Worksheet 3 : The Death Penalty

Worksheet 3 : The Death Penalty

1. Correct and discuss the Death Penalty Fact Sheet in class.

2. Vocabulary building exercise – the death penalty

Translate the following words: a deterrent – to deter – the gas chamber – the electric chair – a stay of execution – a reprieve – the death penalty – death row – to reject a petition – to appeal against the death sentence – the executioner – to abolish – capital punishment – to put to death – a death row inmate – to be on death row

|French |English |

|La peine de mort | |

|Le couloir des condamnés à mort | |

|Etre dans le couloir de la mort | |

|Un condamné à mort | |

|Mettre à mort | |

|Le bourreau | |

|La peine capitale | |

|Abolir | |

|Faire appel d’une condamnation à mort | |

|Rejeter la grâce | |

|Un délai de grâce | |

|Un sursis à exécution | |

|La chambre à gaz | |

|La chaise électrique | |

|Dissuader | |

|Ue mesure de dissuasion | |

3. Introduction to the film

Fill in the gap fill below which will introduce you to the film extract you are about to watch:

The film extract takes place in Louisiana ………………………………………………………

and the film tells the story of a ………………………………….. man called Poncelet who is ………………………………………………………. execution on Death ………………. He is ……………………………………. of the savage murder of two young people. During his ……………………………………. in prison he is befriended by a Catholic ……………., sister Helen Prejean. In this final scene, his plea for …………………………. has been rejected. Poncelet is taken from his prison …………… to the ……………………….. where he is put to death by ……………………………………..


Row nun state penitentiary condemned

Awaiting prison bars savage murder accused of st

Pardon a lawyer impending a stay

Denied appeal cell execution chamber

Lethal injection

4. FILM EXTRACT – watch the film and answer the following questions

a. Describe the setting


b. What does Poncelet finally confess to Helen? Why is this an important moment in the film?


c. Name the other people that we see in the film. How do they offer a counterbalance to the intimacy between Helen and Poncelet?


d. How are Poncelet’s emotions conveyed to us:

FEAR: …………………………………………………………………………………………

LOVE: …………………………………………………………………………………………

DETERMINATION: …………………………………………………………………………..

Others: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

e. Name three ways in which we can see that Poncelet and Helen are close?

Example 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Example 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Example 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

f. What does the phrase “dead man walking” mean?


g. Do you think that the film is for or against the death penalty? Justify your answer by referring to how it is filmed?

Think about the following:

Camera shots: ………………………………………………………………………………..


Use of music: ………………………………………………………………………………….


Rhythm: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Colours: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Others: …………………………………………………………………………………………..

h. Personal response: what are your own personal reactions to this extract?




5. Research – Homework

Go to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice:

Click on – General Information – Death Row Information – Executed Offenders

Here you will find information about all the prisoners executed in Texas. You can click on the Offender Information and the Last Statement to find out more about the criminals and their lives.

Choose three of the executed men. Read their information. Bring this information to class. Can you make any comments on what you discover? Does it change your opinion about the death penalty? Why or why not?


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