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1050290113030Notice of Program Changes – Career Training Program00Notice of Program Changes – Career Training ProgramThe NYCDOE/Division of Human Resources and the United Federation of Teachers worked in partnership to make changes to the policies governing the Career Training Program (CTP) for Paraprofessionals. Effective September 2016, new initiatives and modifications to the CTP program will provide additional and more efficient services to full-time Paraprofessionals. These changes cover a wide array of services which will benefit more Paraprofessionals. The following is a brief summary of the changes.Reforms/Changes to the Career Training Program (CTP):Effective with the fall 2016 term, the NYCDOE will no longer pay activity, application, technology and any other fees charged by the college. This will be the Paraprofessional’s responsibility.Mandatory matriculation into a degree bearing program after completion of 60 credits. Proof will be required and the process will be outlined shortly for CTP participants.Substitute Paraprofessionals will no longer be eligible to participate in the CTP program. The NYCDOE will no longer pay for the six (6) credits. A maximum of 120 credits will be paid on behalf of the Paraprofessional, towards the completion of a Bachelor’s degree program (exceptions will be reviewed on a case by case basis).Paraprofessionals must maintain a “C” grade point average (2.0) to remain in the Program.NYCDOE will not pay for “F” grades or late withdrawals.New Position: Lead Teacher Assistant (LTA) A new position has been created for the 2016-17 school year. This new position, Lead Teacher Assistant, creates a career ladder path for Paraprofessionals. Please note the following:This position allows for a more diverse use of Paraprofessionals in classrooms and schools to support the needs of students. It gives Principals the flexibility to utilize Paraprofessionals in the role of Assistant Teachers, supporting instruction in the classroom, working with students one-on-one or in groups under the general supervision of a classroom teacher.Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree and a Teacher Assistant certification (any level I, II or III) from the New York State Education Department. Paraprofessionals who were hired before 9/1/2004, and who have been grandfathered in for employment are required to obtain their NYS Teacher Assistant certification, to be eligible for this position. Candidates are selected through an annual application process and must reapply each year to remain as an LTA.This position will be compensated with an additional $5000 per school year over the base salary.Candidates must meet all qualifications prior to the application deadline for the current school year.Each year, an eligible pool of candidates will be established for Principals selections.The application process for the 2016-17 school year is currently closed. Please refer to the website for the application availability for the 2017-2018 school year.Paraprofessional to Teacher PathwaysCTP will now support eligible Paraprofessionals who are interested in pursuing a career as a teacher, and applies to individuals matriculated in a graduate education program. New York State certification must be achieved after September 1, 2016 and must comply with the application procedures for the program. No release time for graduate credits will be given.Eligible Paraprofessionals may be reimbursed up to the cost of 12 graduate credits paid at the current CUNY rate (3 credits per semester, for up to four semesters).Paraprofessionals enrolled in bilingual education programs will be reimbursed for the cost of an additional 12 graduate credits, at the current CUNY graduate rate, for classes leading to bilingual certification, through the current bilingual supplemental certification program.The NYCDOE will reimburse all Paraprofessionals (one time only) for the cost of the NYS Teacher Certificate application and up to $400 for New York State Teacher Certification examinations once certification is granted.Official guidelines and the application process will be available in September 15, 2016. Student TeachingFor Paraprofessionals whose colleges or universities will not accept their work as a Paraprofessional in lieu of student teaching, the NYCDOE will now grant a limited number of forty (40) day paid leave of absences. These special leaves of absences are by application only and must be approved by the Executive Director of Human Resources. Paraprofessionals who have graduated with a degree in education and only need student teaching to obtain their certification will be given first preference. Paraprofessionals who are enrolled in a Master’s degree program and need student teaching to complete the requirements will be given second preference. Approval from the college/university is required for approval to be granted by the DOE.Official guidelines and the application process will be available in September 15, 2016. Those applying to any of the above programs must follow all application procedures. Please refer to the website for official guidelines, application process and availability. ................

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