C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E - UW College of Education


Allen D. Glenn

College of Education

University of Washington

Office: 122 Miller Hall, Box 353600, Seattle, WA 98195-3600

(206) 221-4790 -- Email: aglenn@u.washington.edu --FAX (206) 685-1713

Home: 6220 N.E. 193rd St., Kenmore, WA 98028-3360 (425) 483-1276


Ph.D. Education 1970 University of Michigan

M.A. Education 1970 University of Michigan

M.S. Political Science 1968 Kansas State Teachers College

B.A. Political Science/History 1964 Ottawa University


University of Washington

• Director, Ackerley Network for Teacher Professional Development, 2006-2008

• Interim Director of Teacher Education, 2002-2003

• Dean, College of Education, 1989-2000

• Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, 1989-

University of Minnesota

• Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, 1986-89

• Chair, Curriculum and Instruction, 1984-86

• Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, 1980-89

• Associate Professor, 1973-80

• Assistant Professor, Secondary Education, 1971-73

Prior to University Employment

• Assistant Director, High School Curriculum Center in Government, Indiana University, 1970-71

• Visiting Assistant Professor of Education, Indiana University, 1970-71

• Research Assistant, Office of Research Services, School of Education, University of Michigan, 1969-70

• Instructor, Social Studies Education, University of Michigan, Flint, spring quarter 1969

• Teaching Assistant, Political Science and American History, Kansas State Teachers College, 1966-68

• Unified Studies Teacher, Broad moor Junior High School, Shawnee Mission School District, Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 1964-66

• American Government Teacher, summer sessions, Shawnee Mission School District, Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 1964 and 1965



Allen D. Glenn, David Imig, and Dale Anderson. “Where Do We Go From Here?” in Issues in Teacher Education. Editors: Cindy Lassonde, Robert Michael, and Jerry Rivera-Wilson. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishers, 2008.


Linda Knapp and Allen D. Glenn. Restructuring Classrooms with Technology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1996.

Arthur K. Ellis, Allen D. Glenn, and Jeffrey Fouts. Teaching and Learning Social Studies. New York: Harper Collins, 1991.

Arthur K. Ellis, James A. Mackey, and Allen D. Glenn. The School Curriculum. Needham Heights, Maine: Allyn and Bacon, 1988.

Lee H. Ehman and Allen D. Glenn. Computer Based Education in the Social Studies. Bloomington, Ind.: ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education, 1987.

Allen D. Glenn and Donald R. Rawitsch. Computing in the Social Studies. Portland, Ore.: International Council for Computers in Education, 1984.

John J. Patrick and Allen D. Glenn. The Young Voter: A Guide to Instruction about Voter Behavior and Elections. Washington, D.C.: National Council for the Social Studies, May 1972.

Textbook Series

Scott Foresman Social Studies Series. (Contributing Author) Pearson Education, Glenview, Illinois. 2003.

Chapters in Books and Monographs

Allen D. Glenn, “Professional Development and Technology” in Portrait of a Profession: Teaching and Teachers In the 21st Century. D.Moss, W.J. Glenn, and R.L.Schwab (editors) Greenwood Press. 2004

Kathleen Fulton, Allen D. Glenn, Gilbert Valdez, “Teacher Education and Technology Planning Guide.” Learning Point Associates, Naperville, IL, November 2004

Kathleen Fulton, Allen D. Glenn, Gilbert Valdez. Three Preservice Programs Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology: A Study in Partnerships. PDF available at (2003).

John Anderson and Allen Glenn (rapporteurs). Bulding Capacity of Teachers/Facilitators in Technology-Pedgaogy Integration for Improved Teaching and Learning, Final Report. Bangkok, Thailand: UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education. 2003.

Kathleen Fulton, Allen D. Glenn, Gilbert Valdez, and Robert Blomeyer. “Preparing Technology-Competent Teachers for Urban and Rural Classrooms: A Teacher Education Challenge.” Naperville, Illinois: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, . 2003.

Allen D. Glenn, “Emergence of Technology Standards for Preservice Teacher Education,” (2002) North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, NCREL’s Educational Technology Resources Online. .2002.

Allen D. Glenn, “A Perspective on the Renewal of Teacher Education.” North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, NCREL’s Educational Technology Resources Online.

, 2002.

Allen D. Glenn, Lessons in Teacher Education in the United Kingdom and the United States: A Comparative Analysis of Teacher Education in the United Kingdom and the United States.” ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Colleges of Teacher Education, 2001.

Allen D. Glenn, “Reflections on Renewal: The Research University and Teacher Education.” In The Beat of a Different Drummer, Essays on Educational Renewal in Honor of John I. Goodlad, Edited by Kenneth A. Sirotnik & Roger Soder. New York, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. 1999.

Lee H. Ehman and Allen D. Glenn. “Instructional Technology in Social Studies.” In Handbook of Research Social Studies and Teaching and Learning, edited by James P. Shaver. New York: Macmillan, 1990.

Carol A. Carrier and Allen D. Glenn. “Teacher Computer Training.” In Problems and Promises of Computer-Based Training, edited by Ted Schlechter. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Co., 1990.

Eugene D. Gennaro and Allen D. Glenn. “Exploring Value Issues in Science Teaching.” In Association Education Teachers of Science Yearbook. Cleveland: Education Resources Information Center, 1978.

Allen D. Glenn. “Computers in Social Sciences.” In Computer Applications in Instruction. Time Share. Hanover, N.H.: Houghton Co., 1978.

James A. Mackey, Allen D. Glenn, and Darrell R. Lewis. “Current and Future Needs for Teacher Training in Economic Education.” In Perspectives on Economic Education, edited by Donald Wentworth and W. Lee Hanson, Joint Council on Economic Education, March 1977.

Allen D. Glenn. “Elementary School Children's Attitudes Toward Politics.” In Political Youth, Traditional Schools, Edited by Byron G. Massialas. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1972.

Journal Articles

Allen D. Glenn. “Technology, Information, and Knowledge” in the compass, Nystrom: Herff Jones Education Division, March 2006.

Allen D. Glenn and Khodi Kaviani.” Enhancing Democracy with Technology in the Social Studies” in International Journal of Social Education. Fall/Winter 2005-2006, Vol. 20(2)

Allen D. Glenn, “The Challenges of Leadership in a Connected Education Environment,” Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, Vol. 11, Number 3, 2003, pp. 273-288.

Allen D. Glenn, “Thirty Years and Some of the Same Issues,” International Social Studies Forum, Volume 2 (2), 2002, pp. 179-181.

Allen D. Glenn, “But, Do We Make Any Difference?” Educational Perspectives: Journal of the College of Education/University of Hawaii’ at Manoa, Volume 32, No. 1 (Summer 1998).

Allen D. Glenn. “Technology and the Continuing Education of Classroom Teachers.” Peabody Journal of Education, Teachers and Teacher Education in the United States: Perspectives From members of the Japanese-United States Teacher Education Consortium (Allen D. Glenn, Special Issue Editor) Volume 72, Number 1, 1997.

