Preschool lessons VBS 2000 - Day 1

Wordless Book Visualized

Copyright © 2009 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.

Day 3

The Red Page

Lesson Overview

Scripture Matthew 1:18-21; Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20; 24:1-12; John 18:28—19:30, 38-42; 20:1-2

Memory Verse 1 Corinthians 15:3 “Christ died for our sins.”

Teaching Objective The unsaved child will believe that the Lord Jesus died on the cross as punishment for sin then rose again.

Main Teaching Believe in Jesus, who was punished for your sin.

Emphasis for Saved Thank God for keeping His promise to send a Savior to die for you.

Visual Aids Wordless Book Visualized flashcards 3-1—6; sin application visuals


(Have music softly playing as the children arrive. Greet the children by name as you give them their name tags. Write their names on the attendance list and guide them to the story center.)

Welcome Activity: “Thanks Game”

(Have the preschoolers take turns naming things they’re thankful for. Then hold up Flashcard 3-4 and point to the cross to remind them of the best thing to be thankful for.)


Song: “Jesus Loves Me,” vv. 1-2

Jesus loves you but your sin makes Him sad.

Prayer: Thank God for sending Jesus to die for you.

Teaching the Memory Verse

1 Corinthians 15:3 “Christ died for our sins”


How many names do you have? I have three (specify). Can you tell me all your names? (Allow several children to give their full name.) Did you know that Jesus has many names? Our verse will teach us one of those names.


Our verse lives in God’s true book, the Bible. Its address is

1 Corinthians 15:3. Let’s say that three times—first in a deep daddy voice, then a mommy voice, then a tiny baby voice. (Have a child find the verse that is marked by a colorful bookmark. Read the verse. Show visual mounted on jumbo craft stick.)


Christ—Christ is another name for Jesus. He is the Savior God promised to send.

died—Jesus Christ died on the cross so He could save us from being punished for sin.

for our sin—You and I sin. You think, say and do things that do not please God. The punishment for sin is to be away from God. But Jesus Christ died for you and on the third day He came back to life.


Unsaved—If you believe you have sinned and believe Christ died for your sins, you can have your sins forgiven.

Saved—If you have believed in Jesus, thank God for sending Jesus to die for you.

Repetition: Topsy Turvy

Turn the verse card in different directions as you repeat the verse each time. End by hiding the verse card behind your back and saying the verse.

Song: “Gospel Fuzzies,” vv. 1-4

Our friends the Gospel Fuzzies tell us what Jesus Christ did for you and for me.



Do you remember my very special little book? (The Wordless Book.) We looked at the gold page first. Who remembers what this color reminds us of? (Heaven.) Yes, Heaven. Who lives in Heaven? (God.) God does and also angels, Jesus and people who believe in Jesus as their Savior. The dark page reminds us of what? (Sin.) What is sin?

The next page is red. God promised to send a Savior. For many, many years people waited for a Savior. This red page tells us how God kept His promise.

Flashcard 3-1

An angel came to a young woman named Mary. The angel told Mary that she would be the mother of God’s perfect Son. Do you know what the angel said to name that baby? (Jesus.) Yes, Jesus. This baby was the Savior God had promised.

The angel also told Joseph about the baby. The baby would be the Savior. Mary and Joseph needed a Savior.

You and I need a Savior too. You and I sin. Sin is anything you think, say or do that makes God sad. You sin when you don’t share your toys or you say, “You can’t play with the ball. It’s mine.” The Bible, God’s Word, says, “For all have sinned” (Romans 3:23). You were born with a “want to” to sin. The punishment for sin is to be away from God. You need a Savior and Joseph and Mary and all the people needed a Savior too.

Just before the baby was born, Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem to be counted. (Count the children.) Bethlehem is where God had said the Savior would be born.

Mary and Joseph had to stay in a stable or barn. That is where Jesus, God’s perfect Son, was born. Mary wrapped Him in strips of cloth and laid Him in a manger where the animals were fed.

Sing quietly: “Sing about Jesus,” vv. 1-2

Flashcard 3-2

The first people to hear that the Savior had been born were shepherds. An angel spoke to the shepherds as they were watching their sheep. The angel told them the Savior had been born. They needed to go and see. God was showing His great love for the world by sending the Savior.

God loves you too. You are loved by a great and mighty God who made Heaven and Earth.

Song: “My God Is So Great,” v. 1

God also made you and He loves you. The Bible, God’s Word, says, “For God so loved the world” (John 3:16). God is holy; He always does what is right. He knows all about you even when you sin. He wants to be your best friend.

God loves the whole world. He kept His promise to send a Savior.

