Instructor: Ms. Kelli VanSchoick Phone: (269) 279-1130

Email: kvanschoick@ Room: 254

Course Description:

This course is designed to promote awareness of physical, mental, emotional and social

developmental needs for optimal health throughout life. This course is designed to assist

each student in developing and maintaining a lifestyle that promotes wellness by providing accurate and up-to-date health related information as the foundation for making educated, responsible, and healthy personal health decisions. Areas of study in this class will include alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, safety, social and emotional health, H.I.V. and S.T. I.’s prevention, and sexuality education. Instructional activities in the course will include team activities, presentations, lecture, independent work-study, guest speakers, and hands-on learning. Students will use textbooks as well as videos and computer programs to further the understanding of the course material.

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

- Apply health promotion and disease prevention concepts and principles to personal, family, and community health issues

- Access valid health information and appropriate health promoting products and services

- Practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks

- Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, and technology on health

- Use goal-setting skills to enhance health

- Use and develop decision-making skills to enhance health

- Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication and other social skills that will enhance health

- Demonstrate advocacy skills for enhanced personal, family, and community health

Course outcomes were created by, Michigan Department of Education, Grade 7 Health Content Expectations, 2006.

Instructional Materials:

- Health and Wellness- Grade 7.

- Heit, P., Meeks, L. (2005). Health and wellness. New York: McGraw-Hill.


Students are expected to submit assignments on a regular basis, and abide to deadlines. It is your responsibility to obtain any missed work.

* All assignments are subject to change and may be altered at the teacher’s discretion for specific situations.*

Student’s will be assessed in a variety of ways including, but not limited to daily journal entries, group work, examinations, notes, verbal responses, daily assignments, written and oral presentations/projects, essay writing, quizzes, homework, posters and other summative and formative methods.

Below is the breakdown of the grading system:

- 40% Examinations

- 25% Major Projects

- 20% Quizzes

- 15% Homework and Daily Assignments

Content-based Instructional Practices:

This course will use a range of instructional practices for optimal learning opportunities. Three Rivers Middle School will supply students with a health textbook along with supplemental materials for guided learning. Individual and group reading, role-playing scenarios, groups and individual projects, individual participation, note taking, introduction to health vocabulary words and terms, observation of media, internet learning, research, oral and written exams, quizzes, and the use of rubrics for assessments are some of the instruction practices that will be used in this health education course. Guest speakers from around the area may also be used in the classroom. This class is centered on Michigan’s state standards and benchmarks. Please visit documents/mde/Health for more details. If you have additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact me any time.

Sensitive Topics:

Throughout this course, some topics may be sensitive for some students. I take responsibility to manage all sensitive topics. I also take the responsibility to be aware of such issues and provide alternative learning opportunities for any student who may be exempted from learning about certain health issues. If a student’s parent/guardian chooses to have their child not participate in a specific unit, a note from a parent/guardian must be submitted to Ms. VanSchoick TWO days PRIOR to the start of the unit.

Scope and Sequence:


This unit will review topics such as:

- Problem solving steps (MH 7/8 4.9)

- Resistance and conflict resolution skills (MH 7/8 4.12, 3.12)

- Signs and symptoms of stress (MH 7/8 4.6)

- Understanding the meaning and importance of the health triangle

This unit will also distinguish between passive, aggressive, and assertive communication (MH 7/8 4.1, 4.11), and analyze various situations as to whether they call for simple acts of caring among friends, or require getting the help of caring and responsible adults (MH 7/8 4.3).


This unit emphasizes the importance of rest and sleep for personal health (MH 7/8 5.1). Students will also have the opportunity to analyze personal sleep patterns and create a plan to incorporate adequate rest and sleep in daily routines (MH 7/8 5.9).