Allen D. Glenn. “Unpacking the Postulates in a Research University Site: A Dean’s Perspective.” Record in Educational Leadership, Volume 14, No. 2 (Spring/Summer 1994), pp. 86-89.

Allen D. Glenn. “Teacher Education: One Dean’s Perspective and Forecast on the State of Technology and Teacher Prep.” Electronic Learning 12, No. 5 (February 1993).

Lee Ehman, Allen Glenn, Vivian Johnson, and Charles White. “Using Computer Databases in Student Problem Solving: A Study of Eight Social Studies Teachers’ Classrooms.” Theory and Research in Social Education 20, No. 2 (spring 1992).

Allen D. Glenn. “Looking at Schools in a Different Way.” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Opinion Editorial, January 16, 1992.

Allen D. Glenn and Carol A. Carrier. “Teacher Technology Training: An Assessment.” Educational Technology (Special Issue Editors), winter 1990.

Allen D. Glenn and Gregory C. Sales. “Interactive Video Technology. Its Status and Future in the Social Sciences.” The International Journal of Social Studies 5, No. 1 (spring 1990).

Allen D. Glenn. “Democracy and Technology.” The Social Studies, Volume 81, No. 5 (Sept/Oct 1990).

Allen D. Glenn and Carol A. Carrier. “Teacher Education and Computer Training: An Assessment.” Peabody Journal of Education (fall 1989).

Reynold Willie, Allen D. Glenn, and Steven F. Reuter. “Elementary School Children's Knowledge of and Attributes Toward Microcomputers.” Journal of Computing in Teacher Education 4, No. 1 (fall 1988): pp. 23-35.

Carol Carrier, Allen D. Glenn, and Greg Sales. “Designing Lessons that Use Computers.” International Council for Computers in Education SIG Bulletin 3, Nos. 2 and 3 (May 1987).

Greg C. Sales, Carol Carrier, and Allen D. Glenn. “Evaluating Lessons that Use Computers.” Computing Teacher, May 1986, pp. 45-86.

Carol Carrier, Allen D. Glenn, and Greg Sales. “A Two-Level Program for Training Teachers to Use Computers in the Classroom.” Educational Technology 25, No. 10 (October 1985).

Allen D. Glenn and Steven J. Rakow. “Computer Simulations: Effective Teaching Strategies.” Computing Teacher 2, No. 12 (February 1985).

Steven A. Rose, Allan R. Brandhorst, Allen D. Glenn, James O. Hodges, and Charles White. Social Studies Microcomputer Courseware Evaluation Guidelines, National Council for the Social Studies, Washington, D.C. (November 1984).

Richard Germundsen and Allen D. Glenn. “Computer Gradebooks: Implications for Teachers.” The Computing Teacher 12, No. 2 (October 1984).

Charles White and Allen D. Glenn. “Computers in the Curriculum, Social Studies.” Electronic Learning 4, No. 1 (September 1984).

Allen D. Glenn. “Computer Literacy Among College of Education Faculty.” Educational Perspectives 22, No. 4 (Winter 1984).

Allen D. Glenn, Richard A. Pollak, and Nancy A. Kozen. “Teaching Economics: Research Findings from a Microcomputer/Videodisc Project.” Educational Technology 24, No. 3 (March 1984).

Allen D. Glenn. “Videodiscs and Social Studies Educators.” Social Education 47, No. 5 (May 1983).

Steven J. Rakow, Allen D. Glenn, and William E. Fifer. “Acid Rain: Board Game to Computer Simulation.” Simulation and Games 14, No. 1 (March 1983).

Steven J. Rakow, Eugene D. Gennaro, Allen D. Glenn, Roger Johnson, and Linda E. Scott. “Great Lakes Activities: For Minnesota Elementary Students.” The Journal of Marine Education 4, No. 2 (winter 1983).

Allen D. Glenn and Daniel L. Klassen. “Computer Technology and Politics: A Challenge for the Social Studies.” The Educational Forum XLVII, No. 2 (winter 1983).

Steven J. Rakow and Allen D. Glenn. “The Acid Rain Game.” Science Activities 19, No. 4 (Nov/Dec 1982).

Allen D. Glenn, Daniel Gregg, and Bruce Tipple. “Three Strategies for Using Role-Playing Activities to Teach Problem Solving.” Simulation and Games 13, No. 2 (June 1982).

Allen D. Glenn and Vicky Johnson Lewis. “Using the Textbook More Effectively to Improve Student Reading and Learning.” The Reading World 21, No. 4 (May 1982).

Allen D. Glenn and Arthur K Ellis. “Direct and Indirect Methods of Teaching Problem Solving to Elementary School Children.” Social Education 46, No. 2 (February 1982).

Allen D. Glenn and Kent Kehrberg. The Intelligent Videodisc: An Instructional

Tool for the Classroom.” Educational Technology 21, No. 10 (October 1981).

Allen D. Glenn and Eugene D. Gennaro. “Attitudes of Science and Social Studies Teachers Toward Interdisciplinary Topics and Value Questions.” School Science and Mathematics 81, No. 6 (October 1981).

Allen D. Glenn and Edith West. “Using the Textbook and Reading Materials More Effectively in the Social Studies.” The Social Studies 71, No. 4 (July/August 1980).

Allen D. Glenn. “Simulations and Strategies for Value Analysis.” SIMGAMES 7, No. 3 (April 1980).

Allen D. Glenn. “And the Winner is...Teaching About the Elections.” MCSS Forum (April 1980).

Allen D. Glenn. “Simulations in the Instructional Sequences: Four Specific Strategies for Social Studies Classrooms.” SIMGAMES 6, No. 3 (April 1979).

James A. Mackey, Allen D. Glenn, and Darrell R. Lewis. “The Effectiveness of Teacher Education.” Peabody Journal of Education 54, No. 4 (July 1977). Reprint: Educational Digest 43, No. 3 (November 1977).

James A. Mackey, Allen D. Glenn, and Darrell R. Lewis. “Teaching Training in Economics Education.” Journal of Economic Education 8, No. 2 (spring 1977).

Arthur K. Ellis and Allen D. Glenn. “Effects of Real and Contrived Problem Solving on Economic Learning.” Journal of Economic Education 8, No. 2 (spring 1977).

Allen D. Glenn. Problem Solving in Social Studies: Two Examples from the Classroom.” Social Education 41 (May 1977).

Allen D. Glenn. Simulations in the Instructional Sequence: Strategies for the Social Studies Classroom.” The Social Studies 43, No. 1 (Jan/Feb 1977).

Allen D. Glenn. “Teaching Political Science at the Pre-Collegiate Level: An Analysis of Social Studies Methods Textbooks.” Teaching Political Science 4, No. 4 (October 1976). (Abstracted in International Political ScienceAbstracts.)

Reynold Willie and Allen D. Glenn. “The Professional Education of the Teacher: Some Thoughts on Continuing Education.” Adult Leadership (May 1976).

Allen D. Glenn and Eugene D. Gennaro. “Exploring Values and Value Questions: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Social Studies and Science Teachers.” High School Journal (February 1975).

Eugene D. Gennaro and Allen D. Glenn. “Science and Social Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Values and Value Decisions.” Science Education 59 (January 1975).

