Unidad 1 – Education


New Citizens 1



Foreign Language Department


Unit 1


I Objectives

- To use the present simple and the present continuous.

- To use enjoy, like, love, want, hate + - ing / to + infinitive.

- To know how to use want + noun / pronoun + infinitive.

- To know adverbs: types and position within a sentence.

- To speak about regular actions.

- To talk about temporary actions.

- To describe the school environment.

- To recognise error as a means of learning a language.

- To improve oral comprehension.

- To improve reading comprehension.

- To improve written comprehension.

- To improve pronunciation.

II Contents

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Introduction to the strategies of self-evaluation, self-correction and reflecting on what has been learnt.

- Use of vocabulary and appropriate strategies for talking about the school environment.

- Understanding a listening describing a school.

- Describing photographs.

- Group discussion about the reasons why ignorance costs more than education.

- Planning for the organization of ones study for the following weeks.

- Exhibition of relevant information regarding ones school.

- Identifying the differences between two photographs.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- Use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

- Use of basic rules for writing a text about ones daily life.

- Understanding a text about education.

- Writing a text about ones own personal experiences.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar

- Use of the present simple and present continuous.

- Use of enjoy, like, love, want, hate + - ing / to + infinitive.

- Use of want + noun / pronoun + infinitive.

- Use of adverbs: types and position within the sentence.

3.1.2. Vocabulary

- Related to adverbs and their position within the sentence.

- Related to school.

- Related to education.

3.1.3. Phonetics

- Pronunciation of the plural -s: books, schools, classes.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

- Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

- Recognising errors as a means of learning.

- Interest in improving writing of texts.

- Using the strategies offered in New Citizens to maximise self-learning.

- Recognising and using strategies of self-correction and evaluation.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Comparison of the English and Spanish education systems.

III Evaluation criteria

- To answer questions related to a text about education, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 8 and 9.

- To comment on a photograph related to the text, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 8 and 9.

- To find synonyms for the words indicated, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 8 and 9.

- To debate the superior cost of ignorance as opposed to education, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 8 and 9.

- To complete texts with the appropriate verb form in the present, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 10 and 11.

- To complete exercises with the corresponding adverb, Student’s Book, Vocabulary, page 12.

- To answer questions after listening to a conversation in a listening, Student’s Book, Communication, page 13.

- To do an exhibition about the school, Student’s Book, Communication, page 13.

- To write a text about ones own experiences following the steps given in the adjoining exercises, Student’s Book, Writing, pages 14 and 15.

- To complete the exercises in the Review section at the end of the third unit

- To do the Translation exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the Communicative Activities corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given in the Workbook.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Grammar Worksheets.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Vocabulary Worksheets y Skills Worksheets.

Unit 2


I Objectives

- To use the past simple.

- To use the past continuous.

- To use countable and uncountable nouns correctly.

- To widen vocabulary related to ecology and nature.

- To know the main prepositions and their use.

- To talk about situations and events that happened in the past.

- To describe a place.

- To recognise the principal environmental problems.

- To talk about problems related to the environment.

- To improve oral comprehension.

- To improve reading comprehension.

- To improve written comprehension.

- To improve pronunciation.

II Contents

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Introduction to the strategies of self-evaluation, self-correction and reflecting on what has been learnt.

- Use of basic rules to do an oral presentation to describe a photograph.

- Understanding a listening about the description of a photograph.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

- The correct use of basic connectors to describe a place.

- Understanding a text about ecology.

- Understanding a text about bullfighting in Spain.

- Writing a description about a landscape or a place.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar

- Use of the past simple.

- Use of the past continuous.

- Use of countable and uncountable nouns.

3.1.2. Vocabulary

- Use of prepositions.

- Use of abstract nouns.

- Related to nature.

3.1.3. Phonetics

- Pronunciation of regular verb endings: -ed.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

- Recognising errors as a means of learning.

- Interest in improving the writing of texts.

- Using the strategies offered in New Citizens to maximise self-learning.

- Recognising and using strategies of self-correction and evaluation.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness.

- To learn about other aspects of ecology and the environment. To know about means of protecting nature.

- To recognise the reality of certain festivals celebrated with animals in different countries.

- To recognise the main environmental problems.

III Evaluation criteria

- To answer questions related to a text about ecology, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 16 and 17.

- To complete texts with the appropriate past verb form, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 18 and 19.

- To match words about the environment with their corresponding meaning, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 18 and 19.

- To complete the exercise with the corresponding preposition, Student’s Book, Vocabulary, page 20.

