I. Course Number: EMSP 1501 Basic EMT

Pre requisite: CPR verification within last year

Co-Requisite: EMSP 1160 Clinical Experience I

II. Instructor(s) Rebecca Manriquez and Tracy Prado

Campus: Center for Career and Technology

Phone: Ms. Manriquez (915) 236-7900

Office hours: Ms. Manriquez M-F, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm or by appointment; Mrs. Prado by appointment

E-Mail: rlmanriq@ and

III. Catalog Description

Provides the preparation for certification as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). A grade of “C” or better is required in this course to take the next course.

III. Course Objectives

Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the student should be able to:

A. Demonstrate professional practice (under delegated authority) in patient care within the legal, moral, and ethical roles and responsibilities of an Emergency Medical Technician – Basic.

B. Perform scene assessment and coordinate scene assessment that provides for scene safety, emergency care, light extrication, and transportation.

C. Identify and evaluate the patient's or patients' existing condition(s) and provide the most effective forms of treatment in an appropriate, prioritized, and timely manner.

D. Utilize effective and professional communications with peers, instructors, staff, patients, families, ancillary personnel, and bystanders.

E. Report and record pertinent scene/patient information in a concise, accurate, and objective manner.

F. Prepare and maintain the unit, equipment and supplies.

The Texas Department of State Health Services / EMS have adopted the Department of Transportation National Curriculum Knowledge Objectives as the State’s objectives. DOT objectives are included at the beginning of each chapter in the textbook for the student’s use prior to and during class.

THECB Learning Outcomes (WECM)

A. Demonstrate proficiency in cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains in

accordance with the current guidelines of the credentialing agency.

IV. Course Requirements

A. Grading Determination

The following is the percentage breakdown for examinations:

Homework 10 % toward final grade

Quizzes/Simulations 15 % toward final grade

Block Exam I 7 % toward final grade

Block Exam II 7 % toward final grade

Block Exam III 7 % toward final grade

Block Exam IV 7 % toward final grade

Block Exam V 7 % toward final grade

Midterm Exam 15 % toward final grade

Final examination 25% toward final grade

Total 100 % grade

B. Grading Scale:

90 - 100 = A 75 - 79 = C

80 - 89 = B 0 - 74 = F

A minimum grade of “C” (75%) is required to pass the course and continue in the advanced level program.

Note: It is possible for a student to achieve a passing score on all block exams and the final exam and not pass the course by failing to complete homework and quizzes. These two items combined are 25% of the total course grade.

It is also possible to pass all Block exams, quizzes, and homework assignments and still fail the course by failing the final exam.

C. Homework/Abstracts

Medical stories of the week, written answers to knowledge objectives, workbook, handouts, portfolios and class assignments and any other assignments are to be completed and turned in on time and on the due date. If you are absent, you must immediately clear you absence and work must be turned in the very next day after the absence. If you are having trouble clearing your absence, immediately see the assistant principals. DO NOT WAIT. Homework must be handwritten, legible, and in the student’s own words. Photocopies will not be accepted. Homework will not be accepted late. You may only turn in one late assignment during the semester and will only be given one day grace period. All other late assignments, unless it is from an excused absent, will result in a zero (0).

Homework policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Homework-we keep up with the policy to ensure student success in the program

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, student will be

counseled and counseling session will be documented

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 2nd time, parent contact

will be made/administrators contacted if needed

D. Quizzes/Simulations

Unannounced quizzes will be given. They may be given before the lecture or after the lecture. Quizzes may include questions from the assignments for that class day or any prior assignments. There will be no make-up or retest on any quiz if you have an unexcused absence. The grade for a missed quiz is a zero.

Patient simulations/scenarios will also be used in the classroom setting. Such simulations may, at the discretion of the instructor, be counted as quiz grades. NOT ALL SIMULATIONS/SCENARIOS ARE SUBJECT TO GRADES. Missed simulations will be counted as a missed quiz and assigned a grade of zero if the absence is unexcused. If absence is excused, no grade will be assigned.


