Syllabus Design & Course Planning - University of California ...

Syllabus Design &

Course Planning


Academic and Instructional Affairs

Syllabus Design & Course Planning Playbook


Note: Click on any of the topics below to be taken directly to that section of the document.

Introduction.............................................. 1

Policies and Resources ........................... 11

Course Information ................................... 3

Distribute Your Syllabus .......................... 12

Learning Outcomes .................................. 5

Email Your Syllabus to Your Class.............. 12

Additional Resources: ............................ 6

Upload Your Syllabus to Canvas ................ 13

Course Schedule ...................................... 7

Conclusion ............................................. 14

Grading and Assignment Information ........ 8

Grading Procedures .................................. 8

Additional Resource............................... 9

Grading Policy .......................................... 9

Instructor Support ................................... 14

Additional Resources............................ 14

Appendix: Syllabi Template ..................... 15

How to Use the Template: ........................ 15

Sample Language ................................10

Syllabi Template...................................... 17

Sample language in the syllabi template .10

Appendix: Course Delivery Modalities ...... 23

Additional Resources ............................10

Academic and Instructional Affairs, Version: 5/24/2022


Syllabus Design & Course Planning Playbook


This playbook will walk you through the process of creating a strong syllabus. When you have

finished, you will have created your own syllabus and be ready to distribute it.

What is a syllabus?

A syllabus is a document that summarizes and outlines a course. For students, a syllabus is

the road map to your course: they will use it to understand the course direction, learning

objectives, required materials, course pacing, reading assignments, out-of-class work, tests,

grading, important dates, and your expectations. The syllabus is also an official document that

may be used to document a school¡¯s curriculum or a student¡¯s achievements.

How can I create a syllabus?

Extended Studies recommends that you take four steps to create your course syllabus:

1. Read a sample syllabus. This document is available in the Canvas Sample Course in

your Dashboard. Below, you can see a screenshot of the Syllabus area in the fully

online Sample Course, (sample) Introduction to Online Learning.

Academic and Instructional Affairs, Version: 5/24/2022


Syllabus Design & Course Planning Playbook

2. Copy the syllabus template. You can find and download the most recent version of

the UC San Diego Extended Studies Syllabi Template . This document is available to

instructors in Canvas in multiple locations in the dashboard, seen below. Finally, the

template syllabus language is available in the appendix of this playbook.


Modules> UC San Diego Extended

Studies Course Resources

Sample of a syllabus for a Fully Online

Course>Syllabus (is not the home page

in this course)

3. Create your syllabus. Once you have read a sample syllabus and copied the template,

you are ready create your syllabus. Using the information on the following pages in this

playbook as a guide, update the template to create a syllabus for your course.

4. Distribute your syllabus. Email your syllabus to your students and upload it to Canvas

if your course has an online component.

Academic and Instructional Affairs, Version: 5/24/2022


Syllabus Design & Course Planning Playbook

Course Information

Course Information is the first section of the Syllabi Template. This section provides basic

logistical information about your course and about you (the instructor) and gives an overview of

the course, allowing students to see that the topic and scope of the course is right for them.

The Course Information section of the syllabus will also include information about the course

description, prerequisites, and the course materials and textbook.

You can find the information that you need to provide for this section on Instructor Link

(InstructorLink>my sections> View or Update Details: Course #, Section ID#, Term/Year,

Course Dates). Please see the Appendix to see an example of Course Information in the

template syllabus. Finally, please see the end of the appendix if you have questions about

course delivery modalities (in-class, online, etc.).

Instructor Information

Please take care to choose an email address that you will check regularly and one where you

are happy with receiving student communications. Some instructors create a separate email or

use their UC San Diego Outlook email address for all of their UC San Diego teaching work.


When and how will you communicate with students? When can they expect feedback and

scores on assignments?

Description (Goals/objectives)

Be sure to include the Course Description from Extended Studies¡¯ website (or the Course

Overview form, from your Program Manager). Also, check with your program manager about

whether there is a need to extend the description to address any of the following:




The purpose, rationale of the course

How the course will contribute to the students professionally and/or personally

How the course fits with other courses when it fits in to a certificate program


Consult with your program manager about prerequisites for your course. You want to be sure

students have the right competencies to succeed in your course.

Academic and Instructional Affairs, Version: 5/24/2022



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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