Allen D. Glenn. “Politics, the Classroom, and Social Studies.” MCSS Journal (fall 1972).

Allen D. Glenn. “Getting Ready for Election '72.” Political Education Update 2, No. 1 (Jan/Feb 1972).

Allen D. Glenn and Judith Gillespie. “The Changing Demands of High School Students: Confronting Political Questions of the ‘70s.” News and Notes on the Social Sciences (Winter 1971).

Published Tests

John J. Patrick and Allen D. Glenn. American Political Behavior Achievement Test. Lexington, Mass.: Ginn and Company, 1974.

Papers and Presentations at Professional Meetings

“It’s Really About Teaching and Learning.” Keynote address to the California League of Middle Schools, Monterey, California, January 16, 2005.

“Technology and Teacher Education in the United States: A Perspective on Trends and Issues” at UNESCO’s Experts Meeting on Teachers/Facilitators Training on Technology-Pedagogy Integration. Bangkok, Thailand. June 18-20, 2003.

“Technology and Organizational Change.” Moderator, 2003 American Association for the Colleges of Teacher Education Special Institute sponsored by Microsoft, January 23, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana.

“Enterprise in Technology” Invited Paper at the National Technology Leadership Summit, Bermuda, October 19-26, 2002.

“Teacher Education and For-Profit Providers”. Moderator, American Association for the Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) workshop, New York City, February 22, 2002.

“Instruments to Measure Teacher Performance: Washington State” the Japan United States Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC) Meeting, University of Puget Sound, August 5, 2001.

“Thirty Years and Some of the Same Issues” at the Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, Washington, D.C., November 17, 2001.

“Implications of For-Profits On Teacher Education,” American Association for the Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, March 1, 2001.

AACTE New Deans Institute, Presenter/Instructor. Cupertino, California. June 24-30, 2000.

AACTE Leadership Institute for Department Chairs, Presenter/Instructor. Miami Beach, Florida. May 20-23, 2000.

“Building and Using Data.” Presenter/Instructor for the AACTE Leadership Institute for Department Chairs. San Antonio, Texas. May 23-26, 1999.

“Data and Resources.” Presentation to New Deans Institute, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Annapolis, Maryland. July 21-26, 1998.

“Teaching Reform: Linking the Means to the End.” Concurrent session, Panelist-Presenter, Education Commission of the States (ECS) Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. July 6, 1998.

“Transforming Teacher Education to Provide a Quality Education for All Children.” American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE): State Leadership Institute. Portland, Oregon. July, 1998.

“A New Educational Collaborative.” Japan-United States Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC) Conference and Symposium, “Supporting Parents and Teachers.” Bukkyo University, Kyoto, Japan. June 25-27, 1998.

“Technology and the Continuing Education of Classroom Teachers.” The International Perspectives on Teacher Education Consortium Annual Meeting. Naruto University of Education, Naruto, Japan. July 15, 1996.

“The Case for Telecommunications in K-12 Education.” Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Regional Invitational Policy Conference, Affordable Telecommunications Costs for Schools. Seattle, Washington. April 1995.

“Social Studies Methods: A Survey of Content.” National Council for the Social Studies conference, Anaheim, California, November 1990.

“Use of Electronic Data Bases in Social Studies Problem Solving.” National Council for the Social Studies conference, Anaheim, California, November 1990.

“Developing an Effective Model for Instruction.” Minnesota Educational Effectiveness Program. St. Paul, Minnesota, December 1989.

“Dreams of Computing vs. Reality of Classroom Computing: Teachers, Technology, and Instruction.” MECC conference, Minneapolis, November 1988.

“The Holmes Group Proposal: Developing New Alliances with Universities in Preparing Preservice Teachers.” Annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Orlando, Florida, November 1988. (With Carol L. Hahn and JoAnn Sweeney.)

“Teacher Education: An Assessment and Some Thoughts About Tomorrow.” The 1988 North Dakota Association of Teacher Educators, Fargo, May 1988.

“Integration of Technology in Schools: Impact on Decision Makers.” Keynote address for the Michigan State Board of Education/Wayne County Intermediate School District, Detroit, May 1988.

“Review of the Research on Effective Instructional Strategies.” Educational Effectiveness Conference, Minnesota Department of Education/Mellon Foundation Grant, Brainerd, Minnesota, April 1988.

“Current Status of Preservice and Inservice Technology Training for Teachers.” The 1988 American Education Research Association annual meeting, New Orleans, April 1988. (With Carol A. Carrier.)

“Findings and Implications of Research on Computer-Based Education in the Social Studies.” The 1988 American Education Research Association annual meeting, New Orleans, April 1988.

“Technology and Schools: Implications for Administrators.” Education Connections, Apple Education Conference, Pittsburg, Dallas, and San Francisco, March 1988.

Chair and critic for session on “Student Teaching” at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, New Orleans, February 1988.

“The Teacher's Role in Technology.” Annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, New Orleans, February 1988. (With Carol A. Carrier.)

“Technology Training of Teachers.” Conference on technology in education sponsored by the Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C., September 1987.

Chaired session for “New Deans” at the annual meeting of American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Washington, D.C., February 1987.

Chaired session at the International Peace Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, November 1986.

“Videodisc in Social Studies.” Annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, New York, November 1986.

“Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: Recommendations for Changes in Teacher Education.” State Department of Education Conference on Improving Professional Development, St. Paul, October 1986.

“Classroom Strategies for Computer Simulations.” The T.I.E.S. Conference, Minneapolis, February 1986.

“Computer Simulations.” Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Chicago, November 1985.

“Using Computer Simulations in Social Studies.” MECC 85, Minneapolis, November 1985.

“Computers and the Instructional Process.” Keynote address, Saskatchewan Association for Computers in Education Convention, Regina, Canada, November 1984.

“Instructional Design Guidelines: Integrating Technology with Traditional Approaches.” North Central Computer Institute, Ames, Iowa, October 1985.

“Political Science in the Social Studies Curriculum.” The fall convention of the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies, White Bear Lake, October 1984.

“The Impact of Technology on Education.” Invited address, spring convention of the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies, St. Louis Park, Minnesota, March 1984.

“Social Impact of Technology.” The Detroit Public Schools Critical Issues Series, March 1984.

“Teaching Kids Problem Solving Using Computers and Videotape,” and “Interactive Videodisc and Microcomputers in Economics.” Regional Technology Conference, St. Louis, February 1984.

“Computers in the Classrooms: What's Happening.” Keynote address, Regional Technology Conference, St. Louis, February 1984.

“Using Video and Computer Technology to Teach Problem Solving: Solutions Unlimited.” WILL-TV, Channel 12, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 1983.

“Using Video and Computers in Social Studies.” The annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, San Francisco, November 1983.

“Technology and Tomorrow's Child.” Closing speech, the Elementary School Principal's Association of Washington State, October 1983.

“Computers as Education Tools.” Invited presentation, Lutheran Librarian Association Convention, Minneapolis, August 1983.

“The Computer: A Paintbrush, a Baton and Hammer.” Keynote address, the Wayne County Intermediate School District's technology workshop, Wayne, Michigan, April 1983.

