();Send to client: os.writeBytes(“Hello\n”);5. Close socket:client.close();10.5 Conclusion: Thus we have studied Socket and TCP Socket.10.6 Oral Questions:What is TCP?What is TCP socket?What are the types of TCP socket?How the file is transfer by using the TCP socket?How the packet are transferred using TCP socket?ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: B4Assignment no: 1111.1 Title:UDP Scoket .11.2 OBJECTIVES: To understand the use of UDP socket.11.3 Problem Statement:1.To understand UDP Scoket .Problem Statement: Write a program using UDP sockets for wired network to implementa. Peer to Peer Chatb. Multiuser Chat.Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool for peer to peer mode.11.4 Theory:Internet and WWW have emerged as global ubiquitous media for communication and changed the way we conduct science, engineering, and commerce. They are also changing the way we learn, live, enjoy, communicate, interact, engage, etc. The modern life activities are getting completely centered around or driven by the Internet. To takeadvantage of opportunities presented by the Internet, businesses are continuously seeking new and innovative ways and means for offering their services via the Internet. This created a huge demand for software designers and engineers with skills in creating new Internet-enabled applications or porting existing/legacy applications to the Internetplatform. The key elements for developing Internet-enabled applications are a good understanding of the issues involved in implementing distributed applications and sound knowledge of the fundamental network programming models. Client/Server Communication At a basic level, network-based systems consist of a server , client , and a media for communication as shown in Fig. A computer running a program that makes a request for services is called client machine. A computer running a program that offers requestedservices from one or more clients is called server machine. The media for communication can be wired or wireless network. Generally, programs running on client machines make requests to a program (often called as server program) running on a server machine. They involve networking services provided by the transport layer, which is part of the Internet software stack, often called TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) stack, shown in Fig. 13.2. The transport layer comprises two types of protocols, TCP (Transport Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The most widely used programming interfaces for these protocols are sockets. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that provides a reliable fl ow of data between two computers. Example applications that use such services are HTTP, FTP, and Telnet. UDP is a protocol that sends independent packets of data, called datagrams, from one computer to another with no guarantees about arrival and sequencing. Example applications that use such services include Clock server and Ping. The TCP and UDP protocols use ports to map incoming data to a articular process running on a computer. Port is represented by a positive (16-bit) integer value. Some ports have been reserved to support common/well known services:Sockets and Socket-based Communication Sockets provide an interface for programming networks at the transport layer. Network communication using Sockets is very much similar to performing fi le I/O. In fact, socket handle is treated like fi le handle. The streams used in fi le I/O operation are also applicable to socket-based I/O. Socket-based communication is independent of a programming language used for implementing it. That means, a socket program written in Java language can communicate to a program written in non-Java (say C or C++) socket program. A server (program) runs on a specifi c computer and has a socket that is bound to a specifi c port. The server listens to the socket for a client to make a connection request (see Fig. 13.4a). Ifeverything goes well, the server accepts the connection (see Fig. 13.4b). Upon acceptance, the server gets a new socket bound to a different port. It needs a new socket (consequently a different port number) so that it can continue to listen to the original socket for connection requests while serving the connected client. UDP SOCKET PROGRAMMING The previous two example programs used the TCP sockets. As already said, TCP guarantees the delivery of packets and preserves their order on destination. Sometimes these features are not required and since they do not come without performance costs, it would be better to use a lighter transport protocol. This kind of service is accomplished by the UDP protocol which conveys datagram packets. Datagram packets are used to implement a connectionless packet delivery service supported by the UDP protocol. Each message is transferred from source machine to destination based on information contained within that packet. That means, each packet needs to have destination address and each packet might be routed differently, and might arrive in any order. Packet delivery is not guaranteed.The format of datagram packet is: Java supports datagram communication through the following classes:Σ DatagramPacketΣ DatagramSocketThe class DatagramPacket contains several constructors that can be used for creating packet object.One of them is:DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int length, InetAddress address, int port);This constructor is used for creating a datagram packet for sending packets of length length to the specifi ed port number on the specifi ed host. The message to be transmitted is indicated in the fi rst argument. The key methods of DatagramPacket class are: byte[] getData() Returns he data buffer. int getLength() Returns the length of the data to be sent r the length of the data received. void setData(byte[] buf) Sets the data buffer for this packet. void setLength(int length) Sets the length for this acket. The class DatagramSocket supports various methods that can be sed for transmitting or receiving data a datagram over the network. The two key methods are:void send(DatagramPacket p)Sends a datagram packet from this socket.void receive(DatagramPacket p)Receives a datagram packet from this socket.11.5 Conclusion: Thus we have studied Socket and UDP Socket.11.8 Oral Questions:What is UDP?What is UDP socket?What are the types of UDP socket?How the file is transfer by using the UDP socket?How the packet are transferred using UDP socket?ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: B5Assignment no: 1212.1 Title: To understand network simulator NS2 .12.2 OBJECTIVES:To understand network simulator NS2 .12.3 Problem Statement: Use network simulator NS2 to implement:a. Monitoring traffic for the given topologyb. Analysis of CSMA and Ethernet protocolsc. Network Routing: Shortest path routing, AODV.d. Analysis of congestion control (TCP and UDP).12.4 Theory:Network Simulator:THEORY: A network simulator is software that predicts the behavior of a computer network. Since communication Networks have become too complex for traditional analytical methods to provide an accurate understanding of system behavior, network simulators are used. In simulators, the computer network is modeled with devices, links, applications etc. and the performance is analysed. Simulators come with support for the most popular technologies and networks in use today such as Wireless LANs, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Vehicular Adhoc Networks, Cognitive Radio networks, LTE / LTE- Advanced Networks, Internet of things (IOT) etc..In communication and computer network research, network simulation is a technique whereby a software program models the behavior of a network either by calculating the interaction between the different network entities (routers, switches, nodes, access points, links etc.). Most simulators use discrete event simulation - the modeling of systems in which state variables change at discrete points in time. The behavior of the network and the various applications and services it supports can then be observed in a test lab; various attributes of the environment can also be modified in a controlled manner to assess how the network / protocols would behave under different conditions.The Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV):The Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol enables multi-hop routing between participating mobile nodes wishing to establish and maintain an ad-hoc network. AODV is based upon the distance vector algorithm. The difference is that AODV is reactive, as opposed to proactive protocols like DV, i.e. AODV only requests a route when needed and does not require nodes to maintain routes to destinations that are not actively used in communications. As long as the endpoints of a communication connection have valid routes to each other, AODV does not play any role. Features of this protocol include loop freedom and that link breakages cause immediate notifications to be sent to the affected set of nodes, but only that set. Additionally, AODVhas support for multicast routing and avoids the Bellman Ford "counting to infinity" problem. The use of destination sequence numbers guarantees that a route is "fresh".The algorithm uses different messages to discover and maintain links. Whenever a node wants to try and find a route to another node, it broadcasts a Route Request (RREQ) to all its neighbors. The RREQ propagates through the network until it reaches the destination or a node with a fresh enough route to the destination. Then the route is made available by unicasting a RREP back to the source. The algorithmuses hello messages (a special RREP) that are broadcasted periodically to the immediate neighbors. These hello messages are local advertisements for the continued presence of the node and neighbors using routes through the broadcasting node will continue to mark the routes as valid.If hello messages stop coming from a particular node, the neighbor can assume that the node has moved away and mark that link to the node as broken and notify the affected set of nodes by sending a link failure notification (a special RREP) to that set of nodes.AODV also has a multicast route invalidation message, but because we do not cover multicast in this report we will not discuss this any further ODV needs to keep track of the following information for each route table entry:Route table management:Destination IP Address: IP address for the destination node. Destination Sequence Number: Sequence number for this destination. Hop Count: Number of hops to the destination. Next Hop: The neighbor, which has been designated to forward packets to the destination for this route entry. Lifetime: The time for which the route is considered valid. Active neighbor list: Neighbor nodes that are actively using this route entry. Request buffer: Makes sure that a request is only processed once.Route discoveryA node broadcasts a RREQ when it needs a route to a destination and does not have one available. This can happen if the route to the destination is unknown, or if a previously valid route expires. After broadcasting a RREQ, the node waits for a RREP. If the reply is not received within a certain time, the node may rebroadcast the RREQ or assume that there is no route to the destination. Forwarding of RREQs is done when the node receiving a RREQ does not have a route to the destination. It then rebroadcast the RREQ. The node also creates a temporary reverse route to the Source IP Address in its routing table with next hop equal to the IP address field of the neighboring node that sent the broadcast RREQ. This is done to keep track of a route back to the original node making the request, and might be used for an eventualRREP to find its way back to the requesting node. The route is temporary