Partially updated in Aug. 2010 by I suggest that you SAVE this list; prepare now, for next year. Proposal ideas are at the end of the document; several websites list projects that they've funded. I always appreciate it when teachers e-mail me their successful proposals that I can share with modelers. –

This document is posted at

Scroll to the bottom. Also there: sample proposals, grant-writing tips.

I. It’s easiest and usually most effective to ask local agencies first.

Do you need funding to take a Modeling Workshop? You can contact a local service organization. Ask them to support you financially. For example, all of these organizations in cities nationwide have given scholarships to the ASU Foundation: Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Rotary, Elks, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Masons, Odd Fellows, Jaycees, Key Club, Knights of Columbus, Royal Order of Moose, American Legion, Sertoma, VFW. Also, PTAs. Many churches. (Women: Soroptimists, AAUW, PEO Sisterhood, Business & Professional Women, Job's Daughters, Lioness, Order of Eastern Star, Rebekah Lodge, VFW Ladies Auxilliary, sororities).

Tell them of your desire to be of service to your students and science colleagues by taking a Modeling Workshop and then sharing what you learn. Offer to give a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation on science & math education reform (use the PowerPoint on the High School modeling webpage, that Larry Dukerich wrote). End your presentation by asking for financial support.

An example: One year David Hestenes gave a PowerPoint talk to the Soroptimists in Phoenix, and that motivated them to give $3000 in scholarships to our account at the ASU Foundation, which we deposited in the tuition accounts of three women who took a Modeling Workshop.

Local utilities might fund you, especially electric utilities, since they are "physics companies". (One year we in the ASU Department of Physics called the senior education outreach official of a local electric company and asked to meet with him. At our one-hour meeting, he told us that if we ever needed $5000 or less, to call him and he could authorize a check, without our needing to write a grant proposal. Instead, we wrote a proposal for $10,000 in scholarships for teachers taking our Modeling Workshops. They sent a check to the ASU Foundation, for our account.)

A sample grant proposal for funds to take a modeling workshop, which you can adapt for your proposal, is at

in the section called "important information ..."

Ask local agencies for funds to buy lab supplies and instructional technology for your classroom.

II. Websites that list Educational Grants in K-12 Science

National Science Teachers Association. Click on "calendar". MANY grants are listed there, and it's time-consuming to hunt for ones that apply to high school physics and chemistry teachers. The grant opportunities below are meant to ease your way.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Teachers Network: Science.

Teachers Count (all subjects).

Vernier Software and Technology:

An excellent source of upcoming grant deadlines. Also a grant-writing guide to download.

III. Grants with specific deadlines each year


AAPT High School Physics Teacher Grant

It is the goal of the AAPT to encourage high school teachers to experiment and improve on their teaching practices. It is our belief that as teaching practice improves, then physics enrollment and excitement among students increase. As a result, we offer the High School Physics Teacher Grant. We hope that this grant can provide the funds to kick start the implementation of these practices.

The grant(s) are given each year to teachers whose proposal meets the goal of the grant. That is, the procedure should result in better teaching practice, student understanding and interest, and/or increased enrollment. Also, the proposal should contain some innovative ideas. For example, the proposal may use a new teaching method or an adaptation of an existing idea.

Grant Specifics

1. The applications will be judged by a committee of physics educators.

2. AAPT has budgeted $1,000 ($100 to $500 per award) to be divided among grant awardees.

3. Grants will be awarded by February 2009 and awardees will be announced during the Ceremonial Session at the AAPT 2009 Winter Meeting in Chicago, Illinois.

4. If an awardee presents a paper on the project at a national AAPT meeting within one year of receiving the grant, AAPT will contribute $200 toward the teacher’s travel expenses.

Grant Requirements

1. Submitter must be a member of AAPT.

2. Completed grant proposals must be received by December 1 (etc.)


TOYOTA TAPESTRY GRANTS: applications are available in Aug. at


In 2009, 50 large grants of up to $10,000 each and 20-32 mini-grants of up to $2,500 were awarded for innovative projects that enhance science education in the school and/or school district. The categories are Physical Science Application, Environmental Science Education, and Integrating Literacy and Science.

The program is open to middle and high school science teachers residing within the fifty United States and U.S. territories and possessions as well as elementary teachers who teach some science in the classroom or are teaching specialists. All applicants must have at least two years' science teaching experience in a K-12 school, not including the current school year. Only the project director has to meet the above criteria. The project staff may consist of educators of any discipline, administrators, parents, students, or anyone who will be directly involved in the project. An individual teacher or a team of up to five people may submit a proposal.

Visit for complete application information.


