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is a current and accurate statement of my professional record.


February 26, 2018




Gregory C. Smith, School of Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences

Kent State University, Kent OH


Current rank: Professor (tenured)

Address: 2713 Santa Anita Dr. Stow, OH 44224

Telephones: Home(330)686-3194; Work(330) 672-9993

e-mail: gsmith2@kent.edu

Educational Background

1983 Ed.D. Human Development

(Specialization in Psychology of Aging)

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

[Dissertation: "Perceptions of a Geriatric

Health Related Facility by Residents, Staff

and Observers: Validation of the Sheltered

Care Environment Scale".  

  [Advisor:  Susan K.Whitbourne, Ph.D.]

1979 M.S. Psychology, Villanova University, Villanova, PA

1973 B.A. Psychology, State University of New York  

Brockport, NY.

[Departmental Scholar in Psychology, 1973]


2001 – present Professor and Director. Human Development Center

School of Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences

Graduate College of Education, Health, & Human Services

Graduate Faculty – Department of Psychology

Kent State University

1991- 2001    Associate Professor. Dept. of Human Development,

University of Maryland, College Park.

* 1996-2001  Faculty Member.  Ph.D. Specialization in

Developmental Science

* 1995-2001 Faculty Affiliate. Center on Aging,

University of Maryland

1993-2001 Adjunct Associate Professor. University College,

University of Maryland.

1985-1991   Research Associate. Ringel Institute of Gerontology,

Nelson A.Rockefeller College of Public Affairs

and Policy, University at Albany, SUNY

1980-1985   Consultant/Research Associate. St.  John's

Home and Center of Gerontology, Rochester, NY.

1984-1985 Assistant Professor. Margaret A. Warner Graduate

School of Education and Human Development,

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.

1982-1985     Adjunct Assistant Professor. Dept. of Psychology,

Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY.

1981-1983   Research Associate. Department of Psychiatry, 

School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of

Rochester, Rochester, NY.

1977-1981 Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant.  Margaret

A. Warner Graduate School of Education and

Human Development, University of Rochester,

Rochester, NY.

1979-1980 Clinical Gerontologist. Family Services of

Rochester Inc., Rochester, NY.


Edited Books

Hayslip, B, & Smith, G. C. (2012). (Eds.) Annual Review of Gerontology and

Geriatrics, Volume 32 Emerging Perspectives on Resilience in Adulthood

and Later Life. New York: Springer.

Hayslip, B., & Smith, G. (2012). Resilient grandparent caregivers: A strengths-based perspective. New York: Routledge.

Smith G. C., Tobin, S. S., Robertson-Tchabo, E. A., & Power, P. W. (1995).

(Eds.), Strengthening aging families:  Diversity in practice and policy.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Smith, G.C., & Tobin, S.S. (1987).(Eds.),Sociocultural and service issues

in working with the aged. Albany, NY: Rockefeller College of Public

Affairs and Policy, Continuing Education Program.

Chapters in Edited Books

Smith, G.C. (2015) International Journal of Aging and Human Development. In

of C.Shehan (Ed). The Encyclopedia of Family Studies. New York: Wiley-


Smith, G. C. (2015). Grandparents raising grandchildren. In S. K.

Whitbourne (Ed). The Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging. New York:


Cichy, K, & Smith, G. C. (2012). Closing the generation gap: Using

discussion groups to benefit older adults and college students. In P.E.

Hartman-Stein & A LaRue(Eds.) Enhancing cognitive fitness in adults: A

Handbook for the development of community programs. New York: Springer

Science + Business Media.

Smith, G., & Hayslip, B. (2012). Resilience in Adulthood and Later Life:

What Does it Mean and Where are We Heading? In B. Hayslip & G. Smith

(Eds.). Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Emerging

Perspectives on Resilience in Adulthood and Later Life. New York:


Hayslip, B., Davis, S., Goodman, C., Smith, G.C., Neumann, C., Maiden, R., & Carr, G. (2012). The role of resilience in understanding grandparents raising their grandchildren. In B. Hayslip & G. Smith (eds). Resilient grandparent caregivers: A strengths-based perspective. New York: Routledge.

Smith, G. C., & Dolbin-Mcnab, M (2012). A Two Factor Model of Outcomes

for Custodial Grandmothers and Grandchildren. In B. Hayslip & G. Smith (eds). Resilient grandparent caregivers: A strengths-based perspective. New York: Routledge.

Montoro-Rodriguez, J, & Smith, G. C. (2010). When cost meets efficiency:

Rethinking ways to sample a rare population. In D. L. Streiner & S.

Sidani (Eds). When research goes off the rails: Why it happened and what

you can do about it (pp. 136-146). New York: Guilford

Jooste, J., Hayslip, B., & Smith, G. (2008). The adjustment of children and

grandparent caregivers in grandparent-headed families. In B. Hayslip & P.

A. Kaminski (Eds.). Parenting the custodial grandchild: Implications for

clinical practice (pp. 17-39). New York: Springer.

Smith,G.C. & Richardson, R.A. (2008). Understanding the parenting

practices of custodial grandmothers: Overcompensating, underserving, or

overwhelmed? In B. Hayslip & P. A. Kaminski (Eds.). Parenting the

custodial grandchild Implications for clinical practice (pp. 131-147).

New York: Springer.

Kohn, S. J., Smith, G. C. (2006). Social support among custodial grandparents

within a diversity of contexts. In B. Hayslip & J. H. Patrick (Eds).

Custodial grandparenting: Individual, cultural, and ethnic diversity

(pp. 199-224). New York: Springer.

Smith, G.C. (2003). How caregiving grandparents view support groups: An

exploratory study. In B. Hayslip & J. Patrick (Eds.), Interventions for

custodial grandparents (pp. 69-91). New York: Springer.

Toseland, R. W., Smith, G.C., & McCallion, P. A. (2001). Family caregivers

of the frail elderly. In A. Gitterman (Ed.), Handbook of social work

practice with vulnerable and resilient populations (2nd Ed, pp. 548-581).

New York: Columbia University Press.

Smith, G. C. (1999). Prevention and promotion models of intervention for

strengthening aging families. In M. Duffy (Ed.), Handbook of counseling

and psychotherapy with older adults (pp. 178-194). New York: John


Smith, G. C., & Kohn, S. J. (1998). Using a cooperative learning strategy

for promoting interprofessionalism in undergraduate education.. In S.

Selden (Ed), Essays in quality learning: Teacher's reflections on

Classroom practice (pp. 199-206). College Park, MD: IBM Total Quality


Smith, G. C. Introduction. (1995). In G. C. Smith, S. S. Tobin, E. A.

Robertson-Tchabo, & P.W. Power (Eds.), Strengthening aging families:

Diversity in practice and policy (pp. ix­xiii). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Smith, G. C., (1995). Preventive approaches to building competencies. In G.

C. Smith, S. S. Tobin, E. A. Robertson-Tchabo, & P. W. Power (Eds.),

Strengthening aging families: Diversity in practice and policy (pp. 221-

234). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Smith, G. C., Tobin, S. S., & Fullmer, E. M. (1995). Assisting older

Families of adults with lifelong disabilities. In G. C. Smith, S. S.

Tobin, E. A. Robertson-Tchabo, & P. W. Power (Eds.), Strengthening aging

families: Diversity in practice and policy (pp. 80-98). Thousand Oaks,

CA: Sage.

Toseland, R. W., Smith, G. C., & McCallion, P. (1995). Supporting the family

in elder care. In G. C. Smith, S. S. Tobin, E. A. Robertson-Tchabo, &

P. W. Power (Eds.), Strengthening aging families: Diversity in practice

and policy (pp. 3-24). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Tobin, S. S., Fullmer, E. M., & Smith, G. C. (1994). Fear of death and

religiosity in nonnormative aging. In E. Thomas & S. Eisenhandler

(Eds.). Spiritual dimensions of aging. Westport, CT: Auburn House.

