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Course Expectations and Procedures for Honors Biology

A. Course Objectives:

• Students will demonstrate an understanding of how living systems function and how they interact with the physical environment. This includes an understanding of the cycling of matter and flow of energy in living systems. An understanding of the characteristics, structure and function of cells, organisms and living systems will be developed. Students will also develop a deeper understanding of the principles of heredity, biological evolution, and the diversity and interdependence of life. Students will demonstrate an understanding of different historical perspectives, scientific approaches and emerging scientific issues associated with the life sciences.

• Students in Honors Biology will be expected to complete summer reading(s) including selected books and/or selected articles.

• Honors Biology students will be required to participate in an independent, outside the classroom, research project, which may be presented in local and state science competitions.

• Students participating in Honors Biology will be expected to research various biological topics and prepare presentations to enrich their understanding of biological concepts.

• Honors Biology students will be required to submit summaries of science current event articles from recent periodicals or the Internet.

B. Materials

1. Pen or pencil

2. Textbook (covered)

3. Three-ring binder/notebook which will be organized the following way:

Assignment Sheet with all grades recorded

This Course Guidelines Paper…signed!

Course Syllabus/Current Event Guidelines/Project reference papers, etc.

Daily assignments= “Bell Work” (which you will record from the activeboard every day at the beginning of class)

Safety Guidelines

Notebook Dividers for each chapter. Every chapter will be organized and separated by a tab divider until they are evaluated each quarter. Your notebook is subject to random checks every grading period, so it is very important to keep it organized THROUGHOUT the year.

C. Homework

1. Students are expected to record all assignments in the students handbook/planner

2. Assignments will be placed in the bin at the beginning of class on the due date. Any assignment turned in after the beginning of the period will be considered late. Assignments will be posted online at

3. No late work will be accepted

4. If you are absent, you have one day for each day absent to make up work (as stated in the student handbook). Labs must be made up the same week that you were absent. Remember that unexcused absences = 0 for work missed.

5. Assignments should be done in ink on loose – leaf paper, using proper heading in right hand corner of paper.

6. Typing is required for current event articles, projects, and formal laboratory “write – ups” that will be required for certain labs.

D. Evaluation

1. Your grade will be based upon bell work, homework, lab work, quizzes, tests, notebook, projects, and group work.

2. If you are absent on the day a test or quiz is given, you are expected to make it up within 2 days. (ex. Absent Tues. test day, must make up test by Thurs.) Tests must be made up during a study hall or before or after school. Makeup tests will NOT be given during class.

3. School approved grading scale will be used to determine grades. See your student handbook for specifications.

4. You have many opportunities to be successful in this class. Please take advantage of them!

5. Since Honors Biology is already a “weighted” course , NO EXTRA CREDIT will be given and grades will NOT be “rounded up.”

E. Science Department Student Responsibilities

1. Be in your assigned seat when the tone goes off, prepared to work with your materials

2. Maintain the cover on your textbook.

3. Follow the verbal and written instructions of the teacher. Stay on the topic.

4. Take care of personal grooming outside of the classroom.

5. Be responsible for your own work and learning.

6. Treat yourselves, others, and property with respect.

F. Rewards for following Science Department Student Responsibilities

1. Verbal Praise

2. Success Cards

3. Treats: cookies, candy, and other snacks (the only time food is allowed!!!)

4. Positive phone call/or email

5. Music during class

G. General Comments

1. The tardy policy followed for this class is consistent with the policy in the student handbook.

2. Hall Passes: Please only use the hall pass for emergencies. It is difficult to learn if you are constantly out of the classroom!

3. Please follow all safety procedures. This is a science classroom and you must act responsibly during labs or you will be immediately removed from the lab and receive a zero on the lab. Please DO NOT touch any lab materials without permission from your teacher.

4. If you need help and find yourself struggling or falling behind, please see me for help. I will be glad to help you before or after school, but it is your responsibility to see me.

5. Let’s make this class fun!!! This is an exciting class. Let’s work together to have a great year!!!

6. Use my school website on gradebook wizard for assignment information. Use your textbook website for assistance with reviewing chapter objectives, key terms and concepts.

7. If you or your parents need to contact me at any time, please feel free to call the school at 933-6290 ext. 1270 and leave a message on my voice mail. My school email is robin.bottini@ Please feel free to contact me via email as well.

8. I will be using the grade book wizard program that can be accessed online. Please check this frequently for not only grades, but assignments and helpful links as well. Website:

9. Please remember to access GBW and your online textbook DAILY!

** This is not meant to be all encompassing. As the year progresses, there may be a need for additional assignments or modifications to expectations.

I have read and understand the “Course Expectations and Classroom Procedures” presented on this sheet.

Student Signature _________________________ Date ____________

Parent Signature ________________________ Date ____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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