“Social Studies and Computers.” Invited presentation, ASCD, Washington, D.C., March 1983.

“Computers and Social Studies.” Spring convention of the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies, Minneapolis, March 1983.

“Computer Literacy and Teacher Training.” MECC 1982 conference, Minneapolis, December 1982.

“Teaching Economics: Research Findings from a Microcomputer/Videodisc Project.” The annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Boston, November 1982.

“Using Computers in the Social Studies Classroom: Workshop.” The spring convention of the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies, Minneapolis, March 1982.

“Interactive Videodiscs and Microcomputers in Economics: Applications to Higher Education.” The Applying New Technology in Higher Education Conference, Atlanta, March 1982.

“Computers in the Social Studies.” The annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, College and University Faculty Association, invited session, Detroit, November 1981.

“Improving the Classroom Climate in a Junior High School” The annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, College and University Faculty Association, invited session, Detroit, November 1981.

“Technology and the Social Studies.” The annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, College and University Faculty Association, invited session, Detroit, November 1981.

“Computers in the Social Studies.” The Midwest regional meeting of the Teachers of Mathematics, St. Paul, November 1981.

“Teaching Economics: Microcomputer and Videodisc.” The annual meeting of the Joint Council of Economic Education, Honolulu, October 1981.

“Multicultural Education and Participation in Today's Society.” The annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, New Orleans, November 1988

“Direct and Indirect Methods of Teaching Problem Solving.” Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, New Orleans, November 1980.

“Three Teaching Strategies for Using Role-Play Activities to Teach Problem Solving.” Research paper presented at the North American Simulations and Gaming Association Annual Meeting, Asheville, North Carolina, October 1980.

“Counselors and Classroom Teachers: Differing Views of Mainstreaming.” The Anoka County Counselors' Association, Minneapolis, October 1980.

“Multicultural Education: The Role of the College of Education.” The Midwest Teacher Corps Network Meeting, Minneapolis, April 1980.

“Evaluation of Title IV-C Projects.” The statewide planning meeting for the Title IV-C projects for the State Department of Education, Normandale Junior College, October 1979.

“Critical Reactor to Research Papers.” Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Boston, March 1979.

“Instructional Strategies for Using the Computer in the Social Studies Classroom.” The annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Houston, November 1978.

“Two Strategies for Teaching Concepts.” The Midwest Regional Conference for Social Studies, Minneapolis, April 1978.

“Strategies for Effective Teacher Education.” A co-authored paper, the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Toronto, Canada, March 1978.

“Science and Social Studies Teachers' Attitudes Toward Interdisciplinary Topics and Value Questions.” Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, March 1977.

“Problem-Solving and Economic Learning: The Effects of Three Teaching Approaches.” Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Cincinnati, November 1977.

“Current and Future Needs for Teacher Training in Economic Education.” Co-authored, invited paper, the National Conference on Needed Research and Development in Pre-Collegiate Economic Education, New Orleans, February 1976.

“Simulations and Games in the Instructional Sequence: Four Specific Strategies for the Social Studies Classroom.” The annual meeting of the National Gaming Council, Raleigh, North Carolina, October 1976.

“Computer Simulations and Value Analysis: An Instructional Strategy.” The Midwest Regional Conference for the Social Studies, Des Moines, Iowa, February 1975.

“Computer Literacy in the Secondary Schools.” The annual conference of the Association for Computing Machinery, Minneapolis, October 1975.

“Bringing the Minnesota Poll to the Classroom.” The Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium Timesharing Conference, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, May 1975.

“The Impact of a Cross-Age Tutoring and Teaching Experience on Students' Perceptions of Teaching Skills, Teachers, and Student Learning.” A research paper presented at the 54th annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Chicago, November 1974.

“Data Based Computer Simulations: An Effective Strategy for the Values and Value Questions.” The annual meeting of the National Gaming Council, Pittsburgh, October 1974.

“Elementary School Children's Trust in Nations and Acceptance of Foreign Children.” The 50th annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, New York, 1970.

Published Curriculum Projects and Curriculum Materials

Eugene Gennaro, Roger Johnson, Allen D. Glenn, Steve Rakow, and Linda Scott. “Water,” “Weather,” “Geology of Lake Bottoms,” and “Ecosystems.” Instructional Units for upper elementary students. National Sea Grant, Minneapolis, 1982.

Steven J. Rakow, and William Fifer. “Acid Rain,” computer simulation for the Apple II, 48K personal computer.

Pik-Wai, Loren Dunham, Allen D. Glenn, and Karen Jostad. Unit 1: Introduction to Economics. St. Paul Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium, 1980. (Computer/videodisc materials.)

James A. Mackey and Allen D. Glenn. Backgrounds Through the Revolution: A Teacher's Guidebook, College of Education, University of Minnesota, 1976.

Allen D. Glenn and Daniel L. Klassen. Minnesotans' Attitudes Toward Politics and Politicians: The Impact of a Changing Economy on Minnesota Families. St. Paul: Minnesota Educational Computer Consortium, 1975. (Computer-assisted instruction.)

Allen D’Alene and Charles Walcott. “Lobbying.” In People Power: The World of Practical Politics, University of Minnesota KTCA Channel 2, 1975. (Videotape.)

Editing, Reviewing for Publishers and Others

Editorial Board: T.H.E. journal [Technological Horizons in Education] and on-line journal , 2000 -

National Education Advisory Board; Cable in the Classroom, Washington, D.C.


Editorial Board, Manuscript Review, Journal of Education for Teaching (JET), Journals Oxford Ltd. Oxforshire, UK, 1993-94.

Editorial Board, The Senior Economist, National Council on Economic Education, 1993-94.

Manuscript review for Teachers College Press, Columbia University.

Review and selection of Microcomputer Software for Economics Education, Random House, September/December 1982.

Review for Theory and Research in Social Education, 1978.

Manuscript reviews for Charles E. Merrill on two proposed social studies methods textbooks.

Co-editor, Minnesota Council for the Social Studies, MCSS Journal, 1971-73.

Funded Research Grants: Principal Investigator

“Ackerley Network for Teacher Professional Development” Ginger and Barry Ackerley Foundation, Seattle. September 2006-June 2008, $500,000.

“Minicomputer Training Grant,” United States Department of Defense Dependent Schools, 1976-80; 1983-88, $300,000.

“Teacher Corps,” United States Department of Education, Planning Grant, 1978 and Project 79, $225,928.

“Direct and Indirect Methods of Teaching Problem Solving,” College of Education Dean's Research Grant, 1977, $2,000.

“Interdisciplinary Science and Social Studies Course,” educational development grant, Small Grants Program, University of Minnesota, 1976, $2,547.

“Evaluation of the Master's in Education Program,” educational development grant, Small Grants Program, University of Minnesota, 1974, $4,500.

“Cross-Age Tutoring,” University of Minnesota Graduate School Research Grant, spring 1974, $3.000.

“Grand Rapids Educational Development Center (GREDC).” Dean's Office, College of Education, September 1973-77, $12,000.

