Read the following performance task and write your ...

Cadet Name: GRADE 10


Class Period: Date:



This writing sample will be used to assess the writing strengths and weakness of both the individual and the class a whole. It helps your teacher guide his/her writing instruction. It is a “snap-shot” of your writing ability that teachers will use to diagnose your strengths and weakness in writing.

If English class was a sport, this test would be the physical examination you get from your doctor so he can see what type of shape you are in. Since you teacher is assessing your writing ability you should; however, write to the best of your ability. Use formal language and avoid slang.

Choose ONE of the following essay prompts. Brainstorm ideas and then compose a FOUR PARAGRAPH essay using the following format.

Introduction –

• Attention grabber

• Ease the reader into what the prompt & response are about

• Thesis statement – your statement of purpose that guides the essay

Body Paragraph 1 –

• Topic sentence – use the language in the writing prompt to help you

• Support your thesis with reasoning and examples taken from novels, film, studies, experience or observations.

• Make certain it is clear how the above example (s) support your thesis

• Concluding sentence

Body Paragraph 2 –

• Transition sentence / Topic sentence – use the language in the writing prompt to help you

• Support your thesis with reasoning and examples taken from novels, film, studies, experience or observations.

• Make certain it is clear how the above example (s) support your thesis

• Concluding sentence

Conclusion –

• Transition sentence

• Restate your opinion / thesis (use different wording)

• Give some attention to each major idea taken from each body paragraph

• Leave the reader with a clear, final thought about your topic

Proofread – Always proofread your essay. Proper use of punctuation, capitalization, grammar and

spelling do make a difference. You should also be sure you have used variety in sentence structure and strong vocabulary.



Having integrity means being completely true to what is inside you –to what you know is right into what you feel you must do, regardless of the immediate cost of sacrifice. Without integrity no person is complete and without it, no book, no play, nothing written, nothing done by man has any real value.

-Samuel Goldwyn

Assignment: Do you agree with Goldwyn wrote about the real value and full meaning of integrity? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your thoughts in response to Goldwyn’s definition of integrity.

Essay Scoring Rubric SAT Writing Section created by The College Board

Score of 6

A paper in this category is outstanding, demonstrating clear and consistent mastery, although it may have occasional errors. Such a paper:

• effectively and insightfully addresses the writing task,

• is well organized and fully developed, using clearly appropriate examples to support ideas,

• displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating variety in sentence structure and range of vocabulary.

Score of 5

A paper in this category is effective, demonstrating reasonably consistent mastery, although it will have occasional errors or lapses in quality. Such a paper:

• effectively addresses the writing task,

• is generally well organized and well developed, using appropriate examples to support ideas,

• displays facility in the use of language, demonstrating some syntactic variety and range of vocabulary.

Score of 4

A paper in this category is competent, demonstrating adequate mastery with occasional errors and lapses in quality. Such a paper:

• addresses the writing task,

• is organized and adequately developed, using examples to support ideas,

• displays adequate but inconsistent facility in the use of language, presenting some errors in grammar or diction

• present minimal sentence variety

Score of 3

A paper in this category is inadequate, but demonstrates developing mastery. Such a paper may contain one or more of the following weaknesses:

• inadequate organization or development,

• inappropriate or insufficient details to support ideas,

• an accumulation of errors in grammar, diction, or sentence structure.

Score of 2

A paper in this category is seriously limited, demonstrating little mastery. Such a paper is flawed by one or more of the following weaknesses:

• poor organization,

• thin development,

• little or inappropriate detail to support ideas,

• frequent errors in grammar, diction, and sentence structure.

Score of 1

A paper in this category is fundamentally lacking, demonstrating very little or no mastery. Such a paper

is severely flawed by one or more of the following weaknesses:

• very poor organization,

• very thin development,

• usage and syntactical errors so severe that meaning is somewhat obscured.



CLASS PERIOD: TITLE OF ESSAY:___________________________________.

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Plan out your essay here. Begin by listing ideas. Try to figure out what you want to put in each paragraph.


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