Home learning guidance for parent/carers

2088130-105723400Home learning guidance for parent/carersFollowing the First Minister’s Announcement on Monday 4th January, 2021, Scotland’s schools are required to close temporarily to restrict the transmission of the virus. As you are aware, the exceptions are the children of key workers and those children who are vulnerable, who will attend their own school to access childcare and support to engage in the learning set remotely for their peers. There is no expectation that parents/carers replicate the normal school day. For many, if not most, this will not be possible for a wide range of reasons. The Leith Primary School community is very diverse and no single plan will easily meet the needs and expectations of every family. What might be manageable for one family may be totally unrealistic for another. However, there is an expectation that all parents/carers will support their child to continue some form of learning from home to the best of their ability. Please do not worry if this looks or sounds very different to what you have heard other parents/carers doing. Our assumption is that all parents/carers appreciate the importance of helping their child continue with learning and that they will try their best to support this as much as their own individual circumstances allow them to. We will help as much as we can to support pupils and parents to do this.Since August, the school has been working on lockdown contingency plans based on feedback given by parents, pupils and staff about the last period of lockdown and have tried to reflect this in our new plans. We also adhere to local and national government guidance.General PrinciplesLearning activities will be provided, including those which can be undertaken at a time to suit learners and their families in the current context.Every child will have regular access to a teacher. This will include contact to provide opportunities for learning conversations to take place. Feedback on tasks set and submitted will be provided, together with Health & Wellbeing check-ins. No teacher is expected to respond to pupils outwith normal working hours.Additional check-ins may be necessary for some children and young people, not attending the school hub, who are considered in need of additional support with their learning or wellbeing. These may happen with the class teacher or PSA via a phone call, video call, live chat or email and in some instances with a member of the Senior Leadership Team or Family Support Worker.Learning activities will allow for 15-25 hours of pupil engagement per week, arranged in blocks of 3-5 hours daily, age and circumstance dependent.Time for learners to engage in wider activities which will benefit their health and wellbeing such as physical and outdoor learning, creative learning experiences and life skills will also form part of what is planned.Learners & parents/carers will be provided with guidance to ensure that they can manage their learning and to maximise engagement.There will be 3-4 numeracy tasks (maths and number work) and 3-4 literacy tasks (reading, writing, talking & listening) set each week.There will be an opportunity to do a daily emotional check in on most days.If learning materials such as pencils and paper are required, we can provide thisDigital AccessDigital provision will be used to a greater degree this time to support the delivery of remote learning, ensuring adherence to Responsible User Protocols* to ensure the safety of all staff and pupils. It will not be the only form of learning offered.Young people who do not have digital access will be provided with alternative learning activities. In some situations, we may be able to lend school IT equipment. Priority will be given to older learners with no means of digital access and to those whose parents/carers have informed school of their digital access circumstances via the last online survey. Nursery to P3 pupils will mostly use Online Learning Journals to access and share their learning. It is expected that parents/carers will mostly support with this.P4 – P7 pupils will mostly use Microsoft Teams to access and share their learning. It is hoped that these pupils will take a greater responsibility for accessing and sharing their work although some pupils may still require some adult support.Live learning may be offered however this and other pre-recorded videos will be posted to support flexibility of access. These will be delivered in line with school planning taking into account pupils’ needs and abilities. They may be delivered to the whole class, groups or individuals.?Videos will not replicate a normal class lesson but will offer either modelling of new learning, interaction with pupils engaging with a piece of learning or feedback on a task submitted. Short teacher videos have been proven to be more effective than long lessons.P4 – P7 pupils will also have the ability to ‘meet’ and ‘chat’ with each other using Microsoft Teams during planned ‘playground’ times. This will be monitored by class teachers for appropriate use. We will investigate whether this would also be viable as a social tool for young pupils programmes may be used by teachers as learning resources to provide variety and enable greater engagement by pupilsIt is possible