- To debate the questions posed about nature, following the given guidelines, after doing the corresponding listening, Student’s Book, Communication, page 21.

- To talk about a photograph, Student’s Book, Communication, page 21.

- To write a description of a landscape following the steps given in the accompanying exercises, Student’s Book, Writing, pages 22 and 23.

- To do the exercises in the Review section at the end of the third unit

- To do the Translation exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the Communicative Activities corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit which are given in the Workbook.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Grammar Worksheets.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Vocabulary Worksheets y Skills Worksheets.

Unit 3

Human relationships

I Objectives

- To use the present perfect simple / present perfect continuous.

- To use for y since correctly.

- To use It is / That is the first (second …) time + present perfect.

- To use It’s + period of time + since.

- To use the adverbs: yet, still, already.

- To widen vocabulary related to adverbs.

- To talk about human relationships.

- To talk about how the approach to sexual themes has evolved.

- To recognise the importance of intertextuality and the relation between academic subjects, in this case literature, as a means of learning English and literature.

- To describe a person.

- To improve oral comprehension.

- To improve reading comprehension.

- To improve written comprehension.

- To improve pronunciation.

II Contents

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Introduction to the strategies of self-evaluation, self-correction and reflecting on what has been learnt.

- Using formulas and strategies to do an oral presentation to describe someone.

- Describing the physical appearance of people appearing in photographs.

- Understanding the descriptions of people.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

- Using basic rules to describe a person.

- Understanding a text about heterosexuality and homosexuality.

- Writing a description of a person.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar

- Use of the present perfect simple / present perfect continuous.

- Use of for y since.

- Use of It is / That is the first (second …) time + present perfect.

- Use of It’s + period of time + since + past simple.

3.1.2. Vocabulary

- Use of adjectives / verbs + prepositions.

- Use of adverbs.

3.1.3. Phonetics

- Pronunciation of the vowel sounds: bin and been.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

- Recognising error as a means of learning.

- Interest in improving the writing of texts.

- Using the strategies offered in New Citizens to maximise self-learning.

- Recognising and using strategies of self-correction and evaluation.

- Recognising the importance of intertextuality and the relation between academic subjects, in this case literature, as a means of learning English and literature.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness.

How British society deals with social and human topics.

Comparing this perspective with what the students observe in their own society and in their school and family environments.

- Recognising everyone as equal, independently of their sexual inclination, beliefs, gender.

III Evaluation criteria

- To answer questions related to a text about homosexuality and heterosexuality, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 24 and 25.

- To complete texts with the appropriate verb form in present perfect simple-present perfect continuous, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 26 and 27.

- To complete the exercises with the corresponding adverb, Student’s Book, Vocabulary, page 28.

- To answer given questions after a listening about describing people, Student’s Book, Communication, page 29.

- To talk about a photograph, Student’s Book, Communication, page 21.

- To write a description about someone you like, following the steps given in the adjoining exercises, Student’s Book, Writing, pages 31 and 32.

- To do the exercises given in the Review section at the end of the third unit.

- To do the Extra Unit: Literature, which follows this unit.

- To do the Translation exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the Communicative Activities corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit which are given in the Workbook.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Grammar Worksheets.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Vocabulary Worksheets y Skills Worksheets.

Unit 4

Tales and fables

I Objectives

- To use the past perfect.

- To use the future: will / going to + infinitive.

- To know the difference between will, going to and present continuous with reference to the future.

- To know adverbs: types and position within the sentence.

- To use comparatives with modifiers: much, far, a lot, a bit correctly.

- To use too/enough appropriately.

- To talk about situations in the future.

- To talk about past situations that happened prior to another situation in the past.

- To tell a fairy tale.

- To know the main fairy tales and legends.

- To give opinions.

- To improve oral comprehension.

- To improve reading comprehension.

- To improve written comprehension.

- To improve pronunciation.

II Contents

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Introduction to the strategies of self-evaluation, self-correction and reflecting on what has been learnt.

- Use of strategies and formulas to tell a fairy tale.

- Understanding the listening: The ants and the Grasshopper.

- Participating in the presentation of a story in pairs.

- Group discussion about the best story told in class.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

- The use of connectors to write a traditional fairy tale.

- Understanding the story: The ants and the Grasshopper

- Writing a fairy tale.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar

- Use of the past perfect.

- Use of the future: will / going to + infinitive.

- The difference between will, going to y present continuous regarding the future.

- Use of adverbs: types and positions within a sentence.