The angel told the shepherds where to find Jesus. Then the sky was filled with angels praising God. The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem. They found the baby Jesus then left the stable (barn) praising God.

Flashcard 3-3

Jesus grew up to be a boy, then a teenager, then an adult. But He was different. He always did everything right. He never ever sinned.

When Jesus was an adult, He did many miracles—things only God can do. Jesus did these wonderful things so people would know He is God. Only God could make a blind man see.

There were people who didn’t believe Jesus was God. One day they had Jesus arrested.

Flashcard 3-4

Jesus was beaten and hurt. They put a crown of thorns on His head. He had to carry His cross out of town. Then He was nailed to the cross.

Many people were there. Some were sad and cried. The soldiers played a game to see who would get to keep Jesus’ clothes. Two thieves were on crosses on each side of Jesus. One thief believed in Jesus and one did not believe. Jesus was dying as punishment for the sin of the whole world.

Jesus bled and died as punishment for your sin and mine. The Bible, God’s Word, said, “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3). Jesus gave His precious blood. (Show red Gospel Fuzzy.) Then on the third day He came back to life again.

Song: “Sing about Jesus,” vv. 1-2

Jesus was showing His love for you by dying on the cross. He loved all the people, even the soldiers.

Then they took the body of Jesus and placed it in a tomb, a cave in a rock. Three days (count to three) after Jesus died, some friends came to the tomb. They wanted to put spices on the body of Jesus. The stone was already moved and the body of Jesus was gone. They thought someone had stolen it. One of the women ran to tell Jesus’ friends.

Flashcard 3-5

The other women saw a bright, shining angel. The angel said, “Do not be afraid. He (Jesus) is not here; He is risen.” (Read Matthew 28:5-6.)

The women went to tell Jesus’ friends that Jesus is alive. The Bible says, “He rose again the third day” (1 Corinthians 15:4). Because Jesus is alive, you can believe in Him and have your sins forgiven. You can have God’s forever life.

Then two of Jesus’ friends went to the tomb. They wanted to see if it was true that Jesus was alive.

Jesus is alive. If you have believed in Jesus, thank God for sending Jesus to die for you.

Flashcard 3-6

If you have not believed in Jesus, you can believe today. If you believe you have sinned and you believe Jesus died for your sins and came alive again you can have God’s forever life. The Bible says, “That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:15). You can say three things to God: (1) I know I have sinned and I’m sorry. (2) I believe Jesus died for my sin and came alive again. (3) Please forgive my sin and make me Your child. If you want to do that, come talk with me (designate location where children can be counseled during the next activity).


1. What did the angel tell Mary? (God had chosen her to be the mother of His perfect Son.)

2. What did the angel tell the shepherds? (The Savior, Christ the Lord, was born.)

3. How was Jesus different from anyone else? (He was God’s Son; He never sinned.)

4 What are some mean things they did to Jesus before He died? (They beat Him, spit on Him, made Him wear a crown of thorns, etc.)

5. How did Jesus feel about the people and the soldiers? (He loved them.)

6. What does 1 Corinthians 15:3 tell us Christ did? (He died for our sins.)

7. Where did they put Jesus’ body after He died? (In a tomb.)

8. What happened to Jesus on the third day? (He came alive again.)

9. What did the angel tell the women who came to Jesus’ tomb? (“Jesus has risen from the dead! Go tell the disciples!”)

10. If Jesus is your Savior, what should you tell Him often? (“Thank you for dying as punishment for my sins.”)


Have a special place, such as the opposite end of the room, for teaching the verse. Guide the children to go there and sit down.

Use sin application visuals.

Have children quote Romans 3:23.

Have the children walk in place to Bethlehem.

Have children pretend to rock baby Jesus as they sing.

Stand to sing.

Have children quote John 3:16 with motions.

Have children run in place to the stable.

Have children “grow” by kneeling down and then slowly stretching to be tall.

Have children cover their eyes with their hands, then move them and say “I can see”.

Use sin application picture.

Review Game

“Group Elimination”

For each question have a certain group stand then choose one of those standing to answer the question. You may repeat groups.

1. All boys stand.

2. All girls stand.

3. All who have a brother or sister stand.

4. All who have on blue stand.

5. All who love Jesus stand.

Use the Gospel Fuzzies to show Jesus between the two thieves. One believed (clean) and one did not (dark).

Have children quote

1 Corinthians 15:3.

Have children smell spices.

Have the children say “Jesus is alive!” three times, beginning in a quiet voice and ending in a shout.

Have a special place, such as the opposite end of the room, for teaching the verse. Guide the children to go there and sit down.


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