AAUW COMMUNITY ACTION Grants provide seed money to women, AAUW branches, AAUW state organizations, and local community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or nondegree research projects that promote education and equity for women and girls. Recipients must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. $2000 to $5000 for one year; or $5000 to $10,000 for two years. Applications are available in August. Highly competitive: only 20% of applications were funded in 2008.


The EDS TECHNOLOGY GRANT Program helps teachers of children ages 6 through 18 and school librarians purchase information technology products and services that will improve their students' ability to learn. Each year, EDS offices worldwide sponsor and award $1,500 grants to teachers through a competitive application process. The grants are awarded to teachers and school librarians through their schools, and schools applying for a grant must be located within 50 miles of a sponsoring EDS team. (Ex. Phoenix, Sacramento, anywhere in Vermont)

Grants must be used to pay for technology products, training and services. EDS encourages teachers and school librarians to propose innovative classroom projects or student exercises. Applicants are asked to explain the innovative nature of their project, how they or their students will use the requested technology and how the technology will improve their students' ability to achieve curriculum objectives. Examples of qualified grant expenditures include computer software and hardware, multimedia equipment, Web-cams, CD-ROM libraries, scanners, modems, Internet access, technical training, specialize technology tools and equipment such as Robotics Kits and other classroom learning.

Electronic Data Systems Corporation, headquarters at Plano, Texas.


Monsanto Fund Grants.

In the area of education, proposed projects should fall into one of the following areas of interest: environment, science education, and our communities. More specifically, funds in the past have been used for environmental curriculum development and environmental community awareness; innovative science programs or developing new science curricula and professional development for science teachers; as well as arts, special events, and community development in Monsanto communities. Monsanto believes that the more young people understand about science, the more they will be able to affect the quality of their lives in the years ahead. We are particularly interested in:

* Professional development for teachers.

* Creative and innovative science education programs for elementary and early secondary students. This includes programs offered by science centers, community-based organizations or other informal educational institutions.

* Science outreach programs in the community.

* Science resource materials and equipment.

* Collaboration in science literacy.

Organizations must submit a Preliminary Funding Request or (PFR) to be considered for a Monsanto Fund grant. A PFR is a two or three page description of a proposed project or idea for a project, which also includes some information about the requesting organization. It must fall within one of Monsanto Fund's focus areas. After the PFRs are evaluated, selected organizations will be invited to submit a Monsanto Fund U.S. Grant Application. All applicants should receive a response regarding the status of their request within six weeks after arrival in the Fund Office.


The AMGEN AWARD for Science Teaching Excellence (AASTE) is an annual

awards program that recognizes extraordinary contributions by K-12 educators across the United States and Canada who are elevating the level of science literacy through creativity in the classroom and motivation of students. An independent panel of judges selects the winners based on the following criteria: creativity of teaching methods; effectiveness in the classroom; plans for the use of grant money to improve science education resources in their schools; submission of a science lesson plan showcasing innovative methods in the classroom; and a plan for dissemination/sharing the lesson plan with other teachers. In 2009, 32 science teachers were awarded an unrestricted cash grant of $5,000, and their schools received a restricted grant of $5,000 to be used to expand or enhance the school's science program, purchase new science resources, or further the professional development of their science teachers.

Only available for teachers in California, Colorado, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Washington and Canada (British Columbia and Ontario).

Details and the application and guidelines are at


The Horace Mann Companies offer $30,000 in total scholarships for public and private school K-12 educators to take college courses. In 2009, one recipient received $5,000 in scholarship funds payable over four years, while fifteen other recipients received $1,000 each in scholarship funds payable over two years. Twenty additional recipients each received one-time awards of $500. Awards were announced in May. Scholarship money is paid directly to each recipient's college or university for tuition, fees, and other educational expenses.

To be eligible, applicants must be a K-12 educator currently employed by a U.S. public or private school and planning to enter a two- or four-year accredited college or university. The college must be a public or private, not-for-profit institute. Applicants must have at least two years of teaching experience.

Scholarship applicants are judged on a written essay and school and community activities. Financial need is not a consideration, but applicants who have all educational expenses paid through other scholarships and/or grants are ineligible. The program is not open to residents of Hawaii, New Jersey, and New York.

Visit .



Classroom Earth wants to help support teachers around the country who want to make environmental education part of their curriculum. Classroom Earth's 2010 National High School Challenge provideD grants up to $4,000 to help support innovative projects to incorporate environmental education into all subject areas. Classroom Earth is committed to helping teachers integrate environmental education into their curricula to inspire their students to help solve environmental problems. Teachers from all subject areas are encouraged to apply.

THREE categories: multiple courses, single course, professional development.