3.1.2. Vocabulary

- Use of comparatives with modifiers: much, far, a lot, a bit.

- Use of too / enough.

3.1.3. Phonetics

- Pronunciation of the vowel sounds: have, run y pass.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

- Recognising error as a means of learning.

- Interest in improving the writing of texts.

- Using the strategies offered in New Citizens to maximise self-learning.

- Recognising and using strategies of self-correction and evaluation.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Interest in knowing the literary tradition of fairy tales and fables, from a culture different to ones own.

III Evaluation criteria

- To answer questions related to the story: The ants and the Grasshopper, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 38 and 39.

- To listen to the story: The ants and the Grasshopper, and to complete the given exercises Student’s Book, Reading, pages 38 and 39.

- To tell a story to a classmate, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 38 and 39.

- To complete texts with the appropriate past perfect verb form, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 40 and 41.

- To complete texts with the appropriate future verb form, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 40 and 41.

- To complete the exercises with the corresponding comparative and modifier, Student’s Book, Vocabulary, page 42.

- To correct a text after doing a listening, Student’s Book, Communication, page 43.

- To tell a story, Student’s Book, Communication, page 43.

- To write a story following the steps presented in the accompanying exercises, Student’s Book, Writing, pages 44 y 45.

- To do the exercises given in the Review section at the end of the sixth unit.

- To do the Translation exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the Communicative Activities corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given in the Workbook.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Grammar Worksheets.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Vocabulary Worksheets y Skills Worksheets.

Unit 5

Life in Britain

I Objectives

- To use the first conditional.

- To use the second conditional.

- To use the third conditional.

- To know expressions of time with: when, as soon as, while, before, by the time.

- To use the negative prefixes: un-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, non-, dis-.

- To express desires.

- To talk about likely, unlikely and impossible situations.

- To compare and contrast.

- To express a reasoned opinion.

- To improve oral comprehension.

- To improve reading comprehension.

- To improve written comprehension.

- To improve pronunciation.

II Contents

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Introduction to the strategies of self-evaluation, self-correction and reflecting on what has been learnt.

- Using basic rules to speak about ones own country.

- Understanding a listening about Canada.

- Planning and delivering a presentation about USA / Mexico.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

- Using formulas and strategies to describe a critical essay.

- Understanding a text about England.

- Understanding a text about someone’s opinion of England.

- Writing an essay expressing ones own opinion about a country.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar

- Use of the first conditional.

- Use of the second conditional.

- Use of the third conditional.

- Use of expressions of time with: when, as soon as, while, before, by the time.

3.1.2. Vocabulary

- Use of negative prefixes: un-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, non-, dis-.

- About England.

3.1.3. Phonetics

- Pronunciation of the consonant sounds in: the y think.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

- Recognising error as a means of learning.

- Interest in improving the writing of texts.

- Using the strategies offered in New Citizens to maximise self-learning.

- Recognising and using strategies of self-correction and evaluation.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Interest in knowing about other countries and cultures.

- Interest in knowing about ones own country.

- Comparing the English way of life with one’s own.

III Evaluation criteria

- To answer questions related to a text about England, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 46 and 47.

- To complete texts with the appropriate conditional verb form, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 48 and 49.

- To complete texts with an expression of time, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 48 and 49.

- To complete exercises with the negative of the corresponding word, Student’s Book, Vocabulary, page 50.

- To answer questions about Canada after hearing the information in a listening, Student’s Book, Communication, page 51.

- To talk about the USA, Student’s Book, Communication, page 51.

- To do a presentation about Mexico, Student’s Book, Communication, page 51.

- To write about the opinion of a city, following the steps given in the accompanying exercises, Student’s Book, Writing, pages 52 and 53.

- To do the exercises given in the Review section at the end of the sixth unit

- To do the Translation exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the Communicative Activities corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit which are given in the Workbook.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Grammar Worksheets.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Vocabulary Worksheets y Skills Worksheets.

Unit 6


I Objectives

- To use the passive voice.

- To know the verbs with two objects.

- To use have / get something done.

- To talk about personal experiences.

- To use the appropriate punctuation.

- To know the word building: adjectives from nouns.

- To know the main languages in the world.

- To talk about languages and their usefulness.

- To recognise the importance of the intertextuality and the relation between academic subjects, in this case art, as a means of learning English and art.

- To improve oral comprehension.

- To improve reading comprehension.

- To improve written comprehension.

- To improve pronunciation.

II Contents

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Introduction to the strategies of self-evaluation, self-correction and reflecting on what has been learnt.