Smith, G. C., Fullmer, E. M., & Tobin, S. S. (1994). Living outside the

system: An exploration of families who do not use day programs. In M. M.

Seltzer, M. W. Krauss, & M. P. Janicki (Eds.), Life course perspectives

on adulthood and old age (pp. 1·-38). Washington, DC: American

Association on Mental Retardation.

Smith G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (1993). Case managers' perceptions of practice

with older parents of adults with developmental disabilities. In K. A.

Roberto (Ed.). The elderly caregiver: Caring for adults with

Developmental disabilities (pp. 146-172). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Smith, G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (1993). Practice with older parents of

Developmentally disabled adults. In T. L. Brink (Ed.), The forgotten

aged: Ethnic, psychiatric and societal minorities (pp. 59-77).

Binghampton, NY: Hayworth Press.

Toseland, R. W., & Smith, G. C. (1991). Family caregivers of the frail

elderly. In A. Gitterman (Ed.), Handbook of social work practice with

vulnerable populations (pp. 549-583). New York: Columbia University


Articles In Refereed Journals

(R) Smith, G., Hayslip, B., Hancock, G., Strieder, F., & Montororo-Rodriguez,

J.(2018). A randomized clinical trial of interventions for

improving well-being in custodial grandfamilies. Journal of Family

Psychology, 32, 816-827.

(R) Smith, G., Hayslip, B., Hancock, G., Merchant, W. Montoro-Rodriguez, J.,

& Strieder, F. (2018.) The Family Stress Model as it Applies to

Custodial Grandfamilies: A Cross Validation. Journal of Child and

Family Studies, 27, 505-521.

(R) Merchant, W., Smith, G, Hayslip, B. (2017). Using the CES-D with

custodial grandmothers: Cross-validation and convergent validity.

Journal of Mental Health and Aging, 1, 1-9.

(R) Hayslip, B., Smith, G., Streider, F., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., & Merchant,

W.(2017). The utility of the Family Empowerment Scale with

custodial grandmothers. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 36, 320-350.

DOI: 10.1177/0733464815608492

(R)Smith, G. C., Strieder, F., Greenberg, P., Hayslip, B., & Montoro-

Rodriguez, J. (2016). Patterns of enrollment and engagement of

custodial grandmothers in a randomized clinical trial of

psychoeducational interventions, Family Relations, 65, 2, 369-386

(R) Hayslip, B., Smith, G., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., & Streider, F. (2015).

Group leader perceptions of interventions with grandparent caregivers:

Content and process. Grandfamilies: The contemporary journal of

research, practice and policy, 22, 32-65

Available at:

(R)Smith, G. C., Merchant, W., Hayslip, B., Hancock, G., Strieder, F., &

Montoro-Rodriguez, J. (2015). Measuring the parenting practices of

custodial grandmothers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 3676-


DOI 10.1007/s10826-015-0176-9

R)Smith, G. C., Cichy, K., & Montoro-Rodriguez, J. (2015). Impact of

coping resources on the well-being of custodial grandmothers and

grandchildren. Family Relations, 64, 378-392.

R)Smith, G. C., Egbert, N., Dellman-Jenkins, M., Nanna, K.,& Palmieri, P,

(2012). Reducing depression in stroke survivors and their

informal caregivers: A randomized clinical trial of a web-based

intervention. Rehabilitation Psychology, 57, 196-206.

R) Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Smith, G., & Palmieri, P. (2012). Use of

community and school mental health services by custodial grandchildren.

Family Relations, 61, 207-223.

R)Smith, G.C & Hancock, G.R (2010). Custodial grandmother-grandfather dyads:

Pathways among marital distress, grandparent dysphoria, and grandchild

adjustment Family Relations, 59, 43-57.

(R)Smith, G. C., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., & Palmieri, P. A. (2010). Patterns

and predictors of support group use by custodial grandmothers and

grandchildren. Families in Society, 91, 385-393.

R)Smith, G. C., Palmieri, P. A., Hancock, G. R., & Richardson, R. A. (2008)

Custodial grandmothers’ psychological distress, dysfunctional

parenting, and grandchildren’s adjustment. International Journal of Aging

and Human Development, 67, 327-367.

(R)Egbert, N., Dellman-Jenkins, M., Smith, G. C.,Coeling, H.,& Johnson, R. J.

(2008). The emotional needs of care recipients and the psychological

well-being of informal caregivers: Implications for home care clinicians.

Home Healthcare Nurse, 26, 50-57.

R)Smith, G. C., & Palmieri, P. A. (2007). Risk for psychological

difficulties in children raised by custodial grandparents.

Psychiatric Services, 58, 1303-1310.

R)Palmieri, P., & & Smith, G. C (2007). Examining the structural validity

of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in a U.S. sample of

custodial grandmothers Psychological Assessment, 19, 189-198.

R)Smith, G. C. (2004). Predictors of the stage of residential planning

Among Aging Families of Adults with Severe Mental Illness. Psychiatric

Services, 55, 804-810

(R)Smith, G.C. (2003). Aging families of adults with mental illness:

Patterns and predictors of service use and unmet needs. Psychiatric

Services, 54, 871-877.

* Kohn, S. J., & Smith, G. C. (2003). The impact of downward social

comparison processes on depressive symptoms in older men and women. Ageing

International, 28, 37-65.

(R)Smith, G. C., Savage-Stevens, S., & Fabian, E. (2002). How caregiving

grandparents view support groups for grandchildren in their care. Family

Relations, 51, 274-281.

(R)Smith, G. C., Hatfield, A., & Miller, D. (2000). Future planning by older

mothers of adults with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 55,


(R)Smith, G. C., Kohn, S. .,Savage-Stevens, S. E., Finch, J.J., Ingate, R., &

Lim, Y. O. (2000). The effects of interpersonal and personal agency on

perceived control and psychological well-being in adulthood. The

Gerontologist, 40, 458-468.

* Smith, G. C., & Kohn, S. J. (1999). An interdisciplinary team research

assignment for use in an Introduction to Gerontology course.

Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 19, 77-91.

* Fullmer, E. M., Smith, G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (1997). Older mothers who do

not use day programs for their daughters and sons with mental

retardation. Journal of Physical and Developmental Disabilities, 9, 153-


(R)Fullmer, E. M., Tobin, S. S., & Smith, G. C. (1997). The effects of

Offspring gender on older mothers caring for their sons and daughters

with mental retardation. The Gerontologist, 37, 795-803.

(R)Smith, G. C. (1997). Aging families of adults with mental retardation:

Patterns and correlates of service use, need, and knowledge. American

Journal on Mental Retardation, 102, 13-26.

(R)Smith, G. C. (1996). Caregiving outcomes for older mothers of adults with

Mental retardation: A test of the two-factor model of psychological

well-being. Psychology and Aging, 11, 353-361.

(R)Smith, G. C., Majeski, R. A., & McClenny. B. (1996). Psychoeducational    

support groups for aging parents: Development and preliminary outcomes,

Mental Retardation, 34, 172-181.

(R)Smith, G. C., Tobin, S. S., & Fullmer, E. M. (1995). Elderly

mothers caring at home for offspring with mental retardation:  A model of

permanency planning. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 99, 487-499.

(R)Smith, G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (1993). Practice with older parents of

 developmentally disabled adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 14, 59-77.

Co-published simultaneously in:

T. L. Brink (Ed). (1993). The forgotten aged:

Ethnic, psychiatric, and societal minorities (pp.

59-77). Binghampton, NY: Hayworth Press.

