ECP Program Wide Information:

County-District Number:      




|Indicate grade levels that will be served through the eCP program. |      |

|Provide descriptive information about the students expected to |      |

|participate in your eCP program, such as gifted and talented, | |

|at-risk, migrant, special education, drop-out recovery, etc. | |

|Provide the instructional year calendar for your eCP program, |      |

|including any options for continued participation outside of the | |

|standard school district calendar. | |

|Total number of students you anticipate enrolling in the eCP |      |

|program. | |

|Percentage of your district’s / open enrollment charter’s total |      |

|student enrollment you anticipate will participate in the eCP | |

|program. | |

|Do you plan to offer courses through the eCP program to students |YES |

|outside the district or charter boundaries, per agreement with |NO |

|another district? | |

|List name(s) of online course provider(s). |      |

|Identify any academic services that the program expects a student’s |      |

|parent(s) or guardian(s) to provide to the student. | |

|Indicate whether it is anticipated that students will participate in|      |

| | |

|electronic courses in a virtual setting only; or | |

|a combination of traditional program courses on campus and | |

|electronic courses in a virtual setting. | |

|eCP courses must meet the eCP definition of an electronic course and|      |

|must be aligned to meet or exceed the TEKS for that content area. | |

|What has the district done to ensure that these two conditions have | |

|been met? Describe any other processes and standards used to ensure| |

|the quality of the courses and of instruction. (e.g., outside | |

|evaluation of both courses and teaching, National Standards of | |

|Quality endorsed by NACOL). | |

|(Grades 3-8) Indicate the courses required by TAC §74.2 and/or |      |

|§74.3(a) for elementary and middle school, not earning credit toward| |

|graduation that will be provided through the eCP program. | |

|A school district or open-enrollment charter participating in the |      |

|eCP must provide access to the program for students with | |

|disabilities in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities | |

|Education Act (IDEA). Describe the methods your plan will utilize to| |

|ensure access for IDEA-eligible students. | |

|A high degree of active and collaborative interactions in an online |      |

|environment between the online teacher and student and between and | |

|among student is expected to be integral to the instructional design| |

|of an online course as well as the instructional strategies used by | |

|the online teacher. Describe the processes, policies and practices | |

|your program uses to ensure this type and degree of meaningful | |

|interaction and indicate the frequency, purpose and communication | |

|methods used. (i.e., threaded online discussion; Wiki; webinar using| |

|Elluminate, etc.). | |

|A school district or open-enrollment charter is expected to build |      |

|and maintain a community of learners in the virtual setting. | |

|Describe your policy to ensure that this occurs in the online | |

|courses offered by your program. | |

|The typical maximum student to teacher ratio should be comparable to|      |

|that of a single face to face classroom. What is the school | |

|district’s policy regarding the maximum student to teacher ratio for| |

|an online course? | |

|A school district or open-enrollment charter should have measures in|      |

|place to help students and parent(s) / guardian(s) determine whether| |

|online learning is an effective learning environment for the | |

|individual student. Describe the tools and processes used to assist| |

|students and their parent(s) / guardian(s) in their determinations. | |

|Describe the training offered to students and parent(s) or |      |

|guardian(s) to ensure students have the technology skills necessary | |

|to participate in an electronic course. | |

|Describe the contingency plan for the continuation of instructional |      |

|services to each eCP student sufficient to allow them to complete | |

|their eCP course(s) and earn credit, in the event that the contract | |

|or agreement through which an eCP course is provided is terminated, | |

|or an eCP course is no longer available to the student. | |

|Explain the process used to place students in the appropriate |      |

|academic levels of program. | |

|Describe in detail the method(s) and schedule(s) by which student |      |

|progress in the course will be monitored to ensure students’ mastery| |

|of content. | |

|Describe the circumstances in which a student may be placed in |      |

|different academic levels for different course subjects during a | |

|school year. | |

|Describe the circumstances in which a student may complete more than|      |

|one course level or grade level during a school year. | |

|Describe how your program will ensure that students have access to |      |

|the technology required to take the course(s). (Example: equipment | |

|and software loan program with reimbursement to cover internet | |

|service for students who do not have the necessary technology | |

|access; arrangements for community-based computer access at local | |

|library within       distance of student’s residence.) | |

|Technical support is crucial for students participating in the |      |

|program. Students will often participate in the eCP outside the | |

|hours of the traditional school day. Describe your plan to provide | |

|technical support as needed and include hours of availability. | |

|Identify any extracurricular activities provided by the program, |      |

|including activities held on a campus in the school district. | |

|Describe the transportation plan that students may utilize for |      |

|proctored exams, face to face meetings, etc. | |


|Indicate who employs the certified online teacher. |

|Your school district? |

|A campus in your school district? |

|Another Texas school district or open-enrollment charter? |

|A course provider other than a Texas school district or open-enrollment charter? |