MULTIPLE COURSE GRANTS: Examining Environmental Issues in the Engineering, Mathematics, Industry, Technology, and Science (EMITS) Academy. BY Jay Inman, Science Teacher, Owen Valley Community HS, Spencer, IN

Jay and the EMITS Academy team of teachers chose an annual theme of energy that will last for two years. All courses of the Academy including Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Business, and Technology will address this theme in a cross-curricular approach. They will investigate energy production and use, as well as the environmental issues, and the economics of energy using current and historical events for analysis. By increasing the students’ essential understanding of energy through academic connections, as well as providing them with functional tools (i.e., carbon calculators), awareness and environmental literacy will increase. This interdisciplinary program will measure growth and success by establishing the initial baseline of environmental knowledge and student environmental attitudes. Student reflections and answers will be compared to this baseline in the current year as well as in the second year as more specific environmental courses are developed for students in the Academy.

SINGLE COURSE GRANTS: Energy Audits for the Elderly, a Study of Consumption and Conservation Energy & Power, by Karen Armstrong, Watkins Glen HS, Watkins Glen, NY

Energy consumption and conservation is the focus of Karen Armstrong’s proposal. Beginning with a study on consumption of traditional fuels, students will engage in research on the effects of procurement and use of these fuels, as well as social impact. Alternative energy sources will help shape a better understanding of global energy consumption. A key concept is that no matter the source of energy, reducing consumption is a sure way to help the Earth and its inhabitants. To highlight the opportunities in conservation, Karen has partnered with the local Office of the Aging to investigate heat loss in the homes of elderly community members. Using an infrared camera, students will perform energy audits to identify the sources of heat loss in homes. Students will then make weatherproofing recommendations.


Motorola Foundation Innovation Generation Grants

The grants will support targeted STEM education programs for U.S. preschool through 12th-grade students and teachers. Funding priority will be placed on programs that engage students and teachers in innovative hands-on activities, teach STEM as well as develop innovative thinking and creative problem-solving skills, focus on girls and minorities who are currently underrepresented in the STEM disciplines, and take place in communities with Motorola employees. Maximum award: $50,000.

Eligibility: U.S. non-profit organizations, schools, or school districts.

Innovation Generation funding is designed to inspire students to learn about science and generate interest in science-related careers. The Motorola Foundation's Innovation Generation program equips students with the skills essential to both their lives today and their future success. By making the complex concepts behind math and science real and relevant, students look at their world differently through strengthened problem-solving skills. The Motorola Foundation accomplishes this through grant-making, engaging employee volunteers, building networks among STEM leaders and conducting research.


The JORDAN FUNDAMENTALS Grant Program awards $1 million annually to teachers across the United States who motivate and inspire students toward achieving excellence. The program is presented by the Jordan Brand, a division of Nike, Inc..

Applicants must be public school teachers or paraprofessionals working with students in grades one through twelve. At least 50 percent of the school's student population must be eligible for the free or reduced school-lunch program at the time of application.

The program makes grants in two categories:

* Innovation Grants: Grants averaging $2,500 each will be awarded to individual teachers for projects that will impact classroom innovation and improve instruction.

* Inspiration Grants: Winners of Innovation Grants may apply for an Inspiration Grant. Grants totaling $10,000 will be awarded to teams of teachers in support of scaling-up implementation of approaches developed with Innovation Grants.

"Applicants must develop and implement an educational approach that supports improved student academic achievement and/or social/emotional/behavioral interventions through student engagement, student teacher relationships, and/or building the capacity of teachers."


The TURNAROUND MANAGEMENT Association, an international nonprofit association dedicated to corporate renewal and turnaround management, had a 2008 BUTLER-COOLEY Excellence in Teaching Award, which recognizes teachers who have changed the lives of students and communities in which they live. The program, funded by the JOHN WM BUTLER Foundation, provides $5,000 cash stipends to each of three to five public or private school teachers as well as travel and lodging expenses to TMA's Annual Convention. Applicants must be licensed and active elementary or secondary school teachers employed by accredited schools for at least five years. Teachers may nominate themselves or be nominated by others.

Guidelines, application forms, and a list of previous winners at


The Hach Scientific Foundation selectively grants funds that support high school chemistry teachers which enhance the learning of high school chemistry students upwards to $1,500. High school chemistry teachers, with wonderful ideas of transforming the learning in their classrooms,

from around the country, are welcome to apply. To apply, just fill out the one page application form linked on this website page as well as a one page proposal of your own.

Within a single year of an application's approval, the high school chemistry teacher must submit one photo of the grant's help to your classroom and a one paragraph statement of what the outreach program does for our website. This allows us the opportunity to celebrate your

great work in chemistry education to the rest of the world..