This unit will cover many topics and develop a variety of skills regarding alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs such as:

- Analyze how ATOD exposure negatively impacts the user as well as friends, family members, and community members (MH 7/8 2.1)

- Describe a variety of needs young people may have and explain healthy ways to meet these needs without using ATOD (MH 7/8 2.3)

- Recognize risky situations that may lead to trouble, so that one can protect oneself and others from ATOD (MH 7/8 2.4)

- Evaluate media and advertisement strategies that may influence young people to use ATOD (MH 7/8 2.5)

- Apply problem-solving skills to hypothetical situations to protect oneself and others from ATOD use (MH 7/8 2.6)

- Demonstrate effective refusal skills to counter pressure to use ATOD (MH 7/8 2.7)

- Demonstrate correct use for over-the-counter prescription medications (MH 7/8 2.8)


Please Note: This is an abstinence-based program.

The Board of Education has established a program in Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS through the Health Advisory Committee. Members of this committee representing parents, the community, and health care professionals meet periodically to review and recommend program updates and revisions. The seventh grade curriculum will be as follows:

- Michigan Model- HIV/AIDS

o Facts on HIV/AIDS

o HIV and other STD/I’s and evaluating the risk

o Adopting a plan to stay within the limits

o Communicating with others

o Identifying trouble situations

o Avoiding and escaping risky situations

o Applying knowledge and skills to stay free of HIV and other STD/I’s

- The following information will be covered using the textbook (Heit, P., Meeks, L. (2005). Health and wellness. New York: McGraw-Hill):

o Relationships and Abstinence

▪ Guidelines to help prepare for dating

▪ Factors that contribute to a healthy relationship

▪ Why abstinence is a responsible decision

▪ Resistance skills

▪ Skills needed for a healthful marriage and parenthood

o What to know about Puberty

▪ How the body changes during puberty

▪ The male and female reproductive system

▪ Individual growth and development

▪ Ways to become a responsible adult

o Pregnancy and Childbirth

▪ What happens during pregnancy and childbirth

▪ How behaviors can affect future health of mother and fetus

▪ Responsibilities of parenthood

▪ Risks of teenage pregnancy and parenthood

o Sexually Transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS

▪ How to identify common STD/I’s and their effects on the body

▪ How HIV is transmitted and develops into AIDS

▪ Ways to prevent and treat sexually transmitted diseases

Materials and Supplies:

The following materials and supplies will be needed daily:

- Folder

- Writing Utensil (pencil or blue/black pen)

Policies and Procedures for Health Education:

➢ All school rules as stated in the handbook must be obeyed.

➢ No food, or drinks are allowed in class.

➢ Electronics devices (MP3 players, iPods, cameras, cell phones, gaming devices, iPads,

etc.) are NOT allowed to be used during class unless you have special permission.

➢ Be in the room before the tardy bell rings.

➢ Be prepared with a pencil or pen daily.

➢ If you were absent check 7th grade filing cabinet. Double-check with Ms. VanSchoick if there is not an assignment in the folder on the day you were absent.

➢ Late assignments will be half credit.

➢ It is YOUR responsibility to get any make-up work from the 7th grade filing cabinet or from Ms. VanSchoick if you are gone. You must make arrangements to make-up any missed quiz/test. You have four (4) days from the day you return to school to complete and turn in any work missed while you were absent.

➢ We will be using a “Give Me Five” rule. If my hand goes up, this means that your hand goes up, your eyes are on me, and your mouth is closed. At this time, I may need to call your attention to something important, to quiet the class or transition to another part of the lesson.

➢ DO NOT speak when a teacher, guest speaker or peer is speaking. This behavior is extremely rude and will not be tolerated.

➢ It is expected that you will be polite, appropriate, respectful, and try your best at all times.

➢ Email is the best way to get a quick response to any questions and/or concerns you may have. Contact: kvanschoick@.


Parents/guardians please fill out and sign the information page indicating that you have read and understood ALL of the course requirements. Please have this page turned in by Wednesday, March 27th.

I have read the syllabus and understood the requirements and expectations of this course.

_____________________________________ ___________________

Student Signature Date

____________________________________________ _______________________

Parent/guardian Signature Date

Parent Comments/Questions/Suggestions:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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