Quiz policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Quiz-we keep up with the policy to ensure student success in the program

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, student will be

counseled and counseling session will be documented

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 2nd time, parent contact

will be made/administrators contacted if needed

E. Block Examinations

There will be five (5) block examinations given. A passing score on a block exam is 75%. Each of the five block examinations must have a grade of 75 or above to pass the course.

In the event the student does not obtain a passing score on a block examination s/he will be allowed one retest on three (3) of the five block examinations.

The retest must be taken on assigned date given by instructor. The score on the retest will be averaged in with the score of the initial test and the resulting average score will be entered as a single block exam grade and used to complete the student’s overall course average. The average must result in a 75 average. All retest must be completed prior to the final written examination.

Failure to take a block exam on the scheduled day will result in a ten- (10) point penalty to be deducted from the test score. The only reason you are exempt from taking the test on the designated day is due to an EXCUSED ABSENCE. The missed block examination will be arranged with Ms Manriquez and be done the next day after the absence or a grade of zero will be assigned to that examination, and only if the absence is excused. Your absence must be excused before returning to class so please make sure you call both your home campus and CCTE when you are absent!

If a student is aware that s/he will not be in class on a scheduled test day, s/he should notify the instructor and make arrangements to take the test early so that s/he will not be penalized. IF TEST IS NOT TAKEN EARLY, IT IS SUBJECT TO THE 10 POINT PENALTY

Students must pass all block exams with a 75% or higher and maintain an overall average of 75% or higher to participate in clinical rotations.

Block Examinations-we keep up with the policy to ensure student success in the program

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, student will be

counseled and counseling session will be documented and/or parent contact will be made

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 2nd time, parent contact

will be made/administrators contacted if needed

F. Midterm Examination and Final Examination

Failure to pass the midterm examination with a minimum score of 75% will result in student being dropped from course and will not return in the spring.

To pass the course, the student must pass the final exam with a minimum score of 75 %!

There is no retest on the midterm and final examination

G. Skills Proficiency Examinations - Laboratory

Students will be required to demonstrate competency in skills throughout the semester. Skill checklists and performance criteria by which skill proficiencies will be evaluated are included in the student manual. The Preclinical Evaluations Skills Sheet must be completed prior to assignment of clinical rotations. These will be graded on a pass / fail basis. Criteria for skills and evaluations has been developed using the competencies identified by both the Department of Transportation (DOT), Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), National Registry of EMT guidelines. The criteria reflect expected competencies at the EMT-Basic level of practice.

Students will have the opportunity to practice all skills on the checklists. When testing, if a student’s performance on a skill is unsatisfactory, the instructor will provide feedback by demonstrating the procedure again and observing the student practice the skill. This feedback /practice will not count as a retest.

Retest for skills must be completed within ten (10) calendar days of the initial exam. Students are encouraged to practice with an instructor until proficient in the skill(s) before retesting. The student will be allowed two- (2) retest.

In addition to individual skill stations, skill proficiency examinations contain total patient care simulations. The simulations will count as quiz grades. Students must pass two of three patient care simulations to pass the course.

Students must be in full uniform to be eligible to test for the above skills. Failure to test and pass the above skills will result in failure of course. Uniform specifications will be discussed later in the syllabus.

H. Final Skills Testing - State Skills Verification

All skills taught in the course will be tested in the final skill examinations. In addition, students must pass all required Texas Department of State Health Services EMS skills. State score sheets and criteria will be used for state skills verification. In the event a student fails a skill, s/he will be provided additional training and practice, not to exceed four hours, before s/he will be allowed to retest. An affidavit signed by the instructor must be presented for a retest. The student has the right to refuse additional training. Refusal of additional training can be documented and signed by the student on an affidavit and presented for a retest to an examiner. The student will be allowed two- (2) retests. If the student does not pass all skills by the third attempt, the student has failed the course.

Note: All skills on all checklists and the final skills examinations must be passed to pass the course.

Students must be in full uniform to be eligible to test for the above skills. Failure to test and pass the above skills will also result in failure of course. Uniform specifications will be discussed later in the syllabus.

V. Instructors Policies

A. Criminal Background

See: “Criminal Background Statement” section of current college catalog. Individuals who have been convicted of a felony or specific misdemeanors may not be allowed to take state/national registry examinations. Students with criminal backgrounds are advised to contact Raul Guerrero (TDSHS/EMS) at 915-834-7709 regarding certification Rule 157.44 or speak to Ms Manriquez, Mrs. Prado, or EPCC Program Director Tony Ayub.