Apply to Hach Scientific Foundation, 6833 Antigua Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525, fax at (970) 223-3570, or email them. For more information and the application, visit:


Dominion Foundation Educational Partnership Grants

The Dominion Foundation offers three grants to encourage the development of K-12 math and science programs: $1,000 mini grants to enhance the teaching of math and science; $1,001-$5,000 grants for projects that focus on increasing parental involvement, test scores, and environmental education; and $5,001-$10,000 grants to increase students' awareness of energy conservation and energy sources. Successful grant proposals should represent innovative and promising ideas, teach math or science skills, reach a significant number of students, and demonstrate broad-based community support.

Eligible participants must reside in one of 10 specified geographic areas within Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia (anywhere!), and West Virginia.

In the area of k-12 education, Dominion accepts grant applications, up to $10,000, to encourage the development of new programs to strengthen math and science education through the study of energy or the environment. The Dominion Foundation awarded more than $300,000 to 50 schools and educational organizations for the 2009-10 school year.

DEADLINES: JUNE and November for grants up to $10,000.

The BRAITMAYER Foundation funds K-12 education throughout the United States. Of particular interest are curricular and school reform initiatives, and preparation of and professional development opportunities for teachers, particularly those which encourage people of high ability and diverse background to enter and remain in K-12 teaching.

(Also, requests from $10,000 to $35,000 are due by June 1 and may be followed by an invitation to submit a full proposal by Nov.)

IV. Grants with ongoing deadlines each year

TOSHIBA AMERICA Foundation offers grants for projects designed by U.S. K-12

classroom teachers to improve the quality of science and math education.

Grant requests of more than $5,000 are reviewed twice a year

(deadlines: Feb. 1 and Aug. 1).

The AMERICAN HONDA Foundation makes grants of $10,000 to $100,000

to K-12 schools, colleges, universities and trade schools that benefit youth and scientific education. ("Scientific Education" encompasses the physical and life sciences, math, and the environmental

sciences.) The Foundation seeks programs with the following characteristics: scientific, dreamful

(imaginative), creative, humanistic, youthful, innovative, and forward thinking. Visit

RGK Foundation.

The foundation's primary interests in Education include programs that focus on formal K-12 education (particularly mathematics, science, and reading), teacher development, literacy,

and higher education. The average grant amount is $25,000. Most grants are awarded for a one-year period. Must submit an electronic letter of inquiry (LOI). The Grants Committee typically

meets three times each year to consider requests over $50,000 that have been recommended by staff for review. Grants Committee dates are in March, June, September, and December.

RGK Foundation will entertain one electronic LOI per organization in a 12-month period.

“Because the Foundation has limited financial resources, we are able to fund only a small percentage of qualified applicants. This means that many excellent projects, even ones that fall within our areas of interest, may not be funded.”

NEA FOUNDATION: Learning & Leadership Grants, Student Achievement Grants

The NEA Foundation supports a variety of efforts by teachers, education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to improve student learning in America's public schools, colleges, and universities. The foundation is accepting applications for the following programs:

Learning & Leadership Grants provide opportunities for teachers, education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to engage in high-quality professional development and lead their colleagues in professional growth. The grant amount is $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups engaged in collegial study.

Student Achievement Grants provide grants of $5,000 to improve the academic achievement of students by engaging in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve students' habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection. (These grants replace the foundation's Innovation Grants program, which has been discontinued.)

Complete grant guidelines are available at .

For independent schools only: Educational Leadership Grants for Schools

Edward E. Ford Foundation, 66 Pearl Street, Suite 322, Portland ME 04101 info@

Upper Amount : $50,000 Most grants are made at a level of $50,000 or less, and every grant is expected to have a matching component (at least one-to-one) with the extent of the match being an appropriate challenge for the particular school.

Deadlines in March, April, September

The resources of the foundation are devoted to the support of independent secondary (grades 9-12) education. The foundation will consider any proposal that a school sees as essential to its needs, but is particularly interested in opportunities to participate in projects and programs of direct benefit to teaching faculty and to the ability of schools to attract talented people to the profession. The foundation encourages schools to develop proposals that address

- faculty recruitment including recruitment from minority populations,

- approaches to faculty compensation in the broadest sense to include benefits and quality of life as well as salaries,

- innovative models for faculty growth and professional development,…

Eligibility: As a matter of policy, a school will be considered for a grant only if it is in the United States or its territories and is a full and active member of the National Association of Independent Schools. No proposals can be considered from schools that have not reserved a place on an Agenda. Grants are not made to schools where the Head of School has held that office for less than a year.


