2016 Comprehensive Biennial Report on Texas Public Schools

2016 Comprehensive Biennial Report

on Texas Public Schools

A Report to the 85th Legislature from the Texas Education Agency

March 2017

Submitted to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Members of the 85th Texas Legislature.

The 2016 Comprehensive Biennial Report on Texas Public Schools describes the status of Texas public education, as required by ?39.332 of the Texas Education Code. The report, available on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website at , contains 16 chapters on the following topics:

? state progress on academic performance indicators; ? student performance on state assessments; ? performance of students at risk of dropping out of school; ? students in disciplinary alternative education settings; ? secondary school graduates and dropouts; ? grade-level retention of students; ? district and campus performance in meeting state accountability standards; ? status of the curriculum; ? charter schools and waivers; ? school district expenditures and staff hours used for direct instructional activities; ? district reporting requirements; ? TEA funds and expenditures; ? performance of open-enrollment charters in comparison to school districts; ? character education programs; ? student health and physical activity; and ? Foundation High School Program endorsements.

2016 Comprehensive Biennial Report on Texas Public Schools

A Report to the 85th Legislature from the Texas Education Agency

March 2017

Texas Education Agency Mike Morath, Commissioner of Education Penny Schwinn, Deputy Commissioner of Academics

Additional Acknowledgments Special thanks to all Texas Education Agency staff who contributed to this report.

Citation. Texas Education Agency. (2017). 2016 comprehensive biennial report on Texas public schools (Document No. GE17 601 07). Austin, TX: Author.

For general information about this report, contact the Texas Education Agency Division of Research and Analysis at (512) 475-3523 or the Office of Academics, at (512) 463-8934. For additional information on specific issues, contact the agency staff listed at the end of each chapter. This report is available on the Texas Education Agency website at acctres/comp_annual_index.html.

Copyright ? Notice. The materials are copyrighted ? and trademarked TM as the property of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of TEA, except under the following conditions: (1) Texas public school districts, charter schools, and Education Service Centers may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for the districts' and schools' educational use without obtaining permission from TEA; (2) residents of the state of Texas may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for individual personal use only without obtaining written permission of TEA; (3) any portion reproduced must be reproduced in its entirety and remain unedited, unaltered and unchanged in any way; and (4) no monetary charge can be made for the reproduced materials or any document containing them; however, a reasonable charge to cover only the cost of reproduction and distribution may be charged. Private entities or persons located in Texas that are not Texas public school districts, Texas Education Service Centers, or Texas charter schools or any entity, whether public or private, educational or non-educational, located outside the state of Texas MUST obtain written approval from TEA and will be required to enter into a license agreement that may involve the payment of a licensing fee or a royalty. For information contact: Copyrights Office, Texas Education Agency, 1701 N. Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701-1494; phone 512-463-9041; email: Copyrights@tea.state.tx.us.

Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKSTM) and State Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR?) are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Texas Education Agency. Advanced Placement Program?, AP?, and SAT? are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. ACT Assessment? is a registered trademark of the ACT, Inc. Fitnessgram? is a registered trademark of The Cooper Institute. Career Clusters? is a registered trademark of the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium. Other product and company names mentioned in this report may be the trademarks of their respective owners.


2016 Comprehensive Biennial Report on Texas Public Schools


1. Performance Indicators ..............................................................................................................1 2. Student Performance ................................................................................................................43 3. Performance of Students At Risk of Dropping Out of School.................................................71 4. Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs .........................................................................81 5. Graduates and Dropouts...........................................................................................................89 6. Grade-Level Retention...........................................................................................................107 7. District and Campus Performance .........................................................................................121 8. Status of the Curriculum ........................................................................................................195 9. Charter Schools and Waivers.................................................................................................207 10. Expenditures and Staff Hours for Direct Instructional Activities..........................................211 11. District Reporting Requirements ...........................................................................................213 12. Agency Funds and Expenditures ...........................................................................................217 13. Performance of Open-Enrollment Charters ...........................................................................221 14. Character Education...............................................................................................................227 15. Student Health and Physical Activity ....................................................................................229 16. Foundation High School Program Endorsements..................................................................231

2016 Comprehensive Biennial Report on Texas Public Schools



2016 Comprehensive Biennial Report on Texas Public Schools


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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