B. Health & Safety

Information was disseminated advising students of the need for documentation of the following no later than September 1, 2018

1. A physical examination no older than two years in which the physician indicates the student is in good health and has unlimited restrictions on any activities.

2. Current specified immunizations/screenings/titers.

3. American Heart Association CPR Health Care Provider Card. The CPR course must have been taken within one year.

4. Background and Drug Screening.

5. Community Wide Orientation (CWO) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) training

In the case of an accident which results in injury, a physician’s note stating the individual may return to class with “unlimited physical restrictions” must be submitted before the student will be allowed to participate in laboratory or clinical experiences.

Unprofessional and/or unsafe conduct in the classroom/laboratory will be grounds for counseling and/or removal from the classroom/laboratory until the issue is resolved.

While the college does not wish to restrict the students’ participation in their program of study, students who are or become pregnant while enrolled in the EMT program need to advise their instructor and present the doctor’s orders, as well as review the Guidelines for Students Who Are or Become Pregnant During Their Program of Study. The intent is to determine if an accommodation plan can be developed.

C. Attendance/Tardiness

See: “Attendance and Course Pursuit” Section of the 2017-2018 college catalog and El Paso Independent School Districts attendance policies. Each student has the responsibility for attending class, participating in all class activities and pursuing the objectives of the course(s) for which s/he is officially enrolled. The instructor for each course will provide the student with a copy of a Course Pursuit, which identifies the instructor’s requirements for attendance. Students who have not attended at least one (1) class session through the census date for the semester/session may be dropped.

In determining course pursuit by the student, the instructor will also consider the failure of the student to appear for laboratory / skills practice, examinations, presentations, or other required class activities identified in the course syllabus; and the failure of the student to submit required papers, projects and/or reports. When on the basis of a combination of these benchmarks, the instructor determines the student has ceased to pursue the objectives of the course; the instructor may withdraw the student per College policies.

Students withdrawn in this manner may be reinstated only upon appeal to the appropriate instructor. Such appeals must be initiated, in writing, within ten (10) days from the date the withdrawal was processed by the Registrar’s Office. If the instructor denies reinstatement, appeals may be initiated through the appropriate Instructional Dean. Students enrolled in remedial programs will be withdrawn for excessive unexcused absences, immediately upon the third hour of unexcused absence.

Tardiness will not be tolerated. Any missed quizzes due to an unexcused tardiness will be unexcused and a grade of zero will be entered for that day.

Students will have transportation provide to hospital clinicals. You may not drive to hospital clinical site. You must make arrangements to have someone pick you up from the clinical site as there is no transportation back to CCTE after hospital clinicals. You must provide your own transportation to ambulance clinicals.

The Texas Department of State Health Services requires that all students participating in EMSP 1501 complete 160 hours of contact time in the instructional environment. The Texas Department of State Health Services further requires that all students participating in EMSP 1160 complete 48 hours of contact time in the clinical environment

Attendance policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Attendance-we keep up with the attendance policy to ensure student success in the program

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines or as soon as student is absent 8 hours, 1st time, student will be counseled and/or parent contact will be made and counseling session will be documented

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines and absences continue, 2nd time, parent contact will be made/administrators contacted if needed

D. Classroom Attire

Good personal hygiene is a must. Role-playing and simulations require students to practice specific skills such as patient assessment and management on each other.

Students must adhere to dress code as specified by El Paso Independent School District policy and specifically uniform required by Center for Career and Technology’s Emergency Medical Services Program.

In addition:

A. During class, clinicals or anytime student is representing the CCTE EMT Program, long hair must be tied back and up, above the collar. If you have bangs, they must be off the face. Always bring rubber bands, bobby pins and other items to tie hair back to class. Hair styling must be conservative and professional in appearance. A discussion on what defines “conservative” and “professional” will take place in class.