- Using strategies to prepare questions for a quiz show.

- Understanding a listening about a television quiz show.

- Planning and producing a quiz show.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

- Using strategies for writing about ones own experience of learning the English language.

- Understanding a text about the principal languages in the world.

- Understanding a text about the experience of learning a foreign language.

- Writing a text about ones own experience of learning English.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar

- Use of the passive voice.

- Use of verbs with two objects.

- Use of have / get something done.

3.1.2. Vocabulary

- Word formation: adjectives formed from nouns.

- Related to languages in the world.

3.1.3. Phonetics

- Pronunciation of the consonant sounds: fat, vat y bat.

- The silent b.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

- Recognising error as a means of learning.

- Interest in improving the writing of texts.

- Using the strategies offered in New Citizens to maximise self-learning.

- Recognising and using strategies of self-correction and evaluation.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Interest in knowing other languages that are spoken in the world and in learning to value the importance of knowing more than one language.

- Recognising the value of speaking more languages in addition to ones own.

III Evaluation criteria

- To answer questions related to a text about the languages in the world, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 54 and 55.

- To complete texts with the appropriate passive verb form, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 56 and 57.

- To complete texts with the appropriate form of the verb with two objects, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 56 and 57.

- To complete the exercises with the adjectives derived from corresponding nouns, Student’s Book, Vocabulary, page 58.

- To answer questions about a television quiz show after a listening exercise, Student’s Book, Communication, page 59.

- To plan and produce a quiz show, Student’s Book, Communication, page 59.

- To write about the experience of learning English, following the steps given in the accompanying exercises, Student’s Book, Writing, pages 60 and 61.

- To do the exercises given in the Review section at the end of the sixth unit

- To do the Translation exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the Communicative Activities corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit which are given in the Workbook.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are, included in the Grammar Worksheets.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Vocabulary Worksheets y Skills Worksheets.

Unit 7

Mobile phones

I Objectives

- To know reported speech: statements, commands and questions.

- To use reporting verbs: ask, warn, apologize, remind, offer, suggest, tell, invite, etc correctly.

- To widen vocabulary related to phrasal verbs.

- To talk about new technology for interpersonal communication.

- To transmit what others have said using indirect speech.

- To establish, describe and develop a situation for a dialogue.

- To improve oral comprehension.

- To improve reading comprehension.

- To improve written comprehension.

- To improve pronunciation.

II Contents

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Introduction to the strategies of self-evaluation, self-correction and reflecting on what has been learnt.

- Using strategies and formulas for maintaining a telephone conversation.

- Understanding a telephone conversation.

- Holding a telephone conversation.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

- Using strategies for writing a telephone conversation.

- Understanding a text about the influence of mobiles in a person’s life.

- Writing a telephone conversation.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar

- Use of reported speech: statements, commands and questions.

- Use of reporting verbs: ask, warn, apologise, remind, offer, suggest, tell, invite, etc.

3.1.2. Vocabulary

- Use of Phrasal verbs.

3.1.3. Phonetics

- Pronunciation of the consonant sounds in: she, vision, cheap and teenager.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

- Recognising error as a means of learning.

- Interest in improving the writing of texts.

- Using the strategies offered in New Citizens to maximise self-learning.

- Recognising and using strategies of self-correction and evaluation.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Use of the appropriate linguistic formulae in a communication situation: a telephone conversation.

III Evaluation criteria

- To answer questions related to a text about the use of mobile telephones, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 68 and 69.

- To complete texts with the appropriate verb form in reported speech, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 70 and 71.

- To complete the exercises with the corresponding phrasal verb, Student’s Book, Vocabulary, page 72.

- To answer questions in order to understand a telephone conversation better after hearing it in a listening, Student’s Book, Communication, page 73.

- To hold a telephone conversation, Student’s Book, Communication, page 73.

- To write a telephone conversation, following the steps given in the accompanying exercises, Student’s Book, Writing, pages 74 and 75.

- To do the exercises given in the Review section at the end of the ninth unit

- To do the Translation exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the Communicative Activities corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit which are given in the Workbook.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Grammar Worksheets.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Vocabulary Worksheets y Skills Worksheets.

Unit 8

Multicultural societies

I Objectives

- To use the definite article and the indefinite article: the, a y an.

- To use the specific defining relative pronouns: who, that, which, whose, where.

- To talk about the cultural diversity in the societies of Anglo-Saxon countries.

- To express opinions.

- To make summaries.

- To widen vocabulary: nouns from verbs.

- To know more about Australia.

- To improve oral comprehension.