Additional Fund Grant Participation

“Exemplary Teaching Grant,” Stochl, Hansen, Walker, and Glenn, co-principal investigators, Minnesota Board of Teaching, 1988, $112,598.

“Putting the Knowledge-Base for Teaching into Place,” Glenn and Gardner, co-principal investigators, Exxon Education Foundation, 1987, $49,700.

“Minnesota Educational Effectiveness Program,” State Department of Education/Mellon Foundation, 1987, $6,000.

“Minnesota School-Based Teacher Education Project,” State Department of Education, $89,985.

“SEA Grant,” associate staff member; Gennaro, Glenn, and Johnson, co-principal investigators, $16,000.

Published Research Projects, Papers and Reports

Allen D. Glenn, Director. “Report to the Board: Ackerley Network for Teacher Development” September 2006, January 2007, and June 20007.

Allen Glenn, Kurt Sahl, Michael Bittner. “Report on First/Second Year Activities: The U.S. West/WEA Teacher Network. University of Washington, College of Education, Seattle, Washington. September 1997-1998.

Allen D. Glenn and Carol A. Carrier. “A Review of Technology Training for Teachers: Final Report for the Office of Technology Assessment for the United States Congress,” Washington, D.C., September 1987.

Geoffery Maruyama, Janet Burcalow, and Allen D. Glenn. “An Overview of the Development of Strategies for Implementing Multicultural Education, Teacher Corps,” Project 79, College of Education, 1980.

Allen D. Glenn. “Teacher Corps: Cycle XII, Final Report,” 1979.

Allen D. Glenn and Linda McDonald. “Final Report: Evaluation of Economics Case Study Project,” Minneapolis Public Schools, 1979.

Allen D. Glenn. “Analysis and Classification of the Affective Items on the Eighth Grade Assessment Instruments for Social Studies,” State Department of Education, State of Minnesota, 1978.

Allen D. Glenn. “Social Studies Teachers' Perceptions of Curriculum Goals and Areas of Improvement: A Summary Report,” Mounds View School District, December 1974.

Allen D. Glenn and Charles Glotzbach. “A Report on the Master of Education Program: A Study of Admissions Procedures and Monitoring Function,” June 1974.

Allen D. Glenn and James A. Mackey. “Evaluation Report: South Central Pyramid Social Studies Workshop,” June 1973.

Allen D. Glenn and James Mackey. “Social Studies Teachers' Attitudes Toward Continuing Education,” University of Minnesota, 1972.

Judith A. Gillespie and Allen D. Glenn. “Politics and Participation: An Alternative Approach to the Study of Politics and Government in Senior High Schools,” Occasional Paper No. 4, High School Curriculum Center in Government, Indiana University, April 1971.

Published Interviews

“Videodiscs and Computers.” Interview appearing in Creative Computing, 1980.


Title IV-C Validation Training, Midwest State Departments of Education, Chicago, 1977.

National Science Foundation Workshop: Career Education. NSF workshop sponsored by Oklahoma State University, Breech Training Academy, Overlake Park, Kansas, 1975.

National Science Foundation Workshop: Computer Simulations in Huntington II Project, State University of Stony Brook, New York, June 1973.


Membership in Professional Organizations

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; 1989-

JUSTEC (Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium), 1989-2002

Washington Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, 1989-2000

Washington Council for the Social Studies, 1989-2000

Association for Educational Data Systems, 1980-1983

North American Simulations and Games Association, 1975-1982

American Educational Research Organization, 1973-80, 1988-2001

Minnesota Council for the Social Studies, 1971-1989

National Council for the Social Studies, 1970-2006

Service to Professional Organizations

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

President-elect, February 1997; President and Chair, Board of Directors,


Member, Government Relations Committee, 1996-1999

Chair, International Education Committee, 1989-1992

American Council on Education

Member, President’s Task Force on Teacher Education, 1998-1999

Instructor, Chairs Institute, 2000 -

Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium

U.S. Coordinator, 1991-2002

Learning First Alliance

Member, 1997-1999

Chair, Board of Directors 1997-1998

Minnesota Council for the Social Studies

Co-Editor, MCSS Journal, 1971-1973

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

Chair, Executive Board, July, 1997- June, 1999

National Council on Economic Education

Editorial Board for the Senior Economist, 1992-1993

National Council for the Social Studies

Research in Social Studies Education, Social Education, Board of Advisors,


Instructional Media Committee, chair, 1983-1984

Special Interest Group: Computers in Social Studies, chair, 1982-1983

College-University Faculty Assembly (CUFA) Executive Committee elected

to a three-year term, 1978-81; secretary, 1980-1981

Research Advisory Committee, 1974-1977

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Accreditation team member

* Idaho State University, 2004

* University of Utah, 2006

Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

Technical Working Group member, 2005-2008

Board of Directors, 1990-1996

Executive Board, 1993-94

Society for Information Technology for Teacher Educators (SITE)

President-elect, 2004

President, 2005

Teachers Recruiting Future Teachers

Governing Board 1993

Washington Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

President, 1992-94

Major Consultantships

Ministry of Education, Commission of Accreditation, United Arab Emirates. Review of a degree program in teacher computing. April 24-31, 2005.

University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi. Review of the College of Education, Team member. April 17-20, 2005.

University of Virginia, Curry School of Education. Teachers for a New Era,

external consultant to the renewal process. 2003.

North Central Educational Laboratory, Technology and Teacher Education Study,

Dr. Gilbert Valdez, director, research team member, September 2001-December


Annenberg/Ford Foundation, Schools of Education Research Project, Arthur

Levine, Columbia Teacher College, director, site evaluator, October 2002 -

PT3NOW, Moderator, Public Television Series produced by Sound Print Media

and WHRO Public Television, Norfolk, Virginia. Thirty-two 30 minute

television programs focusing on technology and education; also available on

2001 – 2004.

State of Washington, Title II Statewide Project, Project Evaluator, January 2000-

October 2002.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Education Research and Improvement,

Panel Member, Technology Expert Panel, 1998-1999.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement,

Member, Technology Expert Panel, 1998-99.

Sheldon Jackson College, Sitka, Alaska. Consultant on ACLS Grant. Initial visit

September 15-16, 1997-1999.

Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), Science, Education and Transportation

Program, Congress of the United States: Advisory Panel/Teachers and

Technology, Chairperson, September 1993-January 1995.

INTEL Computer Corporation, December 1987 - 91

Minnesota Educational Computer Corporation: GEOGRAPH, geography

database courseware, November 1987 - June 1988.

Agency of Instructional Technology, social studies consultant for Economics

Education/Computer Project, 1984-85.

Agency for Instructional Television (AIT), social studies consultant for

“Advancing the Use of Computers in the Schools: Video and Microcomputer for

Teaching Problem Solving,” 1982-84.

Agency for Instructional Television (AIT), social studies consultant for

Advancing the Use of Computers in The Schools: Video and Microcomputers for

Teaching Problem Solving, Bloomington, Indiana, September 1982 - September


Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC),

Videodisc/Microcomputer Project on Economics, Minneapolis, September 1982 –

September 1983.

Control Data Corporation, Computer Literacy Project, Minnesota, November –

December 1982.

Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium, NSF Computer Literacy Modules

Project, summer 1981.

Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium, Videodisc/Economics Project,

January-June 1980. Project funded by Rockefeller Family Foundation.

Agency for Instructional Television, Bloomington, Indiana. September 1977-

January 1978.

3M Company, Tests in the Social Studies Project, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1975-


Minnesota Department of Education, statewide assessment, 1975-76. Dr. John

Adams, director.

The Biomedical Interdisciplinary Curriculum Project, July-September 1974. Dr.

William Hering, director.

Population Education Project, Indiana University, Bloomington, Sept. 1973-June

1974. Dr. Jerry Brown, director.

Workshops, Inservice Presentations, and Speeches

“Decisions, Budgets and Data.” AACTE Chairs Institute, San Juan, Puerto Rico. April 28-May 3, 2007.

“Decision Making Strategies.” ACE Chairs Institute, San Diego, CA. February 23-24, 2007.

“It’s About Teaching and Learning.” Keynote address at Zayed University, United Arab Emirates, April 29, 2005.

“Educator Preparation and Technology.” Keynote to the University of Toledo College of Education, Toledo, Ohio, March 17-18, 2005.

“It’s Really About Teaching and Learning.” Keynote address to the California League of Middle Schools, Monterey, California, January 16, 2005.

“Future of Teacher Education: A Journey Through Teacher Education Renewal.” Keynote to the National Louis University, December 9, 2004.

“Technology in Teacher Education.” Keynote for Ohio University PT3 Grant.

Athens, Ohio, January 12, 2003.

“Technology and Teacher Education” Keynote for Making Technology Work in Our Schools: A Forum for Educational Leaders & Decision Makers. City University of New York, October 4, 2002.

“Integrating Technology Into Teacher Education.” PT3 Grant. Indiana State University. Terre Haute, Indiana. September 23 – 24, 2002.

“Finally, Teaching and Learning” Keynote for Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers

To Use Technology (PT3 Grantees Meeting, Washington, DC, July 25, 2002.

“Leadership, Technology and Teacher Education” SITE Conference, Nashville, Tennessee. March 22, 2002.

“Teaching in a Connected World” James W. Miller Address, St. Cloud State University. St. Cloud, Minnesota, March 18, 2002.

“Technology and Teaching: Teaching Is More Important” Keynote for Second Annual Meeting of Geographic In Systems, San Bernadino, California, June 22,


“Teaching and Technology” Keynote for Association of Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education (AILACTE) Conference, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, June 18, 2001.

“A Common Heritage” Graduation Address. Montana State University, Billings, May 4, 2001.

“Partnerships Meet the Challenge” Keynote for Southeastern Regional Holmes \Group Meeting, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, March 23, 2001.

“Our Expectations for Schools in the 21st Century” Keynote for Arlington School District’sCelebration Day, March 16, 2001.

“Putting the Pieces Together in a Sea of Change” Keynote for First Annual Statewide Change, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, September 7, 2000.

“Leadership and Technology” Keynote for Iowa State University, Regional

Conference on Educational Leadership, September 7, 2000.


Commencement Address, Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas. May 14, 2000.

“Caught in the Middle: Creating Workable Solutions.” Presentation to Praxis

Client Invitational Meeting, ETS: Division of Teaching and Learning, Princeton,

New Jersey. April 5-7, 2000.

”Expectations About Education.” Invited Address, The Guarnaschelli Lecture

Series, Bellarmine College, Louisville, Kentucky. March 29, 2000.

“It’s Pedagogy, Not Technology.” Keynote for the Texas Computer Education

Association, Austin, Texas. February 7-10, 2000.

“Colleges and State Departments: Creating Stronger Partnerships.” Keynote for

the Western States Certification Conference, Tucson, Arizona. January 13, 2000.

”The Impact on Pedagogy of Multimedia Technologies.” Keynote to the Taipei International Conference on Education, Taipei, Taiwan. December 10, 1999.

“Shaping the Future: Realities and Hard Choices.” Comments from the 1999 Presidential Address (AACTE). Invited address to the UCET Meeting, Market

Bosworth, England. November 18, 1999.

“Common Themes Across National Standards for Teachers.” Keynote for The 1999 Fall Conference, “Standards Across the Education Continuum.” California Council on the Education of Teachers (CCET), San Diego, California. October

28, 1999.

“But, Aren’t we Working on That?” Invited Presentation to the Minnesota

Teacher Education Congress IV, MACTE. Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 13,


“It’s Philosophy, Not Technology.” Keynote for the Iowa ASCD and ITEC Joint

Conference. Des Moines, Iowa. October 10-12, 1999.

“Technology, Classrooms, and Learning.” Preconference Workshop for John

Goodlad’s Institute for Educational Renewal Conference, “In Praise of

Education,” Seattle, Washington. June 17, 1999.

“Colleges and Public Schools In the Next Century.” Keynote for Goals 2000

Preservice Reading Partnerships Dissemination Meeting, California State

Department of Education/CalState System/Center for Improvement of Reading

Instruction Co-Sponsors, Millbrae, California. April 22, 1999.

“Education Reform: Why is it so complex?” Invited presentation to UW Alumni

Association, Spring Lecture Series, Seattle, Washington. April 21, 1999.

“The Tug-of-War of Educational Renewal.” Invited presentation to NASDTEC

National Symposium, Seattle, Washington. March 25, 1999.

“Preparing the Next Generation of Educational Leaders.” Presentation by Dr.

Glenn and College of Education Faculty and Students to the University of

Washington Board of Regents, Seattle, Washington. March 18, 1999.

“Opportunities in Our Future: Strengthening the Profession.” Keynote for the

South Carolina’s 1999 Educational Summit, Winthrop University, Rock Hill,

South Carolina. March 5, 1999.

“Shaping the Future: Realities and Hard Choices.” Presidential Address Presented

at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher

Education (AACTE), Washington, DC. February 25, 1999.

“Preparing for the Next Century.” Invited presentation of the Jones Distinguished

Lecture, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas. February 8, 1999.

“The Conflicting Voices for Teacher Educators.” Invited presentation to New

Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE), Rutgers

University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. January 21, 1999.

“Think and Dream in the Multimedia Age.” Invited presentation at Illinois State

University’s College of Education observance of American Education Week,

Bloomington, Illinois. November 18, 1998.

“Including the Practitioner’s Voice.” Invited presentation to National Evaluation

Systems (NES) Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. October 27, 1998.

“Educational Technology: Beyond the Standard Stuff.” Keynote for the

NWREL’s Northwest Educational Technology Consortium (NETC) 1998 Fall

Institute, Missoula, Montana. September 18, 1998.

“Data and Resources.” Presentation to New Deans Institute, American

Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Annapolis, Maryland.

July 21-26, 1998.

“Teaching Reform: Linking the Means to the End.” Concurrent session, Panelist-

Presenter, Education Commission of the States (ECS) Annual Meeting, Portland,

Oregon. July 6, 1998.

“Transforming Teacher Education to Provide a Quality Education for All

Children.” Invited Presentation to American Association of Colleges for Teacher

Education (AACTE) State Leadership Institute, Portland, Oregon. July 3, 1998.