Hair policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Hair-hair policy is place for safety and hygiene purposes during hands on activities as well as with other activities. It is also to prepare students for industry standards of Emergency Medical Services

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, student

will be counseled and/or parent contact will be made and counseling session will be documented

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 2nd time, parent

contact will be made/administrators contacted if needed

B. Stethoscopes may not be around the neck (place in pocket or belt loop). All equipment must be with you in class every day including stethoscopes, penlight, trauma sheers, watch with a second hand and goggles

Equipment policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

C. Uniform for class consist of a gray polo shirt with the Star of Life Symbol. Pants can be Dickie or Dockers and must be black. Paramedic pants may also be used but must be black. Shoes/boots have to be black, polishable, non-slip. A belt must also be worn. A black belt that is not cloth and with a simple buckle. A separate shirt will be worn to clinicals. White dress shirt (short sleeved unless arm tattoos require covering with long sleeves) with EPCC patch centered on left sleeve one inch below shoulder seam, EPCC name tag centered ½ inch above left pocket

Uniform policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Uniform-Uniform policy is place for safety and hygiene purposes during hands on activities as well as with other activities. It is also to prepare students for industry standards of Emergency Medical Services

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, student

will be counseled and/or parent contact will be made and counseling session will be documented

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 2nd time, parent

contact will be made/administrators contacted if needed

D. Jewelry or piercings are not allowed in class or clinicals as it can harbor bacteria and be hazardous to the individual (i.e. lifting/moving equipment, extrication). Please place all jewelry in your boxes in your lockers as soon as you get to class. On clinical days, please leave your jewelry at home.

Jewelry/piercings policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

E. No acrylic (false), gel, or silk nails or anything other than one’s own natural nails are permitted. No nail polish of any kind is permitted. Long nails are not permitted. Keep nails trimmed to ¼ inch or shorter and clean.

Nail policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Nails-Nail policy is place for safety and hygiene purposes during hands on activities, for safe patient care during clinicals as well as with other activities. It is also to prepare students for industry standards of Emergency Medical Services

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, student

will be counseled and/or parent contact will be made and counseling session will be documented

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 2nd time, parent

contact will be made/administrators contacted if needed

F. Hair: Students must maintain their hair neat, clean, and trimmed throughout their participation in the EMSP program, including hospital and ambulance clinicals. Beards are not allowed at any time while in uniform and mustaches must be trimmed in such a manner as to allow the proper fit of N-95 TB masks. Long hair must be tied back and up anytime the student is in uniform.

(See A in this section) All hair must be of a “natural” color. Hair that is of an “unnatural” color such as blue, green, yellow, florescent, purple etc. and/or that is colored in patterns, streaks, or cut in stencils will not be allowed. Hair styling must be conservative and professional in appearance. A discussion on what defines “conservative” and “professional”, “natural” and “unnatural" will take place in class. These guidelines are provides by EPCC to accommodate the affiliates who allow the students to attend clinicals at their facilities.

Hair/beard policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Hair-hair policy is place for safety and hygiene purposes during hands on activities as well as with other activities. It is also to prepare students for industry standards of Emergency Medical Services

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, student

will be counseled and/or parent contact will be made and counseling session will be documented

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 2nd time, parent

contact will be made/administrators contacted if needed

G. Students with body art (tattoos, branding, or piercing) must have it completely covered and/or removed anytime they are in class, uniform and /or in clinical settings.

Body art policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

E. Student Conduct / Classroom Etiquette

A student’s conduct must not infringe on the rights of other students, staff, or faculty. Each student, staff, and faculty member is obligated to respect the rights of others. Such an environment will enhance the educational purpose for which the College exists and the educational programs designed to achieve that purpose.

The Instructor is the constituted authority responsible for maintaining discipline with-in the classroom.

1. Students are expected to be in class, on time, prepared to participate. See classroom board for bell schedule

2. Noisy, abusive, profane, language or conduct will not be tolerated.

3. Student is expected to be in full uniform every day, including hair and nails

4. Students are expected to bring books and medical equipment everyday

5. No foods or drinks in the class! They must be consumed outside of classroom

6. Cell phones will be stored in your locker! They may not be in your pocket during class time. You may check them during break then they must be stored again in your locker until the end of class. FAILURE TO SECURE YOUR PHONES IN YOUR LOCKER WILL RESULT IN THEM BEING PICKED UP AND TURNED INTO THE OFFICE

7. Seating assignments and locker partners will be up to the discretion of the instructor

Unprofessional and/or unsafe conduct in the classroom/laboratory will be grounds for counseling and/or removal from the classroom/laboratory setting until the issue is resolved.

