Social–Emotional Language - Teaching Strategies, LLC.

Objectives for Development & Learning


1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors a. Manages feelings b. Follows limits and expectations c. Takes care of own needs appropriately

2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships a. Forms relationships with adults b. Responds to emotional cues c. Interacts with peers d. Makes friends

3.Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations a. Balances needs and rights of self and others b. Solves social problems


4. Demonstrates traveling skills

5. Demonstrates balancing skills

6. Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills

7.Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination a. Uses fingers and hands b. Uses writing and drawing tools


8.Listens to and understands increasingly complex language a. Comprehends language b. Follows directions

9.Uses language to express thoughts and needs a. Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary b. Speaks clearly c. Uses conventional grammar d. Tells about another time or place

10.Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills a. Engages in conversations b. Uses social rules of language


11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning a. Attends and engages b. Persists c. Solves problems d. Shows curiosity and motivation e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking

12. Remembers and connects experiences a. Recognizes and recalls b. Makes connections

13. Uses classification skills

14.Uses symbols and images to represent something not present a. Thinks symbolically b. Engages in sociodramatic play

Objectives for Development & Learning: Birth Through Kindergarten


15. Demonstrates phonological awareness a. Notices and discriminates rhyme b. Notices and discriminates alliteration c.Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of sound

16. Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet a. Identifies and names letters b. Uses letter?sound knowledge

17. Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses a. Uses and appreciates books b. Uses print concepts

prehends and responds to books and other texts a.Interacts during read-alouds and book conversations b. Uses emergent reading skills c. Retells stories

19. Demonstrates emergent writing skills a. Writes name b. Writes to convey meaning


20. Uses number concepts and operations a. Counts b. Quantifies c. Connects numerals with their quantities

21.Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes a. Understands spatial relationships b. Understands shapes

22. Compares and measures

23. Demonstrates knowledge of patterns

Science and Technology 24. Uses scientific inquiry skills 25.Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics

of living things 26.Demonstrates knowledge of the physical

properties of objects and materials 27. Demonstrates knowledge of Earth's environment 28. Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks

Social Studies 29. Demonstrates knowledge about self 30.Shows basic understanding of people and

how they live 31.Explores change related to familiar people

or places 32. Demonstrates simple geographic knowledge

The Arts 33. Explores the visual arts 34. Explores musical concepts and expression 35. Explores dance and movement concepts 36. Explores drama through actions and language

English Language Acquisition 37.Demonstrates progress in listening to and

understanding English 38.Demonstrates progress in speaking English

? 2010 Teaching Strategies, LLC ?

Objective 1 Regulates own emotions and behaviors

a. Manages feelings

Not Yet 1



Uses adult support to calm self

? Calms self when touched gently, patted, massaged, rocked, or hears a soothing voice

? Turns away from source of overstimulation and cries, but is soothed by being picked up


Comforts self by seeking out special object or person

? Gets teddy bear from cubby when upset

? Sits next to favorite adult when sad






Is able to look at a situation differently or delay gratification

? When the block area is full, looks to see what other areas are available

? Scowls and says, "I didn't get to paint this morning." Pauses and adds, "I have an idea. I can paint after snack."

Controls strong emotions in an appropriate manner most of the time

? Asserts, "I'm mad. You're not sharing the blocks! I'm going to play with the ramps."

? Says, "I'm so excited! We're going to the zoo today!" while jumping up and down

b. Follows limits and expectations

Not Yet 1




Responds to changes in an adult's tone of voice and expression

? Looks when adult speaks in a soothing voice

? Appears anxious if voices are loud or unfamiliar

? Touches the puddle of water when adult smiles encouragingly

Accepts redirection from adults

? Moves to the sand table at suggestion of adult when there are too many at the art table

? Initially refuses to go inside but complies when the teacher restates the request



Manages classroom rules, routines, and transitions with occasional reminders

? Indicates that only four persons may play at the water table

? Cleans up when music is played

? Goes to rest area when lights are dimmed




Applies rules in new but similar situations

? Walks and uses a quiet voice in the library

? Runs and shouts when on a field trip to the park

? Listens attentively to a guest speaker

Objectives for Development & Learning

Objective 1 Regulates own emotions and behaviors

c. Takes care of own needs appropriately

Not Yet 1









Indicates needs and wants; participates as adult attends to needs

? Cries to show discomfort, hunger, or tiredness

? Opens mouth when food is offered

? Raises knees to chest when on back for diaper changing

? Pulls off own socks

? Raises arms while being lifted out of buggy

Seeks to do things for self

? Asserts own needs by pointing, gesturing, or talking

? Holds hands under faucet and waits for adult to turn on water

? Tries to zip jacket, but throws to ground in frustration

? Attempts to clean up toys

Demonstrates confidence in meeting own needs

? Washes hands and uses towel to dry

? Stays involved in activity of choice

? Uses materials, utensils, and brushes appropriately

? Takes off coat and hangs it up

? Puts away toys

? Volunteers to feed the fish

Takes responsibility for own well-being

? Completes chosen task

? Waits for turn to go down slide

? Creates a "Do not touch" sign for construction

? Tells why some foods are good for you

? Takes care of personal belongings

? 2010 Teaching Strategies, LLC ?

Objective 2 Establishes and sustains positive relationships

a. Forms relationships with adults

Not Yet 1









Demonstrates a secure attachment to one or more adults

? Appears uneasy when held by a stranger but smiles broadly when mom enters room

? Calms when a familiar adult offers appropriate comfort

? Responds to teacher during caregiving routines

Uses trusted adult as a secure base from which to explore the world

? Moves away from a trusted adult to play with a new toy but returns before venturing into a new area

? Looks to a trusted adult for encouragement when exploring a new material or physical space

Manages separations without distress and engages with trusted adults

? Waves good-bye to mom and joins speech therapist in a board game

? Accepts teacher's explanation of why she is leaving the room and continues playing

Engages with trusted adults as resources and to share mutual interests

? Talks with teacher every day about their pets

? Brings in photos of home garden to share with teacher who also has a garden

b. Responds to emotional cues

Not Yet 1









Reacts to others' emotional expressions

? Cries when hears an adult use an angry tone of voice

? Smiles and turns head to look at person laughing

? Moves to adult while watching another child have a tantrum

Demonstrates concern about the feelings of others

? Brings a crying child's blanket to him

? Hugs a child who fell down

? Gets an adult to assist a child who needs help

Identifies basic emotional reactions of others and their causes accurately

? Says, "She's happy because her brother is here." "He's sad because his toy broke."

? Matches a picture of a happy face with a child getting a present or a sad face with a picture of a child dropping the banana she was eating

Recognizes that others' feelings about a situation might be different from his or her own

? Says, "I like riding fast on the trike, but Tim doesn't."

? Shows Meir a picture of a dinosaur but doesn't show it to Lucy because he remembers that she's afraid of dinosaurs

Objectives for Development & Learning


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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