(R)Smith, G. C., Smith, M. F., & Toseland, R. W. (1991). Problems identified

By family caregivers in counseling. The Gerontologist, 31, 15-22.

(R)Smith, G. C., & Whitbourne, S. K. (1990). Validity of the Sheltered  Care

 Environment Scale. Psychology and Aging, 5, 228-235.

* Smith, G. C., & Whitbourne, S. K. (1990). Validity of the Sheltered Care

 Environment Scale: A rejoinder. Psychology and Aging, 5, 572-573.

(R)Toseland, R. W., & Smith, G. C. (1990). Effectiveness of individual

Counseling by professional and peer helpers for family caregivers of the

elderly. Psychology and Aging, 5, 256-263.

(R)Toseland, R. W., Rossiter, C., Peak, T., & Smith, G. C. (1990).

Comparative effectiveness of individual and group

intererventions to support family caregivers. Social Work, 35, 209-217.

(R)Smith, G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (1989). Permanency planning among older

parents of adults with lifelong disabilities. Journal of Gerontological

SocialWork, 14, 35-59.

(R)Smith, G. C., Tobin, S. S., & Gustafson, J. O. (1987). Perceptions of

Geriatric practice: The role of theoretical orientation, age, and

gender. Clinical Gerontologist, 6, 29-46.

(R)Whitbourne, S. K., Smith, G. C., & Sperbeck, D. J. (1981). Is there

a generation gap in academia?:  Age differences among faculty in

attitudes towards mandatory retirement. Educational Gerontology,7, 67-78.

(R)Hjelle, L. A., & Smith, G. C. (1975). Self-actualization and

Retrospective reports of parent-child relationships among college

females.Psychological Reports, 36, 755-761.

* = invited articles

Book Reviews and Brief Articles:

Smith, G. C. (2000). Teaching Tips Column, Division 20 Newsletter, American

Psychological Association.

Smith, G. C. Book  Review. (1994). "Family Therapy with the Elderly".   by

  Elizabeth  R. Neidhardt &  Jo Ann Allen (Sage, 1993). Clinical

Gerontologist, 5, 96-97.

Smith, G. C. Book Review. (1988). "Long Term Care in Transition:  The

Regulation of Nursing Homes. by  David  Barton Smith  (AUPHA Press,

1981). Clinical Gerontologist, 4, 92­ 93.

Refereed Presentations at Major Conferences

Portner, L., Kaminiski, P., Hayslip, B., & Smith, G.C. (November, 2018).

Observed parenting practices of child compliance in custodial

grandfamilies. Presented at the 70th meeting of the Gerontological

Society of America, Boston, MA

Merchant, W., Smith, G.C., Estrada, S., & Hayslip, B. (November, 2018).

Psychological difficulties among custodial grandchildren: Whose view

really matters? Presented at the 70th meeting of the Gerontological

Society of America, Boston, MA

Smith, G. & Lee, J. E. (August, 2018). Do married custodial

grandmothers and grandfathers appraise the caregiver role

similarly?. Presented at Annual Convention of the American

Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA

Smith, G. C., Infurna, F., Zautra, E., Musil, C., Dolbin-Macnab, M., &

Crowley, M. (2017, November). Enhancing social competence in custodial

Grandfamilies: An online program. Paper presented at the 2017 National

Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FA.

Smith, G. C., Hayslip, B., & Hancock, G. (2016, November).  A Cross-

Validation and Extension of the Family Stress Model With Custodial

Grandfamilies.  Paper presented at the 69th meeting of Gerontological

Society of America, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, G. C., Hayslip, B., Hancock, G., Strieder, F., & Rodriquez, J. M.

(2016, November).  Grandmothers’ Baseline Psychological Distress as a

Moderator of Treatment Change Within an RCT.  Paper presented at the 69th

meeting of Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.

Lee, J. E. & Smith, G. C. (2016, November).  Similarities and Differences in

Role Appraisals Within Custodial Grandmother and Grandfather Dyads.  Paper

presented at the 69th meeting of Gerontological Society of America, New

Orleans, LA.

Dolbin-MacNab, M., Smith, G. C., & Hayslip, B. (2016, November). 

Reunification in Custodial Grandfamilies.  Paper presented at the 69th

meeting of Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA

Smith, G.C., Hayslip, B., Strieder, F., & Montoro-Rodriguez. (November, 2015)

Comparing interventions to improve the well-being of custodial grandmothers

and grandchildren: Changes from baseline at post-intervention and three

months later 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of

America, Orlando, FL.

Smith, G.C., Hayslip, B, & MerchantW., & Hancock, G. (November, 2015).

Internalizing and externalizing problems of custodial grandchildren:

Assessment of grandchild self-reports and custodial grandmother as

informant 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of

America, Orlando, FL.

Smith, G.C., Merchant, W., & Hayslip, B. (November, 2015) A Cross Validation

of the CES-D Factor Structure with Custodial Grandmothers 68th Annual

Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL.

Smith, G.C, Merchant, W. & Hayslip, B. (November, 2015) Self-reported and

Clinical ratings of anxiety and depression among custodial grandmothers:

Evidence of convergent and discriminant validity through multitrait-

multimethod analyses 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological

Society of America, Orlando, FL.

Smith, G. C., & Hayslip, B. (August, 2015). Engagement and Enrollment of

Custodial Grandfamilies in a Psychoeducational RCT Study. Presented at

the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association

(Toronto, Ontario).

Merchant, W., Smith, G.C. Hayslip, B. Strieder, F., Montoro-Rodriguez, J &

Hancock, G. (November, 2014). Psycometric evidence for the use of

parenting scales with custodial grandmothers. 67th Annual

Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington,


Smith, G. C., Hayslip, B., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Streider, F., Williamson,

M., & Greenberg, P. & Hancock, G. (November, 2014). Comparative

effectiveness of interventions for improving the well-being of custodial

grandmothers and grandchildren. 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the

Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Hayslip, B., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Smith, G., Streider, F., & Mechant, W.

(November, 2014). The utility of the Family Empowerment Scale with

grandparent caregivers. 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological

Society of America,  Washington, DC.

Momtoro-Rodriguez, J. Smith, G. C., Hayslip, B., & Streider, F. (November,

2014). Convergence of self-report and clinical ratings of depression and

anxiety measures by custodial grandmothers. 67th Annual Scientific Meeting

of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Toyokawa, N., Smith, G. C. & Cichy, K. (Novemver, 2014). Perceived anger

toward custodial grandchilren’s birth parents: Splillover and crossover

effects on the mental health of custodial grandparent dyads. 67th Annual

Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington,


Toyokawa, N., Smith, G. C. & Cichy, K. (Novemver, 2014). Parenting

experiences with their own children influence well-being of primary care

grandparents. 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society

of America, Washington, DC.

Smith, G. C., Cichy, K., & Montoro-Rodrigez (November, 2013). How Coping

Resources Impact the Psychological Well-Being of CustodialGrandmothers and

Grandchildren in Black and White Families 66th AnnualScientific Meeting of

the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, G. C., Hayslip, B., Strieder, F., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Merchant, W., & Williamson, M. (November, 2013). What Kinds of Families Commit to an RCT like Project COPE? 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.

Hayslip, B., Strieder, F., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., & Smith, G. C. (November, 2013). Professional Leaders Perceptions of Intervention Benefits and Therapeutic Content. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.

Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Smith, G. C., Hayslip, B., Strieder, F., Williamson, M., Merchant, W., & Greenberg, P. (November, 2013). Professionals’ Perceptions of Practical Issues in Conducting RCTs with Custodial Grandfamilies. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.

