Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary

FIRST EUCHARIST RETREAT TEACHING SUMMARYObjectivesTeaching StepsActivitiesMaterialsArrival andGatheringTo welcome the children and parents as they arriveName TagsWelcome andOpening PrayerTo pray together as a communityTo explain the purpose of the retreatSay an opening prayerExplain the purpose of the retreatExplain the Respect RuleIntroduce an attention grabberPrayer TableBibleCandleProgram Director ManualPart of the Mass CenterTo review the order of the Mass and what happens during each partReview instructions for activityProvide the correct order of the Mass Match-Up CardsSet of "Match-Up Cards"Church TourCenterTo familiarize the children with the different objects, sacred vessels, liturgical books, vestments, and liturgical colors used during MassGuide participants through a church tour, explaining the different objects found in a church or seen used during MassChurch Tour"Church Tour Guide"Objects, Sacred Vessels, Liturgical Books, and VestmentsChild's Book"Liturgical Objects" and "Liturgical Vestments" Match Up Worksheets (optional)How to Receive CommunionCenterTo teach the children the proper reception of Holy CommunionRead steps on pages 84 to 85 of the Catechist GuideLead the group into a discussion on proper mannersReview section on "How to Receive Communion" on page 110 of both the Catechist Guide and Child's BookDiscussion on proper mannersPractice how to receive CommunionCatechist GuideChild's BookUnconsecrated Hosts or CrackersEmpty Chalice ObjectivesTeaching StepsActivitiesMaterialsGuided Meditation before the Blessed SacramentTo provide the children and parents with an opportunity to speak to Jesus and pray before the Blessed SacramentGo through Guided MeditationLead the families into a discussion about their experience during the Guided Meditation (if time permits)Guided MeditationDiscussion (if time permits)Copy of "Guided Meditation"Soft, meditative musicClosing Prayer and Sending Forth To bless/send forth the childrenRead closing prayer on page 100 or both the Catechist Guide and Child's book ORRead closing prayer on page 101 of Program Director ManualCatechist GuideChild's BookORProgram Director Manual ................

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