For teachers in all northwest, west, southwest (including Texas), & northern states west of Pennsylvania.

Wells Fargo is proud to support organizations working to strengthen our communities. Through the efforts of our enthusiastic team member-volunteers and our contributions, we share our success within our communities by giving back to non-profits and educational institutions that address vital community needs and issues. We direct our giving to areas that we believe are important to the future of our nation's vitality and success: community development, education, and human services. We encourage non-profit organizations and educational programs to review Wells Fargo's grant guidelines for the areas we serve. To learn how to apply for a grant or sponsorship, click on your state on the map at


Intel Corporation is committed to maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in the communities where the company has a major presence. Intel has a strong interest in supporting K–12/higher education and community programs. Intel vigorously supports education through grants for programs that advance science, math, and technology education, particularly for women and underserved populations.

Intel is also committed to the responsible use of natural resources, and funding for environmental programs will be considered. Within this broad category, Intel continues to give priority to programs with educational and technological components.

Applications are evaluated on a competitive basis each quarter. The quarterly submission deadlines are February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.

Eligible localities are:

* Arizona

* California (East Palo Alto, Fremont, Santa Clara County, El Dorado County, Placer County and Sacramento County only)

* Colorado (Fort Collins)

* Massachusetts (primarily Worcester and Middlesex counties)

* New Mexico

* Oregon (Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties)

* Washington (Pierce and Thurston counties)


1. TOSHIBA AMERICA grants that modelers were awarded:

a) $3,160 for equipment that will enable chemistry students to plan and conduct more hands-on laboratory activities.

b) $5,000 to introduce a new method of physics instruction for 11th and 12 grade students.

[This method is Modeling Instruction.]

c) $3,580 for 30 physics students to study motion, acceleration, forces and friction by examining real world collisions and studying the physics of amusement park rides. Students will use motion detectors, accelerometers, force probes and other equipment to carry out their own data collection and analysis.

d) In 2004, Martina Norton, Erica Pontieaux, and Barbara Foerster were funded. "Toshiba thought it was wonderful that 3 teachers in 3 different states, teaching different subject matter, would work together to do something called "Modeling".

2. TOYOTA TAPESTRY; $10,000 grant: "... study fuel efficiencies and exhaust emissions on the two hydrogen/CNG cars currently owned by the high school. The ultimate goal is to develop a new concept hybrid vehicle which would run on electricity and hydrogen. This work is being carried out by members of his after school Science Research Club."

3. $50,000; American Honda. Middle school teachers in your school district receive summer and fall training sessions in using Modeling Instruction. Follow-up support is provided to the teachers throughout the school year, and tutoring support for students as recommended by the classroom teacher.

4. $40,000; American Honda. High school students and faculty spend 20 weeks during the school year leading middle school students through activities and experiments focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). In addition, participants have the opportunity to attend a one-week summer STEM camp.

5. TURNAROUND MANAGEMENT: BUTLER-COOLEY $5000 AWARD: "---- uses real-world projects to inspire students to care for the earth’s environment and to engage them in independent learning. He founded the ---- program, whose student-centered service projects have given many students the sense of purpose and direction they were searching for."

6. TURNAROUND MANAGEMENT: BUTLER-COOLEY $5000 AWARD: "--- was convinced that kids would willingly tangle with the laws of Newton and Bernoulli if they could use their hands to do more than turn pages of a book. She proved it by giving science a new spin in class, and expanding on that theme after school with The Discovery Club.

In class, students got comfortable with the concepts of mass, weight, density and volume by mummifying a Cornish hen.... “Students have to have a reason for doing science: How does it connect to my real life?” The club, which initially attracted 50 students in 2001, now has more than three times that number monthly."


a) $10,000 to a high school for professional development.

b) $10,000 to a high school for their Community Wind Power Project.

c) $10,000 for professional development in science for teachers in ten rural schools.

d) $10,000 to a university for recruitment initiative of science and math teachers.

d) $17,500 to establish a professional development network for teachers.

e) $33,500 to a school district for senior project initiative including professional development for all faculty.

8. AAUW COMMUNITY ACTION: provide math and science for low income girls.

9. EDS TECHNOLOGY GRANT: "A teacher will purchase LabPro Interface, data collectors, CBR motion detector sensors, and Graphical Analysis Software. With this software the middle school students will be able to work in the lab or in the classrooms by researching, collecting, and recording data in innovative ways. The students will also be able to manipulate the data in many different formats using the graphical analysis software. This grant will allow the class to conduct experiments which include comparisons of speed on various incline ramps, measuring the bounce of a ball and comparing the bounce height to the size or mass, and measuring the rate of descent for various objects."


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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