See: College Student Disciplinary Procedure and Student Code of Conduct.

All students are required to adhere to all policies and procedures of the affiliate clinical sites.

Student conduct/classroom etiquette policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Conduct-conduct policy is place for safety, hygiene and professional purposes during hands on activities and classroom instruction. It is also to prepare students for industry standards of Emergency Medical Services

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, student

will be counseled and/or parent contact will be made and counseling session will be documented

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 2nd time, parent

contact will be made/administrators contacted if needed

F. Assignments

• Upon returning to class after an absence, it is the students responsibility to clear the attendance and request any missing assignments

• Assigned material must be read, studied and completed prior to the class meeting. You will be tested on it!

• You are allowed to turn in one late assignment per semester. It shall be turned in the following day and is subject to a 10 point deduction. All other late assignments will be assigned a zero (0)

• Except for the one assignment allowed per semester, assignments will not be accepted late, unless it is an excused absence. However, absence must be cleared immediately upon returning to class.

• If you are having trouble clearing your absence, immediately see the assistant principals. DO NOT WAIT.

• Assignments must be in your own handwriting and must be legible. No typewritten assignment will be accepted unless cleared by Ms Manriquez

Assignment policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Assignments-we keep up with the policy to ensure student success in the program

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, student will be

counseled and counseling session will be documented

2. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 2nd time, parent contact

will be made/administrators contacted if needed

G. Cheating:

El Paso Community College

Health Occupations Division Scholastic Dishonesty

Scholastic Dishonesty shall constitute a violation of these rules and regulations and is punishable as prescribed by Board policies. Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. “Cheating on a test” shall include:

1. Copying from another student’s test paper.

2. Using test materials not authorized by the person administering the test.

3. Unauthorized collaborating with or seeking assistance from another student.

4. Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, or soliciting, in whole or in part, the contents of a test.

5. The unauthorized transportation or removal, in whole or in part of the contents of a test.

6. Substituting for another student, or permitting another student to substitute for ones’ self; to take a test.

7. Bribing another person to obtain a test or information about a test.

8. “Collusion” shall be defined as the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work for fulfillment or course requirements.

9. Any student involved in scholastic dishonesty as identified above, or in the Student Clinician’s Handbook, may, at the discretion of the faculty:

a. Have the test or paper graded zero (0)

b. Be removed from the class, and / or

c. Be recommended for administrative dismissal from the course or program

The stringency of this policy is understandable when read in the context of an educational program preparing individuals for a health career where the safety and well-being of the public are largely dependent upon the knowledge and ethical responsibility of the health personnel. Evidence of unethical behavior, such as cheating precludes the instructional faculty’s ability to declare prospective graduates to be reliable and ethical.

Cheating policy takes effect on August 13, 2018 and shall remain in effect until May 23, 2019.

Cheating-we keep up with the policy to ensure student success in the program

1. If a student does not follow program guidelines, 1st time, students

parents will be contacted for a conference with administration

H. Conflict Resolution / Grievance Procedure

Academic related grievances should be submitted in writing beginning with the faculty member, instructional coordinator and then to the Division Dean/Center Associate Provost. Appeals may then be directed up the proper channels. For

a grievance...

1. Contact the instructor /s, discuss your concerns, and try to work things out

- Notify the instructor/s within five days. You may be asked to, or wish to, submit your concern in writing

- You may also wish to meet with the CCTE Principal/Assistant Principal - Instructor may write a counseling form identifying issue and solution

- If unsatisfied with the outcome, contact the . . .

2. Program Coordinator:

Antonio Ayub, BA, EMT-LP

831-7079 MDP-D132

Instructional Coordinator

Timothy Groover

831-7070 MDP-D124

Hospital Clinical Coordinator

Carlos Prado, MSN, LP, RN

831-7078 MDP-D123

Ambulance Clinical Coordinator

- Must be in writing

- Allow 5-7 working days for response - if unsatisfied with outcome, contact the . . .

