Purpose - ITC

Early Childhood Assessment Tools and Strategy Matrix

(This is not intended to be a comprehensive inclusive list. It is a small representation of tools and strategies available for the purposes listed.)

|Screening |Eligibility/Diagnostic |Instructional Planning |Progress Monitoring |Classroom and Program Evaluation |

|Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) |Adaptive Behavior Assessment Scale (ABAS)|Assessment, Evaluation and Programming |Aimsweb |Acquisition of specified goals or |

|Parent completed system for screening possible |Complete assessment of adaptive skills |System (AEPS) |Benchmarking and progress monitoring of |objectives (i.e. annual review of IEP |

|developmental delays. Normed for 4-60 mths. |Birth – 89, behavior rating scale |Curriculum-embedded activity-based |early literacy and early numeracy skills.|goals) |

|Available in Spanish |completed by teacher and parent, standard|assessment system links assessment with |Grades K-1st | |

| |scores |intervention in all domains, includes | | |

| | |observation data recording and family | | |

| | |report | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Aimsweb |Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale |Bracken Basic Concept Scale-Revised |Assessment, Evaluation and Programming |Classroom Assessment Scoring System |

|Benchmarking and progress monitoring of early |(ADOS) |(BBCS-R) |System (AEPS) |(CLASS) |

|literacy and early numeracy skills. Grades |Semistructured, standardized assessment |Measures language, vocabulary, basic |Curriculum-embedded activity-based |Multifaceted observational system to |

|K-1st |of communication, social interaction and |concepts. School readiness screening. |assessment system links assessment with |assess classroom quality. Focus on |

| |use of materials to assist in |Individually administered Standard scores|intervention in all domains, includes |teacher child interaction: emotional, |

| |discriminating ASD from non-ASD. |and percentiles |observation data recording and family |instructional support, classroom |

| | | |report |organization. |

|Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Test|Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI) |Brigance Inventory of Early Development |Behavior Assessment Scale for Children |Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale |

|Developmental screening in five areas. Normed |Standardized assessment of developmental |(BIED) Criterion-referenced and norm |(BASC) |(ECERS) |

|Birth-8 |domains. Developmental quotients, scaled |referenced measure of skills across |Differential diagnosis and educational |Assessing overall quality of a broad |

| |scores. Used to assess at-risk, |developmental domains based on interview |classification of emotional and |variety of preschool settings (head |

| |disability, develop individual plans and |and observation. Items not normed but |behavioral disorders and adaptive |Start, preschool, kindergarten, etc.) |

| |monitor progress. |based on developmental ages. |behavior. Preschool version 2-5 years, | |

| | | |parent and teacher forms | |

| | | | | |

|Brigance Screener |Bilingual Verbal Ability Test |Carolina Curriculum |Brigance Inventory of Early Development |Parent Interview or Satisfaction Survey |

|Broad sampling of child’s skills and behavior |Assesses English proficiency for |Assessment and curriculum for children |(BIED) |Asking parents if they were pleased with |

|to identify possible risk or disability. |ages5-adult in multiple languages |with mild and severe disabilities. Family|Criterion-referenced and norm referenced |their child’s progress, services |

| | |friendly |measure of skills across developmental |provided, and their involvement with the |

| | | |domains based on interview and |program. |

| | | |observation. Items not normed but based | |

| | | |on developmental ages. | |

|Child Development Inventory (CDI) |Child Autism Rating Scale (CARS) |Creative Curriculum : Teaching Strategies|Carolina Curriculum |Preschool Assessment of Classroom |

|Identifies children with developmental problems|Diagnostic instrument to discriminate |GOLD |Assessment and curriculum for children |Environment (PACE) |

|using parent information. 300 item checklist. |children with autism from other |Observational assessment tool to identify|with mild and severe disabilities. Family|Using multiple sources to plan |

|Small norm group. |disorders. Observational tool using |development and learning objectives |friendly |interventions for children with and |

