Lillie B - East Lyme Public Schools

Lillie B. Haynes PTA Minutes, Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The mtg. was called to order by Paula Page at 7:05 p.m.

Attendance: David Miko, Paula Page, Linda Farragher, Amanda Chiasson, Laurie Green, Alisa Bradley, Tanya Deveau, Any Sadler, Deb Lathrop, Michelle Doucette, Kathy Danilla, Lynda Mills, Philip Jones, Kim Fennell, Rosemary Littlefield

President’s Report: The Children’s Museum is interested in promoting a “Turn off TV Week” next April. April 24 expected date of K-2 blacktop sealant. BOF meeting tonight – final budget recommendations. April 27th budget public hearing. PTA info has been given out to all newly registered kindergarten families.

Treasurer’s Report: This report was reviewed and given for information only. If you have any questions, contact Laurie Green.

Principal’s Report: Kids are glad that CMTs are over. (Several parents commented that they thought that valuable learning time was wasted during testing and that teaching should continue even though testing is going on.) The science spectacular culminates on Friday. Thank you to Raji Kurumbail, Kim Fennell, Patti Bauman and Sue Fenn for all of their organization. 1st and 2nd grade will be doing experiments in their classrooms. On March 18th three Haynes parents were honored at the CAS banquet. Congrats to Annemarie Gucwa, Kris Stelter, and Kathy Doherty. Thanks to Tanya and Sue for another spectacular book fair. Training for staff in technology, CPR, first aid, and Epi Center is ongoing. This month’s staff meeting, lead by Joan Abbot, will address using paras for instructional support in the classrooms. Gail Odonowitz will present a program to support classroom learning and behavior. Looking for the PTA’s support in finding info/programs on bullying. It was reported that Sensei Matt Kane (who helped with Families in Motion) presents this program gratis. Dr. Miko has been given all of the information. As our school size continues to increase, it was reported that 2nd and 3rd grades are fast approaching the 25+ per classroom.

Teacher’s Reports: Andy Sadler, Kathy Danilla, Michelle Doucette, and Deb Lathrop - teachers present. 1st grade is working on: non-fiction, bunnies, sun, fractions, neighborhood, personal narrative, and have been working with Lana Burton. 2nd grade is working on: idioms, drop everything and read, plant life, rural & urban, addition, and subtraction. 2nd graders did a project for earth day be recycling old t-shirts into shopping/tote bags. The children learned to sew/embroider. 3rd grade is working on: poetry, Mexico, and will be working with Efriam. Kindergarten has been studying farms and gardens and getting prepared for Beach Day. There was no 4th grade report. The Special Education department is working on RTI state eligibility and annual student reviews.

Michelle Doucette along with student McKenna Mills presented the BESTT (Better Essential Skills through Technology) program. Michelle opened the presentation with a letter of thanks from a LBH parent. This program is practiced in school as well as at home.

The program works in this way: Choose a card for your level/listen to CD & follow along/play the CD again/read aloud quietly w/CD/repeat if you need more practice/read the card aloud quietly several times without the CD/make sure you understand what you read/have a buddy time your reading/did you meet your goal?/Yes – pick a new card for your level/No – read the same card again.

Research has found that practice is the key to success. If you tell a child something, they will forget, if you show a child, they might remember, if you involve the child you will have success. Children currently involved in this program are students that may have had help in TLC or other individual help, this program is aimed for 2nd grade. The average 2nd grader reads 97 wpm. The students are increasing their wpm scores dramatically. This program builds confidence. There is concern with budget cuts, etc. if this program will be continued past this year. A parent suggested that perhaps volunteers could be trained to help with this program thus becoming more cost effective. Presenters will look into this possibility.

New Business: This category was covered in specific categories this evening.

Enrichment Report: Patti Bauman would like to thank the CONNECTICUT COMMISSION ON CULTURE & TOURISM and the NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS as well as the families of LBH for their grants and generosity which gave kindergarten and 1st grade students the opportunity to learn curriculum-based creative movement with Lana Burton and for the 2nd and 4th grade students to present curriculum-based plays under the direction of Carol Glynn. Without the generous funding support of these two agencies and your support, we would not be able to bring the arts to your children.

