Chapter 6- Upper and Lower Canada

Chapter 6- Becoming CanadaRebellion in the Thirteen ColoniesAmericans were growing restless under British control.4 reasons for an American rebellion____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Boston Tea Party 1773 Tea ActBy reducing the tax on imported British tea, this act gave British merchants an unfair advantage in selling their tea in America. American colonists condemned the act, and many planned to boycott tea.Boston Tea PartyWhen British tea ships arrived in Boston harbor, many citizens wanted the tea sent back to England without the payment of any taxes. The royal governor insisted on payment of all taxes. On December 16, a group of men disguised as Indians boarded the ships and dumped all the tea in the harbor. April 1775, the ____________________________ began (Americans vs. British).American soldiers invaded Quebec in 1775, hoping the Canadiens would see them as _________________. They didn’t, and fought with the British to defend Quebec.Americans declare independence from Britain on ___________________ and the war officially ends in 1783.The LoyalistsMany people living in the Thirteen Colonies did not support the American rebellion.They were known as ________________________________.512953033655Name the 3 main groups of people that would have been “Loyalists”.1. _______________________________________________________2. _______________________________________________________3. _______________________________________________________4612821208707Americans saw the Loyalists as _____________________. Identify 3 things that the Americans did to the Loyalists as punishment.1. ______________________________________________2. ______________________________________________3. ______________________________________________The Loyalists Come to CanadaMany Loyalists fled to “________________________________” (Canada). Some returned to Britain or other British colonies.Britain promised to help the Loyalists with _______________________________. The promise wasn’t kept for all.Black Loyalists faced many hardships such as _________________ and ___________________________.Many Loyalists came to Nova Scotia, where it eventually split into two parts:__________________________ and ____________________________Loyalists also came to Quebec, but most of the good land was already taken by the Canadiens. They were granted land further up the _________________________________. (present-day Ontario).Building a Bilingual Country – The Constitutional Act of 1791With the large flow of British Loyalists into Quebec, a new problem arose: ____________________________________________________________________?________________________________________ attempted to solve this problem.The Constitutional Act:Divided Quebec into two colonies: __________________________ for the British and _____________________________ for the French.Gave each new colony their own elected assembly, controlled by a British governor.Retained all the French rights that were last set out in the Quebec Act.1626870133350The War of 1812This war was another conflict between Britain and the USA.Name 4 causes for this war.1. ___________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________554471744903Read the Biography on “Tecumseh” on page 1321. What was the role of Chief Tecumseh in the War of 1812?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Laura Secord was born on September 13, 1775 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Early in the War of 1812, Laura’s husband James Secord, a sergeant in the 1st Lincoln militia, was wounded in the battle of Queenston Heights and was rescued from the battlefield by his wife.On June 21, 1813, Laura overheard that the Americans intended to surprise the British outpost at Beaver Dams and capture the officer in charge, Lieutenant James FitzGibbon. With her husband having been wounded in battle, Laura resolved to take the message to the British herself.The distance to the outpost by direct road was 12 miles but Laura feared she would encounter American guards, so she took a route through fields and forests, making her journey extremely challenging and physically exhausting. Finally, after crossing Twelve Mile Creek on a fallen tree, Laura came unexpectedly on a First Nations’ encampment. Although initially frightened, she explained her mission, and the chief took her to FitzGibbon.Two days later, on June 24, 1813, an American force was ambushed near Beaver Dams by some 400 First Nations warriors led by Dominique Ducharme and William Johnson Kerr. FitzGibbon then persuaded the American forces to surrender with 462 men to his own 50 men. However, in the official reports of the victory no mention was made of Laura Secord.An American victory at Beaver Dams would have given the U.S. control over the entire Niagara peninsula, jeopardizing Upper Canada. The successful battle assured British control over the region, and is credited foremost as a victory by the First Nations peoples. Secord451167510795End of the WarThe War of 1812 ended in a ________________________ (no winner or loser).A major result was that a political boundary line was created at the _______ parallel.Americans felt they were finally getting treated with ________________ from Britain.People of Upper and Lower Canada felt victorious in stopping the _____________________________________.The First Nations suffered in this war losing ___________ people and were still not guaranteed any land.The Great MigrationFollowing the War of 1812, many ___________________ from the ______________________________ (England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland) came to Canada. Reasons for increased immigration:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Coming to the ColoniesMost people who came to Canada were poor. During travel, many travelers died of illnesses. Boats on a voyage were often called “_______________________________.”Many traveled to the maritime colonies, and some traveled by land to Upper Canada.The Terrible YearIn the beginning, roughly ______________ immigrants came to Canada each year.In 1847, that number grew to ________________. Crops were failing in Ireland.Many travelers died during the voyage of ______________. Many were kept in ______________________________.Underground RailroadIn 1833, Britain _______________ slavery in all of its colonies. Canada became a safe ____________ for slaves in the United States.The ______________________________ was a secret network used to help slaves escape to Canada.The _______________ were hidden during the day. “_________________” moved them under the cover of darkness from “station” to “station” on the “railroad.”Slavery didn’t end in the United States until _________. About half of the former enslaved people returned home.Structure of the Government in the Colonies___________________________________ gave each colony of Upper and Lower Canada its own government, each lead by its own governor and elected assembly.The _____________________ was appointed by Britain.The __________________ and ___________________ Councils were usually friends or relatives of the governor______________________________ were elected, but had limited powers and could be _____________.Problems with the GovernmentGovernor, Executive Council, and Legislative Council were all English and could not be voted out their concerns were different from French habitants and professionals“_______________________” name given to the small group of business people usually related to the governor in Lower Canada that held most of the political power“_______________________” – similar to the Chateau Clique, they held power in Upper CanadaMany felt these two groups were only interested in their own affairs. A special group of people who demanded change were called ________________________.Rebellion in Lower Canada-8255060960________________________ lead a group of reformers called the ___________________ He created a list of ________________ called the “_______________________” and presented this to the assembly. This was a list of changes he wanted in Lower Canada.In 1837, the British government __________________ all the demands. Papineau urged the Canadiens to take up arms and fight. They won their first battle in 1827 in ________________, however, the British would soon crush the ______________.Rebellion in Upper Canada-8445587630______________________________ published and wrote for the Colonial Advocate, a newspaper that addressed the problems in __________________________Elected to the Legislative Assembly- he wanted them to have more power and style of government similar to the ______________________He issued the _________________________________________________Some Canadians decided to take up arms, but their revolt was quickly crushed. Impact of the RebellionsAlthough the rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada failed, what impact did they have?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Road to Responsible Government_____________________ would be sent, as governor, to investigate the causes of the rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada and suggest solutions to the problemsDurham blamed the trouble in Canada on the ____________ between the French and the EnglishHe wanted to rid Canada of the ____________ language all together. He would do this by combining the 2 colonies.Durham made 2 recommendations:______________ Upper and Lower Canada into a single colonyGrant the colonies _____________________________.________________ in 1841 combined the two colonies into 1 country with 2 provinces. Lower Canada became ______________, and Upper Canada became ______________________________ became the official language of the government, and this made many ___________________ very unhappy. ................

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