| |records and parent, teacher input | | |without disabilities. |

|Creative Curriculum : Teaching Strategies GOLD |Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) |Devereux Early Childhood Assessment |Data collected from unstructured and | |

|Observational assessment tool to identify |Assesses emotional and behavioral |(DECA) |structured observation of child in | |

|development and learning objectives. |problems, T-scores, 1-6- to 5-0 years |Evaluate within protective factors to |natural routines at home or school | |

| | |identify instructional and parental | | |

| | |strategies for social emotional growth | | |

|Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of |Clinical Evaluation of Language |Direct observation and informal |Data collected on language being used | |

|Learning (DIAL-3) |Fundamentals Preschool (CELF-P2) |assessment with multiple levels and types|during typical activities of the day | |

|Identify delays and need for further diagnostic|Identify, diagnose language deficits. |of assistance in natural and authentic |using periodic probes of the child’s | |

|evaluation | |settings (home, school, child care). |performance | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills |Comprehensive Test of Phonological |Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) |Data collected on progress toward | |

|(DIBELS) |Processing (CTOPP) |Systematic process of collecting |mastering goals and shared periodically | |

|Benchmarking and monitoring development of |Assesses phonological awareness, memory |information across settings and people |with parents | |

|prereading and early reading skills. Grades K-3|and rapid naming. Standard scores |and activities to determine the cause of | | |

| | |behavior and develop an intervention | | |

| | |support plan. | | |

|Early Screening Inventory Revised (ESI-R) |Conners’ Rating Scales-Revised |Functional Communication Skills |Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy | |

|Developmental screening instrument. Norming |Assesses psychopathology and problem |Observation |Skills (DIBELS) | |

|done in 10 states with 70% white. |behaviors, checklist, parent and teacher |Observation focused on collecting |Benchmarking and monitoring development | |

| |rating scales, 3-17 years, T-scores |information about the function and form |of prereading and early reading skills. | |

| | |of communication used by child. |Grades K-3 | |

|Home Language Survey |Developmental History |Hawaii Early learning Profile (HELP) |Individual Growth and Development | |

|Interview parents regarding primary language of|Questionnaire covering a range of |Curriculum-based tool to |Indicators (IGDI)“Get It Got it Go” | |

|adults or other children the child interacts |information on development, medical, |identify strengths and needs for |Provides growth and development | |

|with and the amount of English spoken in the |educational and family history, and |curriculum planning and monitoring |indicators for identifying risk and | |

|home |parent concerns. |progress |measuring progress in expressive language| |

| | | |and early literacy. Materials for | |

| | | |families. | |

|Individual Growth and Development Indicators |Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) |Interview with teachers, caregivers and |Language sample | |

|“Get It Got it Go” Provides growth and |Systematic process of collecting |family members |Data collected on a specific target skill| |

|development indicators for identifying risk and|information across settings and people |Asking people who spend time with the |to monitor progress on a specific skill | |

|measuring progress in expressive language and |and activities to determine the cause of |child to share input on the child’s |of language development | |

|early literacy. Materials for families. |behavior and develop an intervention |strengths and needs related to academic | | |

| |support plan. |and nonacademic functioning, and their | | |

| | |perspective on areas of concern. | | |

|Language proficiency checklist Observation of |Interview with teachers, caregivers and |Language Sample |Portfolio – work samples collected during| |

|first and second language used in natural |family members |Documenting a child’s language during a |ongoing activities of classroom in order | |

|context (play, snack, etc.) |Asking people who spend time with the |typical activity to determine syntax, |to evaluate a child’s progress | |

| |child to share input on the child’s |vocabulary, elaboration used. | | |

| |strengths and needs related to academic | | | |

| |and nonacademic functioning, and their | | | |

| |perspective on areas of concern. | | | |

|Language Sample |Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children |Portfolio – work samples collected during|Pre – IPT Oral English Language | |

|Documenting a child’s language during a typical|–II (KABC-II) |ongoing activities of classroom in order |Proficiency Test Assists in initial | |

