嚜濁SFL KIDS Spring 2020


1st & 2nd Grades

UNIT 1 Jesus, the Great Teacher

Session 1 PACK: Teaching Picture 1; 1, 2, 3, 4

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Jesus Read the Scriptures coloring page (optional), Unit 1 Missions:

Lesotho (missions story, Tongue Twister), Life Point Posters (Unit 1), Books of the Bible

Chart, Books of the Bible Cards

Session 2 PACK: Teaching Picture 2; 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story), The Sermon on the Mount

coloring page (option)

Session 3 PACK: Teaching Picture 3; 1, 2, 3, 8

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story, Lesotho map),

Jesus Taught About Forgiveness coloring page (optional)

Session 4 PACK: Teaching Picture 4; 1, 2, 3, 9, 10

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story), Jesus Told Three Parables

coloring page (Optional)

Session 5 PACK: Teaching Picture 5; 1, 2, 3, 11

Session 5 PRINTABLES: Jesus Taught About Giving coloring page (optional), Unit 1 Missions:

Lesotho (missions story, Lesotho photos)

UNIT 2 Jesus Is the Savior

Session 1 PACK: Teaching Picture 6; 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Session 1 PRINTABLES: The Crowd Welcomed Jesus coloring page (optional), Unit 2 Missions:

Madagascar (missions story, Madagascar map), Life Points Posters (Unit 2), Word Search

Session 2 PACK: Teaching Picture 7; 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Crucifixion and Resurrection coloring page

(optional), Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions story, Madagascar photos, Madagascar

Prayer Reminder), Heart Template (optional)

Session 3 PACK: Teaching Picture 8; 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Thomas Believed coloring page (optional), Unit 2 Missions:

Madagascar (missions story)

Session 4 PACK: Teaching Picture 9; 12, 13, 14, 15, 18

Session 4 PRINTABLES: The Holy Spirit Came coloring page (optional), Unit 2 Missions:

Madagascar (missions story)

UNIT 3 Tell About Jesus

Session 1 PACK: Teaching Picture 10; 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Cards, Books of the Bible Chart, Paul and Barnabas

Became Missionaries coloring page (optional), Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story, Africa

map), Life Points Posters (Unit 3)

Session 2 PACK: Teaching Picture 11; 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Cards, Books of the Bible Chart, Paul Listened to

God coloring page, Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story)

BSFL KIDS Spring 2020


Session 3 PACK: Teaching Picture 12; 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Paul Taught in Athens coloring page (optional), Unit 3 Missions:

Africa (missions story, You*re Invited!)

Session 4 PACK: Teaching Picture 13; 20, 21, 22, 23

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Paul Preached to an Angry Crowd coloring page (optional),

Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story, All Tied Up)

Session 5 PACK: Teaching Picture 14; 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 32, 33, 34

Session 5 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Paul Taught Peter coloring page (optional),

Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story), His Love to Show Week

3 & 4 Grades



UNIT 1 Jesus, the Great Teacher

Session 1 PACK: Teaching Picture 1; 1, 2, 3,

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Jesus Read the Scriptures coloring page (optional),

Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story, Tongue Twister), Unit 1 Verse Phrases (optional),

Letter Tiles (optional)

Session 2 PACK: Teaching Picture 2; 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, The Sermon on the Mount coloring page

(optional), Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story), Unit 1 Verse Phrases

Session 3 PACK: Teaching Picture 3; 1, 2, 7, 8

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Jesus Taught About Forgiveness coloring

page (optional), Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story, Lesotho map), Unit 1 Verse Phrases

Session 4 PACK: Teaching Picture 4; 1, 2, 9, 10, 11

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Jesus Told Three Parables coloring page (optional), Unit 1 Missions:

Lesotho (missions story), Unit 1 Verse Cards, Allergy Alert

Session 5 PACK: Teaching Pictures 1每5; 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20

Session 5 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Cards (2 sets of New Testament Cards), Jesus

Taught About Giving coloring page (optional), Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story,

Lesotho photos)

UNIT 2 Jesus Is the Savior

Session 1 PACK: Teaching Picture 6; 15, 16, 17, 18,

Session 1 PRINTABLES: The Crowd Welcomed Jesus coloring page (optional), Unit 2 Missions:

Madagascar (missions story, Madagascar map)

Session 2 PACK: Teaching Picture 7; 11, 15, 16, 19, 29

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Books of the bible Cards (New Testament Cards), Crucifixion and

Resurrection coloring page (optional), Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions story,

Madagascar photos, Madagascar Prayer Reminder)

Session 3 PACK: Teaching Picture 8; 15, 16, 21

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Thomas Believed coloring page (optional), Unit 2 Missions:

Madagascar (missions story)

BSFL KIDS Spring 2020


Session 4 PACK: Teaching Picture 9; Teaching Pictures 6每8 (optional), 15, 16, 22, 23, 24

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Cards (New Testament cards), The Holy Spirit

Came coloring page (optional), Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions story)

UNIT 3 Tell About Jesus

Session 1 PACK: Teaching Picture 10; 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Paul and Barnabas Became Missionaries

coloring page (optional), Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story, Africa map)

Session 2 PACK: Teaching Picture 11; 25, 26, 29, 30, 31

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Paul Listened to God coloring page

(optional), Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story)

Session 3 PACK: Teaching Picture 12; 20, 25, 26, 32

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Paul Taught in Athens coloring page

(optional), Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story, You*re Invited!)

