2-3 Growing Division and Reform - al014.k12.sd.us

2-3 Growing Division and Reform

The Missouri Compromise

• Missouri applied for statehood in 1819 (Slave State)

• This raised the question on Slavery expanding Westward

• 1819 11 slave states, 11 Free states

• 1820 Maine, sought statehood. (Free State)

• Senate decided to admit both states at the same time.

• Henry Clay helped get this passed thru the House in 1820

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Election of 1824

• Andrew Jackson led the popular vote and in the Electoral College but didn’t win the majority necessary to win the election

• It was sent to the house to decide the president

• Henry Clay was in 4th place so he was eliminated

• Clay thru his support to John Quincy Adams

• Adams won and made Clay his Secretary of State

• Jackson accused the two of striking a “Corrupt Bargain”

Election of 1828

• Andrew Jackson defeated President JQ Adams

• In 1824 335,000 People voted

• In 1828 1.13 Million people voted

• Spoils System – appointing people to government jobs based on party loyalty and support

• He changed the way we elect candidates to the national conventions that we have today.

Nullification Crisis

• South Carolina opposed tariffs because of their declining economy

• 1828 a new tariff called the “Tariff of Abomination” made them threaten to secede from the union

• VP John C Calhoun said they had the right to Nullify the law.

• Clay helped pass a bill that lower tariffs gradually until 1842

Native American Removal

• 1830 Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act to relocate them to regions west of the Mississippi River.

• Cherokee Nation V Georgia (1831) and Worcester V Georgia (1832) appealing to the supreme court John Marshall ruled for the Native American.

• Jackson stated “Marshall has made his opinion, now let him enforce it”

Trail of Tears

• 1838 President Van Buren sent in the Army to forcibly move the Cherokee

• 2000 died in camps waiting to march

• 2000 died starvation, disease and exposure on the march

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Panic of 1837 – Land sales plummeted and economic growth slowed

• Specie Circular – directed that payments for public land be made in silver or gold.

Election of 1840

• William Henry Harrison defeated Van Buren

• He spoke for 2 hours at his inauguration in the bitter cold with no coat or hat

• He died 1 month later of pneumonia. VP John Tyler took over

Second Great Awakening

• Early 1800’s religious leaders organized to revive Americans commitment to religion

American Temperance Movement

• Preached the evils of alcohol consumption

The Women’s Movement

• – Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848

• The women were organizing to promote better rights for themselves.

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The Abolitionist movement

• End to slavery

• The Liberator was published by William Lloyd Garrison

• Frederick Douglass, former slave, published the North Star

• 1831 there was a slave rebellion, 50 Virginians died.

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