Strategic Team-Based Communication - Jovan Petkovic

Strategic Team-Based CommunicationJovan PetkovicCOM/520Dallas TaylorMay 1, 2014Strategic Team-Based CommunicationThe strategic team-based communication subject is reviewing an example of poor communication to a group or team. The example is including the lack of strategy that resulted in significantly affecting the organizational effectiveness or efficiency.The situation chosen for review deals with a privately owned business that provides private security services to customers as requested. The particular situation involves written policy and communique that is distributed by members of management via email to personnel. The written policies are in certain areas written poorly, and the use of vague instructions and directions leaves readers with unclear instructions. Majority of the policies are open for interpretation. The communique distributed by members of management to subordinates includes verbal instructions given in person or via telephone. At times the instructions pertaining to certain assignments or special client requests are contradictory to written policy.Another issue identified is the verbal instructions presented in the classroom environment of the organization. Reviews of company policy and current state laws are performed. An emphasis is made on two contradicting areas. One is that the employee is left with making the decision to take action while on duty in regards to interacting with persons, and that the only requirement is to “observe and report”. The training instructions and company policy reviewed are then overridden by members of upper management when issuing specific instructions to make contacts with individuals entering or exiting specific locations, with the intent to obtain evidence of criminal activity.The presentation of the material, especially during verbal dialogue is presented in an unprofessional manner at times that includes inappropriate language or lack of etiquette. In few instances, the information disseminated created a hostile work environment, placing the receiver of the information in an uncomfortable position. The lack of professionalism in verbal dialogue between managers and employees creates an environment of ineffectiveness to follow rules and regulations.The most important criteria in business communication as identified by the writer are professionalism and etiquette. Professionalism sets the tone and morale of the team. The demonstration of respect benefits both parties in the team environment, the managers and employees. The application of professional conduct and etiquette on a consistent basis improves and maintains a level of expectation and performance of all involved.The channel in this business environment used involved written and verbal communication. Written communications were presented in either policy or email format. Verbal communication most of the events occurred via phone. Communication from employees was in written format utilizing established forms to account for their activities.The communication broke down due to unclear written policies and contradicting instructions presented to the employees by management in an unprofessional setting at times creating an unpleasant environment, and reducing the positive end result.Additionally, management has adapted a top-down management style, geared highly on a paramilitary structure without the effective application of proper etiquette, and professional conduct at all times. The top-down management style created a one-way expertise environment, limiting the expertise collaboration to only the managers in most to all events or decision making process. As Thill and Bovee (2013) defined, “A team is a unit of two or more people who share a mission and the responsibility for working to achieve a common goal” (pg. 35). Team work is based on collaboration of all persons involved. Effective communication is based on clear instructions presented in a professional manner, utilizing proper etiquette, and maintaining that standard throughout all communication. Although the organization observed for the example has the President at the top that makes all decisions based on his personal desires, an effective and efficient organization will involve employees in the management process, also known as “participative management”. This management style, participative management, has several advantages for any organization. Utilizing all employees in the decision making process, a pool of knowledge is created within the organization that increases the information level and availability of knowledge. Due to numerous persons involved in the process, and each member being diverse, several perspectives are brought to the decision making process that can increase the performance levels within the organization. The sharing and participation in the decision making process allows an increased level of acceptance of the result to occur, and employees feel part of the team that transitions to be a morale booster. (Thill & Bovee, 2013, p. 35)Frigotto and Rossi (2012) stated that in their research that “communication strength influences the ability of the individual to think correctly”. Clear, detailed, and specific information will enable employees and managers to make correct decisions. Information enables employees, members of the team, to function properly, thus increasing or aiding in positive behavior, and productive, efficient performance. (pg. 792)A controversy regarding team work and collaboration is evident in research materials indicating that diversity can lead to misunderstandings or the hesitation to share ideas, causing conflict to arise. Knowing the possible negative impact diversity can have on a diverse team, alternative means of idea sharing solicitation can be implemented. (Frigotto & Rossi, 2012, p. 793)Guidelines and mission objectives or mission parameters can assist in steering the team to stay on the task. The use or implantation of a facilitator will aid in the team collaboration efforts. Several large corporations utilize “think-tank” firms to accomplish idea sharing and overcome problem-solving issues.In order for the team in the organization to be effective, managers have to be able to facilitate, inspire, and encourage all team members to work towards the common goal. Employees must be explained in clear, detailed, and professional setting the common goal, and inherited importance to thrive to excel in the performance of their assignments.As Otter (2007) stated, “members come from different organizations, which have different organizational cultures and which also use a variety of information systems”. (pg. 409) This statement is applicable to this organization in the sense that all team members have attained education, training, working experience at various organizations. Each organization operates in similar yet different ways. A clear understanding has to be adapted by the managers that although an expectation exits for employees to abide and follow a set of rules and regulations, prior instructions regarding procedures and policies linger within each employee from previous organizations. The expectations have to be presented to all employees in a clear and precise format. No deviations should be made of the basic rules and regulations. In conclusion, the implementation of strict professional conduct and proper etiquette in all communication forms would set expectations and aid in the professional performance and productivity of all employees.ReferencesFrigotto, L. M., & Rossi, A. (2012, November 2012). Diversity and Communication in TeamsL Improving Problem-Solving or Creating Confusion? Group Decision and Negotiation, 21, 791-820. Retrieved from , A. (2007). Exploring effectiveness of team communication: Balancing synchronous and asynchronous communication in design teams. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 5, 408-419. Retrieved from , J. V., & Bovee, C. L. (2013). Excellence in Business Communication (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. ................

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