Tutorial Session at AACTE Academy for Leadership Development, 1998 Spring

Institute, “Teaching, Learning, and Technology: Transforming Teacher

Education.” Nashville, Tennessee. May 13-17, 1998.

“University and School Partnerships: Entering a New Era.” Invited presentation to

UW High School/College Counselors Workshop, University of Washington,

Seattle, WA. April 24, 1998.

“Technology’s Role in a Preservice Teacher Preparation Program.” Invited

presentation to College of Education faculty and graduate students, University of

Nebraska, Omaha. April 23, 1998.

“The Use of Technology in Education.” Invited presentation to Phi Delta Kappa

Chapter, Distinguished Lecture Series, Omaha, Nebraska. April 22, 1998.

“Emerging Technology: Implications for Teacher Education.” Invited

presentation for the Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

(ArACTE), Fayetteville, Arkansas. April 1-2, 1998.

”Musings About Change and Renewal.” Invited presentation to Washington

Education Association (WEA) Conference, Spokane, Washington. March 28,


“Renewing Teacher Education: Your Memory May Be Our Biggest Obstacle to

Change.” Invited Presentation to WSPA (Washington School Personnel

Association) Conference, Ocean Shores, Washington. March 25, 1998.

”Musings About Change and Renewal.” Invited presentation, Washington

Education Association (WEA) Conference, Poulsbo, Washington. March 14,


“Teacher Education and Multimedia Learners.” Invited presentation, Mt.

Spokane High School Staff, Spokane, Washington. March 10, 1998

“Teacher Education Renewal.” Presentation to Teacher Education PEAB, Seattle,

Washington, February 12, 1998.

Keynote Address, Northwest Educational Technology Consortium (NWREL) Fall

Institute, Portland, Oregon. September 18, 1997.

“Teachers of the Future: The Challenges of Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow’s

Classrooms.” Invited presentation, Ernest L. Boyer Technology Summits for

Educators, Dallas, Texas. September 13, 1997.

“Teachers of the Future: The Challenges of Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow’s

Classrooms.” Invited presentation, College of Education, University of Tennessee

at Martin, Martin, Tennessee. September 5, 1997.

“Renewal in the College of Education: Preparing for the 21st Century.” Invited

presentation, University of Arizona, College of Education Retreat, Tucson,

Arizona. August 14, 1997.

“Thinking About and Planning for Institutional Change.” Invited

presentation/workshop session, AACTE 17th Annual New Deans’ Institute,

Seattle, Washington. August 9, 1997.

“Musings About Change and Renewal.” Invited presentation to Washington State

ESD 113 Teachers Workshop, Olympia, Washington. June 19, 1997.

“Teachers of the Future: The Challenges of Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow’s

Classrooms.” Invited presentation to the NCATE/AACTE Workshop on

Continuing Accreditation, Washington, DC, June 13, 1997.

“Teachers of the Future: The Challenges of Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow’s

Classrooms.” Invited presentation to the Ernest L. Boyer Technology Summit for

Educators, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, California. April 26,


“Empowering Students for Success: Technology and Problem Solving Ideas for

the Classroom.” Sheldon Jackson College Forum and Sitka School District

Workshop, Sitka, Alaska. November 11, 1996.

“The Teacher’s Role: Can I be replaced by a computer?” Keynote Address, PDK

Leadership Skills Institute, Waves of the Future. Sitka, Alaska. August 16, 1996.

“Higher Education and the Renewal of the Public Schools.” Presentation to the

American Electronics Association K-12 Education Task Force. Allen Glenn and

Terry Teale. Bellevue, Washington. July 24, 1996.

“Purpose of Public Education.” Panel Participant, Issaquah Education Forum.

Issaquah, Washington. June 10, 1996.

“Teacher Education’s Response to K-12 Reform in Technology and Assessment.”

Presentation to the Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB). Seattle,

Washington. March 29, 1996

“Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow.” Presentation to Des Moines-Midway Rotary

Club. Des Moines, Washington. January 1996.

“Beyond Basics: The Role of Schools in a Democratic Society.” Presentation to

Northwest Ethics Group. Seattle, Washington. November 1995.

“Education: What Was, What Is, and What Can Be.” Presentation, Leadership

Day, Rainier Beach High School. Seattle, Washington. November 1995.

“Linking Mathematics and Science Teachers: Taking a Leadership Role.”

Keynote for the Alaska State Mathematics and Science Conference. Anchorage,

Alaska. October 1995.

“Twenty-Five Years of Success: The Experimental Education Unit (EEU).”

University of Washington.Seattle, Washington. May 1995.

“Expectations for the New Principal.” Presentation to Laurelhurst Elementary

School Site Council. Seattle, Washington. April 1995.

“Teacher Education and Reform. The Role of WACTE (Washington Association

of Colleges of Teacher Education) and Colleges of Education.” Presentation to

Washington Goals 2000 Coordinating Committee. Olympia, Washington.

February 1995.

“Preparing Tomorrow’s Science Teachers.” Presentation to UW Science Faculty,

Seattle, Washington, January 1995.

“Technology in the Public Schools: Current Status.” Invited presentation to M.J.

Murdock Charitable Trust Board Meeting, Seattle, Washington, April 1994.

“Faculty Involvement in P-12 Schools, Teacher Education Collaboration,

Educational Reform P-12 and Higher Education.” Senate Education Committee

Hearing, Olympia, Washington, January 1994.

“Higher Education and K-12 Schools.” Invited presentation to the Greater Seattle

Chamber of Commerce, March 1992.

“Components of a Curriculum Model.” Presentation to curriculum coordinators

at the Bellevue Schools, Bellevue, Washington, October 1991.

“All Children Can Learn...Are We Serious?” Presentation to the Alaska

Association of Elementary School Principals, Anchorage, Alaska, October 1991.

“Facing the Issues in Teacher Education.” Invited presentation to the British

Columbia Council for Leadership in Educational Administration, Nanaimo,

British Columbia, January 1991.

“Global Education for All Learners.” Invited presentation to Phi Delta Kappa,

Seattle, Washington, October 1990.

“Thinking About Schools.” Presentation to the B.F. Day Elementary School,

Seattle, Washington, August 1990.

“The Leaders of Tomorrow.” Presentation to the Shorecrest High School Honor

Society, Seattle, Washington, April 1990.

“Challenges in Educational Evaluation and Research for the 90s.” Presentation to

the Washington Education Research Association, Tacoma, Washington, March


“Education in the 1990s: A Look at American Schools.” Winter quarter Noon

Forum Series, University of Washington, Seattle, January 1990.

“Designing the Technical Education Course.” Workshop for 3M, December 1987

(with Professor Carol Carrier).

“Using Computers in the Social Studies: An Introductory Workshop.” Inservice

workshop for social studies teachers, sponsored by the State Department of

Education. Sites: St. Louis Park, Minnesota, September 1984; Rochester,

Minnesota, November 1984; Arden Hills, Minnesota, January 1985.

Designing Computer Instruction Materials.” An inservice for a staff development

project - Special Project, Pedagogical Issues and Computer (SPPICE) for the

Bloomington School District, March 1984.

