Curriculum Map - Texarkana Independent School District
Curriculum Map
Course Title: English III Grade Level: 11
|Week |
|1 |The Crucible |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Essay |Text – Glencoe |
| |Vocabulary |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | |“Red Scare” |Literature |
| |Acts I&II |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | |Journals |Videos – |
| |Subject/verb agreement |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | |“Have you ever been accused unfairly?” |Background of the |
| |Exposition |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| |Presentation |Salem Witch Trials|
| |Characterization |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | |Teacher generated test |Handouts-Questions|
| |Conflict |19a-b; 20b | | |Acts I&II |
| |Climax | | | |Internet |
| |Dramatic Irony | | | |Spelling, |
| |Dialogue | | | |Vocabulary, |
| |Tragic Hero | | | |Grammar workbooks |
| |Allusion | | | | |
|2 |The Crucible |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Essay |Text – Glencoe |
| |Vocabulary |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | |“Puritanism” |Literature |
| |Parts of Speech |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | |Journals |Videos – Scenes |
| |Exposition |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | |“Has Your Character Ever Been Questioned?” |from The Crucible |
| |Characterization |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| |Presentation |Handouts-Act III |
| |Conflict |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | |Teacher generated test |Internet |
| |Climax |19a-b; 20b | | |Spelling, |
| | | | | |Grammar-Grammar |
| | | | | |Workbook, |
| | | | | |Vocabulary |
| | | | | |workbooks |
|3 |The Crucible |1a-b; |Objectives: |Essay |Text – Glencoe |
| |Vocabulary |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, |1-6 |“Freedom/Character Insight” |Literature |
| |Verb Conjugation |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | |Journals |Videos – Scenes |
| |Characterization |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | |Life Experience |from The Crucible |
| |Conflict |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| |Presentation |Handouts |
| |Climax |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | |Teacher generated test |Internet |
| |Dramatic Irony |19a-b; 20b | | |Spelling, Grammar,|
| | | | | |Vocabulary |
| | | | | |workbooks |
|4 |The Crucible |1a-b; |Objectives: |Essay |Text – Glencoe |
| |Vocabulary |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, |1-6 |“Tragic Hero” |Literature |
| |Dialogue |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | |Journals |Videos – Scenes |
| |Tragic Hero |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | |“John Proctor” |from The Crucible |
| |Allusion |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| |Presentation Teacher generated test |Handouts |
| | |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | | |Internet |
| | |19a-b; 20b | | |Spelling, Grammar |
| | | | | |Vocabulary |
| | | | | |workbooks |
|5 |Friday Night Lights |1a-c; 6a-e, g; 7a-g, |Objectives: 1-6 |Essay |Videos – Internet |
| |Vocabulary |l; 8a-d; 11a-f; 12a-c;| |Journals |access |
| |Background | | |“What role does football play in the lives of people in| |
| |History of Odessa | | |Odessa? Does football play a similar role in your |Text - Novel |
| |History of Texas Football | | |life?” |Handouts – Teacher|
| |Phrases | | |Teacher generated vocabulary test |generated |
| |Antagonist | | |Spelling, Vocabulary workbooks | |
| |Protagonist | | | | |
| |Jargon | | | | |
|6 |Friday Night Lights |1a-c; 6a-e, g; 7a-g, |Objectives: 1-6 |Project |Spelling, |
| |Themes |l; 8a-d; 11a-f; 12a-c;| |Presentations |Vocabulary, |
| |Culture Traits | | |Journals |Grammar |
| | | | |“What value does your community place on high school |Workbooks |
| | | | |sports?” |Teacher generated |
| | | | | |test |
| | | | | |Teacher generated |
| | | | | |handouts |
|2nd Six Weeks |
|7 |Friday Night Lights |1a-c; 6a-e, g; 7a-g, | Objectives: 1-6 |Project |Spelling, |
| | |l; 8a-d; 11a-f; 12a-c;| |Presentations |Vocabulary, |
| |Short Story | | |Journals |Grammar |
| |“The Life You Save May Be | | |“In what ways is football characteristically American?”|Workbooks |
| |Your Own” | | |Essay |Glencoe: |
| | | | |“First Impressions” |Literature |
| | | | | |Teacher generated |
| | | | | |test |
| | | | | |Teacher generated |
| | | | | |handouts |
|8 |Friday Night Lights |1a-c; 6a-e, g; 7a-g, | Objectives: 1-6 |Chapter comprehension |Glencoe: |
| | |l; 8a-d; 11a-f; 12a-c;| |questions |Literature |
| |Short Story | | |Essay | |
| |“The Devil and Tom Walker”| | |“Tall Tale” | |
|9 |Friday Night Lights |1a-c; 6a-e, g; 7a-g, |Objectives: 1-6 |Chapter comprehension |Spelling, |
| | |l; 8a-d; 11a-f; 12a-c;| |questions |Vocabulary, |
| | | | | |Grammar |