Session 4 PACK: Teaching Picture 13; 25, 26, 27, 33, 34

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Books of the Bible Cards (New Testament

cards), Paul Preached to an Angry Crowd coloring page (optional), Unit 3 Missions: Africa

(missions story, All Tied Up)

Session 5 PACK: Teaching Pictures 10每14; 25, 26

Session 5 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Books of the Bible Cards, Paul Taught Peter

coloring page (optional), Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story), Right vs. Wrong Cards



UNIT 1 Jesus, the Great Teacher

Session 1 PACK: Teaching Picture 1; 1, 2, 3, 4

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story, Tongue Twister)

Session 2 PACK: Teaching Picture 2; 1, 2, 3, 5

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story), Matthew 6:33 Strips


Session 3 PACK: Teaching Picture 3; 1, 2, 3, 6

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story, Lesotho map),

Luke 4:18 Cards

Session 4 PACK: Teaching Picture 4; 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story)

Session 5 PACK: Teaching Picture 5; 1, 2, 3, 11, 12

Session 5 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story, Lesotho photos),

Mark 12:44 Cards (optional)

UNIT 2 Jesus Is the Savior

Session 1 PACK: Teaching Picture 6; 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions story, Madagascar map)

BSFL KIDS Spring 2020


Session 2 PACK: Teaching Picture 7; 13, 14, 15, 16

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions story, Madagascar photos,

Madagascar Prayer Reminder), Matthew 26:36每28:10 Talking Points (optional),

Written Prayer Template

Session 3 PACK: Teaching Picture 8; 13, 14, 15, 16, 18

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions story)

Session 4 PACK: Teaching Picture 9; 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions story)

UNIT 3 Tell About Jesus

Session 1 PACK: Teaching Picture 10; 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story, Africa map)

Session 2 PACK: Teaching Picture 11; 21, 22, 23, 26

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story)

Session 3 PACK: Teaching Picture 12; 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story, You*re Invited!),

Three Circle Wreaths Visual (optional)

Session 4 PACK: Teaching Picture 13; 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story, All Tied Up)

Session 5 PACK: Teaching Picture 14; 21, 22, 33, 34

Session 5 PRINTABLES: Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story)

1st-3 & 4 -6 /Broadly Graded




UNIT 1 Jesus, the Great Teacher

Grades 1每3 Session 1 PACK: 1, 4, 5

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Jesus Read the Scriptures coloring sheet

(optional), Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (Missions story, Tongue Twister)

Grades 4每6 Session 1 PACK: 1, Teaching Picture 1

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, New Testament Divisions, Paper Airplane

Instructions, Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (Missions story, Tongue Twister), Names of Jesus

Cards (optional)

Grades 1每3 Session 2 PACK: 1, Teaching Picture 2

Session 2 PRINTABLES: The Sermon on the Mount coloring sheet (optional), Unit 1 Missions:

Lesotho (missions story)

Grades 4每6 Session 2 PACK: 1, 20, 21, Teaching Picture 2

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (Missions story), Matthew 6:33 (optional)

Grades 1每3 Session 3 PACK: 1, 6, Teaching Picture 3

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Cards, Jesus Taught About Forgiveness coloring

page (optional), Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story, Lesotho map)

Grades 4每6 Session 3 PACK: 1, Teaching Picture 3

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story, Lesotho map), Parable

Definition (optional)

BSFL KIDS Spring 2020


Grades 1每3 Session 4 PACK: 1, 7, Teaching Picture 4

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Write It Cards (optional), Jesus Told Three Parables coloring page

(optional), Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story), Parable Definition (optional)

Grades 4每6 Session 4 PACK: 1, 22, Teaching Picture 4

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Cards (optional, New Testament cards), Unit 1

Missions: Lesotho (missions story), Parable Definition (optional)

Grades 1每3 Session 5 PACK: 1, 8, 9, Teaching Picture 5

Session 5 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Jesus Taught About Giving coloring page

(optional), Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story, Lesotho photos),

Grades 4每6 Session 5 PACK: 1, Teaching Picture 5

Session 5 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Unit 1 Missions: Lesotho (missions story,

Lesotho photos)

UNIT 2 Jesus Is the Savior

Grades 1每3 Session 1 PACK: 10, 2, Teaching Picture 6

Session 1 PRINTABLES: The Crowd Welcomed Jesus coloring page (optional), Unit 2 Missions:

Madagascar (missions story, Madagascar Map)

Grades 4每6 Session 1 PACK: 2, 23,

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions

story, Madagascar Map)

Grades 1每3 Session 2 PACK: 2, Teaching Picture 7

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Crucifixion and Resurrection coloring page (optional), Unit 2

Missions: Madagascar (missions story, Madagascar photos, Madagascar Prayer Reminder)

Grades 4每6 Session 2 PACK: 2, 24, 25, Teaching Picture 7

Session 2 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions

story, Madagascar photos, Madagascar Prayer Reminder)

Grades 1每3 Session 3 PACK: 2, 11, Teaching Picture 8

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Thomas Believed coloring page (optional), unit 2 Missions:

Madagascar (missions story)

Grades 4每6 Session 3 PACK: 2, 26, Teaching Picture 8

Session 3 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Thomas Believed coloring page, Unit 2

Missions: Madagascar

Grades 1每3 Session 4 PACK: 2, 12, Teaching Pictures 6每9

Session 4 PRINTABLES: The Holy Spirit Came coloring page (optional), Unit 2 Missions:

Madagascar (missions story)

Grades 4每6 Session 4 PACK: 2

Session 4 PRINTABLES: Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar (missions story), Early Believers Cards


UNIT 3 Tell About Jesus

Grades 1每3 Session 1 PACK: 3, 13, 14, 15, 27, Teaching Picture 10

Session 1 PRINTABLES: The Crowd Welcomed Jesus coloring page (optional), Unit 3 missions:

Africa (missions story, Africa map)

Grades 4每6 Session 1 PACK: 3, 27, 28, Teaching Picture 10

Session 1 PRINTABLES: Books of the Bible Chart, Unit 3 Missions: Africa (missions story,

Africa map)


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