Teacher Input for IEP Development/Review

Teacher Input for IEP Development/Review

|Student: |Teacher: |

|Class: |Student’s current grade in your class: |

|Please return to: by (date): |

|Please review the attached Measurable Annual Goals(s) from the student’s IEP. Please provide information /data from your class regarding progress towards the|

|goal(s). |

|Your input is essential to developing/revising the IEP. |Y, N, |For any “NO” answers, please provide further information/data |

|Please respond to each statement below by marking the column to the right |N/A | |

|Y(Yes), N(No), or N/A (Not Applicable) based on current observations of this | | |

|student. | | |


|Student comes to class with appropriate materials. | | |

|Student completes and returns homework on time. | | |

|Student completes and returns classwork on time. | | |

|Student remains on task and attentive during instruction and classwork. | | |

|Student uses appropriate oral communication skills. | | |

|Student participates actively in class discussions. | | |

|Student follows oral directions appropriate to grade. | | |

|Student follows written directions appropriate to grade. | | |

|Student asks for assistance appropriately. | | |

|Student requests accommodations as appropriate. | | |

|Student accepts adult correction /redirection /feedback appropriately. | | |

|Student interacts appropriately with peers. | | |

|Student follows class rules. | | |

|(For students who use behavior/organization Checklists only): Student presents | | |

|checklist to teacher at end of class period without prompts. | | |

|WhIch of the above skills/areas are most in need of improvement? |

|Please note student strengths: |

|Which accommodations are most effective in your class? |

| |

|Please respond to each statement below by marking the column to the right |Y, N, |For any “NO” answers, please provide further information/data |

|Y(Yes), N(No), or N/A (Not Applicable) based on current observations of this |N/A | |

|student. | | |


|Student is able to access text independently. | | |

|Student is able to access other materials independently (tests, study guides, | | |

|electronic media, etc.) | | |

|Student shows appropriate comprehension skills. | | |

|Student is able to take tests and quizzes independently. | | |

|Student is able to take notes and complete study guides independently. | | |

|Student uses writing skills appropriate to grade to complete assignments and | | |

|tests: | | |

|Student uses spelling skills to appropriate to grade level. | | |

|Student applies grammar/ punctuation skills appropriate to grade level to | | |

|written work. | | |

|Student writes with focus and organization. | | |

|Student writes and copies legibly. | | |

|What accommodations for reading and writing work best for this student? |

|What reading or writing skill(s) are most in need of improvement? |

|Where are most errors made? |

|MATH SKILLS (math, science and teachers who may address math skills) |

|Student shows appropriate pre-requisite skills. | | |

|Student masters concepts and skills with practice. | | |

|Student is able to complete classwork and assignments independently. | | |

|What accommodations work best for this student in math? |

|What math skill is most in need of improvement? |

|Where does student make the most errors in math? |

Thank you for your important input! Please add any additional notes/comments that would be helpful to the IEP team:

Please be sure to attach the sheet for Measurable Annual Goals (if provided for your class):

Teacher signature / date:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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