[Pages:2]Always Most of the Time Sometimes Almost Never Never



Please complete the following evaluation of your student teacher. Your honest and thoughtful opinions are welcome.

Place a check in the appropriate box for each item below.

Does the student teacher have accurate knowledge of the subject area? Does the student teacher present the material in ways that you understand? The student teacher understands how students learn. All students respond well to the student teacher. The student teacher plans a variety of interesting and effective lessons. The student teacher creates tests and assessments that allow students to show what they have learned. The student teacher creates a classroom environment that encourages all students to participate. The student teacher cares about the needs of all students. The student teacher communicates clearly and well. The student teacher made an effort to communicate with my family as necessary. The student teacher worked hard at becoming a better teacher.


Please describe two or three things that you liked about the student teacher.

Please describe two or three things that would make her/him a better teacher.

Would you recommend this teacher to your friends? Why or why not?

Please circle one word or phase to complete each statement: I think the overall quality of the teaching I received from the student teacher is :

poor / fair / good / very good / excellent While the student teacher was here, I would describe my level of learning about the subject as:

nothing / a little / a fair amount / quite a bit


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