“What Should Be Taught in Social Studies,” and “How to Teach Social Studies.”

Two inservice workshops for the Wayne County Intermediate School District,

Wayne, Michigan, February 23 and March 1, 1984.

“Computers and Education.” Speech to the St. Anthony Public School Inservice

Day, St. Anthony, Minnesota, January 1984.

“Computer Technology and Christian Education.” Training session for the

Lutheran Education Association, Chicago, November 1983.

“Scope, Sequence and Technology.” Inservice workshop for Woodbury Senior

High School, Woodbury, Minnesota, October 1984.

“Social Studies and Technology.” Speech to Partners in Education at Highland

Park School, St. Paul, October 1983.

“Computers in Social Studies.” Inservice for Bloomington School District,

Bloomington, Minnesota, August 1983.

“Using Computers in the Classroom.” Inservice workshop on computers for the

Washington Middle School, St. Paul, May 1983.

“Improving Instruction.” Instruction workshop for the Middle School, St.

Anthony, Minnesota, April 1983.

“Better Teaching Techniques.” Inservice workshop at Washington Middle School, St. Paul, April 1983.

“Improving Instruction.” Inservice workshop at Wilshire Elementary School, St.

Anthony, Minnesota, April 2, 1983.

“Learning Styles and Instruction.” Inservice workshop for the Blake Middle

School, Minnesota, February 1983.

“Teaching Strategies for Secondary Mainstreamed Students.” Inservice workshop

for Independent School District 199, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, February


“Improving Instruction for Mainstreamed Students.” Inservice workshop,

Catholic Schools, St. Paul, February 1983.

“Better Study Skills for Secondary Students.” Speech for the St. Anthony Senior

High School faculty, October 1982. Anthony, Minnesota, November 1982.

“Social Studies in the 80s.” Speech for the Secondary Social Studies Curriculum

Review Committee, Anoka- Hennepin School District, Minnesota, October


“Better Teaching Strategies for Mainstreamed Students.” Inservice workshop at

Fridley Junior High, Fridley, Minnesota, September 1982.

“Effective Instruction.” Inservice workshop at St. Francis Middle School, St.

Francis, Minnesota, September 1982.

“Improving Instruction for Mainstreamed Students.” Speech at the Educational

Cooperative Service Unit Inservice, Fridley, Minnesota, September 1982.

“Running Effective Training Seminars.” North American Collectors Association,

Edina, Minnesota, December 1981.

“Teaching Economic Concepts: Developing Instructional Units.” Economic

Education Seminar, St. Thomas College, St. Paul, July 1981.

“Examining Teaching Styles”. Humboldt Junior High School, St. Paul, May


“Learning Styles and Classroom Instruction.” Workshop for the Arizona State

University Teacher Corps Project, Phoenix, May 1981.

“Effective College Teaching.” William Mitchell Law School, St. Paul, April


“Effective Instruction.”Workshop, Epiphany School, Anoka, Minnesota, March


“Improving Instruction in the Classroom.” Roosevelt Junior High School, Anoka

School District, March 1981.

“Social Studies Inservice Day.” Anoka Senior High School, Anoka-Hennepin

School District, October1980.

“Instructional Strategies and Techniques in Mainstreaming.” Anoka-Hennepin

School District, 1980 staff preschool workshop, August 1980.

“Teaching Strategies in Economic Education.” Minnesota State Council on

Economic Education, St. Thomas College, July 1980.

“Teacher Inservice on Mainstreaming.” Anoka-Hennepin, Northdale Junior High,

April 1980.

“Mainstreamed Students in the Junior High.” Prior Lake, February 1980.

“Mainstreaming in the Regular Classroom.” Golden Valley School District,

January 1980.

“Developing Social Studies Materials for Mainstreamed Students.” Anoka-

Hennepin, July 1979.

“Mainstreamed Students in the Regular Classroom.” West Metro Area

Mainstream Project, January1979.

“Selecting Social Studies Texts.” Mounds View Middle School teachers, October


“Problem Solving in Economics Classrooms.” Consumer education workshop,

St. Paul Vocational Institute, May 1978.

“Evaluating the Social Studies Curriculum.” LeSeur Senior High School, 1977.

“Evaluating the Social Studies Curriculum.” Chaska Public Schools, Chaska,

Minnesota, October 1977.

“PER Legislation and Social Studies Education.” Mounds View Johanna Middle

School social studies teachers, January 1977.

“Value Conflicts in Today's Society.” Hennepin County Bicentennial Forums,

May 1976.

“Simulations in Economic Education.” Minnesota State Council on Economic

Education, St. Thomas College, St. Paul, June 1975.

“Economics in the Social Studies.” Minnesota State Council on Economic

Education, teacher-banker workshop, May 1975.

“Using Computer Simulations in the Classroom.” Hibbing, Minnesota, February


“Evaluating Social Studies.” Minneapolis Public Schools Social Studies

Department, February 1973.

“Assessing Curriculum Goals.” Mounds View social studies teachers, October


“Teaching About Politics.” Minnesota Public Schools Social Studies Department,

September 1973.

“Teaching About the Third World.” Overseas Development Council, the

University of Minnesota World Affairs Center, and the Department of

Conferences, September 1973.

“Individualized Instruction in the Classroom.” Bemidji State University and

Project REACH, November 1972.

“Social Participation: The Culmination of the K-12 Social Studies Curriculum.”

Keynote address, Shawnee Mission School District, Shawnee Mission, Kansas,

August 1972.

“New Trends in Social Studies.” Shawnee Mission School District, Shawnee

Mission, Kansas, August 1972.

“Evaluating Social Studies Learning.” Minneapolis Public Schools Social Studies

Department, November 1972.

“Utilizing American Political Behavior Text materials.” The Richfield Public

Schools, February and May 1972.

“Mini-Conference on Politics.” Minnesota Youth Citizenship Fund, February


“Developing Instructional Units.” Crookston Public Schools, August 1971.

Other Activities

Electronic Learning, New York, New York, Advisory Board member, 1991-93

Edmark Corporation, Bellevue, Washington. Board of Directors, member, 1990-


Title IV-C Validation Team member:

Quincy, Illinois, 1977

Lake Crystal, Illinois, 1978

Belleville, Illinois, 1979

Chicago, Illinois, 1980

Title IV-C Curriculum Projects

Multiethnic Role-Play Activities, Minneapolis Public Schools, 1978-80.

Social Welfare and Human Needs, Minneapolis Public Schools, 1978-81.

Minnesota State Government Curriculum Laboratory, St. Anthony and New

Brighton Public Schools, 1980-82


Two-quarter leave awarded for fall and winter 2005 by the University of


Recognition Award for Outstanding Contributions to Education at the State and

National level. Presented at the 1998 PEAB Conference, Yakima, Washington.

Pomeroy Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education. Presented

by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).

Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, February 1996.

Single-quarter leave awarded for winter 1980 by the University of Minnesota,


NDEA Fellow in Education, University of Michigan, 1968-70.

Graduate teaching assistantships in political science and American history,

Kansas State Teachers College, 1966-68.


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