TEA 2018 Accountability Overview

TEA 2018 Accountability Overview Based on the proposed 2018 Accountability Manual

Student Achievement


STAAR? Component

(100% Elementary, Middle, or HS without CCMR/grad) (40% HS, K?12, Districts) All Students group All STAAR? assessments

% Approaches and above % Meets and above + % Masters and above

100% 40%

Total ? 3 = STAAR? Component Score

College, Career, Military Readiness

(40%) All Students group


AP/IB, Dual Credit, TSI, Associate's Degree

Industry certification, CTE-aligned course completed (one-half point), IEP workforce-readiness graduate, enlist in the military

Number of graduates who accomplish at least one of the CCMR indicators

Number of 2017 Annual Graduates

Graduation Rates

(20%) All Students group


Best of the 4-year, 5-year, or 6-year graduation rate

Number of graduates in the class

Number of students in the class (Graduates + Continuers + TxCHSE Recipients

+ Dropouts)

Inclusion of English Learners:

? First year in U.S. schools: Excluded from accountability calculations ? STAAR? Alternate 2 assessment results will be included regardless of an EL's years in U.S. schools. ? Unschooled asylees, unschooled refugees, and SIFEs are not included in state accountability until their sixth year of enrollment in U.S. schools.

School Progress Domain

100% Better of Part A or Part B

Part A: Academic Growth No ELL Progress Measure


All Students group All assessments with a STAAR? progress measure (4?8 reading, English II, 4?8 math, algebra I)

Total STAAR? Progress Points Earned Maximum STAAR? Progress Points Possible

1 point Meet/Exceed growth measure

Achieve Masters in current year

.5 point

No growth, but achieves Does Not Meet to Approaches, Approaches to Approaches, or Meets to Meets

0 point

No growth and drops one or more proficiency levels or maintains Does Not Meet

Resources: 2018 Accountability Rating System (TEA)

Part B: Relative Performance


All Students group

STAAR?-only campus/district:

? STAAR? Component Score (Domain I) ? Percent of Economically Disadvantaged students

or ? Refer to School Progress, Part B Lookup Table to

determine score.

STAAR? and CCMR campus/district:

? Average STAAR? and CCMR (Domain I) ? Percent of Economically Disadvantaged students ? Refer to School Progress, Part B Lookup Table to

determine score.

Contact Information: Regional Accountability and Assessment Angel Lozano, Program Coordinator / 713.744.6596 / angel.lozano@ Nancy Webster, Senior Specialist / 713.744.8186 / nancy.webster@

Closing the Gaps Domain

Minimum Size: All Students = 10 Student Groups = 25 For each component: Number of Indicators Met (Y) Number of Eligible Indicators

Overall Grade

Each domain score will be converted to a scaled score. 2018 Ratings (each domain and overall rating) Districts: A, B, C, D, or F Campuses: Met Standard or

Improvement Required


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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