Strieder, F., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Hayslip, B., Smith, G. C., Williamson, M., & Merchant, W. (November, 2013). The Challenges of Recruiting Custodial Grandfamilies into a Randomized Clinical Trial. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, G. C., & Chaya, J. (November, 2012). Long-term Follow-up of an Online

Intervention for Reducing Depressive Symptoms in Spousal Caregivers of

Male Stroke Survivors. 65th Annual Scientific Meeting of the

Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA

Smith, G.C., Palmieri, P., & Hall, B (November 2011). Structural validity of

the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale in African American

and White custodial grandmothers. 64rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the

Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA.

Smith, G. Egbert, N. Dellmann-Jenkins, M., & Nanna, K. (November 2011). Web-

based Intervention for Improving the Psychological Well-being of Male

Stroke Survivors and their Spousal Caregivers. 64rd Annual Scientific

Meeting of the erontological Society of America, Boston, MA.

Smith, G. C. & Sterns, H. L. (March, 2011). A Collaborative Graduate

Certificate Program in Gerontology: Processes, Promises, and Pitfalls

Presented at the 35the Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology

in Higher Education, Cincinnati, OH.

Vandussen, D., Sterns, H.L., Smith, G.C., & Cichy, K. (March, 2011).

Collaboration in gerontology in Northeast Ohio: Past, present, and future

of gerontological education. Presented at the 35the Annual Meeting of the

Association for Gerontologyin Higher Education, Cincinnati, OH.

Smith, G.C. (November, 2010). A Two Factor Model of Outcomes for Custodial

Grandmothers and Grandchildren. 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the

Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, G. C. (November, 2010). Informal Caregiving in Stroke Families: Links

Between the Mental Health Functioning of Caregivers and Care Receivers.

63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,

New Orleans, LA.

Cichy, K, & Smith, G. C. (November, 2010). Innovative Approaches to

Gerontological Education: Lessons Learned Inside and Outside of the

Classroom 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of

America, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, G. C. (August, 2010. Two-Factor Model of Outcomes for Custodial

Grandmothers and Grandchildren. American Psychological Association.San

Diego, CA

Montoro-Rodriquez, J., Smith, G. C. & Palmieri, P. (August, 2010). Factors

Associated With Mental Health Service Use by Custodial Grandchildren.

American Psychological Association.San Diego, CA

Cichy, K., & Smith, G. C. (March, 2010). Intergenerational Learning: A Review

of Social and Cognitive Benefits for Multiple Generations, 34th Annual

Ohio Professional and Student Conference on Aging. Ohio Association of

Gerontology and Education. Kent, OH.

Smith, G.C. & Hancock, G.R. (November, 2009). Antecedents and Consequences of

Marital Quality within Custodial Grandparent Families. Presented at the 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,

Atlanta, GA.

Hayslip, B., Davis, S., Smith, G. C., & Goodman, C.C. (November, 2009).

Mental Health Attitudes Among Custodial Grandparents. Presented at the

62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,

Atlanta, GA.

Hayslip, B., Davis, S., Goodman, C.C., & Smith, GC (November 2009). Resilience

among custodial grandparents.  Presented at the 62nd Annual Scientific

Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA.

Egbert, N., Smith, G., Nanna, K., Dellman-Jenkins, M., & Tomko, C. (2009,

November). Discovering new ways of coping and sharing through emotional

support. Presented at the 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the National

Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Nanna, K., Smith, G., Egbert, N., Dellman-Jenkins, M., & Tomko, C. (2009,

November). Recruiting caregiving families into online intervention studies.

Presented at the 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society

of America, Atlanta, GA.

Egbert, N., Smith, G., Nanna, K., Dellman-Jenkins, M., & Tomko, C. (2009,

November). Exploring the relationship between care receiver psychological

well-being and perceptions of self and strain within the caregiving

context.Presented at the 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the

Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA.

Smith, G.C. (November, 2008). The Impact of Caring for Multiple Grandchildren

on How Custodial Grandmothers Appraise Caregiving. Presented at the 61th

Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,

National Harbor, MD.

Jencius, A., Smith, G. C., Hazelett, S, Wojtysiak, K.,Holder, C., Fink, E,

Fleming, E. & Allen, K. (November, 2008). Perceived Needs of Healthcare

Workers Who Serve as Informal Caregivers to Older Adults. Presented at

the 61th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of

America, National Harbor, MD.

Montoro-Rodriquez, J & Smith, G. C. (November, 2008) Use of Mental Health

Services, School Guidance, and Support Groups by Custodial Grandchildren:

Patterns and Predictors. Presented at the 61th Annual Scientific Meeting

of the Gerontological Society of America, National Harbor, MD.

Smith, G. C., & Hancock, G. A. (November, 2007). Effects of Grandparents’

Psychological Distress on Parenting Behavior and Grandchildren’s

Adjustment: A Comparison of Custodial Grandmothers and Grandfathers.

Presented at the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological

Society of America, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, G. C. (November, 2007). An Innovative Use of Intergenerational

Discussion Groups in Teaching Introductory Gerontology.

Presented at the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological

Society of America, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, G. C., Montoro-Rodriquez, J., & Curry, D. (November, 2006). Patterns

and predictors of service use by custodial grandparent families. Presented

at the 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of

America, Dallas, TX.

Smith, G. C., & Palmieri, P. A. (November, 2006). Risk for psychological

difficulties in children raised by custodial grandparents. Presented at

the 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of

America, Dallas, TX.

Smith, G. C., Richardson, R. A., & Palmieri, P. A. (November, 2006). The

effects of custodial grandmothers’ psychological distress on parenting

behavior and grandchild behavioral problems. Presented at the 59th Annual

Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Dallas, TX.

Coeling, H., Smith, G., Egbert, N., Johnson, R., & Dellman-Jenkins, M.

(April, 2006). Meeting in-home care receiver’s emotional needs. Presented

at the 30th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Research Conference,

Milwaukee, WI.

Smith, G. C. (November, 2005). Gender and Race Differences among Custodial

Grandparent Dyads. Presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the

Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL.

Kohn, S.J., & Smith, G.C. (November, 2005). The Use of Lateral Social

Comparisons as a Defense Against Age-Related Worry in Older Men and Women.

Presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological

Society of America, Orlando, FL.

Dellmann-Jenkins, M., Smith, G.C., Egbert, N., & Coeling, H., & Johnson, R.

(November, 2005). Perceived Difficulty in Meeting the Care Recipient’s

Emotional Needs and the Psychological Well-Being of Family Caregivers.

Presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological

Society of America, Orlando, FL.

Smith, G.C., & Kohn, S. J. (August, 2005). Testing a proposed model of

parenting practices with custodial grandmothers. Presented at the Annual

Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Smith, G.C., Kohn, S.J., & Trepal, H. (November, 2004). The effects of

Sampling strategies on family caregiving research: The case of custodial

grandmothers. Presented at the 57th Annual Scientific Meeting,

Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Kohn, S. J., Smith, G.C., & Trepal, H. (November, 2004). A comparison of

urban,suburban, and rural custodial grandparents. Presented at the 57th

Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Washington,


Smith, G. C., & Kohn, S. J. (July, 2004). Validating the Strengths and

Difficulties Questionnaire with U.S. Custodial Grandmothers. Presented

at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu,


Smith, G.C, Kohn, S. J., & Trepal, H. (March 2004) Techniques for recruiting

probability samples of family caregivers. Presented at the Annual Meeting

of the Ohio Association of Gerontology Education, Ohio State University.

Smith, G. C., Downing, K., & Kohn, S. J., & Trepal, H. C. (November, 2003).

Innovative techniques for recruiting probability samples of caregiving

grandparents. Presented at the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting,

Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA.

Kohn, S. J., & Smith, G. C. (November, 2003). The use of downward and

lateral social comparisons as defensive coping mechanisms in later life.

Presented at the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of

America, San Diego, CA.