Committee Reports: Teacher Appreciation – Weds., May 6 – 11:30-1:30 – Contact Karey Dow if you are interested in bringing a salad, dessert, or helping to serve. Book Fair - $2,300 profit. $900 increase from last spring. Overall total $1,000 less than last year (fall and spring). Tanya has received several thank yous from the staff for their books (this money comes from percentage of sales). Scholastics generously offers “scholarships” to those students in need through this generosity, LBH is able to make sure that students are able to purchase a book from the book fair. Art Show – huge success. A special thank you to Stacia Halko and Britt Colom for their time and generosity. Possible thought for next year, have children create artwork at home – concern, some children might not have supplies. This is also a concern at the classroom level. Possible solution: The PTA could purchase school supplies and sell little kits according to grade level at Back to School Night – this discussion will continue. Science Fair – Kim Fennel still looking for parent volunteers. Would like to have PTA monies designated for next year. EL BOE Reports – Alisa Bradley reported that the BOE did not have a quorum for their meeting. ___ Steele is a new board member. Tag Sale – May 2nd – volunteers and stuff needed. See the buzz for a detailed list of items that will and will not be accepted.

Topics for Discussion/Presentation: PAULA

Financial update on grants and how this relates to enrichment for next year : the teachers have been updated already on the finances and are aware of all this information.

Due to funding restrictions, the Barnes Foundation will not be funding any grants for the 2009/2010 school year. As a direct result of this, next year’s 3rd grade classes will not be having Efriam (his funding was covered under this grant). The third grade will get $1,000 from the PTA for enrichment, they will need to decide what they want and use the new PTA funding request form. Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 4th have grant requests in for Lana Burton (curriculum-based creative movement) and Carol Glynn (curriculum based plays). If we receive these grants, the PTA is required to effectively match the grants funding. Therefore the funding these grades receive will vary dependant on what level of grant funding we receive. Lana Burton and Carol Glynn have been working with the teachers to tailor a program on a reduced budget in case of no funding. If we receive no grants at all, we will fund L’Ana and Carol at the reduced rate for the 2009/10 year and review their use for 2010/11 depending on finances.

• New PTA Funding Form - 2 forms passed out for review of the process of how teachers will ask for funding/enrichment. These forms will be for the 2009 and 2010 school year and beyond.

• Review of Board List for next year – Karey Dow will be in charge of Teacher Appreciation (omitted from list). Fall Fest, Recycling, and Families in Motion are committees that need chairs. If you are interested, contact Paula Page.

• Review of Executive Board Posts – Currently – Pres., VP, Treasurer, Asst. Treasurer, Sec. Discussion: Asst. Treasurer really does not have an active role – it is assumed that this person will take over the treasurer’s job the following year. Propose that new board include: Pres., VP, Treasurer, Sec., Membership, and Enrichment. A motion was made by Paula Page and seconded by Tanya Deveau. The vote was unanimous.

• Review of LBH PTA info. to be given to families – everyone liked the format and info. presented.

• Review of membership fees for next year, possible $1 increase – Currently $7. Breakdown: $3 state PTA, $1.75 national, $2.25 LBH. Suggest raising to $8. LBH PTA would realize $3.25 (state and national to remain the same). The discussion found that people would not object to this knowing that our school would reap the benefits. Motion made by Linda Farragher and 2nd by Kim Fennel. The vote was unanimous.

• Playground updates, proposed 3-4 playground financing – 2 proposals were provided for grade 3-4 playground. $16,000/$12,000 – Annette will get third quote. Quotes received from local business – Shoreline, Sullivan, and Coley. The PTA will fund half of the approved bid amount. Dr. Miko is looking to have basketball hoops, etc. Paula proposed that we set aside $10,000 for this effort (with a note that it is not necessary to spend all of it). Favorable discussion followed by a motion by Kim Fennell and seconded by _______. The vote was unanimous. It was reported that there will be enough equipment (i.e., balls, hula hoops, etc.) to furnish both the K-2 and ¾ playgrounds.

• We are looking to see how we can better use the $150 set aside per grade for field trip busses. This amount breaks down to $2 per student which ispossibly not the most effective use of PTA funds. As there were no definitive answers, this discussion will happen at our next meeting - Possible uses, target for families in financial hardship – teachers would request funds for students – PTA officers would not be given any names of families. Any suggestions, let Paula Page know.

• Also idea for discussion was the purchase of supplies to either be given to students in need to assisst them in completing homework or keep supplies in teachers classroom, specifically for them to give out to children who do not have resources or limited resources at home. Again, any comments please let Paula Page know.

Meeting adjourned at 9 pm. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 12th at 7 p.m. in the media center. HAPPY VACATION!


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