|activity to determine syntax, vocabulary, |Individually administered test of |to evaluate a child’s progress |designation of level of English speaking | |

|elaboration used. |cognitive abilities. Age based standard | |proficiency, program placement, or | |

| |scores and percentiles. Ages 3-18 | |assessing progress in English language | |

| |Culturally fair content | |development. | |

|Narrative samples and story telling |Observation by teacher and therapists |Psychoeducational Profile (PEP-3) |Preschool Child Observation Record (COR) | |

|Elicited narratives from child using pictures |during typical routines and settings to |Clinical screening tool to identify |High Scope | |

|and asking child to retell a story. Can be used|determine impact of disability on |students with Autism Spectrum Disorders |Observational assessment tool designed to| |

|to compare child’s proficiency in English |functioning and services needed. | |measure progress in 6 broad categories. | |

|compared to home language. | | |Charts progress 3x a year. Available in | |

| | | |Spanish | |

|Pre – IPT Oral English Language Proficiency |Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test |Psychoeducational Profile (PEP-3) |Reports from parents and caregivers on | |

|Test – Assists in initial designation of level |Measures receptive vocabulary for |Used for educational planning and |use of targeted skills during typical | |

|of English speaking proficiency, placement, and|standard English (2.6 – 90) |diagnosis of children with ASD. |routines. | |

|assessing progress in English language | |Performance and Caregiver report |Simple data sheets indicating targeted | |

|development. | | |skills used in specific routines | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales |Preschool Language Scale (PLS-4) |Routines Based Interview (RBI) Clinical |Teacher-made checklist of targeted | |

|(PKBS-2) |Assesses language development (auditory |semi-structured interview with family to |objectives. | |

|Screening tool for identifying children at risk|comprehension, expressive communication),|identify goals. Assesses overall |Simple data chart or checklist with | |

|of social and behavioral problems. Available |standard scores and percentiles Birth to |developmental functioning, independence, |objective(s) to be measured, dates, | |

|Spanish and English, home and school ratings, |6-11 |engagement and social relationships. |number of trials, correct vs. incorrect, | |

|Best for ages 4-6. | | |comments, etc. | |

|Preschool Child Observation Record (COR) High |Test of Early Reading Assessment (TERA) |Social Skills Rating Scale (SSRS) |Work Sampling System | |

|Scope |Test of Early Math Assessment (TEMA) |Teacher and parent rating scale designed |Developmental checklists in 5 areas to | |

|Observational assessment tool designed to |Measures of critical reading kills. |to screen and classify with social |enhance instruction and learning. | |

|measure progress in 6 broad categories. Charts |Standard scores and percentiles |behavior problems and design intervention|Criterion-referenced. Completed 3 x year.| |

|progress 3x a year. Available in Spanish | | |Spanish version | |

|Reports from parents and caregivers on use of |Vineland Adaptive Scales-II |Transdisciplinary Play Based Assessment | | |

|targeted skills during typical routines. |Measure of personal, daily living and |Multidimensional approach to identify | | |

|Simple data sheets indicating targeted skills |social skills. Semistructured interview |needs and evaluate progress using | | |

|used in specific routines |format, simple parent rating form. Used |structured and unstructured situations | | |

| |to identify and program planning. Large | | | |

| |norming sample across race, ethnicity, | | | |

| |etc. Spanish edition | | | |

|Semistructured Parent Interview |Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of | | | |

|Initial information obtained by parent |Intelligence– Third Edition – (WPPSI-III)| | | |

|regarding child’s development, heath, current |If used for 4.0 and older with earlier | | | |

|functioning, home environment, preschool/child |levels of development, cannot be used to | | | |

|care history, child interests, daily routines, |obtain IQ | | | |

|etc. Sensitive to culture and language. | | | | |

|Test of Early Reading Assessment (TERA) | | | | |

|Test of Early Math Assessment (TEMA) | | | | |

|Measures of critical early reading and math | | | | |

|skills. Standard scores and percentiles. | | | | |

|Ages3.6-8 | | | | |


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