in the sense that it is valid for a much shorter time, than an actual route entry. When the RREQ reaches a node that either is the destination node or a node with a valid route to the destination, a RREP is generated and unicasted back to the requesting node. While this RREP is forwarded, a route is created to the destination and when the RREP reaches the source node, there exists a route from the source to the destination.Route maintenance:When a node detects that a route to a neighbor no longer is valid, it will remove the routing entry and send a link failure message, a triggered route reply message to the neighbors that are actively using the route, informing them that this route no longer is valid. For this purpose AODV uses a active neighbor list to keep track of the neighbors that are using a particular route. The nodes that receive this message will repeat this procedure. The message will eventually be received by the affected sources that can choseto either stop sending data or requesting a new route by sending out a new RREQ.Tcl - is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. It was designed with the goal of being very simple but powerful. Tcl casts everything into the mold of a command, even programming constructs like variable assignment and procedure definition. Tcl supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative and functional programming or procedural styles. It is commonly used embedded into C applications, for rapid prototyping, scripted applications, GUIs, and testing/ Tcl interpreters are available for many operating systems, allowing Tcl code to run on a wide variety of systems. Because Tcl is a very compact language, it is used on embedded systems platforms, both in its full form and in several other small-footprint versions.Nam –Nam is a Tcl/TK based animation tool for viewing network simulation traces and real world packet trace data.The first step to use nam is to produce the trace file. Thetrace file should contain topology information, e.g., nodes, links, as well as packet traces. The detailed format is described in the TRACE FILE section. Usually, the trace file is generated by ns(1). During an ns simulation, user can produce topology configurations, layout information, and packet traces using tracing events in ns. Refer to ns(1) for detailed information. Implementation study begins with simulation of Network Environment. This requires setting of simulation network parameters. These parameters are depicted in the Table.12.5 Conclusion: Thus we have studied NS2 and AODV.12.8 Oral Question:What isNS2?What is TCL script?What is nam?What is use NS2?What are the advantages of NS2?ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: B6Assignment no: 1313.1 Title:Use of packet Tracer13.2 Objective:To understand the working of packet tracer13.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT:Configure RIP/OSPF/BGP using packet Tracer.13.4 THEORY:The larger the network, the more complex. Additional layers mean that there are additional hops for packets to go from one end of the network to the other, but by default a router only knows its immediate neighbors. A packet can't go across multiple layers of a network without the routers knowing the broader topology. Previously with Cradlepoint routers, this topology had to be inputted manually with "static routes." Now with RIP, OSPF, and BGP, Cradlepoint routers can learn the topology dynamically.?All of these routing protocols specify how routers communicate with each other, disseminating information that enables them to select routes between any two nodes on a network. Routing algorithms choose the route. Each router has a prior knowledge only of networks attached to it directly, but a routing protocol shares this information with immediate neighbors and then throughout the network. This way, routers learn the network topology.RIP?–?Routing Information Protocol (versions 1 and 2)RFC 1058?(version 1)RFC 2453?(version 2)RIP on WikipediaRIP is used to synchronize the routing table of all the routers on a network. RIP is an older, more established protocol, but it has significant limitations, especially for larger networks. It is relatively simple in that it measures the distance of a route by hop count, which doesn't factor in traffic costs. To prevent infinite loops, the hop count is limited to 15, which can be a limitation if the network is large enough.Fig: Example of RIP ProtocolOSPF?–?Open Shortest Path First (version 2)RFC 2328?(version 2)OSPF on WikipediaOSPF is used more than RIP in larger scale networks because it has a more efficient system for communication between routers and because it scales better to larger networks. Only changes to the routing table are sent to all the other routers in the network, as opposed to sending the entire routing table at a regular interval (which is how RIP functions).Fig: Example of BGPBGP?–?Border Gateway Protocol (version 4)RFC 1771?(version 4)BGP on WikipediaBGP is widely used across the Internet, but usually externally rather than internally. Internal use of BGP is typically only for very large networks. For example, it might be used as a connection between multiple networks that are already using OSPF, when the whole network is too large for OSPF by itself. BGP is unique in that it uses TCP as its transport protocol. It is commonly used as the protocol between Internet service providers. It includes cost metrics for each path so that packets take the most efficient route.13.5 CONCLUSION:Hence we have studied configuration of RIP/OSPF/BGP using packet Tracer.13.9 Oral Questions:1. What is RIP? 2. What is OSPF??3. What is BGP?4. What is use of packet tracer?5. Advantages of RIP? 6. Explain the working of RIP? 7. Explain the working of BGP?ELO to CO Mapping with the help of Articulation Matrix: -CO: 1CO: 2CO: 3CO: 4ELO: C1 ................

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