| | | | |How are the issues examined by Bessinger |Workbooks |
| | | | |:community,race,politics,economics? |Teacher generated |
| | | | | |test |
| | | | | |Teacher |
| | | | | |generated handouts|
|10 |Friday Night Lights |1a-c; 6a-e, g; 7a-g, | Objectives: 1-6 | Chapter comprehension |Teacher generated |
| | |l; 8a-d; 11a-f; 12a-c;| |questions |final exam |
| | | | | | |
|11 | |7a-g; 8a-d; 9a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Essay |Video-The |
| |The Education of |10a-c; 11a-f | |“Trail of Tears-Native America” |Education of |
| |Little Tree | | |Poem |Little Tree |
| |Clauses and sentence | | |Indian Poems |Introduction |
| |structure | | |Test |Text - Novel |
| |Dialect | | | |Teacher Generated |
| |Writing process | | | |Handouts |
| |Poetic devices | | | |Internet |
| |Chapters 1-4 | | | | |
|12 |The Education of Little |7a-g; 8a-d; 9a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Projects |Video – The |
| |Tree |10a-c; 11a-f | |Comprehension questions |Education of |
| |Chapters 5-8 | | | |Little Tree |
|3rd Six Weeks |
|13 |The Education of Little |7a-g; 8a-d; 9a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Projects |Teacher generated |
| |Tree |10a-c; 11a-f | |Trail of Tears |Final test |
| |TAKS open-ended questions | | | | |
|14 | |1a-c; 2a-e; 3a-e; |Objectives: 1-6 |Research paper |Text |
| |Tuesdays with Morrie |4a-g; 5a-b; 7a-l; 12 | |Research steps |MLA guide |
| |Research Paper |a-b; 13a-e | |Note taking in Library |Library |
| |Usage | | |Projects-Aphorism Poster |Computer lab |
| |MLA documentation | | | |Tuesdays with |
| |Research techniques | | | |Morrie |
| |Mechanics | | | |Final Exam |
| |Drafting | | | | |
| |Thesis | | | | |
| |Citation tools | | | | |
|15 |Tuesdays with Morrie |1a-c; 2a-e; 3a-e; |Objectives: 1-6 |Research paper |Glencoe Study |
| |Research Paper |4a-g; 5a-b; 7a-l; 12 | |Research steps |Guide |
| | |a-b; 13a-e | |Outline Form |Library |
| |Usage | | |Documentation |Computer Lab |
| |MLA documentation | | | | |
| |Thesis statement | | | | |
| |Research techniques | | |Style and Documentation Sourcebook for Writers | |
| |Mechanics | | | | |
| |Drafting | | | | |
| |Thesis | | | | |
| |Citation tools | | | | |
|16 | |1a-c; 2a-e; 3a-e; |Objectives: 1-6 |Research paper |Text |
| |Tuesdays with Morrie |4a-g; 5a-b; 7a-l; 12 | |Research steps |MLA guide |
| |Research Paper |a-b; 13a-e | |Note taking in Library |Library |
| | | | |Chapter Summary Presentations |Computer lab |
| |Usage | | | | |
| |MLA documentation | | | | |
| |Thesis statement | | | | |
| |Research techniques | | | | |
| |Mechanics | | | | |
| |Drafting | | | | |
| |Thesis | | | | |
| |Citation tools | | | | |
|17 |Tuesdays with Morrie |1a-c; 2a-e; 3a-e; |Objectives: 1-6 |Research paper |Glencoe Study |
| |Research Paper |4a-g; 5a-b; 7a-l; 12 | |Research steps |Guide |
| | |a-b; 13a-e | |Outline Form |Library |
| |Usage | | |Documentation |Computer Lab |
| |MLA documentation | | |Essay | |
| |Thesis statement | | |“Most Important Things in Life” | |
| |Research techniques | | |Project Presentations(aphorisms) | |
| |Mechanics | | | | |
| |Drafting | | | | |
| |Thesis | | | | |
| |Citation tools | | | | |
|18 |Tuesdays with Morrie |1a-c; 2a-e; 3a-e; |Objectives: 1-6 |Research paper |Glencoe Study |
| |Research Paper |4a-g; 5a-b; 7a-l; 12 | |Research steps |Guide |
| | |a-b; 13a-e | |Outline Form |Library |
| |Usage | | |Documentation |Computer Lab |
| |MLA documentation | | |Chapter Questions | |
| |Thesis statement | | | | |
| |Research techniques | | | | |
| |Mechanics | | | | |
| |Drafting | | | | |
| |Thesis | | | | |
| |Citation tools | | | | |
|4th Six Weeks |
|19 |TAKS Preparation |1-21 |1-6 |Essays |Exit Level |
| |Pronoun use | | |Tests |TAKS |
| |Analogy | | | |Internet |
| |Author’s purpose and craft| | | |Text |
| |Making predictions | | | | |
|20 |Open-Ended Questions |1-21 |1-6 |Triplets |Internet |
| |Text Evidence | | | |TEA Sources |
| |Analysis | | | |Workbook |
| | | | | |ELA Exit Level |
| | | | | |Preparation and |
| | | | | |Practice Workbook |
|21 |Revising and Editing |1-21 |1-6 |Quiz |Internet |
| |Sentence Structure | | |Practice Tests |Released Tests |
| |Punctuation | | |Internet |TAKS Workbook |
| |Spelling | | | | |
| |Verb Tense | | | | |
|22 |Critical Reading Skills |1-21 |1-6 |Triplets |Internet |
| |Titles | | |Group Evaluation |Released Tests |
| |Characters | | |Practice Tests |TAKS Workbook |
| |Tone | | | | |
| |Setting | | | | |
| |Author’s Craft | | | | |
| |Writing Style | | | | |
|23 |Vocabulary |1-21 |1-6 |ELA TAKS Handouts/Tests |TAKS Tests |
| |Literary Terms | | |Essay |Glencoe: |
| |“A Rose for Emily” | | |“Mental Illness” |Literature |
| |Short Story | | | | |
|24 |Essay Writing |1-21 |1-6 |ELA TAKS Released Tests |TAKS Prompts |
| |Introduction | | | | |
| |Body | | | | |
| |Conclusion | | | | |
| |Personal Experience Essay | | | | |
|5th Six Weeks |
|25 |TAKS TEST |1-21 |1-6 |TAKS Test |State Test |