- To improve reading comprehension.

- To improve written comprehension.

- To improve pronunciation.

II Contents

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Introduction to the strategies of self-evaluation, self-correction and reflecting on what has been learnt.

- Using strategies and abilities to talk about cultural diversity.

- Using strategies and abilities to ask for and give information.

- Understanding a listening about asking for information about the country where you live.

- Holding a conversation about life in a foreign country and about that country.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

- The use of strategies for making summaries.

- Understanding a text about multicultural societies.

- Writing a summary of a given text.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar

- Use of the definite article and indefinite article: the, a and an.

- Use of specific defining relative pronouns: who, that, which, whose, where.

3.1.2. Vocabulary

- Word formation: nouns from verbs.

- Word formation: nouns assigned to people.

3.1.3. Phonetics

- Pronunciation of the vowel sounds in: pull y too.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

- Recognising error as a means of learning.

- Interest in improving the writing of texts.

- Using the strategies offered in New Citizens to maximise self-learning.

- Recognising and using strategies of self-correction and evaluation.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Interest in knowing cultural information about English speaking countries, which transmit the cultural diversity that exists in all of them.

III Evaluation criteria

- To answer questions related to a text about black people in the USA, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 76 and 77.

- To complete texts with the appropriate form of definite or indefinite articles, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 78 and 79.

- To complete texts with the appropriate form of the defining relative clauses, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 78 and 79.

- To complete exercises with a noun derived from a verb, Student’s Book, Vocabulary, page 80.

- To answer questions that improve the understanding of a conversation about Australia, after hearing it in a listening, Student’s Book, Communication, page 81.

- To hold a conversation about a country, Student’s Book, Communication, page 81.

- To make a summary of a text, following the steps given in the accompanying exercises, Student’s Book, Writing, pages 82 and 83.

- To do the exercises given in the Review section at the end of the ninth unit

- To do the Translation exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the Communicative Activities corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit which are given in the Workbook.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Grammar Worksheets.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Vocabulary Worksheets y Skills Worksheets.

Unit 9


I Objectives

- To use modal verbs.

- To use: used to / would; get used to / be used to / not be used to.

- To express ability, possibility, impossibility, need and obligation.

- To speculate.

- To give advice.

- To make an offer.

- To recognise the importance of intertextuality and the relation between academic subjects, in this case science, as a means of learning English and science.

- To write an informal letter.

- To express feelings.

- To widen vocabulary related to compound nouns.

- To improve oral comprehension.

- To improve reading comprehension.

- To improve written comprehension.

- To improve pronunciation.

II Contents

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Introduction to the strategies of self-evaluation, self-correction and reflecting on what has been learnt.

- Using basic rules to talk about a happy experience.

- Understanding a listening about an important experience in someone’s life.

- Planning and delivering a presentation about an important and happy experience in ones life.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- The use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

- Using strategies for writing a letter.

- Understanding a text about the moon and the first time that man took steps on it.

- Understanding an informal letter.

- Writing an informal letter about a personal experience.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar

- Use of modal verbs.

- Use of used to / would / get used to / be used to / not be used to.

3.1.2. Vocabulary

- Use of compound nouns.

3.1.3. Phonetics

- Pronunciation of vowel sounds in: fox and fork.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

- Recognising error as a means of learning.

- Interest in improving the writing of texts.

- Using the strategies offered in New Citizens to maximise self-learning.

- Recognising and using strategies of self-correction and evaluation.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Use of the linguistic formulae appropriate to the communicative situation.

III Evaluation criteria

- To answer questions related to a text about the moon, Student’s Book, Reading, pages 84 and 85.

- To complete texts with the appropriate form of the corresponding modal verb, Student’s Book, Grammar, pages 86 and 87.

- To complete exercises with the corresponding compound noun, Student’s Book, Vocabulary, page 88.

- Answer the questions related to a listening about an important and happy experience, Student’s Book, Communication, page 89.

- To talk about a happy experience, Student’s Book, Communication, page 89.

- To write a personal letter, following the steps given in the accompanying exercises, Student’s Book, Writing, pages 90 and 91.

- To do the exercises corresponding to the Extra Unit: Science, which are included in continuation to this unit.

- To do the exercises given in the Review section at the end of the ninth unit

- To do the Translation exercises corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the Communicative Activities corresponding to this unit, which are given at the end of the book.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit which are given in the Workbook.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Grammar Worksheets.

- To do the exercises corresponding to this unit, which are included in the Vocabulary Worksheets y Skills Worksheets.


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