TSG Report Analysis – WTR 2011-12

Guidance 2-15

Child and Family Development Programs (CFDP)

Teaching Strategies Gold (TSG) Report Analysis

TSG Online is the on-going child assessment program used by CFDP. Reports are analyzed after each checkpoint period to determine how well children are meeting development and school readiness goals according to the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning (HSCDEL) Framework.

TSG Report Analysis occurs at the following levels:

• Program by Education Specialist – shared with LTM, PC and CAT Board

• Site by Center Manager – shared with Area Supervisors & Parent Groups

• Classroom by Teacher – shared with CM who shares with Area Supervisors

• County by Area Supervisor (when option is available) – shared with Ed Specialist

Fall data is used to determine the baseline status at each level. The emphasis is on child outcomes in relation to TSG widely held expectations (WHE).

Winter data is used to determine progress (GROWTH) toward meeting school readiness goals and expectations at each level. The emphasis is on growth.

Spring data is used to determine progress and determine if children have met end of year school readiness goals and expectations at each level. The emphasis is on performance, growth and end of year child outcomes.

WHE – Widely Held Expectations (mine all objectives and dimensions to answer questions and identify trends in terms of children being below, meeting or exceeding expectations)

● Social Emotional

● Physical Gross

● Physical Fine

● Cognitive

● Literacy

● Mathematics

Snapshot Reports (mine by demographics to answer questions and identify trends for children using the color bands to determine if they are below, meeting or exceeding expectations)

● Science & Technology

● Social Studies

● The Arts

● English Language Acquisition

NOTE: The WHE Report and the Snapshot Report provide the same information in a different format. Both are used in the FALL to determine the baseline and again in the Winter and Spring to chart and compare data. An Excel workbook will be provided to compile data. Data is entered and submitted to supervisor.

Standard Alignment Reports

● Viewing the Alignment Report tutorial is recommended

● Use the HSCDEL Framework (2010)

● View and analyze end-of-year expectations for preschool 3

● View and analyze end-of-year expectations for pre-K 4

● Prioritize program school readiness goal standards

● Analyze all outcomes for pre-K 4

● Identify trends (strengths and target areas for intentional planning and teaching)

Performance & Growth

Performance reports compare children’s skills, knowledge, and behavior to WHE for each age or class/grade.

Growth Reports show change over time and are used to examine movement between two checkpoint seasons. Growth reports show gains independent of WHE.

Performance & Growth (Launch Report) provides a visual representation option to explore the data.

Growth Export (Export Growth Data) puts the data into an Excel file. Export and print this report using these settings:

• All demographics (can also mine deeper - optional)

• Winter: compare, analyze and summarize data between Fall and Winter

• Spring: compare, analyze and summarize data between Fall and Spring (can also compare between Spring and Winter - optional)

• Only finalized checkpoint levels

• Display by dimension; and

• Run for each value: Social Emotional, Physical Gross, Physical Fine, Cognitive, Literacy and English Language Learners

• Compare children with ratings in both checkpoint periods.

• Hide empty sites and classes.

• Analyze prioritizing TSG objectives that relate to program school readiness goals paying attentions to those objectives where more than half of the children in the program scored below the WHE in the FALL.

Summarize: What do you notice? What stands out as strengths or weaknesses? Are there any surprises and if so, what are they? What questions arise? Did you mine or dig deeper for some reason and if so why and what did you find out? How will this data analysis guide your practice between now and the next checkpoint period? Do you have other thoughts? Wonderings? Questions?

PLAN: Develop goals at the program; site and classroom level based on the information learned from the data analysis that will support school readiness.

Documentation: Center Managers, Area Supervisors and the Education Specialist will maintain reports, data charts, Excel workbooks, data analysis, summaries, and plans.

For Additional Information:

• View tutorials and read supporting TSG information

• Cross Reference: Procedure 1-60 for Monitoring Child Outcomes

• School Readiness Plan (under construction)

• Curriculum & School Readiness Guide


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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