Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma

PresenterRoomSessions 1 & 3Sessions 2 & 4Bill EmeottUsing Technology in a Kids Bible Study Class: There are six basic teaching methods: Art, Music, Drama, Research, Games, and Creative Writing. All Bible teaching activities can be placed in one of these general categories. Discover and experience ways to enhance basic teaching methods with technology to create even more exciting Bible study experiences for kids.Growing in God's Word: Kids ministry leaders will be guided to understand the importance of laying spiritual foundations for kids and learn about how to systematically teach them in an age appropriate way through the Levels of Biblical Learning. Conferees will learn that as kids grow, their understanding of foundational truths grows with them.Bobbette GoreCarlton McDaniel Chris ShirleyClara Mae Van BrinkCourtneyDwayne Ellen PybasThe HEART of Literacy Learning: Literacy learning in Pre-K is more than sharing a book with children. It should permeate the classroom! Discover how to provide a literacy-rich environment in your classroom as well as strategies for promoting literacy throughout the day. HEART + Hands = Positive Guidance: Is your classroom rowdy and out of control? Do you feel like “crowd control” is all you do? The most difficult part of teaching is managing classroom behavior positively. In this conference you will learn what positive guidance is and is not and how to put it into action in your classroom. Donna PeavyEd Gamble Gayle Young Leading Well 101 - Connect, Collect, Expect, Inspect: Sometimes we mistakenly think of leading as telling others what to do and making sure they do it. That's not leadership that is dictatorship! Let's talk about our leadership challenges and see if we can help each other to lead well by building relationships, providing supplies, clearly stating the goals and making sure we are all on the road together in the same direction. The Filler Upper Seminar - or Fill my Cup, Lord!: Sometimes we run on empty and expect to get the job done! Won't happen! Sometimes we think taking time for ourselves is selfish, don't we? Be honest now! There are seasons of life when we are spiritually dry, thirsty, in the desert! That happens. But we don't have to stay there! Let's talk about that "worn slick" feeling and what can happen when we lose our passion to serve. Come, this one's a filler upper!Heath BryantJana MagruderVolunteers vs Leaders—How to train up both teams: Healthy ministries have a mix of both volunteers and leaders. Join Jana Magruder to learn more about developing both teams so that you can be unleashed to do the ministry God has called you to do. Ultimately, come learn how you can be a leader of leaders! Developing a Family Ministry Strategy: Discover how you can take Family Ministry from a concept to a concrete strategy. Learn practical ways to Equip the Church and Home for heart-transforming discipleship of preschoolers and children. Leave with ideas you can implement this Sunday!Jerry VogelDo You Wanna Build a Preschooler?: The biggest part of being a successful teacher is understanding the children that God has placed in your class. This conference will help us remember how God has designed preschoolers and how they learn best.Take A Deep Breath: Ever feel like all that you do is invest in the lives of other kids ministry folks? This conference will help you "take a deep breath" and be reminded who God intended you to be as a teacher and leader in kids ministry.Jerry Wooley Embracing Your Role as the Minister of Event Planning: If you are in kids ministry, you are an event planner, even if that is not in your job description. Whether you are preparing for a week of camp or VBS , a worker appreciation dinner, or a baby dedication, you are planning and event. This session will give you step-by-step actions, practical tips, and resources that will turn a nail-bitting chore into an enjoyable part of your ministry.Finders, Keepers: With each passing ministry event we discover more and more unchurched families. That’s a good thing! But all too often we lose them as quickly as we find them. During this session you will discover ways to make a lasting impact as you connect unchurched families with the Gospel and with the church.Karen KennemurKlista StortsHearing a Child's Cry through His Behavior: When a child misbehaves, he may likely be crying out that a need is not being met. You can help your classroom run more smoothly by "listening" to a child's actions and even stop some problems before they happen.Group Time and Storytelling the Way They Learn Best: Does your group time fall flat? Come discover some fun activities to liven up your storytelling and focus on getting the point across to your kids in the way they learn best!Kurt BrunerLandry HolmesCan Preschoolers Learn in Large Group?: Teaching preschoolers in a large group setting can be both exhilarating and exhausting. We will look at what to do and what not to do in order to have a successful large group experience with preschoolers.Choosing Preschool Bible Study and Worship Curriculum: You have a lot of needs and choices related to curriculum resources. We will discuss what to look for in curriculum, as well as how to evaluate and choose the curriculum that is right for your church.Lauren OsbourneLinda Jacobs Lynn JordanMark JonesMary Ann BradberryBeyond a Pretty Picture—Understanding Art as a Process: Art experiences enhance a child's physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development as well as spiritual development. In this sessions, teachers will learn the progressive stages of art development and the do's and don'ts of encouraging creative art and the reasons why every child needs the opportunity to experience each stage of art development.Unchain the Elephant: Unleashing Your Creativity: Are you "stuck" with the idea that the "same way, year after year" is acceptable. Does this mindset provide the best learning experiences for children? We all have the potential for creativity, but we may have been afraid to express that creativity. This session will challenge you to break free of your comfort zone and unchain the strongholds that prevent you from unleashing each child’s creative spirt. Peggy OsbourneRichard RossSarah JohnsonMore Than Meets the Eye—Sensory Play for Preschoolers: Our world today is filled with signs, screens, and other visual images, but sight is not the only sense that God gave us! Come learn how to incorporate all five senses as you plan to teach preschoolers about God's wonderful world.Ordinary Things—Teaching Children Using Everyday Objects: Fields, vineyards, sheep, flowers, and trees were all common in the time and location of Jesus' earthly ministry. He used these ordinary objects to teach biblical truth and explain abstract concepts and we can do the same with our children today! Come learn some tips and tricks of incorporating object lessons and other hands-on activities into your teaching plans to help kids grasp and retain important truths of God's word.Shelly MeliaUnderstanding Children and Salvation (and what must come next): This conference will explore the biblical, historical, and philosophical issues related to developing an understanding of the theology of children and salvation. Current trends and statistics will be shared in addition to practical tools to help teachers and parents lead children to Christ. Ten Things the Church needs to Understand about Millennial Parents: In order to reach children, there must be an intentional effort to understand and engage their parents. This seminar will focus on trends and characteristics of today's parents. An understanding of generational differences and preferences can help inform strategies and plans to reach this generation for Christ. Come ready to be convicted by the need for strong children's ministries that focus on relationships and discipleship.Willa RuthAt The Heart of Leadership: Considering keys to church-staff and volunteer effective leadership in the church's preschool and children areas.A Heart for Kids: Looking at reaching out, with joy!, to children in the church's neighborhood.Julie Hendry ................

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