Role Matrix for Teachers and Instructional Assistants ...

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|Role Matrix for Teachers and Instructional Assistants |

|Role |Qualifications |Responsibilities |Professional Development |Evaluation/Assessment |

|Classroom |Pre-K & Elementary Classroom |Teach Reading/Writing Pre-K & Elementary |Professional Growth |Summative and Formative Assessment |

|Reading Teachers & |Teachers |- Provide literacy instruction to students in |- Develop and align personal goals with |- Develop annual goals to be assessed using |

|Content Area Teachers|- Undergrad degree in early |self-contained or departmentalized settings |those of the school/district professional |the following: |

|(Pre-K & Elementary, |childhood or elementary ed. |- Could include teaching content (science, math, |development plan (PDP) |a) evidence of value-added |

|M.S. & H.S.) |- 6 to12 credits in |social studies) |- Cooperate with specialists and coaches |student outcomes |

| |reading |- Work with students of all ability levels and |to incorporate literacy strategies into |b) demonstration of successful |

| |M.S. & H.S. Content Area |language proficiencies |content classroom lessons |incorporation of literacy |

| |Teachers - |Teach Reading/Writing M.S. & H.S |- Attend professional development |practices in daily content |

| |Undergrad degree in content |- Teach at least one content area course and |workshops |lessons as observed by |

| |area with adolescent literacy|literacy skills concurrently |- Join content area professional(a) and |administrators/supervisors |

| |or content area literacy |- Instruct students on how to learn the content |incorporate literacy strategies related |c) self-assessment report to be |

| |course |through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and |to standards |shared with literacy coach |

| | |representing |- Incorporate a sheltered instruction (or |- Incorporate other specific assessments and |

| | | |SIOP Model) with English language |evaluation tools that are appropriate measures|

| | | |learners |of your goal-related progress |

|Instructional Support|Educational or Instructional |Assist Classroom Teachers |Professional Growth |Summative and Formative Assessment |

|Personnel |Support Personnel |- Support teachers and specialists in delivering |- Attend professional development |- Develop annual goals to be assessed using |

|(Para-professionals |- Two years of higher |reading instruction |workshops within the school |the following: |

| |education or associate degree |- Collaborate with faculty and others to improve |- Participate in study groups when |a) value-added student |

| |that includes a reading- |reading instruction |appropriate |performance |

| |related course |- Assist in all areas, subjects, grades (Pre-K to | |b) teacher evaluations |

| | |12) and at all proficiency levels (spec. educ. to | |c) administrator observation |

| | |enrichment) | |d) self-assessment |

| | |- May assist in supplemental summer or after-school| | |

| | |programs | | |

| | |- May help teachers prepare materials or record | | |

| | |student progress | | |

| |

|TEMPLATE/WORKSHEET: Role Matrix for Teachers and Instructional Assistants |

| Role |Qualifications |Responsibilities |Professional Development |Evaluation/Assessment |

|Classroom |Pre-K & Elementary Classroom |Teach Reading/Writing Pre-K & Elementary |Professional Growth |Summative and Formative Assessment |

|Reading Teachers & |Teachers |(Describe literacy instruction, students served, |(Describe professional development goals |(Develop annual goals to be assessed.) |

|Content Area Teachers|( List classroom/ teaching |and literacy in content areas.) |related to school plan [PDP]). | |

|(Pre-K & Elementary, |experience required) | | |(Make a list of ways growth will be measured |

|M.S. & H.S.) | | |(Describe working with reading specialist |and evaluated.) |

| |(List educational | |or coach.) | |

| |qualifications. | | | |

| | | |(Describe workshops attended, professional| |

| |(List special coursework | |affiliations, SIOP training.) | |

| |required and credit hours of | | | |

| |practicum) |Teach Reading/Writing M.S. & H.S |(Describe participation in study groups, | |

| |M.S. & H.S. Content Area |(Describe ways literacy is incorporated in content |peer observation/coaching, literacy | |

| |Teachers |area instruction.) |collaboration.) | |

| |(Same as above.) | | | |

|Instructional Support|Educational or Instructional |Assist Classroom Teachers |Professional Growth |Summative and Formative Assessment |

|Personnel |Support Personnel |(Describe activities and responsibilities that |(Describe involvement in workshops, study |(Develop annual goals to be assessed.) |

|(Para-professionals |(List literacy-related |support teachers in preparing materials, |groups, and other professional activities| |

| |coursework and education.) |record-keeping, and reading instruction or special |within a school.) |(Make a list of ways growth will be measured |

| | |programs.) | |and evaluated.) |

| | |(Describe students served and explain grouping | | |

| | |methods.) | | |

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Allyn & Bacon


Example and Role Matrix Templates

Below is a completed example of a role matrix

for teachers and instructional assistants (paraprofessionals).

We also provide a template with directions to help you organize

the roles, qualifications, responsibilities, and assessments

for teachers and paraprofessionals.

The format is similar to the one used

for reading specialists and literacy coaches

that also appears on this companion website.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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