The Century, America's Time: Seeds Of Change: Introduction ...



The Century, America's Time: Seeds Of Change: Introduction Video Questions US HISTORY

What did the garage shown in the video start the century as?

2. What was taught to boys in school? Girls?

3. What advice was given to girls going to school at that time? Why?

4. What happened at coffee shops at that time? Why?

5. Small towns all across the Nation had memorials to the men killed in what war?

6. In previous centuries, leadership was defined by Royalty and Rulers. Who would provide this lead and shape the 20th Century, according to the journalist Peter Jennings the narrator of this series?

America: the Land of opportunity

1. When you lived in a small village in Europe, what was your life like?

2. According to Clara Hancox, the lady interviewed for the video, what was America like? What would happen if you came to America? What would you get in America that you did not get in the country you left?

3. The US lead the World in the production of what products? (The video names three)

4. What were the advantages to being, the average American compared to the rest of the World? (the video names four)

5. In 1900, there were_________Cars and less than_________miles of concrete road in the US.

6. What was so great about the car for people who had them?

7. Who was the person responsible for bringing the automobile to the average person? Where was he from? How much did an automobile cost?

8. What new production technique was used to produce the automobile so fast and cheap? Briefly describe how that worked.

9. How did immigrants from other countries travel to America?

10. What did people see in New York Harbor? How did it make them feel?


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