|26 |The Old Man and the Sea |1 a-c; 6a-e; g; 7a-g, |Objectives: 1-6 |Internet research project/poster |Videos |
| |Parts of the sentence |l; 8a-d; 11a-f; 12a-c;| |Test |Ernest Hemingway |
| |Autobiography |18a-c | | |Biography |
| |Mood | | | |Text |
| |Inference | | | |Handouts |
| | | | | |Spanish Vocabulary|
| | | | | |Boat Part |
| | | | | |Internet |
|27 |Hemingway |1 a-c; 6a-e; g; 7a-g, |Objectives: 1-6 |Test |Video |
| |Writing Style |l; 8a-d; 11a-f; 12a-c;| |Author Oral Presentations |Text |
| |Personal History |18a-c | | |Internet |
| | | | | |Handouts |
|28 |The Old Man and the Sea |1 a-c; 6a-e; g; 7a-g, |Objectives: 1-6 |Summary Writings |Internet |
| |Character Analysis |l; 8a-d; 11a-f; 12a-c;| | |Video Clips |
| | |18a-c | | |Text |
| | | | | |Handouts |
|29 |Raisin in the Sun |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Group presentation |Videos |
| |Verb tenses |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | |Research project |Text |
| |Dramatic devices |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | |Test |Handouts |
| |Dialogue |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | | |Internet |
| |Resolution |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| | | |
| | |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | | | |
| | |19a-b; 20b | | | |
|30 |Characterization |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Group presentation |Videos |
| |Static |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | |Research project |Text |
| |Round |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | |Test |Handouts |
| |Dialogue |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | | |Internet |
| |Main vs. Supporting |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| | | |
| | |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | | | |
| | |19a-b; 20b | | | |
|6th Six Weeks |
|31 |The Great Gatsby |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Project |Videos |
| |Diagramming |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | |“Roaring Twenties” |Text |
| |Sequence |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | |Test |Handouts |
| |Irony |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | |Oral Presentation |Internet |
| |Hyperbole |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| |Poem | |
| |Simile |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | | | |
| |Metaphor |19a-b; 20b | | | |
| |Personification | | | | |
| |Symbolism | | | | |
| |Flashback | | | | |
|32 |Character Study |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Poster |Videos |
| |Protagonist |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | |Role Play |Text |
| |Antagonist |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | |Antagonist/Protagonist |Handouts |
| | |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | |Group Discussion |Internet |
| | |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| | | |
| | |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | | | |
| | |19a-b; 20b | | | |
|33 |Political Setting |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Quiz |Videos |
| |Organized Crime |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | |Essay |Text |
| |Prohibition |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | | |Handouts |
| |Roaring Twenties |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | | |Internet |
| | |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| | | |
| | |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | | | |
| | |19a-b; 20b | | | |
|34 |Social Atmosphere |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Group Discussion |Videos |
| |Adultery |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | |Presentations |Text |
| |Alcohol Abuse |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | | |Handouts |
| |Moral Decline |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | | |Internet |
| | |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| | | |
| | |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | | | |
| | |19a-b; 20b | | | |
|35 |Plot Development |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Group Discussion |Videos |
| |Predictions |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | | |Text |
| |Consequences of Behavior |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | | |Handouts |
| | |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | | |Internet |
| | |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| | | |
| | |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | | | |
| | |19a-b; 20b | | | |
|36 |Novel’s Impact on Society |1a-b; |Objectives: 1-6 |Test |Glencoe Test |
| | |2b-c;3b;4a,e,f;6a-e, | | | |
| | |g; 7a-g,l; 8a-d; 9b; | | | |
| | |10a-b; 11a-f; 12a-c; | | | |
| | |13a,b; 14a,b,e; 15a-f;| | | |
| | |16d; 17e; 18a-c; | | | |
| | |19a-b; 20b | | | |
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