St. George's Public School

St George’s Public SchoolSt. George’s Public SchoolHome and School Association School CouncilMeeting NotesTuesday, October 1st 6:30 pmRegrets: Arka Mukherjee, Jocelyn Blackwell, Khushboo ShuklaPresent: Nancy Tustin, Fatima Khawaja, Amber Alpaugh-Bishop, Jen Tomazincic, Jill Beuermann, Hasan Habash, Natalie Tattersall, Alta Karpenko, Ashley Brook, Karen Butler, Sora ConronStart TimeTopicNotes6:30Call-to-order-Welcome-RegretsApproval of minutes of last meetingApproval of agendaApproved6:35Joining of Home and School with School CouncilVote to ApproveEach group needs to maintain own notes/minutesNeed to maintain own financials – all that want to vote re: how funds are spent, members will need to pay $15 but if just want to maintain parent rep status as part of school council, do not need to pay $15 membership fees$15 goes to the Ontario Federation of Home & School Associations; meetings every fall at the school board officeAdvantage in numbersSchool council has lots of ideas to foster engagement/school community but no funds to do so and Home and School has ability to fundraiseBy-law says you cannot be a voting member on school council if you are employed by the TVDSB (board) but procedure says you simply need to declare that you are employed by the boardNeed 7 parent reps to form a formal school councilParents on Home & School committee can double as parent rep for school councilPrincipal is non-voting memberNeed to declare the members tonightBIRT: We will combine School Council and Home & School Committee and will meet on the first Wednesday of the monthNovember 6th – discuss survey resultsOmit December meeting (add back in if needed for School council planning)Meet January 8thOmit February (add back in if needed for School council planning)March 4th – focus on Spring Fling (Home and School)April 1st May 6th – debrief on Spring Fling, plan for Home & School awardJune 3rd - potluck6:55Official Formation of School CouncilThe purpose of school council is, through the active participation of parents, to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents We have 9 parent repsJocelyn and Karen are teacher repsNancy is principalFatima, Arko, Jocelyn, Fatima, Amber, Jen, Jill, Hasan, Natalie, Alta, Sora, and K are parent repsACTION: Alta to reach out to Sally from Carling Heights to be our community repACTION: We need to establish a treasurer; Hasan to consider and potentially meet with Evan, if interested7:00Principal’s RemarksQuery about what we should do to honour Evan’s time on Home & School committee; all agreed to sign a card for Evan; ACTION: Ashley will drop it off to him this weekFirst monthly acknowledgement assembly today – reviewed 7 grandfather’s teachings; each month will focus on a new teaching7:15Establish Goals for 2019-2020 School YearFinal report completed in June and submitted in September; made available on our websiteRequirement to set goals each September, including how to spend $500 annual parent involvement budget, in addition to any funds from the Home & School committee budgetNeed to choose a theme and 3 specific goalsLast year, decided to focus on wellness/growth mindset (compared to numeracy/math skills in previous years) – all supported this ideaKids need to be resilient and engage in risk taking/problem solvingIdea to engage families/students in a survey to seek ideas/areas of focus – leverage a list with 3 choices (no interest, somewhat interested, very interested) for level of interest; topics could includeResiliency/persistenceConfidenceMental wellnessTest anxietyIndependence/initiative takingRisk taking/perfectionismHealthy eatingPhysical fitnessAccepting feedbackSocial inclusionImpact of technologyNeed to have an ‘other’ categoryACTION: Alta will draft the survey for review by all members by the end of the monthWe need to involve full family, not just activities in the classroomWant to tie in with the school improvement planNoted that we can pull material from existing resources and share with families, School improvement plan is developed annually and is in development now7:30Update on Home and School Activities-Halloween Cake Walk-Professor JamzTreasurer’s ReportCreation of CalendarHome and School gardens – front yard and reading gardens both need to be maintained but mostly the frontAnne Radley has volunteered to maintain the garden; Sora also happy to help; ACTION: Anne to write up a planWe need full spring clean-up event, a slight clean-up in the fall, and slight clean-up prior to gradNo one to work in the garden because we have a wasp issue, near the composter, in the front gardenMeet the families/teacher nightSuccess; started at 5 pm; Pazoon’s provided great service and price; two drop-off times (5 and 5:30)Opportunities for improvement: need to collect orders from families earlier because the info we received back was accurate but we didn’t have all the forms in on time; likely don’t need as many pizzas (50 pepperoni (35 eaten) and 50 cheese (46 eaten), order more cheese than pepperoni, maintain an early opportunity; specify that pizza will be served 5-6:30; we can use Microsoft Teams platform to track/plan our events What went well/what to maintain: early serving time, 6-7 pm in the classroom works well, lots of volunteers due to Ashley’s recruitment, high school kids came back to volunteerFood orders/usage for reference next year:330 students this year: we ate 81 pizzas (10 slices each), 240 drink boxes ($1.88/8), 400 plates/napkins/forks, 130 freezies ($4.74/case) (cut in half = 260 ? freezies), 12 cucumbers, 10 lbs of carrots, 4 large ziploc bags full of romaine lettuce, 4x600g jars of parmesan cheese from Costco, 3 1.4 L bottles of caesar dressing from Costco, 2 large bags of croutons from CostcoHalloween Cake WalkNatalie will lead this event; will use form from last yearProfessor JamzDecided to cancel this event due to CUPE labour disruptionPlaygroundNeed to send a message to families with next newsletter, prior to ThanksgivingSeeking approval from the Board; only have 1/3 quotes for same scope of the work (inclusive of retrofit of existing playground structure for younger students); ACTION: Alta and Ashley will draft the key messages/note for this group to review Treasurer’s Report$930.00 withdrawal for pizza for meet the families/teacher night Balance = $51,076.73Need charitable receipts to go out to families; noted cheques weren’t cashed until August/19ACTION: Ashley will follow-up with Greg re: status via info from EvanCreation of Calendar ACTION: Nancy to cancel the tables booked for Holiday BazaarRheo Thompson to be discussed at next meeting; forms to go out end of NovemberJanuary – Teacher appreciation lunch, maybe Professor JamzFebruary 14th – Cake walkApril 22nd – Spring Fling (spring fair; thinking we may do food trucks)June – Potluck at Tattersall’s 8:40Adjournment ................

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