The Fairland Local Board of Education held its regular ...

The Fairland Local Board of Education held its regular meeting on February 10, 2014 with the following members present at roll call: Mr. Sowards, Mr. Gorby, Mr. Lewis and Mr. Appleton.

A public hearing was held regarding the 2014-2015 school calendar.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Gorby to approve the following consent agenda #1 items:

A) Approve free schooling-tuition for a non-resident in accordance with ORC 3313.64(5) for a Fairland Middle School student who qualifies

B) Hire the following substitutes:

• Bamba Bragg – aide, custodian, cook

• Tanya Adkins – secretary, aide

• Brent Gue – maintenance

• Melissa Riggio - teacher

C) Approve the following workshops:

• Jon Bradley – Assistant Principal’s Conference – March 31-April 1, 2014, Columbus, Ohio

• Jeff Gorby – Special Education Law in Ohio – February 26, 2014, Columbus, Ohio

D) Accept the resignation of Joel D. Smith as Fairland High School Assistant Baseball Coach

E) Approve a request for OAPSE release time for Barbara Ward to conduct official union business on Friday, March 21, 2014

F) Approve the release of Barbara Ward and Jill Turner May 6-9, 2014 to attend the annual OAPSE Conference in Columbus, Ohio

G) Accept the resignation of Cullen Homolka as winter weight coach effective immediately

H) Approve the minutes of the January 13, 2014 organizational/ regular board meeting

I) Approve the bank reconciliation, SM2 report, FUNDSUMM, and FINSUM reports for January 2014 as presented by the Treasurer

J) Approve the CHEKPY report for January 2014 presented by the Treasurer

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, absent; Mr. Appleton, yea.

Motion carried.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Gorby to go into executive session to consider the employment of a public employee or official.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, absent; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.

Out 6:50 p.m. Back 8:20 p.m.

Upon roll call, Mr. Sowards, Mr. Gorby, Mr. Lewis and Mr. Appleton were present when the regular session reconvened.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Lewis to adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, the Board of Education faces a budget deficit in Fiscal Year 2013-2014,


Whereas, if the Board of Education does not undertake expense reductions required by the current situation, the Ohio Department of Education will require expense reductions or will develop a plan of expense reductions for the Board of Education;


Whereas, the Board of Education desires to minimize the impact upon the educational programs of students in the district;


Now therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Superintendent to abolish two (2) custodial positions - one (1) at Fairland West Elementary School and one (1) at Fairland East Elementary School due to a lack of funds;


Be it further resolved that the Board of Education directs and authorizes the Superintendent as follows:


to keep the number of employees affected by further reductions in force to a minimum by not employing replacements of employees who resign, retire, or otherwise vacate positions unless it is in the best interest of the district.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, absent; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.


Mr. Gorby moved second by Mr. Appleton to approve the following consent agenda #2 items:

A) Fairland East evening custodian position awarded to Marlene Jenkins

B) Hire Ron Hankins as Fairland Middle School Boys Track Head Coach

C) Hire Vicki Hankins as Fairland Middle School Boys Track Assistant Coach

D) Hire Kim Warnock as Fairland Middle School Girls Track Assistant Coach

E) Approve Willie Mills as a volunteer assistant coach for Fairland Middle School Girls Track

F) Approve Josh Petrie as a volunteer assistant coach for Fairland High School Boys Track

G) Approve the following teachers for after-school intervention at Fairland West: Kim Carrico, Rose Sellards, Leroy Baise, Kim Staggs, Eva Stillpass, Judy Heffner, Terri Gaeger, Lisa Roberts, Lisa Thompson, Beverly Price and Dava Spurlock

H) Hire Benjamin Ellis as the driver for bus #42

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis,

yea; Mr. Ward, absent; Mr. Appleton, yea.

Motion carried.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Gorby to adjourn the meeting.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, absent; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.

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