Smith, G. C., Kohn, S. J., Grandjean, C., & Dellmann-Jenkins, M. (August,

2003). Interrelationships of health, agency, and depression in older

females. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological

Association, Toronto, CA.

Smith, G. C., Kohn, S. J., & Trepal, H. (March, 2003). Grandmothers raising

grandchildren: A new paradigm from the parenting literature. Presented at

the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Association of Gerontology Education, Wright

State University.

Smith, G. C. (November, 2002). Aging Families of Adults with Mental Illness:

Patterns and Predictors of Service Use and Unmet Needs. Presented at the

55th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Boston,


Kohn, S. J. & Smith, G. C. (November, 2002). Downward Social Comparisons

among Older Black and White Women. Presented at the 55th Annual Scientific

Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA.

Smith, G. C. (March, 2002). Stress, Coping, and Well-Being of Custodial

Grandparents: A Theoretical Model. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the

Ohio Association of Gerontology Education, Columbus, OH.

Smith, G. C. (November, 2001). A Two-Factor Model of Emotional Well-Being for

Custodial Grandparents. Presented at the 54th Annual Scientific

Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL.

Smith, G. C. (November, 2001). A two-factor model of well-being for

caregiving mothers of adults with mental illness. Presented at the 54th

Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL.

Smith, G. C. (November, 2000). Permanency planning by older mothers of

adults with mental illness. Presented at the 53rd Annual Scientific

Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Smith, G.C. (August, 2000). How custodial grandparents view support

groups for their grandchildren. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the

American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Hatfield, A., & Smith, G. C. (May, 2000). Helping elderly

caregivers plan for the future care of a relative with a psychiatric

disability. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International

Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services, Crystal City, VA.

Tillery-Larkin, R., & Smith, G.C. (April, 2000). Analysis of

senior citizen health care reform publics using J. Grunig's Situtational

Theory. Presented at the 3rd Annual International, Interdisciplinary Public

Relations Research Conference, Miami, FL.

Power, P. W., & Smith, G.C. (February, 2000). Interface of gerontology and

rehabilitation counseling: Implications for multidisciplinary course

development. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for

Gerontology in Higher Education.

Smith, G. C. (November, 1999). Predictors of future planning by older

mothers of adults with mental illness. Presented at the 52nd Annual

Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.

Kohn, S.J., & Smith, G. C. (November, 1999). Mediation of uncertainty and

anxiety in older adults: A model of perceived affiliation and self-

acceptance through lateral social comparisons. Presented at the 52nd

Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San

Francisco, CA.

Smith, G. C., Savage-Stevens, S., Kohn, S. J., Ingate, R., Finch, J., & Lim,

Y.(August, 1999). Creation and validation of scales measuring agency

beliefs in adulthood. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American

Psychological Association. Boston, MA.

Smith, G. C., & Miller, D. (November, 1998). Future planning by older mothers

of adults with chronic mental illness Presented at the 51st Annual

Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA.

Kohn, S. J., Smith, G.C., Savage-Stevens, S. E., Finch, J., Ingate, R., &

Lim, Y. November, 1998) Antecedents and outcomes of personal and

interpersonal agency: New insights on achieving control, mastery and

well-being. Presented at the 51st Annual Scientific Meeting,

Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA.

Smith, G. C. (November, 1997). A theoretical model of great-grandparents'

psychological well-being. Presented at the Theory Construction and

Research Methodology Workshop, National Council on Family Relations,

Arlington, VA.

Smith, G. C., & Kohn, S. J. (November, 1997). An interdisciplinary team

research assignment for introductory gerontology. Presented at the 50th

Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America,

Cincinatti, OH.

Tobin, S. S., & Smith, G. C. (November, 1997). Older mothers of adults with

mental retardation: Desire for future family care. Presented at the

50th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America,

Cincinatti, OH.

Kohn, S. J., & Smith, G. C. (November, 1997). Downward social comparisons

and depression in older adults: A structural equation model. Presented

at the 50th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of

America, Cincinatti, OH.

Smith, G. C. (November, 1996). Aging families of adults with mental

retardation: Patterns and correlates of service use, knowledge, and

need. Presented at the 49th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological

Society of America, Washington, DC.

Kohn, S. J., Hardy, R. C., Smith, G. C. & Johnson, C. (November, 1996).

The effects of lateral social comparison processes on emotional well-

Being in older men and women. Presented at the 49th Annual Scientific

Meeting,Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Bayer, K., Smith, G. C., & Sawyer, R. (November, 1996). Perceived need for

formal services among Alzheimer's family caregivers. Presented at the

49th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America,

Washington, DC.

Smith, G. C. (November, 1995). Caregiving outcomes for older mothers of

adults with mental retardation: A test of the two­factor model of

psychological well-being. Presented at the 48th Annual Scientific Meeting

of the Gerontological Society of America, Los Angeles, CA.

Smith, G. C. (November,1995). Interventions to assist adults with mental

retardation and their families. Presented at the 48th Annual Scientific

Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Los Angeles, CA.

Smith, G. C. (June, 1995). A theoretical model of residential planning.

   Presented at the Annual Meeting, American Association on Mental

Retardation, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, G. C.(November, 1994). Sibling influences on mothers of adults with

Mental retardation. Presented at the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting,

Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA.

Smith, G. C., & McClenny, B. D. (November, 1994). Aging parents of offspring

with lifelong disabilities: Still at home vs.living away. Presented at

the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America,

Atlanta, GA.

Smith, G. C., & Kirchner, N. (June, 1994). Psychoeducational support groups

for older parents of adults with lifelong disabilities: A case study.  

Presented at the Annual Meeting, American Association on Mental

Retardation, Boston, MA.

Smith, G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (November, 1993).  Perpetual parenthood among

 mothers of adults with mental retardation. Presented at the 46th Annual

Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (June, 1993). Older mothers of adults with

mental retardation: Antecedents and consequences of subjective burden.

Presented at the Annual Meeting, American Association on Mental

Retardation, Washington, DC.

Tobin, S. S. & Smith, G. C. (March, 1993). Family care of adult offspring

with mental  retardation. Presented at the 39th Annual Meeting, American

Society of Aging, Chicago, IL.

Smith, G. C. (November, 1992). Elderly mothers caring at home for offspring

with mental retardation: A model of permanency planning.  Presented at

the 45th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America,

Washington, DC.

Smith, G. C. (November, 1992). Practice issues concerning older parents of

adults with mental retardation. Presented at the 45th Annual Scientific

Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Fullmer, E. M., Smith, G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (November, 1991). Elderly parent

caregivers of mentally retarded adults: The hidden. Presented at the

44th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San

Francisco, CA.

Tobin, S. S., & Smith, G. C. (November, 1991). Paradoxical aging among

mothers of mentally retarded adults. Presented at the 44th Annual

Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, G. C., Tobin, S. S., & Jaccard, J. J. (November, 1991). Caregiver

burden: A model of antecedents and outcomes. Presented at the 44th Annual

Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, G. C., & Toseland, R. W. (November, 1990). A three month follow-up

  of peer and professional counseling for family caregivers. Presented at

the 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America,

Boston, MA.

Smith, M. F., Smith, G. C., & Toseland, R. W. (November, 1990). Problems

identified by family caregivers in counseling. Presented at the 43rd

Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA.

Smith, G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (November, 1989). How case managers perceive

older parents as caregivers of developmentally disabled adult offspring.

  Presented at the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society

of America, Minneapolis,MN

Toseland, R. W., & Smith, G. C. (November, 1989). The efficacy of individual

counseling by peer and professional helpers for family caregivers of the

elderly. Presented at the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting,  Gerontological

Society of America, Minneapolis, MN.