|Provide name and type of organization (e.g. regional ESC # _     ____ in Texas, institution of higher education, commercial course provider,|

|or some other type of organization)       |

|Is the certified online teacher the teacher of record? |YES |

| |NO |

|If no, indicate who employs the teacher of records: |

|Your school district? |

|A campus in your school district? |

|Another Texas school district or open-enrollment charter? |

|A course provider other than a Texas school district or open-enrollment charter? |

|Provide name and type of organization (e.g. regional ESC # _     ____ in Texas, institution of higher education, commercial course provider,|

|or some other type of organization)       |

|Each teacher of an electronic course offered through the eCP must be certified to teach that course and grade level. |

|Describe the responsibilities and expectations for teachers. Indicate|      |

|qualifications required for teachers. | |

|Describe the professional development provided to teachers specific to|      |

|teaching an electronic course; include content, scope and duration of | |

|course or professional development program. | |

|Indicate the standards and describe the evaluation or review method |      |

|used to ensure the professional development program is preparing | |

|teachers to teach effectively online. | |

|What are the required hours of availability for teachers? |      |


|Academic integrity must be upheld and attendance confirmation must be clearly documented. Describe the school district’s methodology to |

|meet each requirement below: |

|Authenticate student course work and attendance. |      |

|Document the records that will be created and maintained to verify |      |

|student attendance (participation) in eCP courses. | |

|Clearly address how and when a student who has stopped participating |      |

|in the instructional program will be considered withdrawn from | |

|participation in an eCP course and/or withdrawn from eCP program | |

|enrollment. | |

|Describe the records that will be maintained to clearly document |      |

|student’s date of enrollment and withdrawal in each eCP course and in | |

|the eCP program. | |

|Provide a summary of the program policies relating to the following: |

|Truancy: |      |

|Absences: |      |

|Discipline: |      |

|Withdrawal: |      |

|Expulsion: |      |

|A school district or open-enrollment charter is expected to have strategies in place for active communication with parent(s) / guardian(s). |

|For the following, describe the district’s notification policy and minimum requirements for teachers as it relates to the interaction |

|between teacher and parent(s) / guardian(s). Also, include the frequency, purpose and communication method, (e.g., e-mail, phone call, |

|etc.) |

|Student ongoing participation: |      |

|Student progress issues: |      |

|Student attendance issues: |      |

|Student discipline issues: |      |

|Student withdrawal issues: |      |

|Student expulsion issues: |      |

|Describe the plan for scheduled meetings between parent(s) / |      |

|guardian(s) of students enrolled in the program and teachers or other | |

|school officials. Include meeting times in relation to the course, | |

|(e.g. prior to start of courses; at the completion of the first half | |

|of course, etc.); purpose of meeting, (e.g., program orientation; | |

|mid-term discussion of student’s progress; social gathering of | |

|families to build sense of community; orientation for TAKS); and means| |

|used to meet (e.g. face to face, videoconferencing, phone conference | |

|call, etc.). If face to face, indicate location. | |

|As required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), student information is confidential. Participants shall adhere to the|

|record retention requirements as described in Section N. Record Retention of the Terms of Participation. |

|Explain the program policy relating to computer security and privacy. |      |

|Explain how the ongoing security of all eCP-related data will be |      |

|ensured. | |


|ALL school districts and open-enrollment charter schools selected for participation in the eCP must request a waiver to the two-hour and |

|four-hour attendance rules, for purposes of the eCP. All waivers related to the eCP will be limited to the period of time during which the |

|selected applicant is participating in the program. |

|List all waivers you anticipate requesting. |      |

|Is a charter amendment needed to allow for inclusion of electronic |YES |

|courses? |NO |


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