3. Instructional Dean

Dr. Paula Mitchell

831-4030, RG, Rm.-A240

Instructional Dean

- Must be in writing

- Allow 1-3 working days for response

- if unsatisfied with the outcome, contact the..

4. Associate Vice President, Student Services

5. President of the College

6. Board of Trustee Member

I. Withdrawal

Withdrawal from the course will be made if s/he is unable to pursue the course objectives. Discuss the issue with your instructor, first, to see if a solution can be found that will allow you to complete the course. A parent conference will be held along with school administration prior to dropping a student from the course

When on the basis of a combination of benchmarks, the instructor determines the student has ceased to pursue the objectives of the course,

the instructor may withdraw the student per College policies.

The last day to withdraw from the course with a grade of “W” is

Friday, November 16, 2018

J. Clinicals

Students will have transportation provide to hospital clinicals. You may not drive to hospital clinical site. You must make arrangements to have someone pick you up from the clinical site as there is no transportation back to CCTE after hospital clinicals. You must provide your own transportation to ambulance clinicals. Hospital clinicals are limited. We will do our best to accommodate your schedule, however know that we will also ask for you to work with us. There is no make-up days for hospital clinicals so if you miss a day, you will fail the clinical course and therefore fail the entire class.

VI. Text and Materials

A. Textbooks

Emergency Care. 13th Edition. Daniel Limmer and Michael F. O’Keefe and accompanying workbooks

B. Fees

HOSA fees: Dues, testing fees, travel fees

C. Materials

1. Name tag (ordered in classroom)

2. Stethoscope

3. Penlight

4. Field Scissors

5. Goggles

6. Clinical Uniform - white dress shirt (short sleeved) with EPCC patch centered on left sleeve one inch below seam, EPCC name tag centered ½ inch above left pocket, black slacks/Dockers with belt to match, and black shoes with non slip soles. NO DENIM OR CORDUROY.

Class Uniform – gray or navy polo with Star of Life emblem embroidered

7. Watch with a second hand

8. N-95 Mask

9. Clinical Paperwork

Respirator mask is available in class. The mask is to help reduce the risk of exposure to disease or infection. The mask must be properly fitted to the face in accordance with OSHA regulations 1910.134 to be effective. Fitting of the mask takes about 20 minutes and will be done in class prior to clinicals. Do not eat, drink, or smoke for fifteen (15) minutes prior to fitting.

VII. Disability Statement (American with/Disabilities Act [ADA])

EPCC offers a variety of services to persons with documented sensory, mental, physical, or temporary disabling conditions to promote success in classes. If you have a disability and believe you may need services, you are encouraged to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities to discuss your needs with a counselor. All discussions and documentation are kept confidential. Offices located: VV Rm C-112 (831-2426); TM Rm 1400 (831-5808); RG Rm B-201 (831-4198); NWC Rm M-54 (831-8815); and MDP Rm A-125 (831-7024).

VIII. 6 Drop Rule

Students who began attending Texas public institutions of higher education for the first time during the Fall 2007 semester or later are subject to a 6-Drop limit for all undergraduate classes. All students should consult with their instructor before dropping a class. Academic assistance is available. Students are encouraged to see Counseling Services if dropping because exemptions may apply. Refer to the EPCC catalog and website for additional information.



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24


Introduction, CPR review

Chapters 1 and 2; skills

Chapters 3 and 4; skills

Chapters 5 and 6; skills

Chapters 7 and 8; skills

Chapters 9 and 10; skills

Chapters 11 and 12; skills

Chapters 13 and 14; skills

Chapters 15 and 16; skills

Chapters 17 and 18; skills

Chapters 19 and 20; skills

Chapters 21 and 22; skills

Chapters 23 and 24; skills

Chapters 25 and 26; skills

Chapters 27 and 28; skills

Chapters 29 and 30; skills

Chapters 31 and 32; skills

Chapters 33 and 34; skills

Chapters 35 and 36; skills

Chapters 37 and 38; skills

Chapters 39 and 40; skills

Chapters 41

Review for final exam

Final exam

* Does not include Thanksgiving/Christmas


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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