Smith, G. C., & Nehrke, M. F. (November, 1987). Staff-resident perceptual

   differences in long-term care settings. Presented at the 40th Annual

Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Smith, G. C., & Tobin, S. S. (November, 1986). Variability among service

providers in perceptions of practice with the aged, Presented at the 39th

Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Chicago,


Smith, G. C., Miller, R. P., & Buffano, J. (November, 1985). Respite care in

the long-term care facility: A multidisciplinary program evaluation.

 Presented at the 38th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society

of America, New Orleans,LA.

Miller, R. P., Smith, G. C., & Buffano, J. (November, 1985). Does respite

care promote long-term care placement? Presented at the 113th Annual

Meeting, American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Smith, G. C., & Olson, E. V. (November, 1984). Identifying the recreational

needs of elderly males in a residential care facility. Presented at the

37th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San

Antonio, TX.

Smith, G. C., Whitbourne, S. K., & Bonacci, D. D. (November, 1983).

Validation of the Sheltered Care Environment Scale.  Presented at the

36th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San

Francisco, CA.

Smith, G. C., & Quicke, T. A. (November, 1982). A multiple approach to

 community needs assessment in planning an extension of the nursing home

walls. Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting, Gerontological Society of

America, Boston, MA.

Smith, G. G. November, 1981). Accurate empathy training for paraprofessionals

in gerontology: A comparison of older and younger trainees. Presented at

the 34th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America,

Toronto, Ontario.

Smith, G. C., & Sperbeck, D. J. (November, 1980). Attributing causality in

aging families: Theoretical and practical implications of a social-

psychological perspective. Presented at the 33rd Annual Scientific

Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA.

Contracts and Grants

Awarded by University of Maryland:

1997 Research Support Award. Office of Graduate Studies,

University of Maryland, College Park

1995   Faculty Summer Research Award.   Office of Graduate Studies,

University of Maryland, College Park ($6,400).

1992-1993   Psychoeducational Groups for Older Mothers of Offspring with

 Mental Retardation:   A Descriptive Case Study.

Research Grant Program, Center for Educational

Research and Development, College of Education, ($5,500).

1992     Faculty Summer Research Award.  Office of Graduate Studies,

University of Maryland, College Park ($5,400).

Awarded by Kent State University:

2012 Post Doctoral Research Scholar Award (Noriko Toyakawa, PhD)

2011 Follow-up Interviews for R21 Pilot Investigation


Awarded by University Research Council

2006 Center for the Study of Lifespan, Health and Human Performance


Awarded by College of Education, Health, & Human Services

(E. Glickman, G. Smith et al., Co-Investigators)

2006 A Model Innovative Curriculum for Introduction to Gerontology


Awarded by the University Teaching Council

2003 The Development Of An Innovative Adult Health and Development

Program On The Kent Campus ($6450)

Awarded by Office of the Provost to: G. Smith, M. Dellmann-

Jenkins, W. Munson, & J. Montoro-Rodriquez.

2003 Age and Past Experience as Moderating Factors on the

Impact of Traumatic Events ($379.00)

2002 Quality of Care Outcomes and the Use of Information Technology

by Family Caregivers of the Frail Elderly ($24,000)

Awarded by Research Council to: G. Smith, M. Dellmann-Jenkins,

B. Johnson, N. Egbert, & H. Coeling.

Awarded by Outside Agencies:

| |

|2017-2021 | Social Intelligence Training for Custodial Grandmothers and their |

| |Adolescent Grandchildren |

| |[National Institute on Aging] |

| |1R01AG054571-01A1 |

| |Total Costs = $3,586,371.75 |

| | |

| |Principal Investigator |

2010-2015 Comparing Interventions to Improve the Well-Being of

Custodial Grandfamilies

(National Institute on Nursing Research ($2,500,000)

1R01NR012256 - 01

[Principal Investigator]

2006-2009 Online Intervention to Improve Stroke Care from Spouses

(National Institute on Nursing Research ($361,350)


[Principal Investigator]

2002-2005 Stress, Coping, and Well-Being of Custodial Grandparents

National Institute of Mental Health ($800,000)


[Principal Investigator]

1990-1992 Permanent Residential Planning By Parents of Mentally

Retarded Offspring. National Institute on Aging



[Co-Principal Investigator]

1987-1988 Individual Counseling for Family Caregivers to the Elderly:  A

Comparison of Peer and Professional Helpers.  AARP Andrus

Foundation ($49,000).

[Project Director; Ronald W. Toseland, PI]

Academic Awards and Distinctions

Fellow – American Psychological Association (since August 2012)

[Division 43 – Family Psychology]

Fellow – American Psychological Association (since August 2011)

[Division 20 – Adult Development and Aging]

Fellow - Gerontological Society of America (since December 1998)

Outstanding Researcher of the Year – Awarded by Ohio Association of

Gerontology and Education and the Ohio Research Council on Aging

(March 31, 2006).

Scholar of the Month – Kent State University – March 2015

Presidential Excellence Award – Kent State University – May 2017

Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award, Kent State University, April,


Other Scholarly Activities

2018 – present Editorial Board Member, The Gerontologist

2018 Invited Participant, National Institutes of Health, Center

for Scientific Review, Expert Scientific Reviewer

Anonymization Research Project

2017 (March) Member, Scientific Review Panel


Member Conflict: Health Services Organization and Delivery

2017 – present Editorial Board Member, Family Relations

2016 – 2017 Chair, Search Committee for Editor of Journals of

Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. Gerontological

Society of America.

2016 – 2017 Member, Executive Committee – Behavioral and Social

Sciences; Gerontological Society of America

2014- 2016 Member, Publications Committee

Gerontological Society of America

2014 – present Standing Member NIH Study Section

Community Level Health Promotion (CLHP)

2014 (June) Member, Scientific Review Panel

Center for Disease Control

State-driven Falls Prevention Dissemination SIP 14-020

2014 (February) NIH Study Section Grant Reviewer

Community Level Health Promotion (CLHP)

2013 (May) CDC Special Emphases Panel Reviewer

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers:

Special Interest Project Competitive Supplements (SIPS)

Review Group 2013/10 ZDP1 EEO

2012 – 2015 Editor – International Journal of Aging and Human


2011 NIH Study Section Grant Reviewer

Translational Research in Aging” review (ZAG1 ZIJ M1)

2011 – present Editorial Consultant – Developmental Psychology

June 2010 NIH Study Section Grant Reviewer

Special Emphasis Panel/SRG ((ZRG1 HDM-K)

2008 - present Advisory Board - The Journal of Aging in Emerging


2007-2012 Associate Editor – International Journal of Aging and Human


2007 – 2008 Peer Reviewer – Alzheimer’s Association

2004 -2009 NIH Study Section Grant Reviewer / Chair

(Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes IRG)

2005 NIH Study Section Grant Reviewer

(Social Psychology & Interpersonal Processes)

2004 – present Reviewer For Abstract submissions for Annual Meeting of the

Gerontological Society of America

2004 – Reviewer For Abstract submissions for 2004 Annual Meeting

of the American Psychological Association.

2003 – Reviewer For Student Research Award, Ohio Association for

Gerontological Education

2003 – Reviewer For 2004 Conference Program (APA – Division 20)

2001 – present Editorial Board Member, International Journal on Aging and

Human Development

1996 Invited Participant. Invitational Roundtable on Research

Advances in Later Life Family Caregiving of Adults with

Disabilities, University of Illinois at Chicago.

1996 Grant Reviewer. Switzer Research Fellowship Program,

United States Department of Education,

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation


1994 Symposium Organizer. Special Interest Group on Aging and

 Developmental Disabilities - (Gerontological Society of


1992 Grant Reviewer. Innovation Grants Program.

United States Department of Education

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation


1985-present Manuscript Reviewer. for The Gerontologist, Journal of

Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, Journal of

Intellectual Disability Research, American  Journal on

Mental Retardation, Mental Retardation, Psychiatric

Services, Psychology and Aging, International Journal

of Aging and Human Development, Schizophrenia Bulletin,

Journal of Family Issues; Child and Youth Services;

Journal of Child and Family Studies, Journal of Family


1996-present Program Reviewer. Gerontological Society of America.