to access Office 365 (including. Teams) using a Playstation, Xbox or other gaming device with internet access. The school can supply a USB keyboard if requested to help with access. Online Learning Journals can also be accessed from these devices using the internet browser.To access Office 365 on PS4 you:Go to the PlayStation browser icon (it is WWW with dots around it) Press the PlayStation logo on your controller. Go to library and find options for games and applications. Go into applications and you will find the internet browser. Type in Office 365 and log in like you would at school. To access Office 365 on your Xbox One:Plug in a keyboard via the USB slot. ( ... Go to my games and apps. Find Microsoft Edge and select it. Type in Office 365 and log in as you would in school. You can access your work as well as use key packages such as: ... To move the cursor you can use the gamepad or plug in a USB mouseFeedbackFeedback will be provided for all work submitted by pupils Class teachers may provide feedback in different ways; individually, by group or whole class. This might happen live, in-the-moment, written or verbal and may vary in length and detail dependent on the task, the teacher’s planning and what is relevant to pupils. Sometimes feedback may be a simple acknowledgement that the task has been completed correctly with no issues. Sometimes, a short follow up task or additional practice of something might be suggested.Pupils might take part in some informal quizzes or questionnaires to check their progress or ask for their ideas. Where possible, please allow your child to answer independently to allow the teacher to adapt their planning accordingly.Feedback will be given as close to the day of submission as possible but no longer than ten working days after being shared.Pupils will be encouraged to reflect on their own progress and effort each week. Where possible, an adult can support a pupil to identify what went well, what was challenging, what helped them to succeed etc. This is a vitally important part of the learning process and pupils should be encouraged to do this weekly, if not daily.Pupils should be given the intended Learning Outcome for each task. Where appropriate, pupils may be asked to think about the steps needed to achieve that learning outcome successfully. Sometimes, the Steps to Success or success criteria will be given by the teacher. Children should be familiar with this process. These can be referred to as guides to support their successful competition of a task.It can be helpful for parents and teachers to talk to children about the relevance or purpose of each intended learning outcome such as building up towards mastery of a bigger skill, when in life or work that skill might be used in a ‘real life’ context. Pupils with Additional Support NeedsSome of our pupils may receive home learning tasks that look very different to what their classmates are doing. We will endeavour to tailor learning materials to meet the needs of any individual who has a previously identified barrier to their learning and/or may have an Individual Education Plan. Mrs Ciechanowicz, our Support for Learning teacher or another appropriate member of staff, will contact parents/carers of pupils who meet this description to offer a more bespoke form of support where this is appropriate. Pupils & Families with English as an Additional LanguageSome of our families are very new to the English language and as such may find it difficult to support their children with their learning at home. We are able to provide a basic translation of any learning materials in most of our families’ preferred home language if this is requested. It is entirely appropriate for pupils to complete learning tasks in their home language if this is easier for families to support. Class teachers will only be able to provide feedback if this work is submitted digitally so it can be translated back into English using Microsoft Word’s in-programme translator function which we understand is of a better quality than other online translator services eg; Google Translate. We encourage pupils and families to use the translator function on the Office 365 version of Microsoft Word to translate materials and build up their vocabulary in both municationImportant information will be emailed to parents. It is vitally important that we have all parent/carers up-to-date email addresses and mobile phone numbers..Alerts and reminders will be texted to parents. We are limited to the number of characters we can use in a text so apologise in advance for their abruptness at times! Only pupils can use Teams to contact their teacher.We use the school Twitter account handle @leith_primary to post reminders, links and to share pupil news and successes. We have a private Facebook Group Leith Primary News Group but do not regularly check messenger so please avoid using this to make contact with school staff.Important information will also be posted on the school website .ukClass teachers can be contacted directly by Online Learning Journal or via the school admin email address: admin@leith-pri.edin.sch.ukParents can text the school: 07860029682 or WhatsApp: 07999158585 Remember, we’re here to help! ................

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