Teaching Strategies: - PDST

Teaching Strategies:

Module 1

Unit 1: Introduction to the Computer and its Environment

The theory of this unit should be taught very much at the level described. Safe work practices and care of equipment should be central to all the practical sessions, with emphasis on proper booting and closing down of the computer.

Unit 2: Keyboarding

While it is not intended that students should be able to touch-type at the completion of this module, it is recommended that students be given the opportunity to learn to use all the fingers of both hands to key in text. Typing Tutor software can be of help when delivering this module.

Unit 3: Introduction to Word Processing

In order to prepare students for the world of work, the word processing package used should be in common commercial use. The underlying common skills involved in word processing should be emphasized, so that students realize that they could use any word processing package with practice. Students should be encouraged to use help files and find out information for themselves whenever possible.

Module 2

There are 3 optional units of which at least 2 must be chosen.

Unit 1: Introduction to Database

Unit 2: Introduction to Spreadsheet

Unit 3: Introduction to Graphics

It is not intended that the module be taught in the order in which the units are presented. The order of integration of units is the prerogative of the class teacher in response to the needs of the class group, the computer facilities available and the nature of the module assignments used.

Completion of Learning Outcomes:

All of the learning outcomes as described in the Module Descriptor should be completed during the delivery of the Module.

The learning outcomes can be turned into a checklist by the teacher to keep track of learning outcomes that have been covered and they can also be used by the student as a checklist to record their performance.

Detail Required for each Learning Outcome:

The teacher should cover as much detail as is necessary to satisfactorily meet the requirements of each learning outcome with his/her group bearing in mind the ability levels of students.

Standard Expected for Learning Outcomes / Key Assignments:

They have to be satisfactorily completed. They should be completed to the best of the learners’ ability.

Combining Task work with Key Assignments:

Key assignments can be part of a Students Task but the task must build upon and be greater than the key assignments.

Linking ICT with other courses:

As any ICT teacher knows it is not difficult to integrate ICT with other courses. Students tend to ask the teacher of ICT if they can use the computers to produce work for another teacher/module.

For example the key assignment in the module Introduction to the Computer and Word Processing where the student is asked to create store and print a C.V. could be integrated with the Vocational Preparation & Guidance and English and Communications modules.

The unit Introduction to Spreadsheets could be linked to Mathematical Applications.

The unit Introduction to Graphics could be linked to Drama, Visual Arts, Craft and Design, Religious Education to mention but a few.

For the purposes of task, integrating with ICT would require more than just word processing e.g. I used ICT to type my task would not be considered quality integration, an application e.g. a table would be required to get full marks.

Activities that can be used in teaching the Introduction to Information and Communication Technology (Mandatory) modules:

MODULE 1 – All 3 Units must be completed

Unit 1: Introduction to the Computer and its Environment

• Use classroom equipment to demonstrate the component parts of a computer system.

• Look for examples of how computers are used in the local community

• Deal with theory issues as they arise naturally

• A visit to computer store and produce a list items of hardware, software, input devices and output devices that they noticed during the visit.

• Have a selection of computer magazines available in the computer room.

• List of key words associated with this module posted in classroom and in student's folder

• Post computer room rules on the walls of the room

• Keep a set of dictionaries

• Design a learning Center and Worksheets based on the content of this unit. Use the Learning Center to revise regularly. For guidelines on designing Learning Centers see the section on (Active Methodologies)

• Invite a salesperson from a local PC store to talk to the group. For guidelines on inviting a visitor to the classroom see the section on (Active Methodologies)


Unit 2: Introduction to the Keyboard

• Use a typing tutor package.

• Run intensive course in keyboard skills before introducing the rest of module.

• Practice skills while teaching word processing and other information technology modules.

• Keep a set of Dictionaries.

• Display charts of the keyboard on the walls of the computer room.


Unit 3: Introduction to Word Processing

• Use book of assignments

• Source material from other modules e.g. reports, menus, CV’s, letters.

• Use word processing for task presentation

• Keep a set of dictionaries

MODULE 2 – Has 3 Units 2 of which must be completed.


Unit 1: Introduction to Database

• Use any book of assignments

• Apply to students interests (e.g. setup a database of CD’s or friends details)

• Explore where students have encountered databases in their everyday life.


Unit 2: Introduction to Spreadsheets

• Apply to students’ interests (e.g.Weekly/Home budgeting)

• Use spreadsheet for task (e.g. costing)

• Link with Mathematical Applications (e.g. Calculations +, - , x , (, graphs)


Unit 3: Introduction to Graphics

• Use graphics for task (e.g. designing cover sheet)

• Some of the learning outcomes can be demonstrated using either a desktop publishing or presentation package. (Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Paint or Microsoft PowerPoint can be used). This may offer the students the opportunity to explore these programs

• Invite a graphic designer from a local company to the classroom. For guidelines on inviting a visitor to the classroom see the section on (Active Methodologies)



• Basic I.T Assignments by B MCGettigan Published by Gill & McMillan

• Integrated IT Assignments by B MCGettigan Published by Gill & McMillan

• Text Production for the Irish Student

• Word Processing for the Irish Student

• Computers for Beginners Published by Usborne Books

• Computers Simplified 3-D Visual Series IDG Books ISBN 0 -7645-6008-5 (Reference)

• Keyboarding For Business Susan Burke and Maureen Reynolds Publisher: Gill & McMillan ISBN 0-7171 2090-2

• Basic Typing Skills K Dulmage Publisher:Longman ISBN 0-582-38158-4

• The Key to the Keyboard P.A.Murphy Publisher: Pitman


• iol.ie/~presentation

• equalskills.ie

• bbc.co.uk

• scoilnet.ie

• lca.ie

• irlgov.ie


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