1992 Publications Committee Member. Special Interest Group on

Aging and Developmental Disabilities.

1990 Invited Participant. Boston Roundtable on Research Issues

and Applications in Aging and Developmental


Invited Research Talks & Presentations

August 2016 Methodological Issues in Research with Grandparents

Raising Grandchildren. Presented at the 124th Annual

Convention of the American Psychological Association,

Denver, CO.

March 2016 Psychoeducational Interventions for Simultaneously

Improving the Psychological Well-Being of Caregivers and

Care Recipients

Grand Rounds - Department of Psychiatry, Akron City


October 2013 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Benjamin Rose Institute

October 2011 Comparing Interventions to Improve the Well-Being of

Custodial Grandparents – Annual Meeting of the Association

of Areas Agencies on Aging (Columbus, OH)

October 2011 Comparing Interventions to Improve the Well-Being of

Custodial Grandparents – Hillside Rehab Hospital (Warren,


January 2011 An Online Intervention to Support Stroke Caregiver-Care

Receiver Dyads:  Development and Evaluation

Benjamin Rose Institute (Cleveland, Ohio)

September 2009 Caring About Care Recipients in Family Caregiving Research

and Practice Annual Conference on Aging, Ohio

Association of Area Agencies on Aging

(Columbus, Ohio)

March 2009 Psychological Difficulties of Custodial Grandchildren: An

Emerging Area of Research, Practice and Policy

2nd Symposium on Grandarents Raising Grandchildren, The

National Center on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

(Georgia State University)

April 2008 Employed Caregivers: Fast facts and future research

University of Akron, Institute of Aging and Life Span


April 2007 Caring about care recipients in family caregiving research

and practice. Researcher of the year presentation:

Ohio Association of Gerontology and Education.

March 2007 An inside view of the NIH grant review process

KSU Graduate Student Senate

July 2004 Organizer and Presenter at pre-conference CE Program “Our

Aging Selves: Personal and Professional Explorations

Into Human Development” Division 20 (Adult

Development and Aging, American Psychological


September 1993 Identifying Families of Adults with Developmental

Disabilities Outside of the Service System.

New York State Office on Aging.

March 1989 Adjustment to Retirement.

New York State Teachers Association

October 1986   Staff-Resident Differences in Perceiving the Social

Climate of Nursing Homes. Geriatric Grand Rounds,

Center on Aging, School of

Medicine and Dentistry, University of



Professional Memberships and Service

1975 ­ present Member and Fellow, American Psychological Association

(Division 20, Adult Development and Aging)

(Division 43, Family Psychology)

1979 ­ present Member and Fellow, Gerontological Society of America

(Elected as Fellow, December 1998)

1990 ­ present Member, Special Interest Group on Aging and

Developmental  Disabilities  (I served on Publication

  Committee, Program Planning Committee, and as

Symposium Organizer)

1991-1992 Member, Technical Advisory Committee, Association

for Gerontology in Higher Education

1994-2001 Member, Advisory Board, Adult Health and Development

Program, University of Maryland

1995-2001 Member,  Advisory Group, Needs Assessment of Elderly

Caregivers, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill

1995-2001 Member, Maryland Consortium for Gerontological


1995 Member, Advisory Group to Develop Curriculum for

for Professionals to Assist Grandparents who serve as

Surrogate Parents. Center for Human Services

Development, Nancy K. Schlossberg, PI [funded by

National Organization on Aging]

1999-present Member, Special Interest Group on Grandparents,

Gerontological Society of America

1999-2006 Member, Continuing Education Committee, Division 20

(Adult Development and Aging), American

Psychological Association.

2001-2005 Chair, Continuing Education Committee, Division 20

(Adult Development and Aging), American

Psychological Association.

2002 – 2006 Member, Executive Committee

(Division 20, American Psychological Association)

2002 - present Member, Ohio Association for Gerontology Education

2003 – present Member, Board of Trustess, Ohio Association for

Gerontology and Education

2003 Member, Student Research Awards Committee

Gerontological Society of America, Behavioral and Social

Sciences Division

2003 – 2004 Member, Planning Committee, Clinical Geropsychology

Conference, Colorado Springs.

2004 Chair, Student Research Awards Committee

Gerontological Society of America, Behavioral and Social

Sciences Division

2005 Co-Chair: 2005 Conference Planning Committee,

Ohio Association of Gerontology and Education

2006 – present Member, Interdisciplinary Consortium for Aging Research

and Education {Kent State University, University

of Akron, Summa Health System]

2009 – present Member, Regional Geriatric Behavioral Health Alliance.

2010 Chair, 2010 Conference Planning Committee,

Ohio Association of Gerontology and Education

2011 – 2012 Vice President, Ohio Association of Gerontology and


2011 – 2012 Member, Aging and Higher Education Advisory Committee

Ohio Board of Regents & The Ohio Department of Education

Research Subcommittee

Service to Kent State University

School of Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences:

2001-present Director, Human Development Center

2001-present Member, Faculty Advisory Committee

2001-present Member, Graduate Studies Committee

2002-present Member, Ad Hoc Working Group on Workload Policy

2002-2011 Faculty Liaison to KSU Library

2003 Member, Senior Faculty Position in Nutrition Search


2004 (March) Reviewer, Student Paper Awards

2008 Chair, Gerontology Professor Search Committee

2013 Research Mentor to Assistant Professor Russ Toomey

2018 Member, HDFS Assistant Professor Search Committee

2018-present Member, LDES Curriculum Committee

April 2018 Undergraduate Student Recruitment Representative for


University Service:

2002 (Fall) Reviewer, Summer Research Council Awards

2002-2004 Member, Interdisciplinary Leadership in Ph.D.

Curriculum Advisory Committee

2001-present Member, Graduate Certificate in Gerontology Advisory


2003- 2004 Consultant, MERIT II Project (Dr. Steve Reichman - SELS)

2003 Member, SELS Graduate Program Review Committee

2003 (Fall) Reviewer, Research Challenge Grants

2003 (Fall) Reviewer, Summer Research Council Awards

2003- present Co-Director, Combined Graduate Certificate in Gerontology

Program (with H. Sterns of The University of Akron)

2003 – present Member, Faculty Advisory Group, Adult Health and Well-

Being Program

2004 (October) Member, Salary Dispute Committee (FPA)

2004 (Spring) Member, University Promotion Advisory Board

2004 (Spring/Summer Member, Search Committee for College of Nursing Dean

2004 (February) Presentation to Interdisciplinary Advisory Council on Adult

Health and Well-Being Program

2005. Member, College Advisory Committee (Fine & Professional


2006. Member, Faculty Senate (EHHS Representative)

2005-2006 Member, College Advisory Committee (EHHS)

2006-present Member, Celebration of Scholarship Planning Committee

2007 Reviewer, Proposal for Ph.D. Program in Psychology of

Aging at University of Akron

2011 Reviewer, Proposal for MA Degree in Gerontology Program

at Youngstown State University

2009-2010 Member, Research Committee (EHHS)

2011 – present Member, Faculty Advisory Committee (LDES)

2012 Member, Joint KSU – NEOMED Strategic Research Planning


Feb 2012 Lead Mock NIH Peer Review Session for RASP

2013 Chair, Aging Research Planning Group

June 2017 Reviewer for Healthy Communities Research Initiative

Proposals – KSU

April 2018 Faculty Judge, Graduate Student Poster Competition

URC Graduate Research Symposium

Spring 2018 Graduate Faculty Representative, Soon Young Ha Ph.D.

