Chapter 1 Handout: From the PowerPoint Presentation:

Chapter 1 Handout: From the PowerPoint Presentation:

Correlation does not imply Causation!~

Permissive Parenting and children’s self control are negatively correlated variables.

There are at least 3 types of reasons variables might be correlated:

1. Permissive parenting CAUSES children's self-control to decrease (Var 1 => Var 2)

2. Children with low self-control CAUSE permissive parenting (Var 2 => Var 1)

3. Some other variable causes the other 2 to be related (ex: genetics, poverty, mass media etc.) (Var 3=> Var 1 & Var 2)

-Vocabulary size is highly positively correlated with shoe size.

-The number of gallons of ice cream sold is highly correlated with the number of reported aggravated assaults on people

E. Experimental Research~

*In experimental research one or more variables are systematically manipulated (the independent variable) and the effect of that manipulation on other variables is measured (the dependent variable).

+: allows cause and effect conclusions

-: results may not generalize outside the lab/experiment, impossible or unethical to do this research on some variables

Why do experimental studies allow cause & effect conclusions?~

-Assume that because of random assignment all groups start out equal

-Groups are then exposed to different levels of the Independent Variable (IV) and measured on the Dependent Variable (DV).

-If our first assumption is true, then any differences in the D.V. must be BECAUSE of the differences in the IV

Developmental Methods

|Approach |Description |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|Cross-Sectional |Comparison of children of different |Requires less time; less costly than |Cannot study individual patterns of |

| |ages at the same point in time. |longitudinal study. |development or the stability of |

| | | |traits; subject to cohort effects |

|Longitudinal |Repeated testing of the same group of|Can examine the stability of |Requires a significant investment of |

| |children over an extended period of |characteristics. |time and resources; problems with |

| |time. | |participant attrition; can have |

| | | |age-history confound. |

| | | | |

|Cross-Sequential |Observation of children of different |Avoids cohort and age-history |Even longer and more expensive than |

| |ages over an extended period of time.|confound effects |longitudinal studies |

|A. Professional Knowledge and Skills:~ |B. Commitment and Motivation~ |

|1. Subject Matter Competence |-time |

|2. Instructional Strategies & Teaching Philosophies |-ability to recognize successes, big or small |

|3. Goal Setting & Planning Skills |-realize it will not be perfect the first time |

|4. Classroom management skills |-willingness to try it a different way |

|5. Motivational Ability |-know your students |

|6. Communication skills |-ask for advice! Look for a mentor |

|7. Diversity training |-keep up with the field |

|8. Technological Skills | |

Characteristics of Best and Worst Teachers

|Best Teachers: |Worst Teachers: |

|1. Have a Sense of Humor |1. Are dull/boring |

|2. Make the class interesting |2. Don’t explain things clearly |

|3. Know their subject |3. Show favoritism |

|4. Explain things clearly |4. Have a bad attitude |

|5. Spend time to help students |5. Expect too much |

|6. Are fair to students |6. Don’t relate to students |

|7. Treat students like adults |7. Give too much homework |

|8. Relate well to students |8. Are too strict |

|9. Are considerate of students’ feelings |9. Don’t give help/individual attention |

|10. Don’t show favoritism |10. Lack control |


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