Dissertation Committee, College of Nursing

Service to University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Human Development:

1991-1992 Member, UMAGs Committee

1992-1993 Secretary, EDHD Faculty

1993-1994 Chair, Resources Committee

1994-1995 Chair, Doctoral Committee

1994-1995 Member, Developmental Science Ph.D. Planning Group

1995 Member, Undergraduate Program Planning Group

1992-1995, 1998 Member, Department Coordinating Committee

1995­1997 Member, Undergraduate Committee

1995-present Member, Human Subjects Committee

1996-present Chair, Human Subjects Committee

1997/1998 Member & Chair, Graduate Committee

1997/1998 Member, Merit & Salary Review Committee

1998/1999 Chair, EDHD Faculty

1998/1999 Chair, EDHD Coordinating Committee

1998 /1999 Member, EDHD Executive Committee

2000 Chair, Merit & Salary Review Committee

College of Education:

1991-1992 Member, Teacher Excellence Committee

1992-1993 Member, Teacher Preparation Committee

1993-1994 Member, Graduate Committee

1994-1996 Elected At-Large Member, College Senate

1994-1996 Elected Member, Steering Committee (College Senate)

1995-1996 Elected Secretary, College Senate

1998/1999 Member, College Senate

1998/1999 Member, College Planning Committee

1998/1999 Member, EDCP Search Committee

1998/present Member, Technology Outreach Task Force

College Park Campus:

1993-1995 Faculty Senator At-large, College Park Senate

[Elected, to represent College of Education]

1991-1993, 1995, Faculty Advisor and Coordinator, Golden ID Student's

Graduate Fellowship Program in Gerontology

1997-1998 Member, Planning Committee for Ph.D. Program in



Undergraduate Courses Taught at Kent State University

Fall 2006 GERO 14029 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 2007 GERO 14029 Introduction to Gerontology

Fall 2007 GERO 14029 Introduction to Gerontology

Fall 2008 GER0 14029 Introduction to Gerontology

Fall 2009 GERO 14029 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 2010 GERO 14029 Introduction to Gerontology

Fall 2010 GERO 14029 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 2017 GERO 40656/ Psychology of Aging

PSYCH 30656

Graduate Courses Taught at Kent State University

Spring 2002 GCOL 60201 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Gerontology

Spring 2004 FCS 64022 Family Life in the Later Years

Fall 2004 GCOL 60201 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Gerontology

Spring 2006 GERO 61191 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Gerontology

Spring 2006 FCS60422 Family Life in the Later Years

Spring 2010 GERO 61191 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Gerontology

Spring 2013 GERO 61191 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Gerontology

Spring 2015 GERO 61191 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Gerontology

Spring 2017 GERO 61191 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Gerontology

Undergraduate Courses Taught at UMCP

Fall 1991 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1992 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1993 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1993 EDHD 306 The Study of Behavior

Fall 1993 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1994 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Fall 1994 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1995 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Fall 1995 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1996 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Summer 1996 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Fall 1996 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1997 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1997 EDHD 499 Promoting Optimal Aging

Summer 1997 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontolgy

Fall 1997 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1998 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1998 EDHD 499 Promoting Optimal Aging

Summer 1998 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Fall 1998 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1999 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Spring 1999 EDHD 401 Promoting Optimal Aging

Summer 1999 EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology

Graduate Courses Taught at UMCP

Fall 1992 EDHD 620 Aging in the Cultural Context

Fall 1993 EDHD 620 Aging in the Cultural Context

Spring 1994 EDHD 630 Cognitive Processes in Aging

Fall 1995 EDHD 620 Aging in the Cultural Context

Spring 1995 EDHD 630 Cognitive Processes in Aging

Fall 1995 EDHD 620 Aging in the Cultural Context

Spring 1996 EDHD 630 Cognitive Processes in Aging

Fall 1996 EDHD 620 Aging in the Cultural Context

Fall 1997 EDHD 620 Aging in the Cultural Context

Fall 1998 EDHD 620 Aging in the Cultural Context

Graduate Advising

Master's Advisees and Advising at KSU:

Terry Hollecek HDFS 2001

Andrea Walker HDFS 2002

Karen Filkin-Sanders HDFS 2004

Meredith Driscoll HDFS 2007

Master's Advisees and Advising at UMCP:

Completed Degree Ingrid Andersen EDHD 1991-1994 Completed Degree Rebecca Gardner EDHD 1992-1994

Todd Green EDHD 1993­2001

Jason McNeal EDHD 1992­2001

Patricia Bastar EDHD 1992­2001

Jennifer Eldridge EDHD 1993­2001

Ronald McNemar EDHD 1992­2001

Lisa Gresham EDHD 1993­2001

Patricia Andreano EDHD 1992-2001

Completed Degree Rita Wood EDHD 1992­2001

Michael Follansbee EDHD 1992­2001

Vanesa Figueroa EDHD 1991-1992

Tamar Thumbtzen EDHD 1992

Tamaira Feehan EDHD 1992-1993

Doctoral Advisees and Advising:

Susan Robertson EDHD 1999-2001

Cynthia Grandjean EDHD 1997-2002

Susan Savage EDHD 1996-2001

Completed Degreee Steven Kohn EDHD 1995-2002

Linda Putt EDHD 1995­2001

Bonita Beatie   EDHD   1994­1995

Completed Degree David Dickens EDHD 1994­1997

Maren Mayhew EDHD 1993­2001

Carol Hendler EDHD 1992­2001

Mary Ng EDHD 1992­1994

Mary Rosner EDHD 1991­2001

Susan Battistoni EDHD 1991­1999

Joan Brahler EDHD 1991­1999

Voncelia Brown EDHD 1991­1999

Cynthia Howard EDHD 1992-1993

Mary O'Donnell EDHD 1998-1999

Other Advising Activities at UMCP:

I served as Faculty Advisor and Coordinator of the Golden ID Student Graduate

Fellowship Program in Gerontology (1992, 1993, 1995, & 1997).

Master's Thesis Committees at UMCP

Rita Wood EDHD (Chair)

Steven Kohn EDHD

Barbara Duca EDHD

Rochelle Tillery Journalism

Kim Bayer Health Education

Linda Seidman EDCP

Karen Sarno Food Sciences

Posey Zuses EDHD

Doctoral Dissertation Committees at KSU

Kristel Gallagher Psychology

Amanda Mullet Geography

Katie Hosely Psychology

Diane Learned Psychology

Debra Shelestak Measurement & Statistics

Dawn McKee Speech Pathology

Doctoral Dissertation Committees at UMCP

Cindy Grandjean EDHD (Chair)

Steven Kohn EDHD (Chair)

David Dickens EDHD (Chair)

Lori Coltri EDHD

Yechiam Ostchega EDHD

Charles Middlestead EDHD

Cheri Jacobs EDHD

Anne Lippe EDHD

Vanessa Foi Nursing (UMBC)

Valerie Drake EDHD

Perla Werner Sociology

Renee Baldi Psychology

Evelyn Bata EDCP

Lisa Wood Psychology

Constance Krach Sociology

Marjorie Pyle EDCP

Robin Majeski EDHD

Lisa Murphy Psychology

Mary Rosner EDHD (Chair)

Robin Mockenhaupt Health Education

Mark Paoli Sociology

Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committees at KSU

Dawn McKee Speech Pathology

Mary Beth Mason Speech Pathology

Amanda Mullett Geography

Doctoral Dissertation Committees at Outside Universities

Laura Portner Counseling Psychology

(University of North Texas)

Jane Jooste Counseling Psychology

(University of North Texas)

James Kirby Clinical Psychology

(University of Queensland)


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